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A Thesis
Proposal Presented to
the Faculty of Graduate School
St. Paul University Philippines


In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the
Degree Master of Science in Teaching Social Science





MARCH 2022



Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Definition of Terms


Related Literature (thematic/topical- mixedof local and

Related studies

Research Design
Respondents of the study (Sampling technique/ Method)
Data Gathering tool (Preparation and Validation of the
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Tool



Teaching is a noble profession that entails a great

deal of responsibility and obligation to students. Teachers

inspire and motivate students to go through crucial life

stages as well as teach and transfer knowledge. They

continue to try to build students' confidence and guide them

along the proper route. Teachers dedicate their lives to

empowering students and helping them become better and more

successful human beings.

Teachers play a vital role in the society. Their impacts

are felt by the lives of all students from different

backgrounds, including those learners with varying levels of

understanding, abilities and those from families that exhibit

wide range of cultural and linguistic diversity. Teachers are

educators or instructors saddled with the responsibility of

educating children by grooming and helping them to discover

their talents. A teacher is not only a teacher. He is a

beautiful amalgamation of a mentor, a philosopher, a torch-

bearer, a friend, and above all, a surrogated parent to the

children. The attributes that make a teacher elevate from

the ordinary stage to the ideal stage are his compassionate

behavior and open-mindedness. His jovial and approachable

nature helps the students to interact with him easily. The

students start idolizing a teacher when they see their

passion for the subject, and his aura attracts the students

to love and admire the matter, which makes learning easy

Teachers are in charge of creating a learning

environment that is conducive to an individual's growth.

This is a good example of teaching. Effective teaching

entails determining what tasks and activities are needed in

teaching the lesson, how to guide the production of

learners' output, what appropriate questions are asked of

students with varying levels of proficiency, and how to

support students without taking over their thinking process.

Through the use of appropriate assessment, teachers'

effectiveness is found to influence learners'

accomplishments. An accomplishment examination is one

technique to evaluate a student's academic performance.

Students' academic attainment level, as well as their

strengths and weaknesses in the topic, are determined by the


Effective teachers have the following characteristics:

Responds to all actions in the classroom, makes a solid

teaching plan, delivers an activity-based lesson, develops

the lesson hierarchically, allows for active participation

by the entire class, provides demanding tasks, and tailors

the lesson to the learners' learning level and style.

The Philippine basic education system is facing a big

problem in 2019 due to the coronavirus epidemic, which is

threatening teachers' duties and responsibilities (COVID-

19). As a result, many instructors are finding it difficult

to produce high-quality learning outcomes and execute their

craft in the new normal. The Department of Education is

working to solve the pandemic's problems. The Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) was streamlined

under DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2020 for the 2020-2021

academic year

The BE-LCP supports the mandate of Section 1, Article

XIV of the 1987 Constitution for the state to protect and

promote the right of all citizens to quality education at

all levels, and to take appropriate steps to make such

education accessible to all. Under Section 6, Chapter 1 of

Republic Act No. 9155, or the Governance of Basic Education

Act of 2001, DepEd is vested with the authority,

accountability, and responsibility for ensuring access to,

promoting equity in, and improving the quality of basic

education (DO No. 012, s. 2020).

As stated by Professor Leonor Magtolis Briones,
Secretary of Education:

“The Basic Education Learning

Continuity Plan in the Time of COVID 19
(BE-LCP) is the Department’s response
to the challenge posed by the COVID 19
in the field of basic education. I have
always maintained that education must
continue, whatever the changes and even
danger we confront now and in the

The craftsmanship of DepEd BE-LCP simplified by ROs,

SDOs, and school. The contextualization of BE-LCP is

anchored to what the central office adheres with and what

the school community demand to it.

The localized BE-LCP serves as manual and guide of

school on how the implementation of learning modalities in

the Basic Education, strengthening internal and external

partnership, and continuing to provide quality and equitable

education amidst pandemic.

As a result, the DepEd’s BE-LCP introduced new learning

modalities to utilize as a mode of learning delivery in the

new normal. The sudden shift of face-to-face learning to

these learning modalities created a hot debate specifically

on the part of teachers on how will they perform their tasks

and responsibilities.

As Teacher Melanie of SDO Cavite said in an interview:

“Preparing lessons during this pandemic is

way more challenging than before since
the concern is not just limited to making
sure that the learning will be
transferred to the learners, but also to
making sure that this is actually
delivered to them.”

“The diversity of the learners in terms

of academic performance and ability is
now appended with their diverse socio-
economic status and ability to sustain
education amid the pandemic,”

In addition, DepEd’s BE-LCP stated with different


First, in the implementation of the various learning

delivery modalities, the challenge will be in dealing with

learners under any of the modes of distance learning or

blended learning who are not capable of learning

independently, or who are not periodically supported by

their parents or guardians. Also critical for the

implementation will be the mass production of the needed

teachers and learners’ learning materials, as well as the

support of media institutions like TV and radio stations (DO

No. 12 s. 2020).

Second, DepEd will need substantial and additional

financial resources in order to meet the objectives of the

BE-LCP. This is where the support of the respective local

government units, civil society organizations, and other

stakeholders become indispensable (DO No. 12 s. 2020).

Third, the holistic development of students will likely

be affected. With the BE-LCP in place, the students will

have limited opportunities for interaction with their

teachers and classmates. Thus, their learning outcomes may

be affected, and there may be negative impacts on the

students who cannot easily cope with the change. This is

where support interventions not only by DepEd but also by

the family becomes relevant to mitigate this effect (DO No.

12 s. 2020).

Verily, the learning environment amidst the COVID-19

pandemic will be very different. Yet, the DepEd is

optimistic that despite the various socio-economic

situations of families which affect the provision of

learning support in the home, and the peculiar needs of

different learners, the BE-LCP could be the key to providing

quality basic education which is accessible and responsive

in the new normal (DO No. 12 s. 2020).

It is deduced from the above statements that there are

challenges in the new normal in Basic Education and indeed,

teachers are facing a huge adjustment. This behoves an in-

depth study and determine the teachers’ role on the

implementation of learning modalities in the Basic

Education. From the results, enhancement program for

teachers and a supervision plan for school heads to enhance

teaching and learning process in the new normal.

Conceptual Framework

This research is anchored in determining the role of

teachers’ and the implementation of learning modalities in

the Basic Education for the new normal specifically in the

Secondary Teachers of Baggao District which shall serve as a

basis for training package proposal.

The Philippine educational system has a big

change and adjustment to gear towards the development of the

21st-century skills which are life and career skills,

learning and innovation skills, and information, media, and

technology skills that are in line with the main objective

of the K-12 curriculum (RA No. 10533, 2013). A change

brought by pandemic.

Indeed, the development of these 21st century skills

need a positive atmosphere of learning which are conducive

to learning; an adaptive and adoptive teacher to changes;

changes that occur in integration of technology according to

Arlington (2014) as cited by Ramos (2010). Peer-teaching

among teachers is needed to share their own expertise and

develop teamwork.

An assessment through the use formative and summative

test, according to Churches & Shaw (2010) and DO No 31 s.

2020, measure performance. Timely feedbacking is needed

every after any assessment being administered to inform the

students where they stand, to monitor their own work, direct

their own learning, and to make self-reflection. This allows

the learners to own their performance.

The study of Arrington (2015) shows that strengthening

teachers’ role through professional development is a way to

attain satisfactory performance of learners. Professional

development encompasses training, seminars, workshops

and in-service programs aligned with knowledge, skills,

attitudes and classroom practices towards excellence in


These programs offer opportunities to achieve the goal and

sustain the standard of the Department of Education. Hence,

Teachers’ Enhancement Program is a design to enhance the

knowledge, skills, attitudes and strengthen teachers’ role

in the implementation of new learning modalities in the new

Ba sic Education -
Continuity Plan

Role in
the New

Philippine Teachers’
Professional Standard Enhancement
for Teachers Program

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Figure 1 shows the research paradigm of the study. The

study considers the Basic Education-Learning Continuity Plan

and Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers as basis

and references of teachers’ role on the implementation of

learning modalities. Findings of the study are the bases in

crafting a proposed Teachers’ Enhancement Program.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the teachers’ role on the

implementation of learning modalities of Basic Education. It
aimed to answer the following questions in particular:

1. What are the teachers’ role on the new learning

modalities in the basic education in terms of:

1.1 Instructional Planning and Teaching

1.2 Learners’ Individuality

1.3 Learning Environment

1.4 Evaluation Strategies

2. What is the extent of teachers’ role based on Basic-

Education-Learning Continuity Plan and Philippine
Professional Standard for Teachers?

3. What enhancement program can be devised based on the



The following null hypotheses that will be pursued in this

study are:

1. There is a significant difference between the extent of

teachers’ role on Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan

and Philippine Professional Standard for teachers.

2. There is no significant difference between the extent of

teachers’ role on Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan

and Philippine Professional Standard for teachers.

Significance of the Study

This study will look with the teachers’ role on the

implementation of learning modalities in the new normal. The

information acquired in this study will aid in the

successful implementation of the school program's goals.

Hopefully, the results of this study prove beneficial

to the following:

To the Teachers. This study will be of primary importance to

all public high school teachers, not just in the Baggao

District, but in all districts, because it will provide them

with information on how to strengthen their roles in

delivering the new style of learning in basic education.

Teachers are the primary facilitators of learning, and

the results of this study may aid them in revising and

improving their tactics for making lessons more relevant and

sensitive to students' needs.

To the Administrators. This study would aid them in

improving teachers’ performance and students’ academic

achievement through efficient supervision, observation and

technical assistance.
To the Curriculum Specialists. This study would be a

basis for some innovations in the school programs and

policies to ensure effective results and quality learning


To the Parents. The result of this study will be useful

in guiding their children to uplift academic performance and

achievement in different learning areas amidst pandemic.

To the Learners. This study may be of benefit to the

students who have low academic achievement. They can make

the necessary adjustments in learning habits to improve

their academic performance.

Future Researchers. This work will serve as a basis for

further research.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study will focus on teacher’ role and the

implementation of learning modalities in the Basic Education

for the new normal specifically in the High School in Baggao

District, School Year 2021- 2022. This study limits on the

public high School teachers only of Baggao.

Each respondent will be given same questionnaires to

answer, documents to review and questions to ask during

Definition of Terms

To further understand the study, terms are defined


Teachers’ Role. This refers to the teaching practices

and activities of the teachers in in implementing the new

learning modalities any of the following dimensions: a)

instructional planning and teaching, b) learners’

individuality, c) learning environment, and d) evaluation


Learning Modalities. This refers to the mode of

learning delivery in the new normal in the basic education

such as modular distance learning, blended learning and

online learning.

Instructional Planning and Teaching. This refers to the

preparation of a teacher before teaching his/her class or

delivering/distributing SLMs. These include daily lesson

log/plan, weekly home learning plan, home learning schedule,

instructional materials (SLMs/LAS) to be used and activities

to be undertaken by the students.

Learners’ Individuality. This refers to teachers’

consideration of student’s differences in terms of interest,

needs, characteristics, language and level of understanding.

Learning Environment. This refers to classroom

atmosphere, how teacher establish respect, warmth and

motivating environment to his/her Students.

Evaluation Strategies. This refers to the assessment

practices of the teacher. These involve performance tasks,

written work and exercises in the LAS/SLMs.

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