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I. Title: Setting FITT goals in Aquatics

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities
LAS for summative assessment written Work Performance Task)

Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and or maintain Health related fitness

III. Learning Objective/s:

a. discuss aquatics activity

b. enumerate the different pool hygiene and safety
c. appreciate the value of training FITT goals based on training principles to maintain HRF.

IV. Reference/s

For Print Material/s:

Teaching Physical Education in the Philippines, Carmen Tabije Andin, pp.114`-1120

Physical Education and Health Materials for grade 9 Deped Texbook for Grade -9

Recreational Activities, John Morre pp.132-135

VI. Concept notes with formative activities

Aquatics sports in the Olympics and other international competitions, including the
disciplines of swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, water polo, and open water
Swimming is an individual or team sports that uses arms and legs to move the body
through water. The sports takes place in pools or open water

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For the beginner in performing swimming activities it is very important for them to
learned an understand the different pool hygiene and safety for security puposes. Knowing
and understanding the said pool hygiene will lead to the enjoyment and in conducting the
swimming activity.

1.Pool Staff
Be acquainted with the pool staff who will keep an eye on you while you are in the
pool. Maintain friendly relations with them, for you never know when you may need them.
A disgruntled staff member could just that fraction of a second longer to react to your call
for help, which could be dangerous.

2.Movement around the pool

All movements around the pool should at the walking pace. The pool sides tends to
get wet and slippery and can be a cause of accidents. If you do not know how to swim do not
walk by the edges of the pool especially in the deep area. You may lose your balance or it
there is a sudden distraction you could fall into the pool.

3.Pool depth
On your first visit on the pool you should always check out the lay out of the pool.
Pools come in different shapes, design and depths. Some pools have the shallow end with
gradual slopes towards the deep and some pool have shallow end with steep slope towards
the deep.

4.Long nails , jewelry and other accessories

When learning how to swim one does not have a full control of ones movements in
the water. It is advisable to keep short nails in the water. It is advisable to have a short nails
and avoid wearing jewellery in the pool. A lot of accident have been known to take place
resulting in injury. Always try to avoid another swimmer face there are many incidents
where people eyeballs have been scratched due to the long nails or rings, or ear lobes have
been torn when accidentally a finger gets caught in the ear rings.

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5.Avoid eating in the pool
This should be avoided. Chewing gums or sweets could easily get washed to the back
of the throat and get stuck leading to a spurt of coughing, water swallowing and be a panic

6.Avoid eating before to swim

Avoid eating a meal at least two hours before to swim. A full stomach could lead to
nausea due to exertion while swimming or more seriously cause stomach cramps which at
time prove fatal.

7.Using of Spectacles
If you have weal eyesight and are nor comfortable without glasses, you should wear
them, but tie them up with elastic band so that do not slip off. These bands are available with
the most opticians and are not very expensive. Swimming glasses should used only for
swimming and not for diving as they could slip off and rendered useless. Most swimmers
pull their swimming glasses away from the face to empty out the water that fills them. This
dangerous because if the glasses slip from the grip they could catapult back into your face
causing injury into your eyes.

8.Life saving Apparatus

It is essential to learn how to use all lifesaving apparatus so that you are not helpless
in the case of an emergency. A part from the safety code most swimming pools also maintain
a pool hygiene and personal hygiene code. These codes should be followed strictly,
especially now with so many contagious diseases.

9.Noise Level
Try not to make too much noise in the swimming pool. Noise could muffle a genuine
call for help. Lifeguards always react instantly to sound in a pool just in case somebody is
yelling for help, but if there is too much noise they may not hear a cry for help.
10.Entering and leaving the water
Every pool has entry and exit points either in the forms of steps and ladders which
tend to get and slippery. Be very cautions while entering or leaving the pool.

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11.Life guards
Life guards are an important part of the swimming pool. In fact it is always advisable
to swim only when life guards is present. You should never swim alone in a pool for there
would be no one help you if the needs arises.

Pushing someone into the pool seems like fun but can be dangerous or even fatal for
a person who does not know how to swim or he/she bang his /her against the pool side or
pool bottom. There have been instances where a person has become pushed in fails flat in an
awkward position it can be quite painful.

Get into you swimming costumes just before to swim. If you have to swim in the
evening after work, do not wear your costumes under your clothes in the morning before
going to work because it would collect a lot of sweat throughout the day and when you enter
the pool in the evening, you would be taking the day’s swet with you into the pool.

14.Skin diseases
Most swimming pools ask for medical certificates before you join up, but if you are
suffering from any skin infections or skin diseases do not enter on the swimming pool for
this could aggravate your problem and could also lead to the other people getting infected.

15.Cuts and open wounds

Do not enter the pool if you have a cut or open wound anywhere on the body. Water
cause it to become worse.

16.Athletes foot
This is a cause of bacteria. The skin between the toes and on the bottom of the feet
gets white and sodden when set scales easily when dry , it also become itchy.

17.Oil and make

Do not oil your body before going to swimming pool. Women should not take care
wash away their make up before entering the pool otherwise it would take away water dirty.
It is possible that some one using the pool could be allergic to it.

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18.Blowing nose
You should blow your nose well before you enter the swimming pool, especially if
you have a cold and cough. This would reduce the unpleasantness doing so in the pool.

19.Shower and foot baths

Use shower and footbaths to wash away grimes and sweat from the body before
entering a pool. Footbaths are generally placed or built around the poolside. Do use them as
the walk from the change –room to the pool could be dirty your feet.

20.Drying after a swim

Drying off well after a swim is absolutely necessary especially between the toes,
under the arms and between the legs, because these are places which allowed to remain
damp, could become breeding ground of bacteria should also be rubbed dry otherwise you
would be prone to catch a cold if you go out into the breeze with wet hair.

It is normal physiological process and is no way harmful. You can carry on with you
normal way of swimming activities.

You can do this

Task 1. True or False.
Direction: Read and understand the following statement, write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if is not correct.
_____1. Aquatics/swimming is classified as recreational activity.
_____2. Blowing nose while in the water is strictly not allowed.
_____3. Setting FITT is very vital in planning a swimming lesson
_____4.FITT is applicable only for higher form of swimming activity
_____5. Health related fitness (HRF ) is essential in swimming activity.

Task2. Performance Task

Directions: Answer following the questions.
1. Make a simple narrative report stating your experience in swimming
2. What the different problems you encountered in doing the swimming as part of setting FITT
in achieving the health related fitness.

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Task 3: Performance task
Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. Why do we consider swimming is a form of recreational activity?
2. Do you consider that swimming can helps in attaining the setting of goals in achieving the
health related fitness of every individual.

You can do more

Task 4
Direction: Answer the questions
1. What is the importance to integrate FITT training in performing a swimming activity.
2. Enumerate some of the benefits in integrating and making the FIIT training program for
swimming activities.

Task 5
Direction: Explain briefly and accurately what is your understanding on the following Pool hygiene
and safety as relate to the training principles to achieve or maintain HRF.
1.Pool Staff
2.Movement around the pool
3.Pool depth
4.Long nails , jewelry and other accessories
5.Avoid eating in the pool

Direction: Explain briefly and accurately the following questions
1. Is swimming activity should always consider the FITT yes/no?Why ?
2. Identify some of the dis advantages of not following or integrating FITT matrix program
for swimming activity.

Challenge Yourself (Challenging)

Direction: Fill up the table below to determine whether you are practicing the pool hygiene and

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Pool Hygiene and Safety Yes No

1.Long nails , jewellery and other accessories

2.Avoid eating in the pool

3.Avoid eating before to swim


5.Cuts and open wounds

Performance task:
Direction: Given the table above of the following pool hygine and safety explain your answer why
you answer is YES/NO .

1. Statement1

2. Statement 2

3. Statement 3

4. Statement4

5. Statement 5

Performance task:
Direction: Do an specific recreational activity in your home and make an evaluation of your
performance as part of your assessment in health fitness.

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Other Pool hygiene you are practicing Evaluation/assessment

Level –UP (Enrichment)

Direction: Answer the following question briefly and accurately
1. To validate your performance in doing pool hygiene safety Write the positive impact in
doing those safety measures.
2. Assess also the negative impact in not doing the pool hygiene and safety..
3. How will you include the FITT in doing the Pool hygiene and Safety?
4. As students in SHS what is the importance of swimming in your curriculum ?

Direction: answer the question.
1. Why is it that FITT training program should prepared first before doing a swimming
activity training.
2. What may be the implication if FITT training matrix program will not be a followed
especially those who are aiming for higher form of swimming activities?
Direction: answer the question.
1. Discuss briefly and accurately the importance of discussing the Pool hygiene and Safety in
swimming activity as part of the FITT in achieving the training principles to maintain the
2. How will you integrate the FITT training matrix program in following the pool hygiene
and safety in achieving the goals for the health related fitness?

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