Class Assignment - 2 A Sai Siddharth Ct-3154 19Cs002181

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CT-3154 19CS002181

1. Replication: The primary server nodes copies data onto

secondary server nodes, this can help increase data
availability and act as a backup, in case if the primary server

Sharding: Handles horizontal scaling across servers using a

shared key. This means that rather than copying data
holistically. Sharding copies pieces of the data across multiple
replica sets. These replica sets work together to utilize all the

2. A key value database is a type of non-relational database that

uses a simple key-value method to store data. A key value
database stores data as a collection of key-value pairs in which
a key-servers as a unique identifier. Both keys and values can
be anything ranging from simple objects to complex
compound objects.
Key-value database are highly partionable and allow
horizontal scaling at scales that other types of databases
cannot achieve.
Primary keys products

Product Type Schema is defined per item

1 Book 10 Odyssey 1871


2 Album 10 6 partiteas Batch

Album 10:Track Partiter

2 No.1

3 Movie 10 The Kid Drama Chaplin

Document based Key-value based Column oriented
3(A) database database database

Data is stored in Retrieving a value (if Column store DBMS

document (unlike there is one) stored use a key space that
another databases and associated with a is like a database
that store data in given key. schema in RDBMS.
structure like tables
or graphs.

Flexible schema: Deleting the value (if Column store DBMS

Document database there is one) stored have a concept called
have a flexible and associated with a a column family.
schema meaning that given key.
not all documents in
a collection need to
have same field.

4(A) Consistency of Key-value based Column oriented

document database based database
Document database Key-value database A column oriented
organize documents store all key-value DBMS or columnar
into groups called pairs together in a DBMS is a
collections, which single namespace, management
are analogous to the which is analogous to system(DBMS) that
tables in relational a relational schema. stores data tables by
database. column rather than
by row.
5(A) Cases of the document base, key-value base and column-oriented
database in table form.
document based Key-value based Column oriented
database database database

General use cases • Web applications MULTIPURPOSE:

may store user Columnar databases
USER PROFILES: session details receive a lot of
Extracting real time and preference is attention with bi data
big data. accessible via applications
key-value store.
BOOK information is DATA:
DATABASE: accessible via Data can be highly
Data of varying user key, and key compressed in a
structures. value stores lend columnar database.
themselves to
MANAGEMENT writes. Another benefit of a
PATIENT’S • Real time column-based DBMS
DATA: recommendations is self-indexing,
Catalogs and advertising which use less disk
are often space than a relation
powered by key- database
value stores management system
because the containing same data.
stores can
quickly access.

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