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Overview: Following the Wakashio oil spill and the Covid pandemic and their
cumulated impact on key economic sectors, 7 individuals and their families, based in the
South Eastern region of the country, have seen their livelihoods threatened and have
thus have embarked on an alternative and innovative path, aquaponic farming to
sustain themselves. An innovative, simple and impactful visual identity is required for
this endeavour.

Objectives: Convey through a strong identity/visually the values this project is built on:
determination, courage, cooperation. This is a project built as much on the drive of the
individual and the collaboration of their family. The logo should instil a sense of pride
among participants, build recognition among the local community and the general
public as well as appear serious to opinion leaders, future financers and potential

Competition: For the purposes of this project, there will be two phases, one which shall
build the narrative on the individual struggles and the desire to reject the status quo.
And a second one when production starts and commercialisation is initiated.
Pre-Commercialisation: Online platforms are a jungle with numerous players vying
for attention. So whatever we post will compete for attention against other posts.
Whatever we put out there has to be imbued with authenticity.
Once commercialisation starts: Other products with a chemical-free cachet on the

Unique Selling Proposition: The unique stories of these people are what make this
project truly unique. The chemical free cachet is a compelling feature that will also be
used in the commercialisation phase.

The logo should have a lasting effect and have a timeless feel to it
The logo should stand out from those of other projects in that field

 Quad Logo & a 2-pantone version one
 Facebook Cover (820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall), Facebook Profile Pic
(170x170 pixels), Equivalent for Instagram and other platforms
 Email Signature (x3), Letterhead for printing and soft version, Powerpoint
 Visual elements for website required
 Brand Guidelines with correct and incorrect applications

 3 weeks from contract award

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