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Title page – image; deadlines


Due in date: 18/05/22
My idea is about a gunner fighting in Afghanistan. I know I will make it a radio
drama. I believe I will struggle with making most of the sounds.  want to get
actors who fit the character perfectly. Recording might take a while as I have to
record both voiceover and Foley noises. I will keep doing my weekly blogs and
learning on what best way to record the drama. Editing the voices to make it
appear more radio-like will hard so I'll     try and get help on that. I want it to be
20 minutes as that is what a normal audio drama play time is. I will spend my 10
- 15 percent of non-self-made on music for the end.

Recording and setup

My equipment will consist of a rode microphone to record the sounds and voices. Protective
setups for the breaking of glass (for window smashing effect) and Fun snap throwing. The
cast has been chosen and we will record lines when the actors schedule becomes
available to film in the studio in my office room of my house. I believe that
recording will take 3 - 2 weeks this includes Foley and voiceover. 

Information on Competition

We are delighted to announce that we are now receiving submissions for the 2022 Festival;
Oh brave New World"
The regulations are available here
UKIRDF regulations 2022
The application form is here
UKIRDF application form 2022
The festival will take place at the Eastbridge Hospital in Canterbury from 21- 25 March 2022.
We are excited to announce that the 2022 festival will include a new award; the Deacon
Award for the best work by a young producer.
And we are very much looking forward to welcoming everyone back in person for a week of
wonderful listening, and conversation. There is no entry fee for this event.

Target audience
response 1 - Veterans, people interested in modern warfare, Young adults who might relate to
characters, me
response 2 - war vets and warfare experts

The responses I gathered from my survey clearly shows who my target audience is. I think
the people I should keep in mind are the combat vets from all middle eastern conflicts and
warfare experts. Also, people familiar with modern warfare and other war games would find
this interesting. It might be people who are interested in military engineering and aviation
who make up a vast majority of my viewers as I will be bringing the air and Calvary support
aspect of warfare. The armoured cars and aircraft I wish to add are the warrior, the jackal, the
Viking, the technical, the puma, and the Eurofighter typhoon.

Production schedule

Week 1 Context, weekly blog, 3 ideas

Week 11 Context, research, weekly blogs
Week 111 Research, weekly blog
Week 1v Research, weekly blog, test recording
Week v Test setup, weekly blog
Week v1 Script, Foley, weekly blog
Week v11 Recording, weekly blog
Week v111 Editing, weekly blog, finish production

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