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Manipulation of Genetic

Prepared by:

Potrero National High School

Hello young learner! What

you learned about nucleic
acids in the previous lessons
will help you in this new
learning venture.

By the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

Discuss how genetic materials of organisms are
 describe the basic process of manipulating genetic
 analyze the benefits of manipulating an organism’s
DNA, and
 appreciate the importance of genetic engineering
with due considerations to its benefits to society

In this lesson, you’ll be looking at Genetic

engineering as a process of manipulating
genes for practical purposes. You’ll also
look at how set of technologies are used to
change the genetic makeup of cells,
including the transfer of genes within and
across species boundaries to produce
improved or novel organisms.

Directions: On your activity notebook,
write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Genetic engineering is the artificial manipulation, modification, and recombination of what

class of naturally occurring chemical compound?
Remember that each DNA strand contains
thousands of genes and through Genetic
LET’S DO engineering, the process of genetic
manipulations, specific genes are isolated
SOME to use for research and other purposes. This
REVIEW! is made possible through the use of
molecular tools/ techniques in genetic
engineering experiments.

What are the tools/ enzymes

commonly used in genetic Identify the following by
engineering experiments? writing the letter of the correct
Can you identify them?


Chain Reaction
Think About It… B. Restriction
Just a few decades ago, computers were gigantic machines found only in laboratories
and universities. Today, many of us carry small, powerful computers to school and
work every day. C. Gel
Decades ago, the human genome was unknown. Today, we can see Electrophoresis
our entire genome
on the Internet. D. DNA Ligase
E. Plasmids
But how??? F. Transformation/
Activity How do scientists manipulateG.genes?
Card 1 How does it work? Transgenic

There are slightly different methods that can be used to put together DNA from
different organisms. This activity focuses on the techniques used to study human
 By using tools that cut, separate, and then replicate DNA base by base,
scientists can now read the base sequences in DNA from any cell.

A. Cutting DNA
Nucleic acids are chemically different from other macromolecules such as proteins
and carbohydrates. This difference makes DNA relatively easy to extract from cells
and tissues.
DNA molecules from most organisms are much too large to be analyzed, so they must
first be cut into smaller pieces.
Many bacteria produce restriction enzymes that cut DNA molecules into precise
pieces, called restriction fragments that are several hundred bases in length.
Of the hundreds of known restriction enzymes, each cuts DNA at a different sequence
of nucleotides.
For example, the EcoRI (pronounced "eco R one") restriction enzyme recognizes the
base sequence GAATTC.
It cuts each strand between the G and A bases, leaving single-stranded overhangs,
called “sticky ends,” with the sequence AATT.
The sticky ends can bond, or “stick,” to a DNA fragment with the complementary
base sequence.

B. Separating DNA
Once DNA has been cut by restriction enzymes, scientists can use a technique known
as gel electrophoresis to separate and analyze the differently sized fragments.
A mixture of DNA fragments is placed at one end of a porous gel.

When an electric voltage is applied to the gel, DNA molecules—which are negatively
charged—move toward the positive end of the gel.
The smaller the DNA fragment, the faster and farther it moves.

The result is a pattern of bands based on fragment size.

Specific stains that bind to DNA make these bands visible.
Researchers can remove individual restriction fragments from the gel and study them
C. Reading
Now, DNAto answer the following:
you are ready
After the DNA fragments
Putting have
Yourself onbeen separated, researchers can read, or sequence, it.
the Task…
Single-stranded DNA is placed in a test tube containing DNA polymerase—the
enzyme that copies DNA—along with the four nucleotide bases, A, T, G, and C.
The DNA polymerase uses the unknown strand as a template to make one new DNA
strand after another.
Researchers also add a small number of bases that have a chemical dye attached. Each
time a dye-labeled base is added to a new DNA strand, the synthesis of that strand
When DNA synthesis is completed, the result is a series of color-coded DNA
fragments of different lengths.

The entire process can be automated and controlled by computers, so that DNA
sequencing machines can read thousands of bases in a matter of seconds.

A. On your notebook, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is

false, change the underlined word to make the statement true.
__________ 1. Bacteria produce restriction enzymes that cut
the DNA molecule into smaller pieces.
__________ 2. Restriction fragments are always cut at a
particular sequence of proteins.
__________ 3. The technique that separates differently sized
DNA fragments is gel electrophoresis.
__________ 4. The enzyme that copies DNA is DNA restrictase.
__________ 5. When DNA synthesis is completed, the result is a
series of dye-labeled DNA fragments of
different lengths.

B. Complete each statement by writing on your notebook the correct word or


1. By using tools that cut, separate, and then replicate DNA,

There are slightly different methods that can be used to put together DNA from
different organisms. The figure below focuses on creating genetically engineered
bacteria. For example, if a scientist knows that gene in humans that makes the
enzyme which breaks down dairy products. Scientists may want copies of this
gene to treat people who get sick from dairy products because these can't make
Card 2
this enzyme. Scientists would want to collect copies of this gene from people or
make copies by reactions in a laboratory. This gene could then be transferred to
bacteria. The bacteria can then make the human enzyme because they now have
human DNA in their cells.


The following are simplified explanation of the general procedures that would be used
to produce a genetically engineered bacterial cell.
Put the letter of the picture to match with the correct procedure and write your
answers on your notebook.

___1. A gene is picked that controls a trait in which scientists are

interested. DNA containing that gene is collected from the donor
organism that naturally has this gene. Scientists can also make
copies of the DNA in a laboratory if they don't have a lot of it. A)
___2. Scientists isolate plasmid DNA (a ring of DNA in a bacterial
cell) from bacteria. This ring of DNA will carry the gene to the new
organism. The plasmid will serve as a vector.
___3. The donor DNA and the plasmid DNA are mixed with an B)
enzyme (a molecule that will cause a reaction). This enzyme
cuts both kinds of DNA into pieces at special spots along their
code. The pieces that are left are able to easily join to each other
based on their chemistry. You can think of it like puzzle pieces that
fit together. C)
___4. The pieces of DNA that have matching shapes or chemistry
join together to make a complete plasmid (ring of DNA). This
plasmid is now a ring of DNA that has a new gene as part of the
ring. This new gene is the gene that scientists chose in Step One to
collect from a donor organism. D)
___5. The plasmids containing the new gene are mixed with other
bacterial cells. Some of these bacteria will take the plasmids into
their cells by a process called transformation. The plasmid will now
be inside of these bacterial cells. These cells now all have the
chosen gene inside of them. The cells containing the gene are
Directions: Read the selection and analyze
Activity the diagram carefully.

Card 3
Insulin, a protein that helps regulate the sugar levels in
our blood is normally produced in the pancreas. But in
people with type 1 diabetes there is a problem with
The field of genetic insulin production.
engineering has
revolutionized many People with diabetes therefore have to inject insulin to
scientific fields, from control their blood sugar levels.
fundamental sciences to
medicine and Genetic engineering has been used to produce a type of
engineering. Its insulin, very similar to our own, from yeast and
applications are wide bacteria like E. coli.
ranging, but emphasis is This genetically engineered insulin, ‘Humulin’ was
given to its application in licensed for human use in 1982.
the society. But how genetically engineered insulin is

Copy on your notebook and sort the following statements using numbers (in
ascending order) into the correct order to describe how human insulin is
Activity 1
Directions: Copy on your notebook and complete the graphic organizer below by
putting on the letters of the description (What is it?) and its use (How is it useful?).
Genetic Engineering Graphic Organizer
Tool/Process What Is It? How Is It Useful?
Restriction Enzymes 1. 10.
Gel Electrophoresis/
DNA Fingerprinting 2. 11.
Recombinant DNA Technology 3. 12.
Gene Cloning 4. 13.
DNA Sequencing 5. 14.
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
6. 15.
Transgenic Animals 7. 16.
Transgenic Plants 8. 17.
Transgenic Bacteria 9. 18.

What Is It? How Is It Useful?

J) Used to study genes or genetically engineer
A) Uses an electrical current to separate DNA organisms.
fragments by size
K) Used to study individual genes, genetically
B) Makes many copies of recombinant DNA engineer organisms, or treat diseases.
containing individual genes
L) Allows DNA to be studied so that mistakes,
C) Makes many copies of an entire region of mutations, or genes can be identified.

M) Used to study individual fragments or to

D) Plants that have receives DNA from some identify suspects, bodies, or treat diseases.
other organism

N) Used for forensic investigation and in

E) Determines the unknown sequence of DNA medical testing.
O) Used to study diseases and ways to treat
F) Combines existing DNA with a fragment them, to improve food supply, disease
from another source resistance, and human health.

P) Creates plants that are disease/insect

G) Bacteria that have received DNA from resistant, faster growing, more nutritious, non-
some other organism allergic.

Q) Allows genes to be removed or added.

Guided Activity 2
H) Animals that have received DNA from
some other organism
Used to make DNA fingerprints.

R) Used to make insulin & other hormones,

I) Cuts (cleaves) DNA at specific sequences to and to clean up oil spills, etc.
make fragments w/ sticky or blunt ends
Advancements in Genetic Engineering focused on the
areas such as Mutant organisms, DNA Replication, Guided
Recombinant DNA, Genetic linkage analysis,
Genetically Modified Plants, Genetically Modified Activity 2
Animals, DNA Microarray, Green Fluorescent Protein,
Protein Sequencing, Genetic Probes, RNA Splicing and
the likes.

Directions: Read the basic information given about cloning. Then study the diagram
below and answer the questions that follow on your notebook.

Cloning is the process of taking genetic information from one living thing and creating
identical copies of it. The copied material is called a clone.
Geneticists have cloned cells, tissues, genes and entire animals. 

Although this process may seem futuristic, nature has been doing it for millions of years.
For example, identical twins have almost identical DNA, and asexual reproduction in
some plants and organisms can produce genetically identical offspring. And scientists
make genetic doubles in the lab, though the process is a little different.
There are three different types of cloning, according to the 
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI):
Gene cloning, also called DNA cloning, creates copies of genes, or segments of DNA.
Reproductive cloning makes duplicates of whole animals.
Therapeutic cloning creates embryonic stem cells, which are used to create tissues that
can repair or replace damaged tissues. 

1. Which sheep is the source of the nucleus in the fused cell?

2. Why was the nucleus removed from the egg cell?
3. Which animal in the figure is a clone?
4. Which sheep provided an egg cell?
5. Which two animals are genetically identical?
Assessment 1

Directions: Complete the Flow Chart below. Fit in the word(s) from the word
bank in their appropriate places and write your answer on your notebook.


Bacteria ǀ clones ǀ DNA ǀ increasing variation ǀ transgenic

ǀ poodles ǀ Hybrids ǀ DNA extraction ǀ
restriction enzymes ǀ separating DNA ǀ defects
Assessment 2

Personal Identification

No two people are genetically exactly like one another, except for identical twins.
DNA fingerprinting is a method to identify people based on their DNA. DNA
fingerprinting has helped solve crimes and convict criminals. It has also helped prove
that people are innocent of a crime.

Look at the fingerprints below. Then answer the following questions on your

1. The DNA fingerprint labeled was left by a criminal at

a crime scene. Police have four different suspects. They
took samples of the DNA of each of the four suspects.
Which sample matches the evidence?
2. Could sample 1 and 2 come from identical twins?
Explain your answer.


Decide if the following statements are true or false. If a

statement is false, tell why.

3. Mitochondrial DNA is passed directly from father to


4. DNA evidence can be used to solve crimes, convict
criminals and free people who were wrongfully

5. Study the fingerprint on your left side. Which two

samples maybe from a set of identical twins? How do
you know?
Completion of the Table: Copy the table on your notebook and fill it in with your
Directions: On your notebook, write the letter of the correct answer.

1. It involves the manipulation of genetic material (DNA) to achieve the desired goal in a pre-
determined way.
A. BiotechnolgyC. Genetic engineering
B. GeneticsD. Recombinant DNA
2. A process done to manipulate the genome of an organism in order to produce desired traits.
A. gene manipulationC. gene splicing
B. gene pharmingD. gene therapy
3. All the DNA in an organism.
A. cloneB. genomeC. plasmidD. stem cells
4. What is a vector?
A. Any rDNA molecule that has the ability to replicate inside the host.
B. Any DNA molecule that has the ability to replicate outside the host.
C. Any DNA molecule that has the ability to replicate inside the host to which the desired gene has
integrated for cloning.
D. Any rDNA molecule that has the ability to replicate outside the host to which the desired gene
has integrated for cloning.
5. DNA cut with a restriction enzyme produces many smaller fragments, of varying sizes and can
be separated using
A. DNA ligaseC. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
B. Gel electrophoresisD. Restriction enzyme
6. Circular DNA molecules that can replicate independently of the main chromosomes of bacteria.
A. cloneB. plasmidC. cellD. gene
7. Animal with foreign DNA in their cells.
A. Genetic engineeringC. Recombinant DNA
B. Human Genome ProjectD. Transgenic animal
8. Which is the most common organism considered for genetic manipulations?A. Bacillus Subtilis
C. E. coli
B. CyanobacteriaD. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
9. The first commercial application of genetic engineering was the use of bacteria to make insulin,
a medicine needed by diabetics. Before the use of genetically-engineered bacteria, insulin had to
be harvested from the pancreases of slaughtered animals.
How has genetic engineering most likely improved the lives of diabetics?
A. It has made the demand for insulin decrease.
B. It has made the incidence of diabetes decrease.
C. It has made insulin cheaper and more readily available.
D. It has made it easier for diabetics to inject themselves with insulin.
10. Genetic engineering is the process of manipulating genes for practical purposes.
How could genetic engineering most likely benefit people with genetic diseases in the future?
A. Genes causing diseases could be repaired through the use of recombinant DNA.
B. Genes causing diseases could be replaced with various types of plant genes.
C. Genes causing diseases could be eradicated from the human genome through the use of
restriction enzymes.
D. Genes causing diseases could be cloned and placed into other human cells.


Pre-Assessment Activity Card 2 Assessment 1
1. B 6. D 1. D 4. F 7. C 1. clones
2. A 7. C 2. E 5. B 2. defects
3. C 8. C 3. A 6. G 3. poodles
4. increasing variation
4. A 9. B
5. DNA extraction
5. B 10. B Activity Card 3 6. separating DNA
a) 2, b) 5, c) 1, 7. restriction enzymes
d) 6, e) 4, f) 3 8. hybrids
Let’s Do Some 9. DNA
10. bacteria
Review Guided Activity 1
11. transgenic
1. C 4. E 7. D 1. I 10. Q
2. A 5. F 2. A 11. M
3. B 6. G 3. F 12. K Assessment 2
4. B 13. J 1. 2
5. E 14. L 2. No, the bonding patterns in the
6. C 15.N two samples are different, so the
7. H 16. O people do not have identical DNA.
Card 1-A
8. D 17. P
1. True
9. G 18. R 3. False. Mitochondrial DNA is
2. nucleotides passed directly from mother to the
3. True child.
4. polymerase Guided Activity 2 4. True
5. color-coded 1. Sheep A 5. Sample 1 and 4 may be identical
2. The nucleus was twins, they have the same bonding
removed from the egg cell pattern.
to make sure that all of the
Activity DNA in the clone is a
Card 1-B single sheep.
1. base 3. The lamb is a clone Assessment Card
2. fragments 4. Sheep B 1. C 5. B 9. C
5. Sheep A and the lamb
3. nucleotides 2. A 6. B 10. C
are genetically identical
4. faster 3. B 7. D
5. bands 4. C 8. C

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