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Goals and

Cues Diagnosis Analysis Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Risk for Scientific Analysis: Goals:
• The patient peripheral Disruption in the After discharge 1.1.Conduct a 1.1 Information 1. MET - The
verbalized neurovascular circulation, 1. The patient will comprehensive regarding the patient
pain on the dysfunction as sensation, and maintain normal lower extremity onset and maintained
right upper evidenced by motion of an function in terms assessment of the severity of the normal function
back numbness in extremity could lead of circulation, client. functional in terms of
radiating to xiphoid to various health movement, and impairment on circulation,
the process down complications. sensation of the affected movement, and
vertebral to both Blood flow to said extremities. extremities is sensation of the
line extremities extremities could crucial to extremities.
• The patient become limited or Long-term prevent or
verbalized hindered and Objectives: predict further
numbness sensations could be After a week of complications. 2. MET - The
of the completely cut off. nursing intervention patient reported
lower 2. The patient will 1.2. Evaluate for 1.2 This will act as a reduction in
extremities Situational report reduction differences baseline for frequency or
Analysis: in frequency or between affected future absence of
Objective: The patient is 59 absence of extremity and comparisons. jerking and
• Observable years old and has a jerking and unaffected numbness of the
jerking of compressed spine. numbness of the extremity. lower
lower The geriatric age is lower extremities extremities.
extremities a risk which 1.3. Monitor the 1.3 An intact pulse
exposed him to his During the stay in presence and would indicate 3. MET - The
• Observed present condition. the facility quality of pulse adequate patient was able
difficulty The spinal 3. The patient will on the extremity. circulation. to ambulate
in compression be able to without difficulty
ambulation threatens him into ambulate without 1.4. Test sensation of 1.4 Changes in
paralysis as difficulty peroneal nerve sensation may 4. MET - The
• A pain continued pressure by pinching or include feeling patient was able
scale of 6 on his spinal cord Short-term pricking the of tingling, to recognize and
might damage Objectives: dorsal web numbness, “pins report risks that
• Limited which might lead to After an hour of between first and and needles,” could have
Range of peripheral health teaching second toe. burning or worsened his
Motion neurovascular 4. The patient absent sensation. current condition.
dysfunction. would be able to
recognize and
report risks that
• Elderly age would worsen 1.5. Evaluate the
of 58 years the current affected 1.5 Movement may
condition. extremities’ be limited by
range of motion. nerve
that would occur
with spinal nerve
2.1. Review proper
body alignment 2.1 Proper
and elevation of positioning
limbs. would help
alleviate pressure
on the spine
reducing the risk
of peripheral
3.1. Encourage the
patient to 3.1 Physical therapy
routinely would help
exercise digits of maintain
the affected function and
extremity circulation of
the affected
3.2. Encourage
patient to 3.2 Ambulation is
ambulate recommended to
whenever maintain
possible. extremity
4.1. Ask the patient
to localize and 4.1 This would alert
report pain, the care giver to
numbness, and any emergencies
other abnormal that would
sensations. require
attention. This
would also keep
the patient
aware and
participative in
his current

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