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Churches are encouraged to copy and distribute this publication to all adults 55 and older in their congregation.

They will soar on wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:39)

by C. S. Cowles

Rev. Darrell Rotz Prime Time Coordinator


Soaring Upcoming Event From the Smile File Christ in the Holy Land and more...

hile sitting on the point overlooking scenic Payette Lake in the heart of Idahos mountains, I noticed movement at the bottom of the cliff. It was an osprey launching itself over the water. It worked its elegant wings until it found an updraft. Then it relaxed. Fascinated, I watched it glide in lazy circles effortlessly riding an invisible thermal up and up until it was eye-level with me. It continued to rise. High above me it headed out across the lake. In that osprey I found a wonderful metaphor for those of us well into the third trimester of our lives. With family raised and career established, we are free to break away and soar: soar up to where new vistas of opportunity unfold, where uncharted waters can be explored, where long-cherished dreams can be pursued. Biblical examples come quickly to mind: Abraham responding to the momentous call of God at the age of 75; Moses launching the most revolutionary freedom movement in history at the age of 80; and Anna,

the rst to preach Jesus as redeemer, at the age of 84. My life has been deeply impacted by retirees who soared on wings like eagles. There was Dr. H. Orton Wiley, esteemed early Nazarene leader, who at the age of 83 lled blackboards with theological truth that still excites me today. There was Dr. Clovis Chappell, who at the age of 85 was so feeble he could hardly totter over to the podium at a pastors conclave. Yet his inner man burned with such intensity that it set my soul on re. On that day I was raised from the dead of disillusionment and despair at the lowest time of my ministry. I am quite sure that I would not be who I am or have done what by Gods grace Ive been able to do apart from those two stalwart men of God who soared on wings like eagles. Then there were the big three in my rst church: retired couples who formed the
Continued on page 3

OCTOBER 4-7, 2011 Upcoming Prime Time Event

OCTOBER 4-7, 2011

The 2011 Prime Time Smoky Mountain Retreat is promising to be an exciting, inspiring, and life-changing event. Esteemed and loved by countless students and congregations over the years, key note speaker Rueben Welch is sure to inspire and challenge retreaters. Dr. Welch possesses an incredible wealth of biblical knowledge and a true gift for explaining the profound in everyday terms. Totally committed to spreading the gospel, Brian Arner, will thrill and move retreaters with music and his depth and sincerity of spirit. Says Jerry Nelson, Denver First: I heard him sing and I nd myself scrambling for superlatives . . . Im eager to hear him again. Nestled along the banks of the Little Pigeon River, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, is the primary gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains. The Smoky Mountains offer a magnicent array of panoramic views, glorious foliage, and an endless array of sight-seeing options. Brimming with country charm, Pigeon Forge offers picturesque beauty and activities for every age. This quaint little town has 50 family-friendly attractions, 6 outlet malls, and over 100 craft, gift and specialty shops. A convenient trolley system makes hourly stops in the Music Road parking lot. In addition to inspirational worship times, Prime Time Smoky Mountain has planned seminars specically designed for senior adults, great fellowship opportunities, and outstanding excursion opportunities are available. You can join the group as we go to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Miracle Theater and the Titanic museum, or you can strike out on your own at one of Pigeon Forges many attractions.

Dont miss an opportunity to participate in this great event. Register today!

Register today at:

For informational brochures, registration information, and other questions contact:

877-240-2417 (toll free phone) - (email)

Olivet Nazarene University . . . A Proud Sponsor of

Continued from page 1


inner core of my tiny congregation. They wrapped their accepting, loving, and enabling arms around our young family, and bore us up on wings like eagles. And then there was the elderly district school superintendent who not-sogently conded that sermons do not have to be eternal in order to be immortal. Though a bitter pill to swallow, especially for one who thought he had to deliver the whole counsel of God in every sermon, he taught me one of the most valuable lessons of my preaching life: namely, that the mind cannot absorb what the seat cannot endure. One of todays most exciting frontiers are people who in the prime time years of their lives launch second and third careers. I have a cousin who since retirement has made 23 mission-trips to southern China, continuing the pioneering work begun by our grandfather in the early 1900s. She raises money, gathers Bibles, and collects study materials for Chinese believers. She is soaring on wings of an eagle, and loving every minute of it. I have another cousin on the other side of my family who in semiretirement felt called to resurrect the Stone Corral Community Church established by our ancestors in the 1870s. It had fallen upon hard times and died. He secured the deed to the property, chased out the birds and animals in the abandoned building, and rounded up scattered remnants of

the congregation most of whom were also retirees. Together they refurbished the building, enlisted a retired pastor to lead them, and today averages well over 100 in worship. My cousin who plays the piano for their services is soaring on wings like an eagle. And so it goes all across the land. Retirees are teaching classes, feeding the homeless, enrolling in seminary, refurbishing churches, going on mission trips, tutoring disadvantaged children, visiting nursing homes, writing letters of encouragement, all the while having the time of their lives. Dr. William McCumber, pastor, educator, author, and long time editor of Holiness Today, died recently. I had the privilege of following him as pastor of Atlanta First Church many years ago. After retiring for the third time, he accepted the call to pastor his home church in Gainsville, Georgia, at 80 years of age. He was still going strong at the time of his passing at age 87. I was thinking about him as I stepped out to begin my early morning devotional walk. I looked up. Stretched across the sky was the glowing contrail of an airplane set on re by the rays of the rising sun. Barely able to see the glint of the airliner I thought: There goes Bill, soaring on wings like an eagle. Soaring. Thats what I want to do until I too soar on eagles wings to be with my Lord.

The Laws Murphy Missed . . .

Law of the mechanic: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch or drip. Law of the road: When you change from a slow lane to a fast lane, the fast lane becomes slow and the one you just left is now the fast lane. Law of the bath: When the body is fully immersed in warm, soothing water, the phone rings. Law of the rug: The chance of an open-faced, jelly sandwich landing face down is directly correlated to the price and newness of the carpet. Law of the shoe shopper: If the shoe is a comfortable and a perfect t, it is ugly. Law of the theater: The people whose seats are farthest from the aisle arrive last.

Get It Right, Teacher! On the 4th of July, the teacher was telling her preschool children about God and country. She said: God has blessed us in our United States of America and we are all free! A little girl shot up her hand and said: I am not free, I am four.

Prime Time Ministries and Prime Time Connection.

Dr. Amy Hanson to Be Featured at Smoky Mountain Prime Time Retreat

Amy Hanson, speaker, teacher, writer, and consultant, is passionate about helping senior adults discover a life of Christ-centered meaning and purpose. She formerly led the active adult (fty-plus) ministries at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas. Today, she unites her doctorate in gerontology with her ministry experience to educate and equip pastors, denominational leaders, students, health care professionals, and older adults on the unique opportunities of an aging America. A very popular seminar speaker at the Kansas City Centennial Prime Time Retreat, Amy Hanson will be speaking on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning at Pigeon Forge. For more information about Prime Time Smoky Mountain retreat call 877-240-2417 (tollfree) or visit

Christ in the Holy Land

By Darrell Rotz
The aroma of Christs presence still lls the sacred, biblical sites. What a thrill to lead clergy pilgrims across the Shepherd Fields to the Bethlehem birth cave and on to Nazareth, the Jordan River, and the Sea of Galilee. We could almost hear Jesus calling Zacchaeus from the sycamore tree in Jericho. We stood on hillside slopes in Galilee visualizing Him feeding the thousands. We listened again to the incomparable Sermon on the Mount. We sat under the same olive trees in Gethsemane and heard His agonizing prayer. We stood in reverence at the place of the skull and rejoiced beside the gardens empty tomb. There was an undeniable, afrming presence of our risen Savior in all the moments of our pilgrimage. Our theme song: I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked. Now, we have returned to our ministry assignments with a fresh and renewed call to proclaim the amazing gospel! How I wish that all our Nazarenes might experience Christ in His homeland! Perhaps many of you will join my next pilgrimage in March 2012.

Rev. Darrell Rotz is hosting a 10 day Holy Land Pilgrimage, March 5-14, 2012. To request a brochure or more information email:

Global Ministry Center Prime Time Ministries 17001 Prairie Star Parkway Lenexa, KS 66220

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