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8/2/2021 Banana Expert System

Crop Protection
Pest Management

Aphids, Pentalonia nigronervosa f. typica

Corm Weevil,Cosmopolites sordidus


Pseudostem Weevil, Odiporus longicollis

Fruit Rust Thrips

Rust Thrips

Castor hairy caterpillar

Cut worm, Spodoptera litura

Banana beetle, Nodostoma subcostatum

Spirling white fly

Hard scale, Aspidiotus destructor

Scales, Coccus hesperidum

Fruit and leaf scarring beetle, Colapsis hypochlora

Banana scale moth

White Grub

Termites or White ants


Aphids,Pentalonia nigronervosa f. typica

Nature of Damage
The nymphs and adults congregate under the outer base of the pseudostem
Aphids always accompanied by ants, which act as dispersing agents of nymph
Honey dew secretion appears on the plants which attracts the ants
The aphids suck the sap of the plant and reduce the growth and vigour
They also act as a vector of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) 1/38
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Aphids present on the leaves Bunchy appearance of leaves Honey dew secretion

Identification of Pest
Nymph : Oval or slightly elongated, reddish brown with six segmented antennae
Adult : Small to medium sized aphids, shiny, reddish to dark brown or almost black. They have six segmented
antennae and prominent dark veins
Adults start producing young one day after reaching maturity. They can give birth to 4 aphids per day with an
average production of 14 offspring per female.

Adult Nymph

Control Measures
Cultural Control
Ensure clean cultivation
Use healthy and pest free suckers co check the pest incicence
Rogue out the affected plants
Ratoon and inter crops shoul not be taken up
Collect planting material from healthy plants
Immersing flowers and foliage in hot water at 49 degrees Lady bird beetle
centigrade for 10 minutes kills banana aphids.
Destruction of weeds and alternate hosts.

Chemical Control
Spray soapy water or insecticidal soap  on plants thoroughly on
petioles, furled leaves, whorls or on young suckers
Spray Dimethoate (75ml/100lit) or Diazinon (1.5ml/lit) or Acephate
(1.3g/lit) on infested plants and suckers 2/38
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Spray Methyl Demeton 25 EC 0.05% or Monocrotophos 36 SL

Inject Monocrotophos 36 SL 1 ml/plant (1ml diluted in 4 ml of
water). Avoid injection of Monocrotophos after flowering

Biological Control
Introduction braconid wasps,  Lysiphlebius testaceipes  as
parasitoid to parasitize the aphids
Release predators such as lady bird beetles and lace wings in the
field which are very active aphid feeders
Spraying oil + soap water mix
Apply bio control agents like entomopathognic fungus, Beauveria
bassiana in the banana fields

Use healthy suckers for planting

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Corm Weevil,Cosmopolites sordidus

Nature of damage
Newly planted banana fields are easily susceptible to infestation
Infestation begins at the base of the outermost leaf-sheath and in injured tissues at the lower part of the
Initially the young grubs make several longitudinal tunnels in the surface tissue until they are able to
penetrate to adjacent inner leaf-sheaths
Then they bore into the pseudostem base and  rhizome/corm, but also into the base of suckers and into
Larval tunnels may run for the entire length of fallen pseudostems.
Infested plant shows yellowing and withering of leaves, slowed plant growth, root destruction, reduced fruit
Young infested suckers often wither and fail to develop.
Plants are easily blown down by mild to strong winds.
An economic threshold of 3 weevils per cut banana corm or pseudostem placed in the field overnight will
trigger control action 3/38
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Tunneling and rottening of

Reduced fruit production Young suckers fail to develop

Identification of Pest

Egg: elongate-oval, about 2 to 3 mm long and white in colour. 

Eggs are laid singly in small cavities that are chewed out by the female in the base of the pseudostem just
above ground level, in the upper part of the corm, in roots near the soil surface and at the end of cut stems
Egg period is 4 to 36 days depending on temperature conditions. 
Grub: creamy white legless grubs, stout and distinctly curved and swollen in the middle of the body. 
The head is reddish-brown with strong mouthparts. Fully-grown grubs are about 12 mm long. 
Grub period is 20 to 25 days 
Pupa: white and about 12 mm long. Pupation takes place in holes bored by the grubs. Pupal period is 5 to 7

Adult: 10 to 16 mm long weevils, hard-shelled, with a rather long curved snout. Newly emerged weevils are red
brown, turning almost black after a few days. 
They are free living, they are most commonly found between leaf sheaths, in the soil at the base of the mat or
associated with crop residues. 
Weevils may live for up to two years, and can live without food for six months, but are very sensitive to
desiccation and will die within 48 hours if kept in a dry substrate. They are active at night.

Larva Pupa

Control Measures
Cultural Control
Field sanitation
Use clean planting material – This can be done by selecting vigourous healthy planting material
Trimming the suckers
Hot water treatment of corms at 52 to 55°C for 15 to 27 minutes
Suckers should be pruned periodically and infested pseudostems must be removed from the field and
destroyed. 4/38
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Banana stumps kept in the field after harvest must be removed and destroyed as they serve as weevil
refuges and breeding sites
Crop rotation with non host crops like paddy and sugarcane
Use mechanical barriers in the field
Ensure proper fertilization and free from weeds at all times
Use mulch away from the banana stool leaving a clear ring about 60 cm from the base of the stool to
keep the roots growing towards the surface and to avoid moist conditions near the stool, which will
attract banana weevils
Do not take regular crop in the same field to avoid initial infestation
Removal of pseudo stems below ground level
Avoid growing Robusta, Karpooruvally, Malbhog, Champa and Adukkar
Grow less susceptible varieties like Poovan, Kadali, Kunnan, Poomkalli

Chemical Control
Cut the banana plant after harvest at the ground level and treat it with carbaryl (1g/liter) or chlorpyriphos
(2.5 ml/lit) at the cut surface.
Application of Furadan 3G @ 20 gms or Phorate 10G @ 12 gms or Neem cake @ 1/2 Kg. per pit at
Before planting, the suckers should be dipped in 0.1 per cent quinalphos emulsion.
Dip the suckers in Monocrotophos solution (14 ml in 1 lit water) for about 20 minutes to kill the eggs and
grubs of the corm weevil .
Remove the pseudostem after harvest and treat it with Carboryl (1g/lit) or Chlorpyriphos (2.5ml/lit).
Fumigation of banana plants using Celphos (aluminium phosphide tablets), especially during the
vegetative phase is phytotoxic and should be discouraged.
Apply castor cake 250g or carbaryl 50g dust or phorate 10g per pit before planting also prevents
Severe attack dimethoate, methyl demeton, or phosphamidon may be sprayed around the collar region.

Biological Control
Natural enemies - Predatory ants  such as the bigheaded ant (Pheidole megacephala)
and Tetramorium spp  feed the eggs, grubs and pupae of weevils.
Apply biocontrol agents like  Beauveria bassiana  and  Metarhizium anisopliae,an entomopathogenic
fungus, in the banana fields and it causes more than 90% mortality of the weevils
Steinerma and Heterorhabditis sp of nematodes attack both adult and grubs in the field.
Application of 60 to 100 g of neem seed powder or neem cake at planting and then at four months
intervals significantly diminished pest damage and increased yields. Application of over 100 g or neem
oil was phytotoxic (harmful to plants) and uneconomical.

Mechanical Control
Use of pheromone trap @ 25 traps /ha to destroy the weevil populations.
Disc-on-stump traps can be used for trapping weevils. Disc-on-stump traps consist of corm slices placed
on top of harvested plants cut at the rhizome. Adult weevils are attracted to the cut stems or corms for
shelter, to feed and to lay eggs. The weevils can be collected by hand and destroyed. The efficiency of
the traps depends on their numbers and frequency of trapping.
Keep the longitudinal split banana traps @ 100/ha. 5/38
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Corm injection in banana Pheromone trap Predatory ants

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Marginal yellowing of leaves

Nature of Damage:
Nematode causes reddish-brown to black,elongated lesions
which are readily seen when the roots are split open. Roots
eventually blacken and die.
Attacks by nematodes, combined with the effects of
secondary rot organisms, destroy or weaken much of the
root system.
Infested plants lack vigour and fruiting is poor.
Such plants are readily blown over and the roots are
exposed. Affected palnts topple over easily

Drying of boot leaf in advance stage

Identification of pathogen
The causal organism of nematode is Burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis), Root lesion nematode
(Pratylenchus coffeae), Root knot nematode (  Meloidogyne incognita), Sprial nematode(Helicotylenchus
multicinctus) 6/38
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Meloidogyne spp. Are sedentary endoparasites. Second stage juveniles emerge from the eggs, move towards
the roots and penetrate the roots either at the root tip or in regions of previous penetration or where minor
wounds are present.The eggs are laid within a gelatinous matrix to form an external egg sac or egg mass. A
single sac contains several hundred eggs. Complete life cycle within four to six weeks
Burrowing nematode – eggs are laid in the corms and roots.2 weeks are required for the life cycle to be
completed. Female nematodes live 2 to 3 months  and lay more than 100 eggs each. Nematode survive in the
soil in the absence of suitable hosts
Lesion nematode – Their life cycle takes less than 20 days when temperatures range from 25 degree C – 30
degree C
Spiral Nematodes  are robust with strong stylets. They live partially or completely within roots, feeding on the
outer cortical cells.

Meloidogyne incognita Nematode damaged corm Heterodera oryzicola


Control Measures:
Cultural Control
The use of nematode-free planting material on uninfested land
Trim the corm  tissue  until   all  black or discolored spots have been removed, leaving only clean white
Wash corms in running water, and allow them to dry before planting
Submerge trimmed suckers for 20-25 minutes in hot water at 53-54°C.
Grow nematode resistant varieties
The planting tools should be cleaned before being used in the field
Well decomposed manure should be used
Crop rotation with non host crops
Grow marigold in the inter space which serves as repellent and trap crop
Covering the field for 6 to 8 weeks with plastic after tilling and watering raises the soil temperature

Chemical Control
Application of Furadan 3G @ 20 gms or Phorate 10g @ 12 gms or neem cake @ 1/2 Kg. per pit at
planting. 7/38
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Trichoderma-viride Nimbecidine Banana intercrop with sunhemp

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Pseudostem Weevil,Odoiporus longicollis

Nature of Damage
Infestation of the weevil normally starts in 5 month
old plants. Small pin holes in pseudostem
Early symptoms of the infestation are the presence
of small pinhead-sized holes on the stem
Fibrous extrusions from bases of leaf petioles
Adult weevils and exudation of a gummy substance
from the holes on the pseudostem.
During the advanced stages of infestation,  when
split open the stem, exhibits extensive tunnelling
both in the leaf sheath and in the pseudostem
Rotting occurs due to secondary infection of
pathogens and a foul odour is emitted.  Blackened mass coming out from
When the true stem and peduncle are tunnelled after
flowering, the fruits do not develop properly,
presenting a dehydrated condition with premature
ripening of the bunch itself.

Gummy exudation
Identification of Pest

Egg:  Eggs are cream in colour and cylindrical in shape with

rounded ends. The incubation period ranges from  3 to 8 days. 8/38
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Grub: The emerging larvae are fleshy, yellowish  white and

apodous.  The larvae feed on tissues of the succulent sheath by
tunnelling extensively and may reach as far as the true stem
Pupa: Pupate in cocoon by winding short pieces of fibrous
materials of the sheath around its body. The pupa is exarate and
present inside the cocoon.
Adult: The adult weevils are black-coloured and measure 23-39
mm. They often confine themselves within the pseudostem and in
the decomposing tissues of harvested pseudostems. It  has a
long life span and many adults live for  a year.



Control Measures
Cultural Control
Uproot and burn infested plants.
Planting material should be trimmed to reduce the number of eggs and grubs.
After harvesting the bunch remove and destroy the pseudostem from ground level so as to avoid it
serving as a breeding site for the pest.
Avoid mattacking (leaving the plant after bunch harvest for recycling of nutrients) in weevil endemic areas.
Prune the side suckers every month
Use healthy and pest free suckers to check the incidence
Do not dump infested materials into manure pit
Apply mud slurry mixed with neem oil 5% on the pseudostem five month after planting in heavily infested areas to
prevent oviposition
Closely monitor the plants for the detection of oviposition punctureszxzsxz

Chemical Control
Stem injection with Monocrotophos solution (150 ml in 35o ml water) using stem injector at 2 and 4 feet
above ground level at 30 degree angle on either side of the plant. Injection should not be given after
flowering. Injection needle should reach only 2 or 3 leaf sheaths and without touching the centre core. 9/38
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Application of Furadan 3G @ 20 gms or Phorate 10g @ 12 gms or neem cake @ 1/2 Kg. per pit at
Treat the cut end of the leaf petiole with Chlorpyriphos (2.5ml/lit) + 1 ml sticking agent
After harvesting of banana bunch cut the tree at base and treat it with 100ml Carbaryl (2g/lit) or apply
10g Beauveria bassiana

Biological Control
Swab the cut surface of the longitudinal split traps with 20g of  Beauveria bassiana  fungus
or Heterorhabditis indica nematode and the weevils die on their own due to infection
Predatory ants such as big headed any and Tetramonrium spp.  are important predators of the banana
Dipping the suckers in 20% neem seed solution at planting
Steinerma and Heterohabditis spp. attack both adults and grubs in the field.

Mechanical Control

Use Longitudinal Split Pseudostem Traps (LPST) – This traps (45cm long) are made from the
pseudostem pieces cut longitudinally in two halves. Such traps are laid randomly in the field @ 25 traps
per acre.
Disc -on-stump traps and old pseudostems can be used for trapping weevils. Disc-on-stump traps consist
of corn slices placed on top of harvested plants cut at the rhizome.

Burning of infested Plants Stem injection with Moncrotophos Pseudostem Trap

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Fruit Rust Thrips

Nature of damage:
The early symptoms appear as water-soaked smoky areas where the colonies congregate to feed and
oviposit between touching or adjacent fruit. These areas then develop the typical rusty-red to dark brown-
black discolouration.
Further rusty growth of the fruit and yellowing of leaves.
While the taste and texture of the fruit within these peels remains unaffected, the exterior  discoloration
reduces the marketability of affected fruit. 
In severe cases the skin develops longitudinal cracks and sometimes fruit may split 10/38
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Fruit cracking or spliting Rusty red discolouration patches Yellowing of leaves

Identification of pest:
Egg: Eggs are not visible to the naked eye. Eggs are laid just below the fruit or pseudostem surface. In summer,
eggs hatch in about eight days
Larva: The wingless creamy white larvae are smaller but have the same shape as the adult. The larval period
lasts about 8-10 days.
Pupa: Pupae are white, 1 mm in length, similar to the larvae and can crawl. The pupal stage lasts 7-10 days
Adult: The adult is slender, 1.5 mm long, creamy yellow to golden brown with delicate feathery wings. The front
margin of the wings is made up of a fringe of black hairs and, when at rest, these give the adult thrips a
characteristic longitudinal black stripe down the middle of the abdomen. Two eye-like dark patches at the base
of the wings are characteristic of adult rust thrips. These patches can be used to distinguish from the smaller
males of the banana flower thrips.

Egg Pupa Adult

Cultural method:
Use thrips-free planting material or tissue-cultured bananas and, if possible, hot water treatment  prior to
Destroy all the volunteer plants and that could act as a source of thrips to spread to other plantings.
Bunch covers (which cover the full length of the bunch) do provide some protection if applied very early.
Regular checking of fruit under the bunch covers is essential to ensure that damage is not occurring.

Biological method:
Field release coccinelid predators such as lacewings and ladybird beetles exert some control over rust
thrips on the plant, and ants may be effective in removing some of the pupae in the soil.

Chemical method:
Bunches, pseudostem and the suckers should be sprayed chlorpyriphos
Soil application with Fipronil and Bifenthrin 11/38
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Lace wing bug Fipronil Removal of Weeds

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Rust thrips

Symptoms of damage

Yellowish spots on leaves

Nymph and adult suck the plant sap and inject toxic saliva in the tissue
Leaves with greyish yellow spots
Stunted growth.
Nymphs and adults presence on the lower surface of the leaves. 

Identification of the pest:


Nymphs – are yellow colour, occur in under surface

Adult – yellow colour with minute fringed wings, seen in under surface of leaves 12/38
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Bud injection to control thrips


Collect and destroy the damaged leaves, flowers and fruits along with life stages
Spraying with dimethoate 30 EC - 850 ml/ha or phosphamidon 85 WSC - 300 ml/ha
Spray methyl demeton 25 EC 2ml/lit or monocrotophos 36 WSC 1ml/lit
Use yellow sticky trap at 15/ha

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Castor hairy caterpillar, Pericallia ricini

Symptoms of damage  

Caterpillar scraping the chlorophyll content and windowing in unfurled leaves.

Identification of the pest

Pericallia ricini

Larva - Black with brown head having long brown hairs

Adult - Grey coloured with dark spots on the pinkish hind wings.


Collect and destroy egg masses and caterpillars

Use burning torch to kill the congregating larvae
Use light trap to attract and kill the adults
Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC or quinalphos 25 EC 2ml/lit

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Cut worm, Spodoptera litura

Symptoms of damage

Scrabbing of larvae

Young larvae feed by scrapping the leaves from ventral surface

Later on feed voraciously at night on the foliage.

Identification of the pest

Larva Adult

Larva - Pale greenish brown with dark marking.

Yellow and purplish spots in the sub marginal areas. 
Fore wing - Stout moth with wavy white markings on the brown.
Hind wings - white having a brown patch along the margin.


Hank pick and destroy the caterpillar

Collect and destroy the damaged plant parts
Summer ploughing to expose to the pupae
Use light trap 1/ha
Spray application of azinphosethyl, chlorphyriphos and monocrotophos
Severe infestation – spot application of Bt
Field release of egg parasitoid
Telenomus spodopterae
Telenomus remus 14/38
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Field release of entomopathogenic fungus, Nomuraea rileyi

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Banana beetle (Nodostoma subcostatum )

The adult beetles feed on the tender leaves and fruits and remain hidden under unfolded leaves. The infested
fruits get spotted and their flavour is affected.

Adopt practices for clean cultivation

In case of severe infestation spray as in case of stem borer.

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Spiraling whitefly (Aleurodicus dispersus)

                Spiraling whitefly adults are small (2.0mm long), white and moth-like in appearance and mode of flight.
When heavy infestations occur, the adult whitefly and immatures occur in dense populations on the undersides of
the leaves of the host plant. These populations are generally covered in a heavy coating of white, curly 'wax' and
a sugary secretion that is produced by the whitefly immatures. 
Spiraling whitefly is a pest of many horticultural crops, as well as an extensive range of ornamentals and shade
trees. It originated in the Caribbean region of Central America, and spread rapidly through the Pacific after
gaining establishment in Hawaii in 1978. Not a fly at all, but a relative of the bugs, spiraling whitefly derives its
name from the characteristic egg spirals that the adult whitefly lays on foliage and fruit. Without its natural
predators it has assumed major pest status.
Damage is mainly caused by the sap-sucking immature and adult whiteflies that feed on the underside of the
foliage. Heavily infested plants soon develop a black sooty appearance from mould growing on the sugary
secretions that the whitefly immatures excrete. This in combination with leaf damage reduces the plant's ability to
photosynthesise and results in loss of plant production.Whiteflies can multiply at a great rate, producing
thousands of individuals on a single plant, when natural biological agents are not present. Very high populations
may result in defoliation, loss of production and in severe cases, death of the plant.
Control measures
A biological control agent (a parasitoid) was originally established in Torres Strait in 1992 by DPI&F
entomologists from Brisbane. This parasitoid is a small, almost microscopic orange-coloured wasp that is host
specific to the pest and has already successfully controlled pest populations in Torres Strait and Cape York
Peninsula. Parasitoid stocks that have originated from this first establishment are now being used by DPI&F to
successfully control mainland populations of spiraling whitefly, in particular those established in the northern
tropics. Insecticidal control is not recommended as overseas experience indicates that spraying with insecticides
has little long-term impact on the pest and may exacerbate the pest problem by destroying the biocontrol agents.
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Hard scale, Aspidiotus destructor

Symptoms of damage 15/38
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Banana scale Banana scale


Nymph and adult infest leaves, pseudostem and fruits

Yellowing of leaves in patches.
Stunted growth

Identification of the pest

Adult and crawlers


Nymph - Oval translucent, Yellowish brown with waxy coating.

Adult - Female circular, semi transparent and pale brown.


Collect and destroy the affected plant parts

Spray application of monocrotophos 36 WSC 0.04%
Field release of coccinelid predators like Chilocorus nigritus, Symnus coccivora 16/38
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Scales (Coccus hesperidum)

              Scales cause damage by sucking the juices from the plants. Heavily infested plants appear unhealthy
and produce little new growth. Scales feeding on the undersides of leaves may cause yellow spots to appear on
the top sides, and these spots progressively become larger as the scales continue to feed. If the scales are not
controlled, leaves will drop prematurely, sometimes killing portions of twigs and branches. Scales also feed on
trunks and stems of plants.
Cultural Control
Inspect plants closely at weekly intervals, especially plants where scale problems have occurred in the past.
Since scale insects may occur on all plant parts, every part of the plant must be checked. Leaves should be
examined on both surfaces, and particularly along the midrib of the underside. The use of a 10X hand lens or
magnifying glass will aid in their detection.
Be sure plants are free of scales before they are placed in the production area of the nursery. Scales cannot fly;
therefore they do not readily infest plants as do most other insects.
Chemical Control
            Scales, especially armored scales are very difficult to control when mature. Spray applications should be
timed to coincide with the crawler stage which is most susceptible to insectisides. Examine plants for live scales
by crushing the wax cover. Dead scales do not fall from plants. Select pesticides that have the least effect upon
other non-target organisms. For established infestations, apply a second application in two weeks. Horticultural
oils are often effective and relatively safe on beneficial organisms. One or two applications of dormant oils should
be applied to suppress established overwintering populations.
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Fruit and leaf scarring beetle (Colapsis hypochlora)

           The beetles feed on the young leaves and skin of young fruits. This insect sometimes live in the heart of
the pseudostem within the roll of the central leaf. The beetles are mostly found during rainly season. The infested
fruits fetch low market value in case of severe scarring of the fruit skin.

Practice clean cultivation by removing the grass weeds from the banana plantations.
In case of only serious damage caused by the beetles spray the plants with Aldrex 30 EC @ 0.25% ai or
dust with Malathion dust.

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Banana Scale moth

Adult of Banana Scale Moth Larva of Banana Scale Moth

Nature of Damage 17/38
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1. Banana scale moth caterpillars feed on young leaves, which show scale like scars and refuse of larvae.


1. Spray 0.07%. Malathion insecticide on banana seedlings

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White Grub

Adult of White Grub Larva of White Grub

White grub or root grub is the immature stage of Scarab beetles popularly known as cock chafers, leaf chafer,
chafer beetle, May beetle or June beetle.
Host Plants

1. White Grub is a polyphagus pest  and feed on almost all kharif season crops.

2. It is widely seen in groundnut crop and chilies of sandy loam soil.

3. White Grub are mainly observed during rainy season in nursery.

Nature of Damage

The white grub and adult feeds on the living roots and later adults feeds on shrubs and the trees like
neem, khejri etc. growing near the nursery fields.
The young grubs after hatching in the soil headed towards the roots and start feeding on them.
Consequent to feeding, the plants  show varying degree of yellowing, some get wilted and ultimately die.
Such affected plants easily collapse.


Collect and destruct beetles in kerosene mixed water and using light traps / pheromone traps during night
hours. Spray 0.0 % Carbaryl on the host plants.
Deep ploughing of field is a good practice.
Pre-sowing soil treatment with Phorate 10G or Quinalphos 5G or Carbofuran 3G @ 300 gm / gunta and
treatment of planting materials with Chlorpyriphos @15-20 ml/kg of sukers.
Application of Quinalphos or Chlorpyriphos at 400 ml / gunta with irrigation water in standing banana crop.
Bio-control: Pathogenic nematode infecting white grub.

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Termites or White ants 18/38
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Types Termite Termite worker

Host Plants

Polyphagus pest  of all nursery plants.

Nature of Damage

In loamy and light soils in dry areas where proper facilities for irrigation are not available, the termite
infestation is more serious. The infestation of termite is more in rabbi season.
Termites feed on cellulose in the roots of seedling. As a result of infestation, the leaves get dry and
seedling can easily be pulled out. In later stage the whole seedling withers.


Use of well decomposed organic manure. Remove dead and decaying organic matter or dry stubbles from
field to avoid termite infestation.
Irrigation protects the plants from termite.
Treat soil with Quinalphos 1.5 % or methyl parathion 2 % dust @ 0.25 kg / gunta before planting Suckers.
Seed treatment with Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 6 ml/kg seed or acephate 75SP @ 4 gm / kg seed.
Apply Chlorpyriphos 20EC @ 400 ml / gunta with irrigation water.

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Burrowing nematode (Radopholus similes)

It is an endo parasite. The nematode enters the roots as well as corms and causes usually induce reddish brown
cortical lesions which are characteristic feature of the disease. These lesions are clearly seen when an infected
root is split longitudinally. Root and rhizome necrosis is manifested by the retarded growth, leaf yellowing and
falling of mature plants. The lesioning of primary roots together with girdling and death of anchoring roots leads
the plant prone to ‘tip over’ under wind pressure.
Spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus multicinctus)
This is an ecto as well as endo – parasite. The nematode causes very thin lesion on the roots. The development
of feeder roots is affected in case of high population of nematodes in the soil.
Root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.)
These are endoparasites and are very similar to R. similes in habit. In case of severe infestation the cortical
region of the root is completely damaged and turns black in colour.
Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)
They are endoparasites. They enter the roots remain inside and complete their life cycles. The infected roots
exhibit charactesritic swellings and galls at the tips.
Tin general the nematode affected plants exhibit pale yellow leaves with dried margins. In case of severe
infestation the plants may fall off on slight push by hand or wind. Planting of infested suckers do not establish and 19/38
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delay growth. Checking of bunches, reduction in total weight and size of fruits are also encountered as a result of
heavy infestation.
Paring and pralinage
The pared sets should be dipped in a Bordeaux mixture – DBCP paste (made by mixing 20 kg hydrated lime, 20
kg copper sulphate, 1288 ml 70% DBCP and 455 litres of water)
The sets should be soaked for a few seconds in 550 ml DBCP plus 40 litres of clay for sets disinfection. This
treatment completely coated the set in a persistent nematicidal preparation. In place of DBCP, Carbofuran can
also be used @ 40 g / sucker at planting time and another application at the fourth month of crop growth.

Use certified suckers free from nematodes.

Sucker selection from disease infested field should be avoided

Follow a suitable crop rotation

Flood fallowing for about 5 months destroys not only the Fusarium but also the burrowing nematodes.
Application of DBCP @ 40 l / ha at planting time (May and June)  and 2.5 l / ha in October gave excellent
control of nematodes (Luc and Vilardebo 1961)
Application of D-D @ 300 l / ha and EDB @ 150 kg / ha significantly controls the nematodes and increases
the yield but is costly.

Suckers were trimmed and dipped in slurry solution and sprinkled with carbofuran @ 15 g per sucker.
Carbofuran granules @ 20 g should be applied at the time of planting, 2nd and 4th month after planting.
Before planting, neem cake and pungam cake @ 200 g should be applied per pit.
Sun hemp and chrysanthemum should be grown 45 DAP of Banana and incorporated into the soil one
month later.
Marigold (Tagetes spp) grown as an intercrop cum trap crop in Banana field resulted in significant
reduction of root lesion nematode population and increased the yield.

Resistant varieties should be grown.

Top of page

Disease management


Banana Bract Mosaic

Bunchy top

Ciger End Rot

Erwinia Rot


Panama Wilt

Yellow Sigotoka

Anthracnose 20/38
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Nature of damage
The fungus attacks the young banana fruits usually at the distal end
At the initial stage, small, circular, black spots develop on the affected fruits. Then these spots enlarge in
size, turn to brown colour  
The skin of the fruit turns black and shrivels and becomes covered with characteristic pink acervuli. Finally
the whole finger is affected. Later the disease spreads and affects the whole bunch.
The disease results in premature ripening and shriveling of the fruits which are covered with pink spore
Occurrence if black lesions on the pedicel causes withering of the pedicel and dropping of the fingers
from the hands
Sometimes the main stalk of the bunch may become diseased. Infected fruits become black and rotten

Dark brown patches on immature

Fruit turns black and shrivel Whole bunch turns black

Identification of pathogen
Acervuli   are usually rounded or sometimes elongated,
Conidiophores are cylindrical, tapered towards the apex,
hyaline, septate, branched and sub-hyaline towards the base,
each with a single terminal phialidic aperture
Conidia are hyaline, aseptate, oval to elliptical or straight Gloesosporium musarum
cylindrical, obtuse apices or flattened at base and obtuse at the
apex, guttulate.
The spread of the disease is by air-borne conidia and numerous
insects which frequently visit banana flowers also spread the
The disease is favoured by high atmospheric temperature and
humidity, wounds and brusies caused in the fruit and
susceptibility of the variety

Control Measures
Cultural Control
Burn the infected materials 21/38
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Proper field sanitation

Practice crop rotation with paddy or sugarcane
Keep the field free of weeds and provide good drainage
Fruit should be free from infection and as possible before it is transported, stored and ripened
Banana bunches should be harvested at correct stage of maturity.
Proper fertilization prevents the infection

Chemical Control
Protective spraying when the fruit is still young with Bordeaux mixture 1%
Pre-harvest spray with Prochloroz 0.2% or Carbendazim 0.1% or Chlorothalonil 0.2% four times at
fortnightly interval is highly effective
Post harvest dipping of fruits in mycostatin 440 ppm or Aureofunginsol 100 ppm or Carbendazim 400 ppm
or Benomyl 1000 ppm

Mechanical Control
The distal bud should be removed when all the hands opened to prevent infection
After harvest, the bunches should be transported to the store house without causing any bruises to them. 
The transported bunches should be stored carefully at 7 to 10 degree c.
Avoid contamination in collecting places, during transport and in ripening rooms

Avoid contamination at collecting

Proper fertilization Chlorothalonil
Top of Page

Banana Bract Mosaic

Nature of damage
The disease is characterized by the presence of spindle shaped pinkish to reddish streaks on
pseudostem, midrib and peduncle
Typical mosaic and spindle shaped mild mosaic streaks on bracts, peduncle and fingers also observed
Suckers exhibit unusual reddish brown streaks at emergence and separation of leaf sheath from central
Clustering of leaves at crown with a travelers palm appearance, elongated peduncle and half filled hands
are its characteristic symptom 22/38
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Reddish streaks on pseudostem Mosaic streak on bracts Dark streaks on midrib of leaf
Identification of pathogen
The disease is caused by a virus belonging to potyvirus group. The
virions are flexuous filamentous
The virus is transmitted through aphid vectors such as  Aphis
goosypii,  Pentolonia nigronervasa  and  Rhopalosiphum maidis. In
field the disease spread mainly through suckers

Aphis gossypii

Control measures 
Cultural Control
The diseased plants should be removed as and when noticed to
avoid the spread of the disease
Disease free planting materials should be used for new planting
The banana gardens should be kept free from weeds
Weeds in the nearby areas should be removed as the virus
survives in them in off-season
Early detection by regular inspection of planting and eradication Selection of healthy suckers
of diseased plants from the field as soon as they are noticed

Chemical Control
Control of insect vector by spraying Phosphomidon at 1 ml per
litre or Methyl Demeton at 2 ml per litre or Monocrotophos at
1ml per litre . 23/38
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Diseased plant should be uprooted

Top of Page

Bunchy Top

Nature of Damage
Initially, dark green streaks appears in the veins of Bunchy appearance of leaves
lower portion of the leaf midrib and the leaf stem
Dark green, hook-like extensions of the leaf lamina
veins can be seen in the narrow, light-green zone
between the midrib and the lamina.
On mature plants infected with BBTV, new leaves
emerge with difficulty, are narrower than normal, are
wavy rather than flat, and have yellow (chlorotic) leaf
They appear to be “bunched” at the top of the plant,
the symptom for which this disease is named.
Severely infected banana plants usually will not fruit, Bunchy appearance of matured plants
but if fruit is produced, the banana hands and fingers
are likely to be distorted and twisted. 

Yellowing of leaf margin

Identification of Pathogen
The virus is an isometric particle measure 20nm in diameter. 24/38
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It is ssDNA virus belonging to Nanoviridae family and babu virus

The virus has multi component genome
There are six circular single stranded genomes known to be
The virus concentration is more present in phloem
It is transmitted by infected suckers and banana aphid

Microscopic view of bunchy top

Control Measures
Cultural Control
Use virus free planting materials
Remove and rouging of infected banana plants
Chop,dry and bury the infected plants
Maintain clean, weed free field for early detection of infested suckers
Avoid banana cultivation in sugarcane and cucurbitaceous areas as sugarcane mosaic virus or cucurbit
mosaic virus can easily spread to banana

Chemical Control
The diseased trees should be injected with 4 ml of Fernoxone  solution(50g in 400 ml of water)
Insertion of Fernoxone capsules (containing 200 to 400 mg of chemical per capsule) into the pseudostem
by using the banana injector or capsule applicator

Virus free planting materials Remove the affected plants Capsule application of Feronoxone
Top of Page

Cigar End Rot

Nature of Damage
The pathogen affects even the immature fruits. The upper portion
of the peduncle is exposed to the hot sun, when the bunch
emergence occurs during summer months and due to reduced
functional leaves reduced 
The infection, which occurs in perianth, spreads to fingers causing
blackening of the skin, shrinkage and folding of the tissues.
The affected tissues are corrugated and covered with fungus
conidiophores and powdery grey conidia resembling ash on a 25/38
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cigar end. Black necrosis at the tip of fruit

Dry rot also occurs in the pulp and the affected tissues become
dry and fibrous.
Warm and moist conditions favour the disease occurrence and the
disease spread is high in old and badly maintained plantations.

Blackening of skin

Presence of powdery ash

Identification of Pathogen
Conidiophores are solitary or in small groups.
Conidia are hyaline, oblong to cylindrical. They are borne at the
ends of tapering phialides, aggregated into rounded, mucilaginous
translucent heads.

Verticillium theobromae

Control Measures
Cultural Control
Young bunches should be opened up to the light and air and the bracts which remain attached to the
bunch should be removed especially during wet weather
The plantations should have enough aeration by avoiding overcrowding of plants
Improved sanitation helps in the reduction of the disesase 26/38
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By placing polythene sleeves over the stems before hands emerge

Chemical Control
The bunches may be sprayed with Copper oxychloride 0.25 per cent solution along with a wetting agent
@ 0.5 to 1.0 ml per litre of spray fluid
Spraying of the peduncle with Carbendazim at 0.1% or Dithane M-45 at 0.1% after shoot emergence

Mechanical Method
Removal of pistil and perianth by hand immediately after the fruits are formed.
Pistils should be removed 8 to 11 days after bunch emergence.

Field sanitation Removal of pistal Copper oxychloride

Top of Page

Erwinia Rot

Nature of Damage
This disease is more pronounced on young suckers leading to
rotting and emitting of foul odour
Roting of collar region is a commonest symptom followed by
epinasty of leaves, which dry out suddenly
If affected plants are pulled out it comes out from the collar region
leaving the corm with their roots in the soil
Splitting of pseudostem is common in late stage of infection in
cultivars Robusta, Grand Naine and Thella Chakkerakeli
Rotting of collar region
When affected plants are cut open at collar region yellowish to
reddish ooze is seen
In early stage of infection dark brown or yellow water soaked
areas are more in the cortex area
In advance stage the interiror lesions may decay to such extent
that cavities surrounded by dark spongy tissues are formed
This soft rotting may spread radially towards growing point
through the cortical tissues. The rotten corm emits foul smell

spilliting of pseudostem 27/38
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sudden drying of leaves

Identification of Pathogen
The pathogen is a Gram-negative bacterium with peritrichous
flagella and it is a rod shaped bacterium that lives alone or
aggregates into pairs and chains
The pathogen is soil borne and enters through wounds and also
through leaf sheath of suckers
The disease can be spread by infected plant debris, plant
wounds and injuries. Hot and damp weather with plenty  of
rainfall  trigger the disease to occur. Water is required for the
bacteria to invade into the plant
peritrichous flagella
Control Measures
Cultural Control
Good drainage and soil conditioning can control the disease to some extent.
Plant disease free suckers.
Remove infected plants immediately.
Remove plant residues after harvest.
Practice crop rotation by using crops that are not susceptible to the bacterial rot disease like soyabean,
forage legumes and small grains. Banana should not be grown along with onion and other vegetables. 
Control nematodes and other insect pests that serve as  vectors of the bacteria to invade the plant
Use of rhizomes with dead central buds and active lateral buds prevents the appearance of the disease.
Avoid planting during rainy season and use of bigger suckers (more than 500g) for planting.

Chemical Control
Drench with Methoxy Ethyl Mercuric Chloride (Emisan-6) 0.1 / or Sodium hypochlorite 10% or Bleaching
powder 20g /litre/tree.
Drench suckers 2% bleaching powder to control the disease in field at planting followed by another
drenching the soil after 3rd month of planting to control the pathogen. 28/38
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Drench suckers with bleaching Good drainage & well soil

use healthy sucker
powder condition
Top of Page

Mosaic Virus

Nature of damage
The disease is characterized by the presence of typical mosaic- Mosaic appearance of leaf
like or discontinuous linear streaking in bands extending from
margin to midrib.
Rolling of leaf margins, twisting and bunching of leaves at the
crown and a rigid erectness in newly emerged leaves
The presence of dead or drying suckers is noticed in advanced
cases referred as heart rot resulting from rotting of heart leaf
and central portion of pseudostem
Primarily infected banana plants develop severe mosaic
symptoms in young growth showing broadly streaked chlorotic
or yellowish green bands and patches or chlorotic mottling
distributed in patches over the leaf lamina
Bunch of leaves at crown
The leaves are narrower and smaller than normal and the
infected plants are dwarf and lag behind in growth. Such plants
do not produce bunches but as a virus reservoir

Heart leaf get rot

Identification of pathogen
The casual agent of this disease is Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV).
The virus is isometic, linear positive sense and single stranded 29/38
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RNA. The RNA is surrounded by a protein coat consisting of 32

copies  of single structural protein which form isometric particles
The primary transmission is through use of infected daughter
suckers from diseased palnts and the secondary spread of the
disease is through melon aphid, Aphis gossypii  and Aphids maidis


Aphis gossypii
Control Measures   
Cultural Control
The banana gardens should be kept free from weeds
Infected suckers should not be used for planting
Weeds in the nearby areas should be removed as the virus survives in them in off-season
Growing pumpkin, cucumber and other cucurbits between the rows of banana crop should be avoided
Dry heat treatment of suckers at 40 degree C for one day inactivated the virus
Early detection by regular inspection of planting and eradication of diseased plants from the field as soon
as they are noticed
Use of high input crop management of system comprising of 10 kg farm yard manure at the time of
planting and subsequently at an interval of 3 months. 1 kg neem cake, 200 gm nitrogen, 40 gm
phosphorus, 200 gm potassium per plant, 4 weeding at 2 months interval up to 8 months stage

Chemical Control
Spraying Methyl Demeton 0.03 per cent (0.3 ml/lit of water) at 3 to 4 weeks interval controls the vector
and reduces the spread of the disease
Foliar spray of micronutrient (0.2% CuSo4(2ml/lit), 0.2% FeSo4(2ml/lit), 0.5% ZnSo4(5 ml/lit) and 0.1%
H3Bo3(1 ml/lit of water) at 3,5 and 7th month after planting and spraying Glyphosate 2Kg per hectare to
control weeds
Control of insect vector by spraying Phosphomidon at 1 ml per litre or methyl demeton at 2 ml per litre or
monocrtophos at 1ml per litre 30/38
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Demeton Weeds free field Proper nutrient management

Top of Page

Panama Wilt

Nature of Damage
Externally, the first obvious signs of disease in most varieties are Yellowing and withering of leaves
wilting and a light yellow colouring of the lower leaves, most
prominent around the margins. They eventually turn a bright
yellow colour with dead leaf  margins.
In the advanced stages of disease, affected plants may have a
spiky appearance due to prominent upright apical leaves in
contrast to the skirt of dead lower leaves.
Internally, symptoms first become obvious in the xylem (water
conducting) vessels of the roots and the rhizome. These turn a
reddish-brown to maroon colour as the fungus grows through the
When a cross-section is cut, the discolouration appears in a Complete withering of leaves
circular pattern around the centre of the rhizome where the
infection concentrates due to the arrangement of the vessels. As
symptoms progress into the pseudo-stem, continuous lines of
discolouration are evident when the plant is cut longitudinally

Vascular discoloration in
Identification of Pathogen
The casual organism is Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense.
This pathogen contains colonies of white to purple pigemented
mycelium. Hyphae are septate and hyaline.  Conidiaphores 31/38
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are short and simple and having macroconidia and

Macroconidia usually produced abundantly, slightly sickle-
shaped, thin-walled, with an attenuated apical cell and a foot-
shaped basal cell. They are three to 5-septate measuring 23-
54 x 3-4.5 µm.
Microconidia are abundant, mostly non-septate, ellipsoidal to
cylindrical, slightly curved or straight, 5-12 x 2.3-3.5 µm
occurring in false heads  from short monophialides.
The disease is soil borne and the fungus enters the roots
through the fine laterals. The disease incidence Fusarium oxysporium in situ
The incidence is high in acid alluvial soils.
The pathogen is easily spread by infected rhizomes or
suckers, farm implements or vehicles, irrigation water

Fusarium oxysporium - Macroconida

Fusarium oxysporium –
Control Measures
Cultural Control
Practice proper crop rotation with paddy/sugarcane once or twice followed by banana for 2-3 cylces
Plant wilt resistant cultivars  such as Poovan and Nendran in endemic areas
Avoid susceptible varieties such as Rasthali, Monthan, Karpuravalli, Kadali, Rasakadali, Pachanadan etc.
Remove and destroy infested plant material after harvest
When only 1-3 plants are infected, kill and chop up the diseased plants and stew all the material in water
at a temperature of at least 70 deg C for 30 minutes.
Grow healthy plants with proper fertilization, irrigation, weed control
Provide good drainage especially during rainy season
Soil application of rice chaffy grain or dried banana leaf formulation or well decomposed compost around
the plants 

Chemical Control
Application of 2 per cent of Carbendazim as injection of Carbendazim 50 ml capsule application 32/38
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Paring (pralinge removal of roots and outer skin of corm) and dipping of the suckers in a solution
containing 0.2 per cent Carbendazim + 14 ml of Monocrotphos per litre of water. Instead of Monoctophos
the suckers may be dipped in clay slurry and sprinkled with Carbofuran granules at 40g/corm
Soil drenching of Carbendazim 0.2 per cent solution alternated with Propiconozole 0.1% around the
pseudostem at bimonthly intervals starting from five months after planting
Application of urea + sugarcane trash (250g/pit) followed by lime (1Kg/pit) and neem cake (1-2Kg/pit)
Application of neem cake @ 250 Kg/ha was most effecgtive in controlling Fusarium wilt in Rasthali cultivar

Biological Control
Application Pseudomonas fluorescens a bactericide can also be applied along with farmyard manure and
neem cake.
About 60 mg of Pseudomonas (in a capsule) can be applied in a 10 cm deep hole made in the corm.
Application of bio control agents like Trichoderma viride @ 25 g for 4 times once at the time of planting in
the planting pit and remaining doses at third, fifth and seventh month after planting
Application of T.harzianum Th-10, as dried banana leaf formulation @ 10g/platn in basal + top dressing
on 2,4,and 6 months after planting
Dipping the planting materials in spore suspension of P.fluorescens at 10g per plant at 3,5 and 7 months
after planting

Mechanical Control
Machinery and equipment should be treated with a  sanitary solution such as Farmcleanse®
Footwear, which may have contacted banana plants or soil around banana plants elsewhere, should not
be worn on the farm.
No agricultural vehicles, tools (including shovels, knives and ladders) or equipment should be removed
from, or brought on to, the farm without prior approval from management.
Provide mechanical barriers in and around the infected plants

Crop rotation with paddy Burning of wastes Spraying monocrotophos

Top of Page

Yellow Sigotoka

Nature of Damage
Initially, appearance of pale yellow or greenish streaks parallel to
the veins on the upper surface of the leaves
Then these streaks darken and become more or less elliptical
brown spots.
Later on, the centre of these spots turns to light grey colour
surrounded by yellow halo 33/38
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The spots often coalesce to form large irregular patches of dried

Rapid drying and defoliation of leaves are the characteristic feature
of this disease
Normally 15-18 leaves are necessary at the time of shooting for
bunch development, but due to Sigatoka leaf spot it is difficult to
maintain 15 leaves
In severe cases, immature bunches fail to fill out 
The fingers of bunch in affected plants tend to remain undersized
and angular but pulp starts ripening
Pale yellow streaks on the upper
surface of leaves

Centre of the spots turns to grey


Rapid drying and defoliation of


Identification of Pathogen
This disease is caused by Mycospharella musicola  fungus by the
characteristics of the conidia and conidiophores
The conidiophores are bottle shaped and bear conidia. Conidia are
narrow and multiseptate 
Perithecia are dark brown to balck, amphiceous, erumpent,
Asci are oblong, clavate. Ascopores are one septate, hyaline,
obtuse-ellipsoid with upper cell slightly broader
The conidia of the fungus are carried by wind ,rain water and old Microscopic view of
dried infected leaves and they help to spread the disease  Mycospharella musicola

Control Measures  
Cultural Control 34/38
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Removal and destruction of affected leaves.

Keep the banana field as weed free and remove the suckers timely.
Avoid planting at close spacing.
Provide proper drainage and avoid water logging in the fields which favours infection.

Chemical Control
Spray Bordeaux mixture 1 per cent + linseed oil 2 per cent on the plants.
Spray Copper oxychloride or Zineb with gas oil or mobile oil or white oil.
Spray  3 times with Carbendazim 0.1 per cent or Propicanozole 0.1 % or Mancozeb 0.25% or Calixin
0.1%  and teepol (sticking agent) at 10-15 days interval, as the disease starting from initial appearance of
leaf specks in lower side of the leaf.

Removal of affected leaves Weed free field Mancozeb fungicide

Top of Page
Non Insect Pests

Giant African Snails (Achatina fulica Bowtich)


Snails feeding
African snails Banana Feeds the leaves and
banana pseudostem
leaves holes make holes
and petiole

 External feeding on foliage and fruits.

Affected plant stages - .Seedling stage, vegetative stage and fruiting stage.
Affected plant parts - Leaves and fruits.
Infest 41 locations in four districts in Kerala state.
Palakkad has been identified as the most vulnerable district with the study predicting attack in 22 locations.
Puthunagaram, Kodumbu, Peruvembu, Mundur, Puthuppariyaram, Marutha Road, Kannadi, Koduvayur,
Chittur-Thathamangalam, Mathur, Pirayiri, Vadavannur and Thenkurissi are some of the vulnerable areas
in the district 35/38
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Identification of pest

Snail Eggs Banana African Snails Banana African Snails


Giant East African Snail has a narrow, conical shell, which is twice as long as it is wide and contains 7 to 9
whorls when fully grown. The shell is generally reddish-brown in colour with weak yellowish vertical
Life expectancy is commonly five or six years in captivity, but the snails may live for up to ten years. They
are active at night and spend the day buried underground.
It is an obligate-outcrossing hermaphrodite, which means that one externally fertilised snail can establish a
population .
Fulica produces large eggs that are 4.5 to 5.5 mm in diameter and only hatch at temperatures above 15°C.
Snails begin laying eggs at six months of age and fecundity lasts approximately 400 days.
Their eggs are laid in batches of 100-400 and are spherical to oval in shape, approximately 5 mm in
diameter and cream to yellow in colour.
Dependent on the temperature, the babies will hatch in anything from 5 to 21 days. Snails mature at
around 5 to 15 months, depending on the temperature (with cold winter temperatures inducing hibernation
and delaying sexual maturity).
The snails, which live up to six years in favourable conditions
The infestation was found to be intense in areas with high population density. Areas with untreated
garbage and places of water logging are their favourite spots

Control measures

Crop rotation, enhancement of soil quality, choice of resistant varieities, water management, providing
mechanical barriers, post harvest treatment
Practice good field sanitation
Use of calcium arsenate and Metaldehyde under expert supervision in areas of high infestation.
Use of salt to kill the pest as it alters the soil pH
The application of salt will become untenable during rainy days
The meat of the snails thus killed will rot with foul smell
Release predators  like predatory snail (Euglandina rosea), flatworms (Platydemus manokwari) and 
pathogens in the field
 Metal salt-based molluscicides as snail baits and snail pellets. These are derived from iron phosphate,
copper sulphate and aluminium sulphate. They are not toxic to humans and animals (In organic culture,
consult your certification body before use)

Rats (Rattus exulans)
Symptoms 36/38
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Rat feeding injury on Rats nest on banana

Banana Rat
fruits bunch

Feeding injury on young banana bunches and fingers

Clawing damage on fruits
Make nests in banana bunches

Identification of non pest

Pacific rat D Vietch

Comparatively small in size, weighs 2 to 3 ounces, and measures 4 to 5 inches long.  The tail is as long as
or slightly longer than head and body combined; bristles along the tail give the appearance of faint, narrow
The body color is cinnamon-brown to cinnamon-buff to grey with stiff black guard hairs on back and sides;
the underside is light buff or grey. 
The nose is roundly pointed, ears rather short, eyes medium size, hind feet dark on underside.  Females
have four pairs of nipples.
It nests in burrows, gulches, rock piles, rock walls, wastelands, fields, and embankments.  It causes great
damage to sugarcane, banana, pineapple, coconuts, coffee, and other fruit and vegetable crops.


Remove access to food, water, or shelter, or limit rat accessibility; traps; trim overhanging trees away from
coffee plants; cats and dogs.

bananas should be harvested just before or at the first sign of rat damage, then hung upside-down in a rat-
free environment until ripe.

Rodenticides are the most effective means of controlling large and small rodent populations.  Strict safety
precautions should be used in the preparation, broadcast, or placement and disposal of poison baits for

Ants (Anoplolepsis longipes)
Symptoms 37/38
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Formic acid damage

to young banana Ant Damage Ant Damage 
bunches and fingers

Some ant species associated with banana bunches can cause significant damage to young fruits,
especially when colonies of the ants on bunches are disturbed or agitated by bunch spraying or by
bumping into plants and causing vibration disturbance to the ants.
The disturbed ants eject formic acid from their abdomens as a defense reaction.
The formic acid, with a pH of 2-3, burns the tender skins of the young fingers, leaving irregularly shaped,
blackened areas on the fruits that expand as the fruits expand.

Identification of insect

Banana Ants under

old banana sheat

Eggs hatch in 18 to 20 days.


Worker larvae develop in 16 to 20 days.


Queen pupae develop in 30 to 34 days, where worker pupae require about 20 days.


Adults are reddish-yellow and with a long slender body measuring approximately 1/6 inch in length. The
abdomen is often darker than the head and thorax. This is a monomorphic species; workers are similar in
appearance regardless of their duty within the colony.

Control measures

Ant baits mixed with insecticides and spraying are effective in managing this pest. 38/38

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