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Vanguard Financial Analyst

Name Colton Meteer


Company Data
Vanguard is a company that does financial planning, analyst, retirement plans. And all other
sorts of financial security things.

Company History

Vanguard has about 20000 employees, and ones over 8 trillion dollars in Assets. John C Bogle
created the Company and noticed while do research many companies in that line of work could
be more profitable. He decided to create his own firmed and merged with other companies.


Some of the biggest competitors, that I compete with vanguard are Edward Jones, Black Rock,

Theres no real major issues with Vanguard, the only thing they are making news for is buying a
lot of twitter stock. Which has been a hot topic since Elon Musk.


There are many concerns, about the growth potential in this job, and many people complain
about the relatively low pay. Compared to other companies. For users, that use the app to
manage or oversee their investments, has have user issues/errors.


I selected this company because of its good “stater” to learn about the finance world and
dipping into other firms. They have a good program and hire a lot of college grads.


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