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Session 6 Sequence of activities

What if?

Name/type of Aims Procedures Materials Time


Treasure To review lesson 5: prepositions  Before the class starts, hide sea creature mini-flashcards around the S6M1 20
Hunt and sea creatures. classroom for pupils to find. Eg. put an octopus under a pencil IWB
sharpener, an eel next to a pencil. Handout S6M1. Children first
have to complete the spellings of the sea creatures. Look at the
example and quickly review prepositions of place using the octopus
flashcard. Explain that they have to find the objects to complete the
worksheet, but they mustn’t remove them or tell other pupils where
the sea creatures are. Give them a time limit of 7 minutes to keep up
the pace. Go through the correction on the board at the end.
To discuss today’s aims.  Look at today’s aims.

To introduce the topic of Beach  Ask which sea creatures are dangerous to humans. IWB 5
Safety.  Brainstorm what other dangers there are at the seaside. Write up
suggestions on the board. E.g. the sun, the sea, the waves, broken
glass, sand etc.

CLIL To use should and shouldn’t for  Explain that they are going to make a leaflet to give advice to people S6M2 20
Safety giving advice. in order that they are safe at the beach. Pencil crayons
 Use their ideas to discuss things they should (it is a good idea to do)
To create a leaflet ‘a guide to and shouldn’t (it is a bad idea to do). Highlight that it is the infinitive
beach safety’. form which follows should. Organise the ideas on the board in two
columns You shouldn’t… and You should…
 Hand out S6M2. Look at the inside first. Use the pictures to elicit
what you should and shouldn’t do. Match them with the phrases on
the outside cover. The pupils can then complete the leaflet and add
any other ideas from the board. Fast finishers can colour the outside
of the leaflet and/or add more ideas of their own.

Story Time To read pages 14-17  Tell the children it’s Story Time. The book 15
 Ask the pupils to summarise the story of What if? so far. Where did
they last see the bottle? Where do they think it is now?
 Open to page 15. Ask if they can see the bottle. Which bird is sitting

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland).
on it? Look at the vegetation around the beach and the weather,
what people are doing and ask if it is the same beach where the boy
threw the bottle into the sea. Read page 14. Discuss the types of
objects they might find washed up on the beach. Then look at the
objects on page 14.
 Turn to page 17. Where is the bottle? What are the people doing at
the beach? Read page 16 and review the recycled items. You could
ask what can be made from recycling these materials. Refer to
pages 28-29. Ask the children to predict where the bottle will go
To link in to the next activity.  Ask the children if this story is told in the present tense or the past An L1/English 5
tense. Explain that regular verbs change into the past tense by dictionary
adding –ed show them some examples in the book: page 12 has 3
examples. But there are also irregular verbs and these can be found
in a dictionary. Use an L1/English dictionary to show them where to
find the irregular verb list (usually at the back).
Develop To use a dictionary to find  Hand out S6M3. Demonstrate that they need to use the dictionary to S6M3 20
Learner meaning and irregular verb first find the meaning and secondly to complete the other two L1/English
Independence forms. columns using the irregular verb list. Remind them that the past dictionaries
participle is used to make up the passive. Set a time limit of 10
 Go through the correction on the board.
 What vocabulary did we review today? 5
To review today’s lesson.  When do we use ‘should/ shouldn’t’?
 What is the meaning of ‘find’ what is the past simple of ‘cut’ what is
the past participle of ‘take’ etc.?

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