MFR 1819 Marking Rubric First Sit

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Module Title: Managing Financial Resources

Course Title/s: MSc Finance (Core); MSc Accounting and Finance Level: H7
(Opt); MSc Management and pathways (Core) MA
International Business
Component 1: Coursework: An Analysis of Financial Performance Weighting:
& Position 40%

Criteria and 39-30

100-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 29-15 14-0
Excellent Solid evidence Some evidence Limited evidenceNo evidence of No evidence of No evidence of
evidence of of business of business of business business business business
business research research research research research research
research highlighting key highlighting key highlighting keyhighlighting highlighting key highlighting key
highlighting key issues/concerns issues/concerns issues/concerns key issues/concern. issues/concern.
issues/concerns. Specific and . Generally valid Generally valid issues/concern Conclusions are Introduction
Introduction and Well-judged, clear conclusions conclusions . Conclusions not drawn. and Conclusion
Conclusion (10%) specific and conclusions- drawn but may drawn but may are very Does not are not present.
clear may be some be more be more general general or recognise the Does not
conclusions. errors of general in in nature. May misjudged. investor as the recognise the
Evidence of emphasis. nature. May not recognise Does not report user. investor as the
considering the Recognition of not recognise the investor as recognise the report user.
motives of an the investor as the investor as the report user investor as the
investor. the report user. the report user. report user.
Sales and Profitability Has analysed Has analysed Fair attempt at Weaker attempt Poor attempt No real attempt Largely
(20%) Sales, GP Sales, GP explaining at explaining at explaining to explain irrelevant or
margin, and margin, and profitability – profitability – profitability – profitability. very brief.
overheads overheads may have may not have has not built May contain
before before considered built up the up the areas of
attempting to attempting to some but not understanding understanding irrelevancy.
Criteria and 39-30
100-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 29-15 14-0
explain overall explain overall all areas (Sales, of performance of
profitability. profitability. GP%, by considering performance
Shows clear Shows solid overheads) sales, GP% and by considering
understanding understanding separately. overheads. sales, GP% and
of the purpose of the purpose Shows fair Shows some overheads.
of ratios of ratios understanding understanding May contain
selected. Has selected. Has of the purpose of the purpose areas of
identified identified of ratios of ratios irrelevancy.
trends. trends. Solid selected. Has selected. May Little evidence
Insightful analysis of identified not have of
analysis of trends / trends. Fair identified trends understanding
trends / movements in analysis of clearly. Less of the purpose
movements in figures and trends / analysis of of ratios
figures and ratios, may be movements in trends / selected. Has
ratios – linked some errors of figures and movements in not identified
to excellent emphasis – ratios, may be figures- more trends. Little
evidence of linked to some some errors of descriptive in or no analysis
research into solid evidence of emphasis and approach. A little of trends /
business events. research into less depth - evidence of movements in
Has explained business events. linked to some linking to figures -
exceptional May be less fair evidence of research into entirely
costs where clear in some research business events. descriptive in
relevant.. identifying the into business approach. No
impact of events. evidence of
exceptional linking to
costs where research into
relevant. business
Criteria and 39-30
100-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 29-15 14-0
Cash Flow Clear Solid Fair Some Little evidence Shows little Largely
Performance and understanding understanding understanding understanding of evidence of irrelevant or
Liquidity (20%) of the purpose of the purpose of the purpose of the purpose understanding understanding. very brief.
of ratios of ratios of ratios of ratios of the purpose May contain
selected. Has selected. Has selected. Has selected. May of ratios areas of
identified identified identified some not have selected. Has irrelevancy.
trends. trends. Solid trends. Fair identified trends not identified
Insightful analysis of analysis of clearly. Less trends. Little
analysis of trends / trends / analysis of or no analysis
trends / movements in movements in trends / of trends /
movements in figures and figures and movements in movements in
figures and ratios – linked to ratios – linked figures and figures and
ratios – linked solid evidence of to some ratios. More ratios. Entirely
to excellent research into evidence of descriptive in descriptive in
evidence of business events. research into approach. A little approach. No
research into May be some business evidence of evidence of
business events. errors of events. May be linking to linking to
Awareness of emphasis. some errors of research into research into
benchmarks for Awareness of emphasis, and business events. business
ratios. benchmarks for less depth of Little awareness events. No
Awareness of ratios. May be analysis. of benchmarks awareness of
complexity in less awareness Awareness of for ratios and no benchmarks
interpretation of complexity in benchmarks for awareness of for ratios and
of high ratios. interpretation of ratios. Little complexity in no awareness
Analysis extends high ratios. awareness of interpretation of of complexity
to the Cash Flow Analysis extends complexity in high ratios. in
Statement. to the Cash Flow interpretation Analysis may not interpretation
Statement. of high ratios. extend to the of high ratios.
Criteria and 39-30
100-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 29-15 14-0
Analysis may Cash Flow Analysis does
not extend to Statement. not extend to
the Cash Flow the Cash Flow
Statement. Statement.
Efficiency (15%) Insightful choice Choice of ratios Choice of ratios Choice of ratios Choice of Shows little Largely
of ratios and is logical based may be less may be less ratios may be evidence of irrelevant or
student has on findings from clearly related clearly related to less clearly understanding. very brief
justified these liquidity and to findings from findings from related to May contain
from findings cash flow liquidity and liquidity and findings from areas of
from liquidity analysis cash flow cash flow liquidity and irrelevancy.
and cash flow although analysis. analysis. cash flow
analysis. student may not Fair Some analysis.
Clear have explicitly understanding understanding Little evidence
understanding justified. of the purpose of the purpose of
of the purpose Solid of ratios of ratios understanding
of ratios understanding selected. Has selected. May of the purpose
selected. Has of the purpose identified some not have of ratios
identified of ratios trends. Fair identified trends selected. Has
trends. selected. Has analysis of clearly. Less not identified
Insightful identified trends / analysis of trends. Little
analysis of trends. Solid movements in trends / or no analysis
trends / analysis of figures and movements in of trends /
movements in trends / ratios – linked figures and movements in
figures and movements in to some ratios. More figures and
ratios – linked figures and evidence of descriptive in ratios. Entirely
to excellent ratios – linked to research into approach. A little descriptive in
evidence of solid evidence of business evidence of approach. No
research into research into events. May be linking to evidence of
Criteria and 39-30
100-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 29-15 14-0
business events. business events. some errors of research into linking to
May be some emphasis, and business events. research into
errors of less depth of business
emphasis. analysis. events.

Funding Structure Clear Solid Fair Some Little evidence Shows little Largely
(15%) understanding understanding understanding understanding of evidence of irrelevant or
of the purpose of the purpose of the purpose of the purpose understanding understanding.. very brief
of ratios of ratios of ratios of ratios of the purpose May contain
selected. Has selected. Has selected. Has selected. May of ratios areas of
identified identified identified some not have selected. Has irrelevancy.
trends. trends. Solid trends. Fair identified trends not identified
Insightful analysis of analysis of clearly. Less trends. Little
analysis of trends / trends / analysis of or no analysis
trends / movements in movements in trends / of trends /
movements in figures and figures and movements in movements in
figures and ratios – linked to ratios – linked figures and figures and
ratios – linked solid evidence of to some ratios. More ratios. Entirely
to excellent research into evidence of descriptive in descriptive in
evidence of business events. research into approach. A little approach. No
research into May be some business evidence of evidence of
business events. errors of events. May be linking to linking to
Excellent emphasis. Solid some errors of research into research into
consideration of consideration of emphasis, and business events. business
the implications the implications less depth of May not have events.
of gearing of gearing analysis. Fair considered the
levels. levels. consideration implications of
of the gearing levels.
Criteria and 39-30
100-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 29-15 14-0
implications of
gearing levels.
Excellent Solid attempt to Fair attempt to Some attempt to Little or no Shows little Largely
attempt to explain trends, explain trends, explain trends, attempt to evidence of irrelevant or
explain trends, linking to report linking to but may be explain trends. understanding. very brief
linking to report analysis. Some report analysis. descriptive in No evidence of May contain
Share Price analysis. evidence of May be less approach. Little research into areas of
Movements and Excellent research into evidence of evidence of share irrelevancy.
Investors Ratios evidence of share research into research into performance
(10%) research into performance share share and
share and Investment performance performance investment
performance commentaries. and investment and investment commentaries
and Investment commentaries. commentaries.
Excellent Good evidence Fair evidence of Weak evidence Poor evidence Very poor Exceptionally
evidence of flair, of flair, appropriate of appropriate of appropriate evidence of poor evidence
appropriate appropriate business business business appropriate of appropriate
business business language, language, logical language, business business
Style, structure and
language, logical language, logical logical report report structure, logical report language, language,
presentation (10%)
report report structure, structure, and and professional structure and logical report logical report
structure, and and professional professional report format professional structure and structure and
professional report format report format report format professional professional
report format. report format report format

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