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Temperature and how we measure it is one of the Thermometer history
most important and interesting areas of physics. The thermometer has been more of a development
This is reflected in the huge number and variety than a single invention. Philo of Byzantium (280 - Key words
220 BC) was aware that air expands and contracts
of thermometers that have been developed. In with changes in temperature and described a
this article, Mike Follows describes the surprising demonstration that was developed by Galileo thermometer
range of thermometers available to scientists today. to become his air thermometer or thermoscope Kelvin scale
in around 1600. This consisted of a glass bulb

containing air with a long tube extending downward ideal gas
any physical properties of materials into a container of wine or other coloured liquid (see
depend on temperature. Our biochemical figure 2). Engraving a scale on the tube converted
reactions work best at 37°C and we are the thermoscope into the first thermometer.
in serious danger if our body temperature strays
more than a couple of degrees either way. Being
able to record the global mean surface temperature
of the Earth is important in order to establish the
magnitude of global warming. We have even found Air
ways of working out how the temperature of the
Earth has changed over the last half a million years
as well as the temperature of distant stars and of
Outer Space itself.

Some definitions
The temperature of a substance is a measure of the
average kinetic energy of the constituent molecules
– the faster the molecules are moving or vibrating,
the hotter the body will feel. Temperature also
tells you the direction that heat or thermal energy
will flow; it flows down a thermal gradient from a
hotter body to a colder body. In the process, the Wine
hot body will lose thermal energy to the cold body.
Figure 2 A thermoscope – as the air is
What is a thermometer?
heated, it expands and pushes the liquid
The word thermometer comes from
down the tube. On cooling, the air contracts
the Greek thermos (meaning ‘hot’) and
and atmospheric pressure pushes the liquid
metron (‘measure’). Figure 1 shows
back up the tube.
a mercury-in-glass thermometer. As
with most thermometers, it comprises The Galilean thermometer (Figure 3) was
a thermometric substance that developed after Galileo’s death, based on
changes in response to temperature principles that he developed. Each glass
(mercury expands on being heated) bulb is partially filled with a coloured
as well as a means of converting this liquid and has a metal disc, engraved
physical change into a numerical value with the temperature, suspended from
(the visible scale marked on the glass). it. The bulbs are adjusted by varying the
mass of each metal disc so that they all
have slightly different densities. When
they are immersed in the column of
liquid paraffin, they will float if they are
less dense than the paraffin, and sink if
Figure 1 A mercury-in-glass thermometer they are more dense.
– as the mercury gets warmer, it expands Figure 3 A Galilean thermometer shows
and rises up the tube. the temperature of its surroundings.

Catalyst February 2013 13

If the temperature rises, the paraffin expands temperature range from about minus 260 °C to
and becomes less dense. One or more bulbs will 1000 °C. Driven by the voltage between the ends of
now be too dense to float, and will sink. (The the metallic resistor, the free electrons drift along.
density of each bulb is fixed because neither its However, increasing the temperature of the resistor
mass nor volume changes with temperature.) The increases the vibration of the metal atoms. In turn,
temperature is then shown by the metal disc on a this increases the number of collisions between the
bulb which is free-floating in the gap. atoms and the electrons, slowing them down. This
Galileo’s thermometer has the advantage that it is reduces the current – the resistance has increased.
not affected by changes in air pressure in the way that Though the platinum resistance thermometer is
his thermoscope was. The Galilean thermometer fairly reproducible, it is regarded as a secondary
uses paraffin because the density of water changes thermometer as it needs to be calibrated against a
very little in response to changes in temperature. primary thermometer.

Ideal gases Glowing

Many different thermometers followed but, Hot objects glow – they radiate light. We can use
in 1780, Jacques Charles returned to the gas this to find out the temperatures of hot objects,
thermometer. He showed that, for the same even distant stars and deepest space.
increase in temperature, all gases exhibit the same When heated, the colour of metals pass through
increase in volume. In a similar way, the pressure of red, orange and yellow. Eventually, they become
a gas increases as it is heated if its volume is fixed white hot when all the colours of the visible
– see figure 4. spectrum are emitted. They also glow more brightly
because they are hotter and more thermal energy
is emitted.
Figure 5 shows how the spectrum of a hot object
changes as it is heated. In this graph:
• the x-axis shows the wavelength of the light
• the y-axis shows the intensity of the light.
You can see that, as the temperature increases, the
peak in the graph gets higher – more energy is being
radiated. At the same time, the peak moves to the
left, to lower wavelengths which are more energetic.

Figure 4 Measurements of the pressure of a gas show

that pressure increases linearly with temperature.

Notice that the graph in figure 4 can be extrapolated

to zero pressure. The graph intersects the horizontal
temperature axis close to minus 273.15 °C. This
is absolute zero and so the absolute temperature
scale was created. Sometimes called the Kelvin
scale, it is regarded as the fundamental measure
of temperature. The Celsius and Kelvin scales are
related by the equation:
Figure 5 The spectrum of light radiated by a hot object
K = °C + 273.15
depends on its temperature. The peak wavelength
Because the temperature can be calculated without λmax (in m) is related to temperature T (in K) by the
any unknown quantities, thermometers based on equation λmax × T = 0.0029.
an ideal gas are known as primary thermometers.
We can use this to find the temperature of a
Going electrical distant object such as a star. A telescope can be
Gas thermometers are not very convenient or easy linked to a spectroscope that measures radiation
to use so, in 1871, Sir William Siemens introduced intensity across the electromagnetic spectrum.
the Platinum Resistance Thermometer. This is The star’s temperature can be deduced from the
now widely used as a thermometer and covers the peak wavelength.

14 Catalyst February 2013

In 1964, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, two
radio astronomers, accidentally discovered the The cricket as a thermometer
cosmic background radiation, the afterglow of To many, the sound of chirping crickets is
the Big Bang. From its spectrum, we now know its synonymous with summer. Only the males
temperature to be 2.73 K – see figure 6. stridulate, which is the scientific term for
chirping, and they do this to attract a female.
Amos Dolbear noticed that the frequency
of chirping of the narrow-winged tree cricket
Oecanthus niveus depended on the prevailing air
temperature and, in 1897, he published his law
relating the temperature T to the number of
chirps per minute N:
T = 10 + (N - 40)/7
This is the equation of a straight-line graph.
Why does the chirping frequency increase with
temperature? Well, crickets are cold-blooded.
As the temperature rises, it becomes easier
Figure 6 The spectrum of cosmic background
to reach the activation energy required for
radiation, as measured by the COBE satellite. The line
the chemical reactions that drive the muscle
shows that it corresponds to a temperature of 2.728 K. contractions used to produce chirping, so they
© Nick Strobel happen more often.

We can work out the Earth’s past temperature
and climate using proxy thermometers.
Dendrochronology is probably the best known
technique and uses the width of tree rings to
infer past climate. Wide tree rings correspond to
conditions that favour growth.
We can go back almost half a million years
using the ice cores that are being drilled out of
the Antarctic ice at Lake Vostok. Apart from the
measuring the concentration of greenhouse gases
like methane, isotopes of oxygen can also be
analysed. There are two important isotopes of
oxygen, 16O and the heavier 18O. Water molecules
with 16O atoms are lighter and evaporate more
easily. Water with 18O atoms is heavier and is rained
out more easily when the water vapour condenses.
In a colder world, more of the heavier water is This graph shows that the rate of chirping of
rained out before it reaches the poles so that polar the snowy tree cricket Oecanthus fultoni shows
ice has a smaller fraction of the 18O isotope. This the same pattern as Dolbear’s crickets as the
can be used to infer past temperature – see figure 7. temperature increases. Published by Thomas J.
Walker in the Annals of the Entomological Society
of America in 1962.
TJ Walker

Figure 7 Past temperature variations deduced from

oxygen-isotope measurements of an Antarctic ice core. A male snowy tree cricket
Ice formed 450 000 years ago was found at a depth of
over 3 km. Mike Follows teaches Physics

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