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We have discussed the benefits of Mohr’s Circle for 2D plane stress states in our previous topics in which
we could utilize it to find principal stresses and maximum shear stress as well as rotation angle for both
without using complicated equations.

Mohr’s Circle can also be constructed for 3D stress states, but for different purposes. Because of the
complicated nature arise from the transformation of 3D stress states, the solution lies behind a 3rd
degree (or cubic) equation (see the previous topic) whose solution is not as easy as 2D stress
transformations. Therefore, we cannot simply solve the 3D transformations by Mohr’s Circle, like we can
for 2D transformations.

However, it is still an extremely useful tool since it is not only possible to find any normal and shear
stress for a specific rotation but also the only way to visualize the absolute maximum shear stress that a
body is subjected to under all possible rotations for a given 3D stress state.

Unfortunately, as stated above, we cannot simply use Mohr’s Circle to find the principal stresses and
shear stresses for a 3D stress state like we can for 2D stress states. In order to utilize Mohr’s Circle for 3D
stress states, we need to find the principal stresses with the conventional approach that we discussed in
the previous topic in which we solve a cubic equation to find roots which are the principal stresses.

Once we found the principal stresses for all 3 directions, we can construct the 3D Mohr’s Circle to find
the absolute maximum shear stress as well as any normal and shear stress combination for all possible

Now as you may remember, for a given stress tensor, σ; in the principal rotation the transformed stress
tensor becomes σp, which is written as; z

σx τxy τxz σ1 0 0 ③
τ σy τyz ] σ2
σ = [ yx → σp = [ 0 σ2 0]
τzx τzy σz 0 0 σ3 x
σ3 ②

In Mohr’s Circle representation of a 2D stress state, we found that the center of the circle is;

σx + σy
σaverage =

and the radius of the circle is;

σx − σy 2 2
Radius = √( ) + (τxy )

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozan ÖZKAN MATE 301 F21-21 1

The 3D Mohr’s Circle is basically a combination of three 2D Mohr’s Circles each of which representing the
face of a 3D cubic body as a 2D plane. Therefore, what we do is to assume the 3D body as a combination
of three 2D planes each of which faces one of the three principal directions. So the same equations are
also valid for 3D Mohr’s Circles as well.

The only difference is since we are calculating the principal stresses prior to the drawing and use it to
draw the circle itself; we are in a principal rotation in which there is no shear stress on any direction. So
the radius equation becomes;

σx − σy 2 2 σx − σy 2 |σx − σy | ← (the absolute value)

Radius = √( ) + (0) = √( ) =
2 2 2

By using the circle equation and the simplified radius equation, we now can break down the 3D body into
three 2D planes as we said above and find the centers as well as radii of each three circles.

Plane ①: By looking to this plane from positive z-direction, we see;


σ2 + σ3
Center (C1 ) =
σ2 σ2 |σ2 − σ3 |
Radius (r1 ) =

Plane ②: By looking to this plane from positive y-direction, we see;

σ1 + σ2
Center (C2 ) =
σ2 σ2
|σ1 − σ2 |
Radius (r2 ) =

Plane ③: By looking to this plane from positive x-direction, we see;

σ1 + σ3
Center (C3 ) =
σ3 σ3
|σ1 − σ3 |
Radius (r3 ) =

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozan ÖZKAN MATE 301 F21-21 2
Now that we know the centers and radii of the three circles, we can simply draw them into an empty σ-τ
coordinate system and construct our 3D Mohr’s Circle for the given 3D stress state:

τ Absolute τmax

Plane ③

Plane ② Every possible σ-τ combination

for all rotations lies within the
C2 C3 C1
shaded region.
(including the circle perimeters)

Plane ①
r2 r1


50 30 20
Remember that for a given stress state, σ = [30 −20 −10];
20 −10 10

65.52 0 0
we found the principal stress tensor, σp = [ 0 11.53 0 ].
0 0 −37.05

Construct the 3D Mohr’s Circle for this stress state and find the absolute τmax.

The principal stress state can be drawn like this:


37.05 ②

Now we can break down the three planes to find the centers and radii:

Plane ①: By looking to this plane from positive z-direction, we see;

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozan ÖZKAN MATE 301 F21-21 3

65.52 − 37.05
Center (C1 ) = = 14.225
65.52 2
|65.52 + 37.05|
Radius (r1 ) = = 51.275
Plane ②: By looking to this plane from positive y-direction, we see;

65.52 + 11.53
Center (C2 ) = = 38.515
65.52 2
|65.52 − 11.53|
Radius (r2 ) = = 26.985

Plane ③: By looking to this plane from positive x-direction, we see;

−37.05 + 11.53
Center (C3 ) = = −12.76

37.05 |−37.05 − 11.53|

Radius (r3 ) = = 24.29

Now that we know the centers and radii of the three circles, we can simply draw them into an empty σ-τ
coordinate system and construct our 3D Mohr’s Circle for the given 3D stress state:
τ Absolute τmax = 51.275 MPa
σ2 = 11.53 MPa

Plane ①

Plane ③ σ1 = 65.52 MPa

–12.76 38.515

σ3 = –37.05 MPa

Plane ②
24.29 26.985

Again, for a given stress state, σ; every possible σ-τ combination for all rotations lies within the shaded
region in this Mohr’s Circle (including the circle perimeters).

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozan ÖZKAN MATE 301 F21-21 4

So, if that is the case, then how do we find any σ and τ values for a certain rotation? We need to know
the vector that is normal to the body rotated.

In order to define this normal vector, first we need to understand direction cosines. Direction cosines are
cosine values of angles between a vector and the axes:
V α: The angle between ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
0V and ̅̅̅̅
γ ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ and 0A
β: The angle between 0V ̅̅̅̅
α β
x γ: The angle between ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
0V and ̅0C
0 A

Therefore, the directional cosines are given as: cos α = n1 cos β = n2 cos γ = n3

A vector with directional cosines is represented as N = ( n1 , n2 , n3 ).

So, for a 3D body rotated at certain angles with respect to all three axes, we can define a vector normal
to this body therefore has the same angles with respect to all three axes.

If we know directional cosine representation of this vector;

N = ( n1 , n2 , n3 )

we can find those angles;

cos–1 n1 = α cos–1 n2 = β cos–1 n3 = γ

and utilize them in our 3D Mohr’s circle to find σ and τ values for that certain rotation. Here are the steps
we follow:

 Draw a line, L1, perpendicular to the first principal stress, σ1. (L1 ⊥ σ1)

 Draw a line with angle, α, with respect to L1.

 Draw an arc between the intersections of this angled line and the circles, using center of the smaller
circle on the left, C3, as the center of the arc.

 Draw a line, L2, perpendicular to the second principal stress, σ2. (L2 ⊥ σ2)

 Draw a line with angle, β, with respect to L2.

 Draw an arc between the intersections of this angled line and the circles, using center of the big
circle, C2, as the center of the arc.

 Draw a line, L3, perpendicular to the third principal stress, σ3. (L3 ⊥ σ3)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozan ÖZKAN MATE 301 F21-21 5

 Draw a line with angle, γ, with respect to L3.

 Draw an arc between the intersections of this angled line and the circles, using center of the smaller
circle on the right, C1, as the center of the arc.

 The projections of the intersection of these 3 arcs are the σ and τ values for that certain rotation.

Here is how it looks like on a 3D Mohr’s Circle:

τ L3 L2 L1

 Blue (dashed) arc was drawn between blue

dots using C3 as center.
γ α  Red (dashed) arc was drawn between red dots
β using C1 as center.
σ3 C3 C2 C1 σ1 σ
 Black (dashed) arc was drawn between black
dots using C2 as center.



For a given principle body;

5 0 0
𝜎𝑝 = [0 2 0]
0 0 1

calculate σ and τ values for a rotation defined with a normal vector of;

1 1 √2
n=( , , )
2 2 2

First we should calculate centers and radii of the Mohr’s Circles:

5+2 |5 − 2|
C1 = = 3.5 , r1 = = 1.5
2 2
5+1 |5 − 1|
C2 = =3 , r2 = =2
2 2
2+1 |2 − 1|
C3 = = 1.5 , r3 = = 0.5
2 2

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozan ÖZKAN MATE 301 F21-21 6

Then we should calculate the angles. So; if,

1 1 √2
n=( , , )
2 2 2


1 1 √2
α, β, γ = (cos −1 , cos−1 , cos−1 ) = (60°, 60°, 45°)
2 2 2

Now we can draw the 3D Mohr’s Circle and find the intersection point for this rotation based on the
τ L3 L1
σ = 2.25

τ = 1.64 45°

1 1.5
3 3.5 5

You may ask why we only used two angles and two arcs to reach to our conclusion.

You see, if you draw the 3D Mohr’s Circle as well as any two of the angles and the related two arcs with a
correct scale/size, you do not need the third.

We know that the intersection point of any two arc must automatically be the intersection point for the
third arc also. Because, it is only a single point that has one projection on σ-axis and one projection on τ-
axis, both of which are the values we are looking for.

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