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Jennifer L.



1. For Intellectual Reasons       

Studying comparative education is a great help in developing the country’s

education system that will cater the different fields of academe from soft science
such as social science and philosophy up to hard sciences such as chemistry and
physics. This will ensure that country’s population is made up of different people
with expertise on different fields that will help in country building and

2. Planning     

Comparative education is a great assistance to those who are in the

administrative portion in the education department to ensure that the process of
learning from the different fields are properly streamline to the endpoint of
learning which are the students. This will ensure the any unnecessary parts of
educations are ironed out.

 3. Practicability     

Practicability ensures that the education is contextually fitted to the needs of the
learner from a particular place. Comparative education ensures that any
unnecessary learning are removed to give way to learnings that would be
necessary in the development of the student in helping his chosen field.

4. Humanitarian Viewpoint   

Comparative education ensures that the education system helps in the

development of the humanity as a whole. The students are thought that all human
no matter the differences deserves respect and dignity. This ensures that even the
differently abled persons are given the education they deserve thus everyone can
help in the nation building.

 5. Seeing Education in World Perspective     

We are in the era of globalization, with the massive buildup in interconnectivity

infrastructures more and more people are connected to the world every day. This
has led to different viewpoints from around the world filtering into the country.
Comparative education has helped the system in giving the light on how to
manage such as ideas that can help our country.

 6. Promotes Innovation in Education     

With study in comparative education, we are thought the different methods in

education from the different times and parts of the world. Thru comparative
education, these different methods are then mixed together that can assist the
educator in creating an innovation that will further help the field of learning.

7. Economics of Education   

Thru comparative education, we can straighten out any unnecessary parts of

education that is not contextually fitted for the area, this helps in giving more
resources that are actually necessary to the learning of the students. Thus, we can
save more money and time that can be further utilized on innovation and

 8. Education for international understanding

Education is a great mirror on the country’s culture and way life. Thru
comparative education, we can understand the different education systems of
different countries from around the globe, thru this we can understand their way
of life thus paving way for international understand, global harmony, and peace.
Russia is country with diverse cultures and a rich history. Its education system
has been developed in response to that situation. Education system in Russia
especially the tertiary education is purposely built from the remnant of soviet era
to cater the different fields of academe from law to advance physics. The country
also offers different style of education such as lyceum, gymnasium, and
technical education to answer the country’s needs. The country has a working
bureaucratic system catered to education as every children are expected to be
educated thru the assistance of the state thus the country has 99.73% literacy
rate. Russia is comprised of different states that have contrasting culture and
setting, the education system was retrofitted to answer such differences to
promote national unity and peace. The country also offers education for all
different strata of the population. This ensures that everyone can assist in nation
building and the promotion of its power. Currently, Russia is an isolated country
due to the recent event in Ukraine, but before that Russia is one the leading
countries in innovation due to new learnings being published from the country
and the education system is currently fit to answer such high amount of

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