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ALIZA JAWED (2135129)
UROOJ SHEIKH (2135124)
UME-RUBAB (2135123)

Table of content
ABSTRACT: .................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER # 01 ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1. INTRODUCTION: ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY: ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT: .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS: .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 HYPOTHESES: .......................................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER# 02 ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2. LITERATURE REVIEW: ............................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER # 03 ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: ................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER# 04 .............................................................................................................................................. 16
4. DATA ANALYSIS: ..................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 RELAIBILITY STATISTICS: ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.2: FREQUENCY TABLE: ............................................................................................................................ 16
4.3: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: .................................................................................................................... 20
4.4: One sample t test: ............................................................................................................................... 21
4.5: Correlation analysis:............................................................................................................................ 22
4.6: Regression Analysis: ............................................................................................................................ 23
4.7: STRUCTUED EQUATION MODEL (SEM):.............................................................................................. 25
CHAPTER # 05 ............................................................................................................................................. 27
5. RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................. 27
CHAPTER # 06 ............................................................................................................................................. 39
6. CONCLUSION: ......................................................................................................................................... 39
6.1: Suggestions/Future implications: ....................................................................................................... 40
6.2: Limitations: .......................................................................................................................................... 40
References: ................................................................................................................................................. 41


Social media marketing has become the most powerful mode for companies to reach out their
prospective customers. The motive of this research is to find out how customer’s purchase
intention changed in the digital age. The objectives of this research study are to find the impact
of the factors of social media marketing sites i.e., Trendiness, Interaction & customization on
customer’s purchase intention in Hyderabad region. The research design of this study is
explanatory and quantitative in nature. The targeted population of this study are consumers. The
sample size of this research is 120. To gather data a self-administered questionnaire was
developed and distributed. This research study used IBM SPSS Statistics and Smart PLS3 to
analyze the data. Different techniques were used to analyze data i.e. (Reliability statistics,
Descriptive statistics, one sample t test, correlation analysis, regression analysis, SEM& AVE).
From the findings It has observed that trendiness features of social networking sites have a
positive and significant impact on the buying behavior and purchasing decision of the customer.
It has found through data analysis that with the emergence of social media, consumers are highly
selective in purchasing. They searched a lot before purchasing anything. The second findings
shows that the interaction feature of social network marketing sites has positive and significant
impact on customers purchase intention in Hyderabad. It has analyzed from the data that
customer’s buying intention increases with interactive features of social networking site. It has
observed that a networking site having more features like Instagram increase the purchase
intention of the customers. Google with the less interaction features has less impact on the
buying intention in Hyderabad. The third and the last finding of our research shows that there is
a positive and significant impact of customization feature of social networking marketing sites on
customers purchase decision in Hyderabad. Customization is the feature that allows users to
make selection and set preferences in a system. It has analyzed that customization features of
the networking site increase the customer’s intention of buying because it gives accessibility to
customers, and they can easily purchase it on their choices.

Keywords: Social network marketing sites, Trendiness, Interaction, Customization & Consumer
purchase intention.


The use of social media and social networks to sell a company's products and services is referred
to as social media marketing (SMM). Companies may use social media marketing to communicate
with existing consumers and reach out to new ones while also promoting their intended brand,
purpose, or attitude. Marketers may measure the performance of their efforts with social media
marketing's purpose-built data analytics tools which analyze consumer purchase intention a
metric that measures a customer's willingness to acquire a product or service. It's as follows as
the sum of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral factors that influence the adoption, purchase,
and usage of a product, service, concept, or behavior. It is mainly influenced by three crucial

• Trendiness: the attribute of being extremely stylish.

• Interaction: All the two-way conversations and touch points that occur between companies
and consumers. Whether you have liked a tagged post or addressing a lukewarm review, the
way you interact with your followers has a huge impact on customer satisfaction and
• Customization: The user oversees personalization. Users are prompted to indicate their
preferences, after which they are presented items that match their choices. When clients sign
up for Netflix, for example, the site asks them to choose a few shows they enjoy and then
present them with a list of possibilities based on their selections. Netflix then customizes the
user's account depending on the choices identified.

Past studies have shown that people have begun to use social media platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share their thoughts throughout the world. People contribute
product reviews, information about a service, food or health advice, product warnings,
suggestions as to how to use products, and much more as consume. Another study has shown
that several consumers, according to surveys, depend on information and reviews on social
media to help them plan their future purchases. Business professionals can now meet
international customers with a single click of a button thanks to the internet and the presence of
many social media platforms. Due to the internet technology, a consumer may search for a
product on the internet, read reviews, and see how other consumers rated the product before
purchasing it.

According to several research, many customers are switching from conventional to
contemporary methods of acquiring products and services. Consumers' and many customers'
perspectives are altering or changing. Young, middle-aged, and even elderly customers'
perceptions are shifting and evolving. As a result of earlier research, we've discovered that social
media and numerous networking sites are evolving at a rapid pace, and customers are flocking
to them. Many students, housewives, and working-class people are switching from the traditional
to the contemporary way of life. It is now widely accepted that social networking sites that
perform marketing functions can influence the minds and beliefs of a wide range of customers.
Currently, we are trying to find out how social media has changed the thinking and way of many
consumers who are living in the district of Hyderabad.


1.To study the impact of Trendiness feature of social network marketing sites on customer’s
purchase intention in Hyderabad.

2.To study the impact of Interaction feature of social network marketing sites on customer’s
Purchase Intention in Hyderabad.

3.To study the impact of customization feature of social networking marketing sites on
customer’s purchase intention in Hyderabad.


1. Explain how the factors of social media marketing sites have influenced the effectiveness
of social media marketing?
2. Do the trendiness feature help customers make their purchase decision better?
3. What effect customization feature have on the customer’s purchase intention?
4. Does the interactive feature of delivering opinion helps in purchase decision?

H0: Trendiness factor of social network marketing sites has no significant relationship with
customer’s purchase Intention.

H1: Trendiness factor of social network marketing sites has a significant relationship with
customer’s purchase intention.

H0: Interaction factor of social network marketing sites has no significant relationship with
customer’s purchase intention.

H2: Interaction factor of social network marketing sites has a significant relationship with
customer’s purchase intention.

H0: Customization factor of social network marketing sites has no significant relationship with
customer’s purchase Intention.

H3: Customization factor of social network marketing sites has a significant relationship with
customer’s purchase intention.


• This study was carried out to find the impact of online digital communication platforms as a
source of marketing on customer’s purchase decision. This research study was basically
conducted on Automobile industry specifically the passenger car segment. The quantitative
research approach was used, and Stratified sampling technique was used in this research and
sample size was 100. The targeted population of this research was the respondents who have
exposure to different media platforms like (Internet, Television or print media) and those who
have any intention to buy the passenger car in near future. The results of this study indicated
that out of the respondents who own cars, 26.6% said that online media and word of mouth
are the medium which influenced their buying decision, 16.6% said television and 15% go
with print media. The results of this study concluded that online digital communication has a
positive significant impact on customer’s buying decision and online information sources are
considered more reliable and effective for communicating the features and specifications
about passenger car as compared to the traditional sources like television and print media.
(Samson, et al., 2014)

• This study was conducted to find the impact of social media marketing on consumer’s buying
decision making process. Social media platforms have provided the firms with new ways of
dealing with the purchase decision of the customers. A quantitative approach was used in
this research. A web-based questionnaire was design for the research purpose, out of the
sample of 500around 220 responses were collected. The targeted population of this research
were all the users of social media. The data was analyzed by using SPSS. To this study different
social networking sites were selected like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The results
indicates that from 220 respondents around 91.81% consumer’s preference was Facebook
for making any buying decision, 4.54% consumer’s choice was YouTube, and 3.63%
consumer’s choice was Twitter. According to this study Facebook was the most preferably
used source of making any buying decision for consumers. The result of this study implies
that buying decision making process is predicted with social media marketing. (prasath &
Yoganathen, 2014)

• In this modern era, lives are now revolutionized by technology and social media networking.
Initially, these social media platforms were introduced for networking purposes but with time
they became important tool for businesses in sales and promotion aspects. Searching and
purchasing product and services online is now one of common practice globally (Kazi, et al.,
2019). Modern world practitioners believe that for businesses social media is a reliable and
result driven sources for sales and promotion (Rehman, et al., 2014). This direct interaction
between businesses and consumers results in increased trust, ultimately leading to
customer’s intention to buy product or service (Hajli, 2014). Also, consumer’s buying

possibilities have also been elevated with increased use of internet. Report says that almost
46 million people in Pakistan uses internet and social media applications such as Facebook,
Instagram, and twitter (Kemp, 2021). Realizing the importance, presently a lot of marketing
campaigns uses social media networking platforms (Ghani, 2010). Researchers’ studies that
social media marketing and word of mouth can affect consumer’s buying behavior positively
as well as negatively (Nasir, et al., 2012). Media is gaining power every passing day, as it can
influences people’s mind and thoughts. It plays vital role in shaping consumer’s perception
about product or service ultimately affecting businesses success (Amin, et al., 2020).
• Social media is a fundamental part of marketing practice, in today’s business environment.
Furthermore, greater access to technology, internet and social media platforms has increased
ways of businesses to interact with higher number of customers. According to analyst
(Barysevich, 2020), as the number of internet user grow tech firms find new ways to integrate
online world into shopping platform. According to (Kemp, 2021), only in Pakistan 46 million
people mark their presence on at least one of the social media websites. Realizing the worth
of social media presence, many traditional businesses uses these digital platforms to increase
brand awareness, brand value and to increase customer reach (Varghese & Agrawal,
2021).Referring to literature many researchers’ studies impact of between social media on
consumer buying behavior. (Barhemmati & Ahmad, 2015) Studies positive relationship
between consumer behavior buying and social media engagement. Another researcher
(Nasir, Vel, & Mateen, 2012) believes that social media marketing has varying effects on
consumer’s buying behavior, it may affect positively or negatively. (Barysevich, 2020) Says,
that social media influences consumer buying behavior by shortening customer journey,
referring to report by (Deloitte digital, 2015) 47% of millennial consumer are influenced while
making purchasing through such platforms.

• (SHARMA & BHATT, 2018) highlighted the impact of social media on consumer buying
behaviour. This study was descriptive in nature and was based on primary collection of data
and uses questionnaires as tool of this research. The structured close-ended questionnaires
were used in this research and data was collected from 265 respondents through both online
and offline method. The non-judgmental sampling technique was used in this research. The
regression model was used for result which includes dependent variable and three
independent variables that shows that there is positive impact of social media on consumer
buying behaviour. Furthermore, this research recommended few important things that could
help reaches to expand this research.
• (Sudha & Sathya, 2020) conducted research on impact of social media on buying behaviour
of consumers. The SPSS software was used in this research. The data collected was analysed
using Reliability test, One-way ANOVA test, Pearson Correlation and Chi-Square test. This
study concludes that the scope of online shopping has increased, due to increase in internet
usage and greater promotions through social media.
• (Orhan , Anıl , & Onur , 2018) conduct research on social media and consumer buying decision
in tourism. The study was descriptive in nature and uses questionnaires as tool of this
research and data was collected from 700 people who were between age 20-45. The random

sampling technique was used, and data was analysed using structured equation modelling
method. The result of this research highlighted the effect of social media on consumer buying
behaviour and further concludes that how people use social media for purchases in tourism
and how people purchase decisions are influenced by social media.

• Social media has evolved the way of sharing information and opened new ways for marketers
to use it to their benefit. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat have been
immensely used sites for consumers to search through their sites for the purchase decision
of product. That's the reason marketers are converting to online marketing to influence the
consumers towards their product. The tremendous growth of social media sites has forced
marketers to think about the catchy points which can gravitate the target market and make
them choose their product. Here the study is conducted through convenience sampling of
quantitative method which shows the users are highly dependent on social media for
purchase decision of product. Also, positive reviews seem to have a broad impact on buying
decision of product which leads to the point that WOM throws the greater impact also how
the marketers show their product on social media sites induces the buyers to choose among
the best ones as they have many options to switch from one brand to another. (Yogesh &
Yesha, 2014)

• This study attempts to identify the impact of social media on impulse buying behavior of
customers in Hyderabad. The research study was quantitative in nature and convenience
sampling technique is used in this research with a sample of 196 customers from Qasimabad
and Latifabad. The study analyzes the factors that affects the customer’s impulse buying
behavior i.e. social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, hedonic motivation, trust,
and impulse buying behavior. The findings of this study shows that the relationship between
SMM and IBB is positive and significant also give suggestion that the brands need to improve
their SMM to urge to encourage IBB. EWM has significant relation with IBB. Which means the
reviews and feedbacks of other mainly influence the purchase intention of customers.HM has
a significant relation with IBB which suggests that sometimes people make impulse buying to
make their selves happy or for enjoyment. Trust also has a significant relation with IBB. This
tells that when customers are satisfied by the products of any brand, they do impulse buying
so brands needs to focus on their customer relationship management and do best for their
loyal customers. (Kazi, et al., 2019)

• Social media has become a crucial component of the marketing procedure in today's a
competitive business environment in Bangladesh. Social networking systems have become
increasingly prevalent in a diverse array of businesses worldwide. E-commerce businesses
can quickly reach a lot of Bangladeshi customers by leveraging an online experience.
Bangladesh's E-Commerce sector also offers the chance to engage with people more
effectively and efficiently by employing innovative innovation. In Bangladesh, communication
platforms have become an essential element of marketing methods in business and

management. Customers are being involved by e-commerce businesses using social media by
increasing their consciousness and, as a result, influencing the achievement of companies in
the e-commerce space. The most important thing is that the unique selling point is the focus
of Digital Bangladesh, which implies that Consumers are very well about current market
trends. Bangladeshi customers are increasingly motivated to buy the network due to its
convenience and desirability. The focus of this research is to illustrate the concept of Digital
Bangladesh and its connection with consumer buying behavior, and how it is trying to
improve online shopping patterns and social media behavior patterns. The thesis is more
inductive, providing descriptive information and data, especially about scientific findings, and
interpretation. For this thesis, an analysis approach was chosen. This research is based on the
primary data collection mode and the research was entirely based on the collected data. It
shows results that social media has a significant impact on every step of the buyer's journey
and consumers' purchase behavior in Digital Bangladesh as a whole. So, customers can use
social media because it is convenient for them and more time should be spent on it. (Prome,


For the study, explanatory research approach is used. Begin with the explanatory research help
to obtain the understanding of the effective impact of social network marketing sites factors i.e.,
Trendiness, Interaction, and customization on the purchase intention of customer. Relationship
between the three independent variables of social network marketing sites i.e. Trendiness,
Interaction, and customization b) and Dependent variable customer purchase Intention is
studied. The significance of the ample use of social media marketing sites of brands by the users
especially youth of Hyderabad urged to conclude this research objective that how it influences
their buying intentions that lead to the final purchase of product or consumption of service. Study
comprises on the youth perception about the choices they make during the purchase of the
product. The most suitable approach to collect, analyze, and interpret collected data from the
sample is explanatory research while fulfilling the required objective.

• Research Approach: The study is highly focusing on the factors which involved quantified
research. Variables used to identify the issues and possible solutions derived a clear
understanding to follow an approach based on measurable data. Thus, to critically evaluate
results of the survey Quantitative research methodology is applied.
• Study Area: The study has been conducted in Hyderabad. Study accompanied its respondents
mainly, youth (who are more likely to get exposure of social media). The sampling method
adopted to undertake research is ‘convenience sampling method”
• Research population and Sample Size: The population lies upon the social media users in
Pakistan i.e., 39.4 million users are the “N”, while the sample size of the population selected
to carried out research project comprises of the social media users in Hyderabad Sindh i.e.,
120 respondents.
• Research Variables: The study shows the relationship status of four variables. Three are
independent i.e., Trendiness, Interaction, and customization of social media marketing sites
and one dependent variable i.e., consumer purchase intention The independent variable is
denoted by “SNMS” (T, I, C) whereas, dependent variable is symbolized by “CPI”.
The study focusing to analyze the interrelationship of these three independent variables with
the dependent variable to carried out the research.
• Sampling Method: To conduct research project, the suitable and resolute method of
sampling is the non-probability sampling i.e., convenience sampling method. Study is
following convenience sampling methods to collect its required data.
• Sources of Data: The main source to collect the data is primary. Thus, responses are gathered
directly from the respondents through distributed questionnaires. Responses collected from
the participants are taken on the immediate term i.e., through google forms.
• Data Collection Techniques: To collect data from the sample, questionnaires were
distributed to the participants through E-mail, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Messenger. This

technique is implemented due to the expediency to collect data from the respondents.
Questionnaire is preferred to gather the needed data from the participants due to its ease to
complete in a short of time. The Questionnaire involved close-ended and multiple-choice
questions. It follows the structured questionnaire to get the explicit views of the participants.
The close-ended questions were designed with the list of questions and a Five points Likert
scale was used in this research which comprises of five possible options only i.e., Strongly
disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree (4), Strongly Agree (5). Close-ended questions
deliberately used to enable easy coding. For data analysis 2 software’s were used (IBM SPSS
Statistics 25 & Smart PLS 3). The data analysis techniques that were used are Descriptive
statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis, one sample t test& SEM, the questionnaire
for this this research study has been adopted from the past study.
• Questionnaire Development:
Construct Measures Sources
1.Social Network Marketing
1.1 Trendiness • I like to use social networking sites
to increase my knowledge about
the products, services, and
• I am satisfied with the social
network marketing of brands, I
• The social network marketing of
brands is very attractive.
• Using social network sites of
brand is fun
• The content shown on social
network sites are interesting. (toor, husnain , & Husain,
1.2. Interaction • Social networking sites of brands 2017)
enable information sharing with
• Conversation or opinion exchange
with others is possible through
brand's social networking sites
• It is easy to deliver my opinion on
brands social networking sites
• The social networking sites of
1.3. Customization brands provides customized
products. (Arora, Duggal, & kaur,
• The brand's social networking
sites offers customized
information search
• The customization feature of
brand's social networking sites
meets the exact demand of

• The customization feature of
brand's social networking sites
minimizes the risk of excess stock.
• Using social networking sites of
brands help me make decision
2.Customer Purchase Intention better before purchasing goods
and services (toor, husnain , & Husain,
• Using social networking sites of 2017)
brands increase my interest in
buying products and services
• I am very likely to buy products
recommended by my friends on
social networking sites I follow
• I will buy products as marketed on
brands social networking sites I
• The reviews of people regarding
the products affects my intention
to purchase a product.
• I intend to purchase after deeply
searching product's information
on brand social networking sites
• Your thoughts on the statement "
Impact of social media marketing
sites on buying of products will be
higher in future

Demographic profile of respondents:
Construct Category Sources

Age • 18-25

• 26-35

• 36-45

• 46-55

Gender • Male

• Female

Occupation • Student (toor, husnain , & Husain,

• Employee

• Businessman/

• Facebook

• Instagram
Social networking sites used
• Google

• Less than 1

• 1-3 hours
Average time spent on social networking sites • More than 3

• Conceptual Framework:


Customer Purchase
Interaction Intention





Table: 4.1.1 Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.831 24

The internal consistency of data can be checked with support of reliability analysis.
This study used Cronbach’s Alpha to check the internal consistency of data. The threshold value
of Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.7, however, 0.6 is also acceptable.
Table 4.1 shows internal consistency of all 24 items included in this study. The alpha
value of all the 24 items is 0.831 which shows the reliability and very high internal consistency.


Demographic Information of Respondents.

Table: 4.2.1 Age of Respondents

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 18-25 87 72.5 72.5 72.5
26-35 27 22.5 22.5 95.0
36-45 6 5.0 5.0 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2.1 shows that the age group of the respondents is
between 18-45 years. 72.5% of the population were between the
age group of 18-25 years, 25.5% of the population were between 26-
35 and 5% of the population were between the age group of 36-45
years. Majority of the population of the respondents were in the
range group of 18-25 years.

Table: 4.2.2 Gender of Respondents

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid male 38 31.7 31.7 31.7
female 82 68.3 68.3 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2.2 shows that 68.8% (82) females participated in this research and
31.7% (38) is male participation. Majority of the respondents were female
Table: 4.2.3 Occupation of Respondents
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid student 69 57.5 57.5 57.5
Employee 35 29.2 29.2 86.7
Businessman/ 16 13.3 13.3 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2.3 shows the occupation of the respondents. It shows

that 58% (69) respondents were students, 29.2% (35) respondents
were employees and 13.3% (16) were businesspersons. So, we can
conclude that majority of our sample size were students.

Table: 4.2.4 Social networking sites used for purchasing products

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Facebook 40 33.3 33.3 33.3
Instagram 53 44.2 44.2 77.5
Google 27 22.5 22.5 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2.4 shows the social networking sites used by respondents for purchasing products.
It shows 42.2% (53) of the population uses Instagram, 33.3% (40) of the population uses Facebook
while 22.2% (27) of the population uses Google for purchasing products.

Table: 4.2.5 Average time spent on social networking sites

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid less than 1 hours 22 18.3 18.3 18.3
1-3 hours 42 35.0 35.0 53.3
More than 3 56 46.7 46.7 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2.5 shows the average time spent by the respondents on the social networking sites. It
shows 46.6% (56) of the population spend more than 3 hours, 35% (42) of the population spend
between the time span of 1-3 hours and 18.3% (22) spend less than 1 hour on social networking
sites. Which states the point that majority of the population spend more than 3 hours on social
networking sites.


Table: 4.3.1 Descriptive Statistics

Minimu Maxim Std.
N m um Mean Deviation Skewness Kurtosis
Statisti Statisti Std. Statisti Std.
c Statistic c Statistic Statistic Statistic Error c Error
Trendiness 120 1.20 5.00 3.7750 .66183 -1.033 .221 2.297 .438
Interaction 120 2.00 5.00 3.8083 .64916 -.555 .221 .280 .438
Customization 120 1.75 5.00 3.5604 .64820 -.218 .221 -.004 .438
Consumer 120 1.86 5.00 3.9631 .55266 -.806 .221 1.632 .438
Valid N 120

The mean results shown in the table 4.3.1 for IV & DV interpretation.
The mean value of trendiness in above table is 3.7750 suggests that to very extent respondents
are of a view that the constructs of trendiness are related to its main variable, however the
responses regarding trendiness are less dispersed as suggested by the value of standard deviation
i.e., 0.6618 which is less than 1.
The mean value of interaction in above table is 3.8083 indicates that majority of the respondents
are of view that the constructs of interaction are related to its main variables, whereas the value
of standard deviation which is 0.6491 suggests that the responses regarding interaction are less
dispersed as it is less than 1.
The mean result of IV customization is 3.5604 shows that most of the respondents are of a view
that the constructs of customization are related to its main variables however the responses
regarding customization are less dispersed as suggested by the value of standard deviation that
is 0.6482 as it is less than 1.

The mean value of DV consumer purchase intention is 3.9631 suggests that majority of the
respondents are of a view that the constructs of consumer purchase intentions are related to the
main variable moreover the responses regarding consumer purchase intention are less dispersed
as showing by the value of standard deviation that is 0.5526 which is less than 1.

4.4: One sample t test:

Table: 4.4.1 One-Sample Statistics

Std. Std. Error
N Mean Deviation Mean
Trendiness 120 3.7750 .66183 .06042
Interaction 120 3.8083 .64916 .05926
Customizatio 120 3.5604 .64820 .05917

Table: 4.4.2 One-Sample Test

Test Value = 3
95% Confidence Interval of
Mean the Difference
t df Sig.(2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
Trendiness 12.828 119 .000 .77500 .6554 .8946
Interaction 13.641 119 .000 .80833 .6910 .9257
Customizatio 9.471 119 .000 .56042 .4432 .6776

One sample t test tells us about the difference between observed mean and expected
mean. The standard t value should be greater than 1.96 and significant p value should be less
than. 0.05.
The above two tables show the mean difference between independent variables of
our research with following results.
The mean difference of first IV (trendiness) is 0.77 which is positive, while t value is 12.82 which
is greater than. 1.96 and p value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, therefore, trendiness is
statistically significant.
However, the mean difference of second IV (Interaction) of our research is 0.80 which is positive,
while the t value is 13.64 and p value is 0.000 which shows that it is statistically significant.
The third IV of our research customizations has the means difference of 0.56 which is positive
with the t value 9.47 and p value 0.000 it is showing that the IV is statistically significant.

4.5: Correlation analysis:
Table:4.5.1 Correlations
Trendiness Interaction Customization Intention
Trendiness Pearson 1 .432** .464** .485**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
Interaction Pearson .432** 1 .399** .584**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
Customization Pearson .464** .399** 1 .558**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
Consumer purchase Pearson .485** .584** .558** 1
intention Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
b. Listwise N=120

Correlation describes the relation of one variable with another. It shows whether the
relation is positive or negative and how strong moderate or weak the relation is. To measure the
strength and direction of association between two variables this research model used correlation
Table 4.5.1 shows the relation of each IV with other and its DV and DV with each IV
of our research.
The table shows that IV Trendiness is weakly and positively correlated with the IV Interaction
which has r value of 0.432, weakly and positively correlated with IV customization with r value
0.464 and weakly and positively correlated with DV consumer purchase intention which has r
value 0.485. It is significant with the p value 0.000 as it is less than. 0.05.
IV Interaction is weakly and positively correlated with IV Trendiness which has r value 0.432,
weakly and positively correlated with IV Customization with r value 0.399 and moderately and
positively correlated with DV Consumer purchase intention with r value 0.584. Interaction is
significant with the p value 0.000.
IV Customization is weakly and positively correlated with IV Trendiness with the r value 0.464,
weakly and positively correlated with IV Interaction with r value 0.399 and moderately and

positively correlated with DV Consumer purchase intention with r value 0.558. Customization
has p value of 0.000 which shows it is Significant.
The analysis implies that DV Consumer purchase intention is weakly and positively correlated
with IV Trendiness which has r value of 0.485 and moderately and positively correlated with IV
Interaction and Customization with r value 0.584 and 0.558 respectively. Consumer purchase
intention is significant as its p value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05.

4.6: Regression Analysis:

Table: 4.6.1 Model Summary
Change Statistics Durbin-
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square F Watso
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change n
1 .698 a .487 .473 .40106 .487 36.655 3 116 .000 2.289
a. Predictors: (Constant), Customization, Interaction, Trendiness
b. Dependent Variable: Consumer purchase intention

Table 4.6.1 shows the model summary of three IVS (Trendiness, Interaction and
Customization) and one DV (Consumer purchase intention).
The R Square value 0.487 in above table shows 48.7% change in consumer purchase intention
explained by: trendiness, interaction, and customization. In addition, the Durbin Watson value in
the model summary is 2.28 which is in between the range of 1.5 to 2.5 implies that the factors
that are part of residual are auto correlated and the regression. Model is weak.

Table: 4.6.2 ANOVA

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 17.688 3 5.896 36.655 .000b
Residual 18.659 116 .161
Total 36.347 119
a. Dependent Variable: Consumer purchase intention
b. Predictors: (Constant), Customization, Interaction, Trendiness

Table 4.6.2 analyze the research model and its significance. It shows the significant p value of
F statistics (36.655) is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 which means the regression model is best fit.

Table: 4.6.3: Coefficients
Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence Interval for
Coefficients Coefficients B
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 (Constant) 1.204 .268 4.486 .000 .672 1.735
Trendiness .140 .066 .168 2.128 .035 .010 .270
Interaction .323 .065 .380 4.987 .000 .195 .452
Customization .281 .066 .329 4.245 .000 .150 .411
a. Dependent Variable: Consumer purchase intention

Hypotheses Accepted/Rejected:
Table 4.6.3 summarizes the impact of IV (Trendiness, Interaction and Customization) on
DV (Consumer purchase intention).
H1: Trendiness shows positive Beta value which is 0.168 and p value 0.35 that is less than 0.05
indicates positive and significant impact on consumer purchase intention. Therefore, H1 is
H2: The IV Interaction shows positive Beta value which is 0.380 and p value 0.000 which is
less than 0.05 indicates positive and significant impact of DV consumer purchase intention.
Therefore, H2 is accepted.
H3: The Beta value of IV Customization is 0.329 with p value 0.000 which is less than. 0.05
shows that customization has positive and significant impact on consumer purchase intention.
Therefore, the hypotheses are accepted.

Path Model

In above model the significant t statistical analysis shows the value of IV
(Trendiness). i.e., 1.959 which is less than. 1.96, has no Significant impact on DV (consumer
purchase intention).
Second IV of our research (Interaction) has positive and significant impact on DV
(consumer purchase intention) with the t value 3.923 which is greater than standard t value 1.96.
However, the third IV (Customization) is showing the t value of 1.859 which is less
than 1.96 therefore, it has no significant impact on DV (consumer purchase intention).

Variables AVE Average p-values Average T-values
Trendiness 0.676 0.0002 5.4506
Interaction 0.743 0.000 10.173
Customization 0.674 0.0095 7.732
Consumer purchase 0.627 0.00028 7.414

The AVE value in above table shows average Variance extracted out of their
respected factor loadings. The table also computes the analysis of the average p and t values of
the model.
The AVE of Trendiness is 0.676 which means 5 constructs of trendiness shows high
correlation with the main variable. Their Average p value is 0.0002 which is less than 0.05 and
Average t value is 5.450 which is greater than 1.96 concludes that the validity of this IV is
The above table shows the AVE of Interaction is 0.743 which means the 3 factors
of interaction shows high correlation with its main variable. Whereas its Average p value is 0.000
which is less than 0.05 and Average t value is 10.173 which is greater than 1.96 showing that the
validity of the IV (Trendiness) is significant.
The AVE of Customization is 0.674 shows that the 4 factors of customization have
high correlation with the main variable. However, the Average p value of this IV is 0.009 which is
less than its threshold points and its t value is 7.732 which is greater than 1.96 tells that the
validity of customization is significant.
The table shows AVE of DV (consumer purchase intention) is 0.627 which explains
that the 7 constructs of this DV has high correlation with its main variable. Moreover, the Average
p value of consumer purchase intention is 0.0002 which is less than 0.05 and the Average t value
is 7.414 concludes that the validity of this DV is significant.



According to the results the age group of the respondents is in between 18-45 years. 72.5% of
the population were between the age group of 18-25 years, 25.5% of the population were
between 26-35 and 5% of the population were between the age group of 36-45 years. Majority
of the population of the respondents were in the range group of 18-25 years.

The results shows that 68.8% females participated in this research and 31.7% is male
participation. Majority of the respondents were female participants.

The results show the occupation of the respondents. It shows that 58% respondents were
students, 29.2% respondents were employees and 13.3% were businesspersons. So, we can
conclude that majority of our sample size were students.

The results show the social networking sites used by respondents for purchasing products. It
shows 42.2% of the population uses Instagram, 33.3% of the population uses Facebook while
22.2% of the population uses Google for purchasing products.

The results show the average time spent by the respondents on the social networking sites. It
shows 46.6% of the population spend more than 3 hours, 35% of the population spend between
the time span of 1-3 hours and 18.3% spend less than 1 hour on social networking sites. Which
states the point that majority of the population spend more than 3 hours on social networking

According to the results 30.8% of the respondents like to use SNS to increase their knowledge about the
products and are strongly agrees with statement, 45.8% respondents agree with the statement, 11.7%
respondents have neutral opinion, 7.5% disagree with the statement and 4.2% respondents strongly
disagree with the statement.

As per the results 15.8% respondents are satisfied with SNM of brands and are strongly agree with the
statement 52.5$ respondents agree with the statement, 24.2% respondents have neutral opinion on
this, 4.2% respondents disagree with the statement and 3.3% respondents strongly disagree with it.

The results shows that 24.2% respondents said that SNM of brands is attractive and strongly agrees with
it,55% respondents agree with it, 15.8% respondents have neutral opinion on it, 3.3% respondents
disagree with the statement and 1.7% respondents disagree with the statement.

According to the results 10% respondents said strongly agrees that using SNS of brand is fun, 43.3%
respondents agree with the statement, 29.2% respondents have neutral opinion on it,15.8%
respondents disagree with the statement and 1.7% respondents strongly disagree with the statement.

The results shows that 19.2% respondents strongly agree that the content shown on SNS are interesting,
54.2% respondents agree with it, 19.25 respondents have neutral opinion on it, 4.2% respondents
disagree with the statement and 3.3% respondents strongly disagrees.

The results show 18.3% respondents strongly agree that SNS of brands enable information sharing with
others, 55.8% respondents agree with the statement, 17.5% respondents have neutral opinion on it,
6.7% disagree with the statement and 1.7% strongly disagree with it.

As per the results 16.7% respondents strongly agree that conversation or opinion exchange with others
is possible through brand’s SNS, 57.5% respondents agree with the statement, 14.2% respondents have
neutral opinion on it and 11.7% disagree with it.

As per the results 19.2% respondents strongly agrees that it is easy to deliver opinion on SNS, 57.5%
respondents agree with it, 12.5% have neutral opinion on it, 10% are disagree and 0.8% strongly
disagree with it.

According to the results of survey 11.7% respondents strongly agree the SNS of brands provides
customized products, 44.2% agrees with it, 29.2% have neutral opinion on it, 12.5% respondents
disagree with it and 2.5% respondents strongly disagree with the statement.

As per the results 9.2% respondents strongly agree that brand’ SNS offers customized product, 51.7%
agrees with the statement, 25.8% respondents have neutral opinion on it, 11.7% respondents disagree
with it and 1.7% respondents strongly disagree with the statement.

As per the results 12.5% respondents SA that customization feature of brand’s SNS meet the exact
demand of customers, 39.2% respondents agree with this 30.8% respondents have neutral opinion on it,
15.8% respondents disagree with it and 1.7% respondents SD with it.

As per the results 12.5% respondents SA that the customization feature of brand’s SNS minimize the risk
of excess stock, 56.7% respondents agree with it, 24.2% respondents have neutral opinion on it, 5.8%
respondents disagree with it and 0.8% respondents SD with it.

According to the results 25.8% respondents SA that using SNS of brands help make decision better
before purchasing goods and services, 55% respondents agree with it, 11.7% have neutral opinion on it,
6.7% respondents disagree with the statement and 0.8% respondents SD with it.

As per the results 24.2% respondents SA that using SNS of brand’s increase interest in buying products
and services, 57.5% respondents agree to it, 15% have neutral opinion on it, 2.5% disagree and 0.8%
respondents SD with the statement.

As per the results 19.2% respondents SA they will likely buy products recommended by their friends on
SNS they follow, 47.5% agrees to it, 20% have neutral opinion on it, 11.7% disagree with it and 1.7%
respondents SD with it.

According to the results 13.3% respondents SA that they will likely buy products as marketed on brand’s
SNS they follow, 45% agrees, 25.8% have neutral opinion on it, 13.3% disagree with it and 2.5% SD with

As per the results 38.3% respondents SA that the reviews of people regarding the products affects their
intention to purchase a product, 45.8% agree to it, 11.7% have neutral opinion on it, 2.5% disagree with
it and 1.7% SD with the statement.

As per the results 37.5% respondents SA that they intend to purchase after deeply searching product’s
information on brand’s SNS, 48.3% agrees, 10.8% have neutral opinion, 2.5% disagree and 0.8% SD with
the statement.

According to the results 36.7% respondents SA that there is a higher impact of SMMS on buying
products, 47.5% agrees with it, 10.8% have neutral opinion on it, 3.3% disagree with it and 1.7% SD with
the statement.


The motive of this research is to find out that how customer buying decision changed in the
digital age. The information available to us has been increasing day by day. The basic motive of
our research is to explain how, when, and why social media has affected the purchasing
decision of customers. There is huge amount of research papers which describe the social
media impacts. Research was carried out in Hyderabad that was aimed to elaborate the impact
of social media on different stages of buying. We developed three research objectives to know
the social media impact on customer purchasing decision.

The first objective of our research is to study the impact of trendiness features of social
networking sites on customers purchase intention in Hyderabad. It has observed that features
of social networking sites have a positive impact on the buying behavior and purchasing
decision of the customer. Marketers have seen change in the consumers and businesses. It has
found through data analysis that with the emergence of social media, consumers are highly
selective in purchasing. They searched a lot before purchasing anything. Marketing through
updated features of networking sites impact the customers purchasing decision

Second objective of our research is to study the interaction feature of social network marketing
sites on customers purchase intention in Hyderabad. It has analyzed from the data that
customer’s buying intention increases with interactive features of social networking site. It has
observed that a networking site having more features like Instagram increase the purchase
intention of the customers. Google with the less interaction features has less impact on the
buying intention in Hyderabad. According to the findings, social media features increase the
buying intention of customer.

Last objective of our research is to study the impact of customization feature of social
networking marketing sites on customers purchase decision in Hyderabad. Customization is the
feature that allows users to make selection and set preferences in a system. It has analyzed that
customization features of the networking site increase the customer’s intention of buying
because it gives accessibility to customers, and they can easily purchase it on their choices.

To conclude, from the findings of the research, it has concluded that customers of Hyderabad
are actively utilizing the social media and different features of the networking site impact the
customer’s intention of buying. It has observed that with the advent of social media customers
purchasing decision is changed.

6.1: Suggestions/Future implications:
• The Research instrument used in this study followed close-ended questionnaire that restrict
participants to answer in a limited domain such as their reviews about social media
marketing, future intentions to buy online products, environmental realities as well.
Therefore, future study can also be conducted on the extended domain of the subject.
• In this research study, factors related to products or services are ignored and focus is mainly
on social media. There can be detailed survey on the purpose that consider product related
factors and characteristics that demand for buying of the product through social media.
• The research study only includes three factors of SNS, future studies can include other
factors too.

6.2: Limitations:
• The Study was carried out within a geographical limit majorly, in Hyderabad city.
• Scope is narrow due to the demographical and geographical resistance.
• Time limit to carried out the study is limited i.e., one month.
• Respondents were those who are social media users because of the distribution of e-
based questionnaire.
• Study comprised on the urban population and avoided rural population.


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