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Colegiul Tehnic Mecanic,,Griviţa”

Examen de diferenţe la limba engleză- proba scrisă Nume

Varianta 1
(30 puncte)

A. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one and includes the word given. Use
between two and five words:

1. She couldn’t remember anything about the exam.

had She…………………………………………….the exam.

2. Both students were unhappy with the results.

was Neither…………………………………….with the results.

3. They didn’t give out any information on the situation.

given No……………………………………………....the situation.

4. More people went to the live concert last year.

as Not……………………………………the live concert this year.

5. Although he’s very busy, he replies to all his letters in person.

letter Despite being very busy,………………..….he receives, in person.

B. Choose the correct answer:

1. Anger is something you should try to control, ………you can let love roam free.
A. moreover C. whereas
B. despite D. neither
2. There was ………………anger in his voice that I had to hung up.
A. as much C. such much
B. such lot of D. so much
3. Can you help ………………..up the mess?
A clear C. to clearing
B. with clear D. me clearing
4. I take great exception ………….. the implication that I was not telling the truth.
A. against C. to
B. from D. with
5. The more I get to know him, the……………I like him.
A. most C.lesser
B. much D. less
(40 puncte)

Write about your hobbies. (80-100 words) (20 puncte)

Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

Director, Prof. examinator 1

Prof. BĂLAN ELENA MARIANA Prof. examinator 2

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