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SLTC SRI LANKA TECHNOLOGICAL CAMPUS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS IN ENGINEERING YEAR 2 - SEMESTER 1 - August 2018 End-Semester Examina' EE2101 — Signals and Systems Three Hours Answer all Questions (100 Marks) No. of Questions : 04 No. of Pages : 08 (including the cover page) Important Instructions to the candidates If a page or a part of this question paper is not printed, please inform the Supervisor immediately. ‘© Candidate's registration number should be written clearly and legibly on all answer sheets. © IFESSAY TYPE: Write the answers to all questions on the writing paper that is provided. ‘© Electronic devices capable of storing and retrieving text, including electronic dictionaries and mobile phones are not allowed. ‘© Candidates must not seek, give or receive assistance of any kind during the exam. Any cheating, any attempt to cheat, assisting others to cheat, or participating therein, or engaging in such improper conduct is a serious violation and will generally result in disqualification of the candidate's paper, and any other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate. 1 Question 1 (25 marks) i ii, ili iv, vi. vii. viii. Determine whether the continuous time signal g(t) = cos V2nt + sin3zt is periodic or aperiodic. If itis periodic, find the fundamental frequeney. (3 marks) Determine whether the continuous time signal x(t) = e~u(t) is an energy signal, power signal, or neither energy nor power signal, (4 marks) Draw y(2) = (cos 2¢) u(t) with necessary labels. (3 marks) Determine the Fourier Transform (FT) of x(t) (ie. mentioned in part ii), by using the definition of FT. (3 marks) Verify frequency shifting property of the FT. xe! S X(w = wo) (3 marks) Determine the FT of the signal x; (t) given below, by using the definition of FT, a common FT F pair: e/#f © 218(cw — wo) and the necessary FT properties. x4 (0) = cos 2nt (4 marks) Draw the FT of x, (t) with necessary labels. (3 marks) Evaluate the FT of w(t) = x,(t) * u(t), by using the result of part (vi.) and given the FT pair: ult) S 15 (w) + a (2 marks) ii, iii Question 2 (25 marks) Consider a signal x(t) = 1+ cos 2000nt + sin 5000nt a. Determine the Nyquist rate (angular frequency, i.e. wy) for x(t). (2 marks) b. Analyze whether the condition mentioned in Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem is satisfied for the following choices of T; (sampling interval) for x(t) respectively. Name the resultant condition for each case. i T= 100s (3 marks) ii, 7, = 200ps (3 marks) iii, 7, =400 ys (3 marks) ¢. Determine which choice(s) of 7, could be used to reconstruct the original signal back (by using Discrete-to-Continuous Converter), after sampling x(t) and signal processing stage. (2 marks) d. Determine which choice(s) of T; would result in “aliasing effect” above, (2 marks) Verify the time-shifting property given below in the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) context. x{n—n] + e/"0X(A) (3 marks) A sequence is given below. 1, x{n] =} 1, 0, a. Draw x[n}. (2 marks) b. State x{n] function as a sum of an impulse sequence, i.e. 5{n]. (1 mark) ¢. State x{n] fimetion as a sum of a step sequence, ie. u{n). (1 mark) d. Determine DTFT of x[n] in the form of a trigonometric function, by using common DTFT pair mentioned in the appendix. Use the expression of x[n] stated in part (b.). (3 marks) 3. Question 3 (25 marks) Consider the RL circuit diagram shown below. Cw’ Fig.1: The RL circuit, i, Derive a first-order linear differential equation with constant coefficients that describes the input-output relationship between the input voltage x(t) from a source and the current y(t) through the inductor, for the CT LTTI system shown above. (3 marks) ii, By using Laplace transform methods, write down the transfer function of the system for the equation obtained in part (i.). GB marks) nd the ROC for this system. Draw the pole-zero iii, Determine the location of poles and zeroes, plot (s-plane) with the ROC. Assume that the system is causal. (4 marks) iv. Discuss whether this system is stable. (2 marks) v. Find the impulse response of this causal system, by using the common LT pair table given in the appendix. (3 marks) vi. For the differential equation derived in (a), obtain a. the homogenous solution, (4 marks) b. the particular solution for this system with an input x(¢) = cos(t) V, (4 marks) ¢. the complete response of the system, provided that the initial current through the inductor is y(0) = 24. Assume R = 1 and L = 1H. (2 marks) Question 4 (25 marks) i, ii, A signal is given, ‘1y" 1 x{n] =() ufn] — (-3) uf-n-1] a. Determine X(z) from its definition. Hint: 3 marks) b. Determine the locations of poles and zeros, and the ROC. (3 marks) c. Draw the pole-zero plot (z-plane). Clearly mark all the above findings and label all necessary details. 3 marks) A causal Discrete-Time (DT) LTI system is described by the following difference-equation relation 5 yn] -gyln— 1+dytn—2} {n] — x[n — 1] a. Find the transfer function by using Z-transform and a special expansion method. (5 marks) b. Determine the locations of poles and zeros, and the ROC for this system. (3 marks) ¢. Draw the pole-zero plot (z-plane) with the above findings. ( marks) 4. Discuss whether this system is stable. Provide necessary proof, (2 marks) e. Determine the impulse response by using the common Z--transform pairs mentioned in the appendix. (3 marks) Appendix Table 1: Common Laplace Transform (LT) pairs xO XG) ROC bu) I Alls 1 un : Re(s)> 0 1 un) ; Re(s)<0 1 tua) z Re(s)>0 kK tude) = Rels)>0 s 1 eeu) — Re(s) > —Rela) sta 1 eu) Re(s) < Rela) Sta t te-*ule) 5 Re(s)> -Re(a) (sta) 1 teu ~1) 3 Re(s).< -Reta) (sta) 5 £08 wots) va Re(s)> 0 Sep sin wyiu(t) Fra Re(s)>0 sta €7* 005 watt) Re(s)> = Rela) (stay +03 wy Re(s)> -Re(a) et sina) IS 8 =n] ala}=1 ete 608 Qyn sin Que ui] malar D atdaltal< 1 ~ ate Hdal> 1 + Va" tal a” jal ny, sin Wa a OC We rH XE Aln~ kN) Table 2: Common DTFT pairs xin) 1 ecfttn 276M), 1N sx 2731 ~ 0,),1DL Dg sm AHN - 0) + 51 + NIAID, < Jm{S(~ 4) ~ 60+ OI}. IDL IO, = 1 2AM) + pam IMs Ta 782) + T= 2acos +a? sin[ O(N, + 4)] sin( 8/2) 1 Osifis# es) {5 W 0) or @ if (m <0) adn) fa1> lal a" -n— i) Iz Jal ~na"ul—n~ 1) Izi lal (os Aynduln] alot {sin Amul} Geotigeti Wa>1 . (008 My) (78 c08 Oya] T@eenp aio . (sin Qy)= ("sin Ayala Po (Qresleee izl>r [21> 0 a O

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