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SLTC SRI LANKA TECHNOLOGICAL CAMPUS ACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS IN ENGINEERIN' YEAR 2 — SEMESTER 1 — August 2018 End-Semester Examination EE2103 — Digital Electroi ‘Two Hours Answer ALL Questions No. of Questions : 04 No. of Pages: 06 (including the cover page) Important Instructions to the candidates ‘Ifa page or a part of this question paper is not printed, please inform the Supervisor immediately. * Candidate's registration number should be written clearly and legibly on all answer sheets. * IfESSAY TYPE: Write the answers to all questions on the writing paper that is provided * Electronic devices capable of storing and retrieving text, including electronic dictionaries and mobile phones are not allowed. © Candidates must not seek, give or receive assistance of any kind during the exam. Any cheating, any attempt to cheat, assisting others to cheat, or participating therein, or engaging in such improper conduct is a serious violation and will generally result in disqualification of the candidate’s paper, and any other disciplinary action as may be deemed appropriate, 1 a) Differentiate Combinational and Sequential circuits. Aid a simple block diagram for this with all relevant components. b) Identify asynchronous and Synchronous signals and state one example from each. ©) Design a MOD-10 ripple up-counter using 4- bit binary counter IC: 74293. Pin layout of the IC is given below (Show the connections appropriately). MR1 MR2 d)_ Sketch the two different methods which you can make T Flip-Flop using, JK and D Filp-Flops. ©) What is the kind of Shift register illustrated below? o T | Aa) CuK feineyy LIK Ripeflons are pulse tgested f) List the state of the output indicators after d, e, f and i clock pulses ? @) What are the modes of operation of each flip-flop while clock pulse 'c’ is HIGH? h) The 2114 SRAM is a one of the popular MOS memory IC. It can store 4096 bits, which are organized into 1024 words of 4 bits each. Using a sketch, describe how you form a RAM memory oF 8 bits long. ["ato d”- 2 Marks each | “e toh” ~ 3 Marks each | 2. Choose the most appropriate answer. a) Inthe components below, which is not an example for a digital logic device? i) PLA ii) FPGA iil) Microprocessor iv) Operational Amplifier b) Choose the incorrect statement about FPGA? i) Itcan do massive parallel processing ii) It is user friendly (easy to handle) compare to other programmable devices. ii) Ithas high gate density compared to other PLDs. iv) It gives the opportunity to build any digital circuits within the capability. ©) Which PLD has fixed OR array and programmable AND array? i) ROM ii) PAL iif) PLA iv) FPGA d) What is “ASIC” stands for? |) Assignment Special Integrated Circuit ii) Application Special Inbuilt Circuit il) Application Specified Integrated Circuit iv) Assignment Specified inbuilt Circuit e) Which is not an example for a programmable logic device? ‘asic ii) FPGA iil) ROM iv) PAL #) Which Digital Logic Device is not directly available in the market for user development? i) PLA ii) PAL ii) ASIC iv) FPGA 9) Choose the correct statement about PAL? i) Expensive compare to equal performing PLA ii) Better performance compare to PLA iil) More flexible compare to PLA iv) None of above h) We have an Analog Signal with the highest frequency component of 2 kHz. What isthe suitable PLD to process that signal? Mm. i) PLA ii) PAL ii) CPLD iv) None of above Which is not a part of an FPGA? i) Configurable Logic Block(CLB) ii) Input Output Biock(I0B) il Fixed “OR” Array plane iv) Programmable Interconnects Choose the correct statement about CPLDs. |) Itis more complex compare to FPGA ii) Ithas more gate density compare to FPGA it) tis expensive compare to FPGA iv) It contains Multiple SPLDs. [20 Marks] List two advantages of parallel counters over ripple counters? [6 Marks} Complete the following paragraph with suitable words from given pool of words below. Synchronous counters also called ____counters while Asynchronous counters also called counters. Using counters they cannot design random counters ‘Asynchronous counter, in contrast to an asynchronous counter, is one whose output bits change state simultaneously, with no___. The only way we can build such a counter circuit from flip-flops is to connect all the clock inputs together, so that each and every flip-flop receives the exact clock pulse at the exact same time, (Ripple/ Parallel/JK/SR/Synchronous/ Asynchronous/ same) [8 Marks} Design a Synchronous counter to count in the following sequence 15, 9, 11, 5, 2, 13, 1.In this, |. Draw the state transition diagram. IL State excitation table. Ill, Obtain the simplified karnaugh map reductions. WV. Implement the circuit. [16 Marks} Describe the difference between volatile and Non-volatile RAM ? What are the two methods how a non-volatile RAM can be made? [8 Marks} Describe the purpose of Bulk storage elements in computers and state the types of bulk storage devices with examples. [6 Marks] List the mode of operation of the 74F189 SRAM for each input pulse shown. [8 Marks] Outpet indicators 45¥ 1 o ftLo tLe Let 2 1 @@ 1 a 1 o 1 o “eme Kee a TL 7 0 NI2 | mM 74F 189 oFT Ley ot ee | — +43 | a 6, | Ds A 7 we . | 1 0 7 0 —o, | 1 0 1 o 1 af Po oe bb} oS T LOST LoS7 Loft Loft Lo fa L ‘Operating mode Ss WE Condition of outputs Write igh impedance Read Complement of stored data Store (inhibit) High impedance H = HIGH voltage level L = LOW voltage level X = Irrelevant 4) The 74HC195 is an IC, which can be used for parallel in/parallel out operation, serial in/serial out and serial in/parallel out operations. (Eg. Q3 is the output when itis used for parallel in/serial out operation.) Complete the timing diagram for QoQ; Qe Qs outputs. [8 Marks} DD bm oe ax FULL ** End of Question Paper **

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