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Aubrey 😊 (orange colored texts = not so important)

The Bronze Age (3,000 B.C. to 1,300 B.C.)

- Bronze tools and weapons soon replaced earlier stone versions. Ancient Sumerians in the Middle East may have
been the first people to enter the Bronze Age. Humans made many technological advances during the Bronze
Age, including the first writing systems, the invention of the wheel, and also advanced in architecture and art.

 Fertile Crescent - a region often called “the cradle of civilization” and a historical area of the Middle East where
agriculture and the world’s first cities emerged. Which were responsible for the development of civilization. 

Mesopotamian (Part of the Fertile Crescent)

- was home to the earliest known human civilizations and believe that the Agricultural Revolution
started here.

 Mesopotamian Civilization

The Sumerian – (Sumer was first settled by humans from 4500 to 4000 B.C.)
Inventions / contributions:
 Mass-Produced Pottery and Bricks
 Writing
 Hydraulic Engineering
 The Chariot
 The Plow
 Textile Mills
 Metallurgy
 Mathematics
The Akkadians – (Akkadia became established and a dominant force in Mesopotamia around 3000BC. Took
over control of Sumer and the Levant at around 2300BC.)
Inventions / contributions:
 The Akkadians created the first united empire in Ancient Mesopotamia.
 The Akkadian king was credited with many administrative firsts. These include the year name system and
a unified system of weights and measures.
The Assyrians – (For more than 1400 years, after the Akkadian empire collapsed, the Assyrians were the
powerhouse of Mesopotamia.)
Inventions / contributions:
 Developed advanced military and bureaucratic systems
 Agricultural Technology (canal systems)
 Assyrian Architecture (Mud-brick ziggurats)
The Babylonians- (Babylonia was a state in ancient Mesopotamia that was founded more than 4,000 years ago)
Inventions / contributions:

 Babylonian mathematics
 Babylonian Architecture (The Hanging Gardens of Babylon)

The Egyptians - (3100 B.C. to 332 B.C.)

Inventions / contributions:
 Engineering & Construction (The Great Pyramids of Giza, etc.)
 Agriculture & Architecture (Shadoofs & Nilometers)
 Medicine & Dentistry (The London Medical Papyrus)

The Greek Civilization (1,900 B.C. to 1,200 B.C.)

-The Ancient Greeks are seen, in the west, as our intellectual forefathers. Major contributions to Philosophy,
mathematics, astronomy, and medicine were all greatly influenced by the Greeks. Greek literature and theater influenced
modern plays. The Greeks were recognized for their art and architecture. It has influenced modern societies for centuries,
and it continues to do so today.

 Contributions:

a) Agriculture –
Agriculture and the ability to produce the necessary surplus enabled the majority of Greek city-states to prosper, allowing
its citizens to engage in other trades and pastimes while also producing a quantity of exported commodities that could be
exchanged for essentials that the community lacked.
Cereals, olives, and wine were the three most produced foods, as they are well suited to the Mediterranean climate. In
Greek agriculture, digging, weeding, and multiple ploughing were all done by hand using wooden or iron-tipped ploughs,
mattocks, and hoes. 
b) Architecture –
From antiquity onwards, Greek architects built some of the most magnificent and distinctive structures in the Ancient
World, and several of their creations, like temples, theatres, and stadia, were staple parts of towns and cities from
antiquity onwards.
Furthermore, Greek architectural concerns for simplicity, proportion, perspective, and harmony influenced Roman
architects, laying the foundation for the classical architectural regimes that dominated the western world from the
Renaissance to the present day.

 Some Notable Greeks in the field of Science and Technology

 Thales of Miletus - Is considered by some to be the "first scientist “

 Democritus of Abdera- Founder of the Atomic Theory.
 Hippocrates- Greek physician who is now considered the “Father of Medicine.”
 Plato- founder of Academy north of Athens
 Aristotle- a Greek philosopher and great scientist
 Theophrastus of Eresus- founder of the botanical sciences and thus
 known as the “Father of Botany”

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