Performance Task in Science Angel I. Arcayos 10B

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Performance task in Science

Angel I. Arcayos 10B


Having an interview is a little bit hard. You will find people especially those who really
knowledgeable about the Electric motors. There are struggles because some of the answers of the
interviewee is not connected to the question. I needed to explain to them what Electric motor is all
about including the two classification of electric motors of course. There are also who doesn’t want to
have an interview because they are busy. And as I found a new interviewee which is my parents and my
uncle, I discuss again what is electric motors is all about. I didn’t explain it in a smart way but I think I
explained well because they said that they understand it so I proceed on interviewing them and all they
answer really can really help me. Of course as following the health protocols , we wear a facemask as we
are doing an interview. I bought a phone with me so I can record it and don’t need to write anymore
because I’m in rush.

My first interviewee is my Mother, when I ask her the questions, she give a great answer. She
said that as a mother doing many house chores, its really big help to have an appliances like washing
machine that can help her to wash clothes easily because its really hard to wash the clothes using or
hands, its too tiring. She also said that rice cooker is a big help to her as she always the one who will
cook our meals because we only have a one gas stove. She need to wait for the rice to cook before
cooking our ulam and its really take so much time. Because of the rice cooker, she can cook our ulam
while cooking the rice on the rice cooker. She also said that rice cooker is have a big advantage because
we cant burn the rice cooker automatically being warm when the rice is already cooked. She also answer
me using electric fans. She said that it can help us especially now that summer is near so automatically
that It will ganna be hot and it will give us tan air to stay cool and she also said that it takes the mosquito
away from her when she’s using it. In short of what my mother said, Electric motors help us a lot to
make our life easier. Let’s proceed to my second interview with the third interviewee which is my father
and my uncle. They said that having a electric materials like grinder and welding parameters are big
advantage for them as they are owning a tricycles. Grinder will help him a lot when it comes to fixing
their tricycles. It help them to easily remove the rust in their trycicle and the welding parameters for
joining two elemnts or metal with a firm connection so that they can assure that their side car cant be
break easily. It also have a big advantage for them because they will not have a motor cycle without
electric motor. Vehicle is really big help especially when they are going somewhere.

Taking an interview give me an advantage and disadvantage at the same time. The advantages
is all of their answer can help me especially that the know the uses of electric motor appliances and
materials. They did now how can those electric motor appliances and materials can help us to make our
things to do better. They actually answered it well but there are some things that they explained
especially about my father and my uncle answered that Its not easily to understand because their
answer is very connected and high that I cant understand some of them and that’s the only
disadvantage. I cant do anything about that because they are electronics graduated. Ahh, one more
disadvantage is the some materials and appliances that they give is not connected to what I needed and
I didn’t write it anymore hear because the only thing I needed is the right info from taking an interview
to my Parents and Uncle about Electronic motor.

As a student I learned more about electric motors. Electric motor is really important on people, it is now
a part of people’s daily living. Things are getting easier because of electric motors technology. Imagine
that qe don’t have any electric materials or appliances, how will people live in easy way. We used to
have those appliances that sometimes we are being dependent on them. As a part of my learning, I will
share about some of the elsctric motors. I learned that the ectric motors is a device that converted
electrical to mechanica

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