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ZIM School of English and

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IELTS Special Journal là ấn phẩm được đội ngũ chuyên gia luyện thi IELTS tại Anh Ngữ
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IELTS Special Journal là sản phẩm trí tuệ của đội ngũ chuyên gia tại Anh Ngữ ZIM và
được phát hành hàng tháng độc quyền bởi Anh Ngữ ZIM. Các hành vi sao chép dưới
mọi hình thức mà không có sự đồng ý bằng văn bản từ phía Anh Ngữ ZIM đều là những
hành vi vi phạm bản quyền và luật sở hữu trí tuệ.

Ghi chú: Thành phần điểm Pronunciation và Fluency and Coherence trong các bài mẫu
Speaking được giả sử mặc định là 8.0.
IELTS Special Journal 2019 Standard Premium

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Writing Task 1 và

Task 2

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Speaking

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04 05

Computer games and children

Chủ đề
These days, a great number of children prefer spending time on computer games rather
than on sports. Why Is it a positive or negative development?

Bài mẫu
Nowadays, many children spend the majority of their time playing computer games
and hardly engage in any sport or exercise. Overall, I believe this is definitely a negative
trend and will discuss the reasons in the following essay.

To begin with, most computer games these days are highly interactive and allow players
to immerse in a complex storyline and control characters at their own will. For instance,
Mortal Kombat 11 allows players to easily change the outcomes of the story based on
the character chosen, which can trigger the imagination and curiosity of children, and
encourage them to spend the whole day playing to discover all the story endings.(1) The
second reason for the popularity of computer games over sports is the sedentary lifestyle
favoured by a large number of children, especially those living in big cities. Compared to
sports, computer games are less physically demanding, and therefore draw much more
attention from these lazy, inactive children.

From my perspective, computer games can have many detrimental effects on children.
Firstly, spending too much time on computer games without doing any physical
exercise will reduce children’s calorie expenditure as they only sit at home and play
games. This can make children more prone to many health problems, such as obesity or
cardiovascular diseases when they grow older. Secondly, playing games excessively also
causes children to lose their communication skills. As a result, it can be very difficult
for game-addicted children to develop the ability to establish connections with others
in real life which are normally developed through participation in team sports, like
football or basketball.(2)

In conclusion, playing computer games is becoming more popular than sports due to the
interesting and interactive content, together with the low demand for physical strength.
I personally believe that this trend does more harm than good and should be prevented
to ensure the proper development of children.

(314 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TR 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 9.0 GRA 9.0

Từ vựng
1. Immerse in a complex storyline: hòa mình vào một cốt truyện phức tạp
2. Trigger the imagination and curiosity: khơi dậy trí tưởng tượng và sự tò mò
3. Physically demanding: đòi hỏi nhiều về sức khỏe thể chất
4. Calorie expenditure: việc tiêu thụ ca-lo
5. Establish connections with others: thiết lập quan hệ với người khác

04 05

The bar chart shows the number of cars per 1000 people in 5 European countries in 3
years and compares with the European average.

Bài mẫu
The chart gives information about the number of cars per 1000 people in five European
countries in 2005, 2009 and 2015, in comparison to the European average.

Overall, it can be seen that on average, there was a rise in the number of cars per 1000
people in Europe from 2005 to 2015. In addition, country 4 was the only country where
there was no change in the number of cars during the surveyed years.

Country 5 had the highest figure among the five nations, with about 900 per 1000 people
in 2005, higher than the average figure for Europe by roughly 200. The figures dropped
in 2009 but rose up to almost one car per person by 2015. In contrast, country 1 had the
lowest number of cars, with only around 300 cars per 1000 people in 2005. It increased
to 400 in 2009 and then returned to its original point six years later.

Country 3 and 4 shared similar figures of approximately 700 per 1000 people in 2005,
similar to the European average. However, while the number remained unchanged in
country 4, the figures for country 3 dropped below 600 per 1000 in 2015. Finally, the
number of cars per 1000 in country 2 went from 500 in 2005, to approximately 560 in

(216 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TA 8.0 CC 9.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

04 05


Part 1
Social networking sites

Do you often use social networking sites?

Yes, absolutely. I mean, who doesn’t? I use many platforms like Facebook, Zalo and
Instagram. I think the main reason I use social media is to stay in touch with others and
to stay updated on what is going on in the world around me.

Do social networking sites have disadvantages?

Sure. The most obvious one, for me, is that it is really time consuming. I know social
network is supposed to be fun only, but the fact is I am wasting my precious time
logging in such sites. And if I cannot manage my time well, my study and work may be
badly affected too.

Do you think it is good to make friends online?

Well, I think whether it is labeled good or bad will depend on what people expect from
a friend. If we just wish to share your thoughts, online friends can really help. But if you
need something like “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, then it may not be a good idea
because online friends cannot offer you any emotional support.

Từ vựng
1. Stay in touch with someone: giữ liên lạc với ai
2. Stay updated on something: cập nhật cái gì
3. Log in (ph.v): đăng nhập, dùng
4. Be labeled: được xem như là
5. Emotional support: chỗ dựa tình cảm

10 ZIM
Do you like perfume?
I used to hate it a lot when I was younger as I could not stand strong fragrance. But
when I grow older, I realize that a girl should have something called a “signature scent”.
That’s the reason why I started to wear perfume almost every day.

How many bottles of perfume do you have?

Despite the fact that I love different scents of perfume, I only own one bottle of it at
home. Actually, this is my most favorite ever and I always stay true to it no matter what.

What scent of perfume do you like the most?

This is absolutely the scent that I’ve just told you about. It is a refreshing blend of citrus
and lemon aroma, which gives you the feeling of the wind blowing through a fruit tree
in the summer. I have to say that I’m so into this scent that I’ve owned the 5th bottle of it.

Do you like Math?
Definitely. It was one of my favorites at high school. I’m not boasting about anything
but actually I was the most quick-witted student on this subject in my class at that time.
Though I’m now working as an English teacher, I am still interested in figures and numbers.

Do you think it is easier to use a calculator to solve Math questions?

Of course. I mean, we all know that a calculator is used for making calculations much easier. As
it performs a variety of functions including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division,
students can save a huge amount of time when dealing with Math problems by using this tool.

Do you prefer to do Math by hands or by calculators?

I would go for calculators. With high speed and accuracy, they are absolutely a big help
to do mathematical equations correctly. Actually, for me, calculators are what make
Math classes less tedious.

Từ vựng
1. Strong fragrance: mùi hương nồng
2. Signature scent: mùi hương đặc trưng
3. Stay true to something: trung thành với
4. Citrus and lemon aroma: hương cam chanh
5. Boast about something: khoe khoang
6. Quick-witted (a): nhanh nhẹn
7. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division: cộng, trừ, nhân, chia
8. Tedious (a): nhàm chán

ZIM 11
Part 2
Describe an occasion that you travelled with your vehicle being broken down
• Who you were with
• What happened to the vehicle
• How long it took to get the vehicle repaired
and how you feel after the vehicle was repaired.

Today I would like to tell you about my ride last weekend when my bike broke down
halfway back home.

It was such a bright and sunny day that I decided to take my 3-year-old bike out for a ride
to enjoy the sights along the street. Unlike other scorching hot days, it was one of those
rare summer days when the temperature was about 26 Celsius degree, which was perfect
for a nice ride around the city. I was fairly confident that my beloved bike would take me
home safely as it still looked rather new and had been running flawlessly ever since.

Following some of my favorite roads, I made my way to Ton Duc Thang Street, enjoying
the views of Sai Gon River and Bach Dang Wharf along the bank. The ride went well and
smoothly until I set out to return home. While riding along a secondary road, I noticed
that the chain of my bike suddenly fell off. I panicked for a while, before deciding to pull
over in a park nearby. At that time, I was so sweaty as the temperature began to rise.
Luckily enough, I came across a bike-repair shop on the pavement just after 10 minutes
of walking. The repair was quick, so I did not have to wait for so long under the harsh sun.

It was a bit disappointing that the trip turned out to be a weary one, not as perfect as I
expected. Another reason which let me down was that my lovely bike broke down only
after three years. I guess it needs to be maintained more frequently from now on.

That’s all I want to say. Thank you for listening.

Từ vựng
1. Enjoy the sights: ngắm cảnh
2. Scorching hot: cực kì nóng
3. Run flawlessly: chạy tốt, không có vấn đề gì
4. Pull over: tấp vào lề đường, dừng xe lại
5. Harsh sun: nắng gắt

12 ZIM
Part 3
Do you think public transport in your country is more suitable for the elderly or youngsters?
I think it is convenient for both groups of ages. For senior residents, it can be seen
that most of them are not able to control a vehicle themselves anymore. Therefore,
using public transport such as buses or trains is one of their top choices. Besides, young
commuters whose houses are far away from their workplace can save a huge amount of
travel costs when using public transport to travel to work every day.

What kinds of public transport does your country have?

The most common type of public transport that can be seen in big cities of Vietnam is
obviously buses. Needless to say, they are super convenient, especially for university
students because travelling by this means of transport helps them greatly to save their
budget. As far as I know, HCMC is now in progress of constructing the first metro line, with
the corporation of Japanese investors. I hope this metro system will be operational soon.

Are there any problems with the public transport system in your city?
Surely there are several. Based on what I’ve noticed recently, one of the problems is
that buses are too old that they release a huge amount of exhaust fumes into the air,
which does great harm to the environment. That’s why the authorities should consider
upgrading the bus system or replacing old ones.

Từ vựng
1. Senior resident: người (dân) già/lớn tuổi
2. Commuter: người di chuyển đến nơi làm việc
3. Top choices: lựa chọn hàng đầu
4. Save the budget: tiết kiệm túi tiền
5. Metro line: đường tàu điện ngầm
6. In progress: đang trong tiến trình
7. Upgrade: nâng cấp

ZIM 13
11 05


Chủ đề
Many business owners find that their staff lack sufficient interpersional skills such as
the ability to cooperate their coworkers. What are the causes? Can you suggest some
possible solutions?

Bài mẫu
Some employers nowadays are observing that their newly-hired staff lack fundamental
interpersonal skills, such as teamwork. This problem results from a number of cause to
which several solutions will be proposed in this essay.

First, the lack of interpersonal skills in new employees is attributable to the nature of
their previous workplace. In many companies, employees are divided into departments
and work in small separate spaces or cubicles, in which each member is assigned
particular tasks unrelated to their colleagues.(1) Opportunities to share experience or
exchange work-related subjects therefore rarely arise and teamwork skills cannot be
developed. A lack of proper training during time at university could be another cause.
Tertiary education nowadays seems to place more emphasis on training students to
excel in their major through theoretical subjects rather than equipping them with

14 ZIM
fundamental soft skills.(2) Many fresh graduates as a result are unable to collaborate
effectively with their co-workers once entering the workforce despite having extensive

There are some solutions that can be implemented by companies and universities to
address the problem. For instance, companies need to alter the way in which their
employees work in order to create more opportunities for colleague interaction. Instead
of working individually, projects could be more teamwork-orientated. Also, the grading
criteria currently applied at university need to be changed to incorporate more soft
skill training. Apart from compulsory major-related subjects, students should also be
engaged in workshops or subjects specializing in job-related skills. All of these subjects
will count towards students’ overall GPA when they gradate to ensure they are well-
equipped with appropriate workplace skills.

In conclusion, a lack of basic interpersonal skills in new employees stems from businesses’
workplace practices and the educational system, and there are a number of feasible
solutions to tackle this issue.

(296 từ)
Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TR 9.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

Từ vựng
1. Newly-hired staff: nhân viên mới được nhận làm việc
2. Be attributable to: được quy cho (nguyên nhân)
3. Work in small separate spaces or cubicles: làm việc trong những không gian nhỏ hoặc
những phòng bị ngăn cách
4. Is assigned particular tasks: được giao những công việc nhất định
5. Place more emphasis on: chú trọng vào thứ gì đó hơn
6. Entering the workforce: gia nhập lực lượng lao động
7. Extensive expertise: chuyên môn sâu rộng
8. Colleague interaction: sự tương tác giữa đồng nghiệp
9. Projects could be more teamwork-orientated: những dự án có thể được định hướng
làm việc theo nhóm
10. Count towards: được tính vào

ZIM 15
11 05

The chart below gives information about car ownership in the UK from 1975 to 2005.

16 ZIM
Bài mẫu
The line graph shows how car ownership in the UK changed between 1975 and 2005.

Overall, the proportion of people who owned two or three cars rose while the figure for
those who owned no car declined. Additionally, having one car was the most common
situation during the period shown.

In 1975, nearly half of the UK population had one car while people with no car took up
a smaller percentage, at roughly 43%. These figures both declined over the following
ten years, to around 37% for people having one car and 25% for those with no car. The
percentage of those who owned 2 or 3 cars was approximately 7% and 3% respectively
in 1975, and both experienced increases over the next 10 years to around 13% and 5%

Over the next 20 years, the percentage of those with one car gradually rose back up to
45% whereas the percentage of those with no car continued to decline to about 22%.
On the other hand, the proportion of people having 2 or 3 cars continued to rise over
the following 20 years to 19% and 9% respectively.

(188 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TA 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

ZIM 17
11 05


Part 1

Are your working or studying?

Currently, I am a sophomore at the university of Social Sciences and Humanities,
majoring in Japanese Studies. My university is located in the city center, so it is very
convenient for me to go to school every day.

Do you like your major?

Definitely. In fact, learning languages has always been my interest as there are certain
advantages related to my employability after graduation. Moreover, I also have
opportunities to enrich my knowledge of the Japanese culture.

Where did you study when you were a child?

My hometown is a rural area, and it is also where I spent twelve years completing primary
and secondary education. To be honest, I still want to be there for higher education,
but as universities are not available, I had to move to the city for more educational

18 ZIM
Do you have many books at home?
As I am an avid reader, I have spent all my savings for books. That is why you can easily
find a large book collection arranged neatly in book case in the living room of my house.

How often do you read books?

Reading has become my habit, and I read books on a daily basis. A book of any kind is
a must-have item in my bag when I go somewhere as it can be a good activity to make
good use of waiting time. Also, it is hard to imagine a day without something to read
before bedtime.

What was your favourite type of books as a child?

Just like other kids, comic books were my favorite when I was a little girl. I still remember
how excited I was when I flipped through colored pages and got into the world of my
favorite comic characters.

What colors do you like?
I am into pastels, a group of delicate colors that are pleasant to look at. I have been loyal
to these colors when it comes to clothes or house decoration as I think they reflect my

Is there any famous color in your country?

I don’t think there is, but red can be considered because of its one special meaning. This
color represents sacrifice and determination, and that is why it is used for our national

What colors do people usually dislike?

It is of personal taste and I am not very sure about it. But I find that most people can’t
bear vivid colors such as neon pink or green. They are usually too bright and can cause
a headache sometimes.

Từ vựng
1. Employability: khả năng có việc làm
2. Avid reader: người thích đọc sách
3. Delicate: nhẹ (màu sắc)

ZIM 19
Part 2
Describe a time you had to change your plan
• When it was
• Why you had to change your plan
• What you did
And say you felt about that change.

I would like to talk about a time I changed my plan regarding the type of accommodation
I wanted to live in.

It was a year ago when I saved enough money and started to think of buying an apartment
which was what I had always been dreaming of. However, after the news had reported a
case of apartment in flames in the city center, and many victims was stuck unreachable,
I was so frightened that I immediately changed my plan and decided to buy a piece of
land to build a house.

An apartment had first been my choice because, compared to a house, its price is much
more affordable; and with the availability of security guards and cameras, my property
can be protected from the touch of burglars. Having said that, the mentioned incident
happened was like an alert for me to be more aware of the possible danger living in an
apartment and other types of high buildings where the evacuation in case of emergency
is a big issue.

Making changes has never been easy for me as I prefer to stick to the plan that has been
made in advance, but in that case, there seemed not to be a better choice. Buying a
house instead of an apartment was a big challenge to my budget. I had to work flat out,
cut down on living expenses and take a loan from the bank. It was such a hard time, but
my effort finally paid off. And it is now my pleasure going to the construction site every
evening and watching my house being gradually completed.

20 ZIM
Từ vựng
1. In flames: cháy
2. Unreachable: không thể tiếp cận được
3. Alert: lời cảnh báo
4. Evacuation: sự sơ tán trong trường hợp khẩn cấp
5. Work flat out: làm việc cật lực
6. Take out a loan from: vay tiền ngân hàng
7. Cut down on living expenses: cắt giảm chi tiêu
8. Pay off: đền đáp xứng đáng

ZIM 21
Part 3
What kinds of changes do people in your country usually make?
There are many of them and I think that people make changes very often. However,
the most common kind is the change of career. People change their jobs for different
reasons. While some want to experience new working environment, others may seek
opportunities for job promotion and higher income. There are also some others who
have conflicts with their boss or colleagues and they want to take a new job to avoid
further trouble.

What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?
If a situation is problematic, or unsuitable, making certain changes to improve it can be a
good solution. Take running a business as an example, when a marketing strategy is not
effective to approach potential customers, it is necessary for that company to make an
alteration if they don’t want to risk losing a big budget for no good result.

Who are more adaptable to changes? Young or old people?

Without doubt, I would say it’s young people. They are more creative and always seize
opportunities to experience new things. By contrast, the older ones tend to seek for
stability, and they like to do things in a conventional way. For example, while young
people are keen on reading online news on smart devices, the elderly still prefer getting
information from printed newspapers.

Từ vựng
1. Job promotion: thăng tiến công việc
2. Conflict: mâu thuẫn
3. Alteration: sự thay đổi
4. Seize: nắm bắt
5. Conventional: theo tập quán

22 ZIM
18 05


Chủ đề
Advertising has become part of everyone's life. Some people say that advertising has a
positive impact on our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu
Nowadays, people are confronted with advertisements of all kinds on a daily basis. Some
people believe this has both positive and negative impacts on our lives, and personally,
I completely agree with such viewpoint.

People in the modern world come into contact with advertisements almost everywhere,
from online commercials, to banners displayed on crowded streets. Frequent exposure
to advertisments of the same, or similar types of products, helps consumers make a clear
comparison of certain aspects of the product, such as function or price, before deciding
which items are suitable for their needs. For instance, thanks to the commercials of
Iphone X and Samsung Galaxy S10, people wishing to purchase a smartphone can
easily weigh up the pros and cons of these two products, and then choose the right
one that serves their demand.(1)

ZIM 23
However, widespread advertising can also have some negative consequences that
are worthy of consideration. First, the information delivered in advertisements is not
always accurate, as many companies exaggerate the features of their products in order
to draw attention from the public. As a result, consumers are likely to receive products
of much lower quality than advertised. Second, the heavy cost of producing a range of
advertisments can raise the market price of many products, meaning that people will
have to pay more money to buy an item that they want.

In conclusion, the fact that advertisements of all types surround people can influence
their lives in both positive and negative ways, and companies should consider giving
the accurate information, and reduce their budgets for advertising to mitigate the
drawbacks mentioned above.(2)

(266 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TR 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

Từ vựng
1. Come into contact with: tiếp cận với một thứ gì đó
2. Frequent exposure: tiếp cận thường xuyên
3. Weigh up pros and cons: cân nhắc lợi hại
4. Exaggerate: phóng đại

24 ZIM
18 05

The chart shows the employment status of adults in the US in 2003 and 2013.

ZIM 25
Bài mẫu
The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of American adults in different fields of
employment from 2003 to 2013.

In general, it can be seen that there were increases in the percentages of people working
in education training, the hotel industry, the building industry, and the self-employment
sector, while the medical, and business sectors saw decreases over this ten-year period.
The unemployment rate also significantly dropped during this time.

In 2003, approximately 8%, 3%, and 10% of American adults were employed in education
training, the hotel industry, and building respectively. The figures for these fields all
rose to around 20% over the following ten years. Additionally, the percentage of self-
employed people almost tripled, from around 10% to just over 30% during the period.

In 2013, around a quarter of the American working population chose to run their own
businesses, which had seen a two-fold decrease from 2003. Similarly, percentages of
those in the medical industry also dropped by half, from 20% to 10%, over the period.

(166 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TA 8.0 CC 9.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

26 ZIM
18 05


Part 1
When do you smile most?
Well, I guess that would be when I receive an unexpected text or call from my boyfriend.
I love surprises and this will definitely make my day.

When was the last time you saw a group of people smiling?
Let me see. It was probably last week, at the cinema, when it came to the final scene
of the movie called “My special brother”. After enduring all hardships in life, those two
brothers could finally live in peace in a pretty small house which they built by themselves.
This happy ending pleased everyone that we were all smiles.

Can you identify a fake smile?

I don’t think that I give this much of a thought. But I guess I can somehow tell a fake
smile from a genuine one. Eyes tell everything. You know people don’t smile with mouth
alone but the whole face is engaged in a real smile, including the eyes. If a person is truly
happy, their eyes must show it too.

Từ vựng
1. Make my day: làm cho mình thấy vui nhất trong ngày
2. Endure the hardships: trải qua/chịu đựng khó khăn
3. All smiles: nhìn rất hạnh phúc
4. A genuine smile: nụ cười thật
5. Be engaged in: đóng góp vào, liên quan đến

ZIM 27

Which part of your country do you want to travel to?

Any coastal areas for sure. I’ve been so tired of bustling streets and busy schedules that
I just want to spend a few hours chilling out at the beach.

Do you prefer travelling in your country or to another country?

I would definitely go for travelling abroad. I’m a kind of person who prefer getting
outside my comfort zone. It’s great to taste a food I never thought I’d like and immerse
myself in a different culture.

What kind of problems will you face when travelling abroad?

Well, I think it would be the constant feeling that all locals are trying to rip me off. I will
have to calculate the exchange rate in my head all the time to determine whether I’m
taken for a ride when purchasing goods and services.

Từ vựng
1. Coastal areas: các khu vực ven biển
2. Bustling streets: các con đường đông đúc, tấp nập
3. Chill out: thư giãn
4. Go for something: chọn cái gì
5. Get outside the comfort zone: ra khỏi vùng an toàn
6. Immerse oneself in something: hòa mình, đắm chìm vào cái gì
7. Rip someone off: bán với giá cao
8. Take someone for a ride: lừa ai

28 ZIM

Do you think the climate is changing too quickly?

I think it is. Let’s take a look at the extreme weather in recent days. HCMC has experienced
the highest temperature ever recorded. It’s been scorching hot and unbreathable outside
in this heat.

What kind of weather do you like best?

Autumn is my most favorite one. After the intense heat of the summer, it can be a relief
when it finally starts to cool down. Autumn often ushers in cooler breezes that allow
me to keep my windows open.

Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?

I would pick cold weather. On a cold winter’s day, there is nothing more comforting than
a mug of steaming hot chocolate while curling up on the sofa and being wrapped up in
a soft, thick blanket.

Từ vựng
1. Extreme weather: thời tiết khắc nghiệt
2. Scorching hot: cực kì nóng
3. Cool down: dịu đi, mát mẻ (nhiệt độ)
4. Usher in: làm cái gì bắt đầu
5. Breeze (n): gió nhẹ
6. Curl up: nằm cuộn tròn

ZIM 29
Part 2
Describe a time when you solved the problem through the Internet.
• What problem did you have
• When did you have the problem
• How did you solve the problem through the Internet
and how you feel after the problem was solved.

Today I would like to tell you about a time I used online banking to pay the bills for coach

It was last summer when my roommate and I decided to go on a trip to Dalat after
having finished our final semester examination. We were so up to our ears in preparing
for the exam as well as finishing tasks given at the part-time workplace that we forgot to
book the coach tickets. Only 10 days before the trip did we realize this and hurriedly go
on the website of booking tickets online. It was midnight when we logged in the website
to check the availability of tickets and quickly noticed that there were only 2 seats left
on the coach. Without any hesitation, I filled in every needed information to finish the
booking procedure. All of a sudden, a countdown clock of 10 minutes appeared on the
screen and I realized that I had to pay the money within this time.

You know it was midnight already. One thing for sure that I could not run neither to
the bank nor the ATM to transfer the money. But if we could not manage to pay for the
tickets in time, the booking procedure would be cancelled and there might be someone
else taking those 2 tickets before us. Luckily, there was another kind of payment, which
was via online banking. I quickly logged in my internet banking account and succeeded
in transferring the money within only about 1 minute. We both breathed a sigh of
relief after receiving the email of confirmation of the booking. Thanks to the Internet,
everything turns out to be so fast and convenient.

That’s all I want share.

Từ vựng
1. Be up to ears in something: bận rộn với việc gì
2. Log in: đăng nhập, vào (trang web)
3. Without any hesitation: không chút băn khoăn, do dự
4. All of a sudden: đột nhiên, bỗng dưng
5. Breathe a sigh of relief: thở phào nhẹ nhõm

30 ZIM
Part 3
Do you think old people now use the Internet more frequently compared to the past?
Yeah, I think more and more seniors are going online these days. As far as I’ve noticed,
most of them use the Internet to read news and stay connected with their children or
grandchildren who live far away from home. I see that my grandparents prefer accessing
news via Internet because online reading provides them with “zoom” option for better
visual experience. Also, applications like Zalo or Facebook enable the elderly to contact their
children without paying much. That’s why old people are using the Internet more frequently.

What can people use the Internet for, besides studying and working?
I think the Internet has revolutionized the way people shop. Oneline shopping has
gained increasing popularity because of its numerous benefits. Convenience is the
biggest perk. Users can shop comfortably at midnight in minutes without travelling to
any stores. Besides, cheap deals and better prices are also available online. It’s very easy
to compare prices among different stores and find a better deal. That’s not to mention
that we can shop from retailers in other parts of the country, or even world.

Are youngsters wasting their time for the Internet?

I think it depends on what young people are doing with the Internet then it can be a
great resource or a massive distraction. If they just simply spend hours surfing online
without any specific purpose, it would be definitely a waste of time. However, if people
manage to make use of it wisely for learning, working or even entertaining, Internet can
help them save a huge amount of time, which increases their working productivity.

Từ vựng
1. Senior (n): người già
2. Go online: lên mạng
3. Stay connected with someone: giữ liên lạc với ai
4. Visual experience: trải nghiệm hình ảnh
5. Revolutionize (v): cách mạng
6. Gain increasing popularity: trở nên ngày càng phổ biến/được yêu thích
7. Cheap deal: giá hời
8. Retailer (n): cửa hàng
9. A massive distraction: nguồn gây sao nhãng khổng lồ
10. Working productivity: năng suất làm việc

ZIM 31
23 05


Chủ đề
In many cities, there is little control on the design and construction of new houses, so
people can choose to build houses in their own styles instead of building them with the
same style as the old houses in the local area.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Bài mẫu
In many cities around the world, people have little influence in the design and construction
of their houses. Many people believe it is better to allow people to freely choose the
style and construction of their new homes rather than forcing everyone to follow the
uniform style of the local area. In my opinion, a diversity in housing styles can bring
many more benefits than drawbacks to an area.

To begin with, cities in Vietnam, such as Saigon, have very few, or even no, regulations
on local housing styles, which means that residents in these areas are free to decide
on the architecture for their home.(1) The only disadvantage that may arise is the lack
of uniformity of houses, which can be a unique feature in certain places. The houses in
Hoi An, for instance, demonstrate a consistent style and therefore have made the city a
popular tourist destination. If the house owners in this city change the style and break
this uniformity, the number of tourists visiting the area is likely to decrease.

32 ZIM
However, the advantages brought about by a diversity in housing styles are more worthy
of consideration. Firstly, buildings reflecting a variety of architectural designs can make
a city more attractive and appealing to people of different cultures. For example, the
buildings in the centre of Ho Chi Minh city are designed in both European and Asian
styles, which has eventually given the city a more cosmopolitan atmosphere, with
residents coming from many different countries.(2) Secondly, the freedom of choice
in housing styles can allow local people to be more creative, as they can design their
homes in a unique way.

In conclusion, though potentially making some areas less attractive by losing a part of
their character, a diversity in architectural styles should be widely encouraged, as it can
beautify a city and allow residents to be more creative.

(312 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TR 8.0 CC 9.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

Từ vựng
1. The lack of uniformity: sự đồng điệu, sự giống nhau
2. Are free to decide: được tự do quyết định
3. Demonstrate a consistent style: thể hiện một phong cách đồng nhất, nhất quán
4. Break this uniformity: phá hủy sự đồng nhất
5. Are more worthy of consideration: đáng để cân nhắc hơn
6. Give the city a more cosmopolitan atmosphere: mang lại cho thành phố bầu không
khí dễ thích nghi cho mọi người trên thế giới
7. Reflecting a variety of architectural designs: phản ánh sự đa dạng trong thiết kế kiến trúc
8. The freedom of choice in: sự tự do lựa chọn

ZIM 33
23 05

The bar chart shows the distribution of employment among agriculture, services,
industries in three countries in 1980 and projected distribution in 2020.

34 ZIM
Bài mẫu
The given bar charts compare the proportions of people working in three sectors
(Agriculture, Industry, and Services) in three countries in 1980, along with predicted
changes in 2020.

Overall, it can be seen that services were the main source of employment for people
in countries A and C, while agriculture was the main area of employment in country
B. Additionally, despite some slight variations, there are no predicted changes in the
overall trends of these countries’ employment distribution.

In 1980, the main source of jobs in countries A and C was services, at approximately
45% and 65%, followed by industry, at 30% and 35% respectively. Jobs in agriculture
accounted for the smallest percentage of the workforce in both countries, at around
20% and 5% respectively. Both countries are expected to see a decrease in industry
related jobs and a rise in service jobs by 2020.

Country B, on the other hand, saw the largest percentage of jobs in agriculture, at
approximately 70%, followed by services and industry, at approximately 35% and 20%
respectively. It is predicted that trends will also remain the same in country B, with an
approximate 15% decrease in agriculture jobs.

(194 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TA 7.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

ZIM 35
23 05


Part 1
Do you like art?
I am a big fan of paintings. For me, they bring me an aesthetic appeal that is hard to
resist. I am especially interested in abstract paintings as they always trigger my curiosity.
If possible, I want to hang as many of them as possible in my house.

Do you think art classes are necessary? Why?

It depends. If one decides to pursue art as a career, attending art classes is a must in
order to learn about artistry. However, if drawing or painting is just a leisure pursuit,
people can learn by themselves by accessing some tutorial clips available in the Internet.
That helps save lots of money.

How do you think art classes affect children’s development?

Art classes are very meaningful to help develop children’s critical thinking and strengthen
their creativity. In fact, many parents have realized their children’s potential through
these art classes.

Từ vựng
1. Aesthetic: thuộc thẩm mỹ
2. Trigger: khởi sự, gây ra
3. Artistry: kỹ năng mỹ thuật
4. A leisure pursuit: niềm đam mê mà ai theo đuổi khi có thời gian rảnh rỗi
5. Potential: tiềm năng

36 ZIM
Have you ever littered?
Never in my entire life, even a small piece of candy wrapper. I know how such a small
action can have a big impact on the environment. That is why my bag or jacket’s pockets
are always full of litters after being back home from somewhere outside.

Why do people litter?

Without hesitation, they may throw things like plastic bottles or cups in public places if a
trash bin cannot be found. However, some may even litter right next to a bin, so I believe
littering has become a habit of many people.

How do you feel about that?

I often get very furious. I still remember a time seeing a man throwing a plastic cup
of milk tea. At that time, I wish I could have enough courage to tell him pick it up and
put into the bin. There is no reason to damage the environment with such a lack of

Do you remember your dream when you wake up?
No, for most of the time. That is why there were mornings I got up with pity for forgetting
all the beautiful dreams I had the night before. However, sometimes I have nightmares
too, and it is a good idea not to remember them at all.

Do you like hearing others’ dreams?

Yes, most of the dreams I have heard from others are funny stories, so they are so
entertaining. Being chased by a cow or flying after a helicopter are some of my little
brother’s dreams that used to bring me a good laugh.

Do you think dreams will affect life?

Sweet dreams do no harm, but nightmares do. Nightmares often make people feel
worried in case they bring images about a future scenario. That may affect people’s
productivity in work and study.

Từ vựng
1. Scenario: viễn cảnh
2. Productivity: năng suất công việc

ZIM 37
Part 2
Describe a time you received a terrible service.
• When it was
• Where you went to
• How poor the service was
And say how you felt about that service.

I am going to talk about a very bad service I received by a cashier from BigC Supermarket.
It happened just last Sunday when I went to CGV cinema for a horror movie, then
dropped into BigC Supermarket located in the ground floor of the same building for
some vegetables. My shopping had been so enjoyable until I was at the checkout where
a female cashier just drove me crazy.

My first impression was that she had unwelcoming facial expression as if someone had
just annoyed her. To me, that was fine because people may sometimes be tired or sick,
and we shouldn’t ask them to always give us a smile. However, when I asked her some
questions related to the promotion program of some products, her response was so loud
and rude that it attracted attention of the people around. I felt like she was shouting at
me rather than giving information. The drama came to its climax when she refused to
give me more plastic bags when I asked for more. As a consequence, with stuff left on
the counter, I had to manage every way to cram them all into the two small bags that
she had given before. You know, I had a hard time to calm me down and release myself
from irritation because I did not want to cause any trouble in the public.

I went home, feeling so bad about what had happened. I called the hotline and voiced
my complaint because it was necessary for such improper behavior to be corrected. I
think the customer service is very important as it has a big influence on customer loyalty
and every business should take it into account to survive in a competitive market.

Từ vựng
1. Checkout: quầy tính tiền ở siêu thị
2. Unwelcoming facial expression: biểu cảm gương mặt thiếu thân thiện
3. Climax: cao trào, đoạn gay cấn
4. Cram: nhồi nhét
5. Irritation: sự tức giận
6. Improper: không phải phép
7. To take something into account: cân nhắc điều gì đó
8. Competitive market: thị trường mang tính cạnh tranh

38 ZIM
Part 3
How important is customer service?
It is very important, I must say. Customer service is an important factor that decides
customer loyalty to a product or service. When they spend money for something, it
is not only the quality that they care, but also the shopping experience. In fact, lots of
companies have been successful in providing good customer care by making phone calls
to offer further support to their customers, which brings satisfaction and pleasure.

What can companies do to improve their customer service?

I think there are many things that a company can do to enhance their customer service.
Businesses should listen to customers' feedback through means of phone call or survey
and should take action after that to improve their product or service’s quality. It is
necessary to handle customers’ complaints effectively to ease their discomfort and
disappointment. Moreover, training staff with appropriate behavior and politeness is
also a key mission as they are fundamental in terms of customer service.

Why do you think employees sometimes don't provide good customer service?

I think for many cases; staff does not have skills in serving customers. That may be
because of a lack of training within an organization. For example, a group of graduates
who have little hands-on experience in sales may not know how to deal with difficult
customers and can become the cause of many complaints.

Từ vựng
1. Customer loyalty: sự gắn bó trung thành của khách hàng
2. Handle: xử lý tình huống
3. Hands-on experience: kinh nghiệm thực tế

ZIM 39
IELTS Special Journal 2019 Standard Premium

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Writing Task 1 và

Task 2

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Speaking

Từ vựng theo chủ đề của bài mẫu Writing và


Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai cho đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và Task 2

Cung cấp và phân tích cấu trúc viết câu ghi

điểm trong bài mẫu Writing

Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai ideas cho đề Speaking

Cung cấp các chủ đề tương tự trong IELTS

Speaking giúp trả lời linh hoạt nhiều chủ đề

1 Set đề full 4 kỹ năng kèm đáp án và giải

thích chi tiết

Hỗ trợ giải đáp thắc mắc trong quá trình sử

dụng sách

40 ZIM Đăng ký tại:

Hotline 089 855 22 93
Special Journal
5/2019 - By ZIM School of English and Test Preparation

Chủ biên
Đinh Quang Tùng
Nguyễn Anh Toàn
Trịnh Xuân Dương

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Writing

Đinh Quang Tùng
Hoàng Anh Khoa
Phạm Đăng Khánh
Ngô Phương Thảo

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Speaking

Nguyễn Minh Châu
Ngô Phương Thảo

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Listening

Cao Thế Vũ

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Reading

Nguyễn Minh Châu
Hoàng Anh Khoa
Dương Ngọc Hiền Anh
Cao Thê Vũ

Thiết kế
Nguyễn Nhật Minh

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