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Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are living on eight different floors of the building in
such a way that ground floor is numbered as 1 and so on topmost floor is numbered as 8.
Each of them likes different cartoon shows i.e. Doraemon, Batman, Bheem, Ben10, Motu-
Patlu, Pokemon, Scooby-doo and Johnny Bravo. Also, all of them sit around a circular table
and face towards center. All information is not necessarily in same order.
R lives at 4th floor and likes Johnny bravo. One person lives between R and V. The one who
lives on third floor sits second to the right of P. Q likes Doraemon. The one who likes
Scooby-doo sits second to the right of W. The one who likes motu-patlu lives just above U,
who lives at even number floor. T is an immediate neighbor of the one who lives at 3rd
floor. There are two floors between the one who likes Ben10 and the one who likes Bheem.
Q sits opposite to R. Q lives at odd number floor. The one who likes Scooby-doo is an
immediate neighbor of T. The one who likes Bheem live at topmost floor. The one who likes
Pokemon live just above the one who likes Batman. The one who likes batman does not live
at even number floor. P lives above S and below the one who sits immediate right of W. Q
does not live on the 3rd floor. W does not sit 2nd to the left of P.

Eight family members namely A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are living in the family. They all are
sitting around a circular table such that some of them are facing the inside and some of
them are facing outside. They all have different professions viz. Banker, Writer, Singer,
Doctor, Nurse, Dancer, Engineer, and Teacher but not necessarily in the same order. One
person has only one profession. At least three persons faces outside.
Q’s brother sits second to the right of Banker. Two persons sit between S, who is a doctor
and Q’s brother. D is the mother of Q and she sits opposite to S. D’s Daughter sits third to
the left of D. A is the father of Q, who is a female. Both C and R is children of P, who is
married to Q. B and R are male members. B who faces inside sits opposite to the Dancer.
The Writer sits second to the right of the Dancer. The singer is married to the doctor. The
singer sits second to the right of Q. Three persons sit between A, who doesn’t sit near to
Banker and the one who is Nurse. D is an Engineer. P sits opposite to Q, who is a Banker. C
is a female but she is not a dancer. The teacher and the writer face inside. Immediate
neighbours of R’s mother facing the opposite direction as R’s mother facing.

Six persons of the same family belong to two generations viz., V, R, P, O, N and I are sitting
around the triangular table, not necessarily in the same order. Three of them are sitting at
each of the corners of the table while rests of them are sitting in the middle of the each of
the side of the table. Age of each one of them is different. All of them are facing towards the
Note: The age of any person is not related to the gender of the person.
P is sitting second to the left of O. P is older than O. Only one person is sitting between V
and N. Neither V nor N is a neighbour of R. I is sitting just to the left of the youngest one
and just to the right of the second youngest one. R is the son-in-law of the one sitting to his
immediate right. There are three couples in the family. I is younger than her father but is
not the third oldest. The oldest one is sitting second to the right of R. V is the mother of I,
who is sitting just to the right of her husband. R sits at one of the corners of the table. O sits
just to the right of I’s mother.
Twelve people were seated around two concentric square tables such that four people
were seated around the outer table and eight people were seated around the inner table.
All people were facing towards the centre. One person was seated on each corner and
each edge of the inner table while the people seated on the outer table were seated at
the corners.
* A person is said to be seated opposite to another person (irrespective of the direction
in which they are facing) if they are seated at different tables(not on the same table)
and has the least diametrical distance between them.
* If the two persons are said to be adjacent to each other or immediate neighbours
then, they are seated on the same table. Z, who was seated at the corner, was seated
third to the left of U. P was seated opposite to Z and to the immediate left of R. T was
seated on the edge and second to the left of W, who was not seated adjacent to P. T
was not seated adjacent to Z. N was seated opposite to Y but not adjacent to T. Neither
P nor U was an immediate neighbour of N. S was seated to the immediate left of M but
not at the corner. V and X are seated in different tables. X and Z are seated in same

A certain number of people live in three buildings i.e. M, P, and Q in a society. Building
M is to the west of building P and building P is to the west of building Q. All these
buildings have a different number of floors. The ground floor is numbered 1 and the floor
above it is numbered 2 and so on. No floor is vacant. Each mentioned person like
different colors.
Three people live between the ones, who like Purple and Yellow. S, who does not like
Blue, lives in west of O. Four people live between R and the one, who likes Blue. The
one, who likes White, lives in south-east of M but not in Building Q. One person lives
between V, who does not like Yellow, and the one, who likes Black. Two people live
between the ones, who like White and Red. K lives on the third floor and lives in south-
east of the one, who likes Black but does not live in east of the one, who likes Blue. F,
who does not like White, lives in south-west of the one, who likes Green, and lives in
west of J. Sum of the floors of all the buildings are not more than fifteen. The one, who
likes Blue, lives two floors below M. M likes Pink and lives below the fourth floor in
Building M. The one, who likes Red, does not live on an odd-numbered floor and lives in
north-east of V. The one, who likes White, lives in south-west of K.

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