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Modern Practical Endings Modern Practical Endings offers specific, practical chess Instruction t help you Improve yeu endgame play. Tae booklets each cover a puticular materiel belasce aid’ere onlgned to deepsn your understanding. The toric ave diseased in detail and the thonies explored with « numbor of illustrative games All autiors in cls sorles are tntorma\ionally Led plavers | &elving manly ox modern practice, while sito raving on the classic. lessons of the great ters, ey wil Gommanicats ther ueratenbin eal expeslade of the erdgans t0 you Meters Pestteal Endgames Tides inode: are Tan A Endgames Hand A Bicganes £49 (UK only) Modern Practical Endings vQ Taternational Master Chris Ward Published by TOURNAMENT CHESS Contents QO Hadinge ‘Some Important Basics $ Chapter Same Coloured Blabops with extra Pawns 10 Chapter? Same Coloured Bishops with equal material 10 Chapter Opposite Coloured Bishops wo Chapter 4 Rook and Bishop Rndgamer Pa Chapter Other Blshop Endgames “ (Cl Tournament Chess Publication May 1993 A TOURNAMENT CHESS PRODUCTION yO Badtogs Some Important Basten ‘A previous booklet In this serice set about anavering the Question “Which is better, the Dior the rand several generalizations were made ef: ‘pen positions favour tho Bishoo “Alas « sizstlar question ls of course inappropriate here fant no Goubt the reader ould be Teas than impressed IL lett him with the sole (generallsstion that uevally 5 good Bishop is better than a tad Bishop! Therefore 1 wil Ieave any conclusions to, the Individual chapters, but first it is necessary for us to cover tome feitly simple but very Enpartant Basie endgemes Most players will be aware of the necorsity of ‘obtaining the “opposition 1 Situations of King and Pawn versus King In ofter to. win. ‘Well, with the aid of @ Bishop that’ doen't even actively participate In the promotion fof the Pawn, obtaining the ‘opposition Is unnecessery 25 the Blshop Is o1 hand to lose move when called “upon. we. sliuations “in which = shop and advantage 6 cient to wa are illus trated below. 1 as Tapa the only. Bisho swore tian hace leene re ieend. retest tothe Correct square. 105. le trested as he uxt t oo drew All White King. progres sons wil 1 gasses Draw ‘As long = Black novor ‘venttren far from the corer the threst of stalemate will sslwayn ext Treryone —_sppareatly knows that a Bishop and Rook's Pawa of the “wrong” colour (he Quoening, square is of the opposite colour to that on whieh the. Bishop operates) 18 & drew, but of Soiree this fe oaly the care If ‘the defending King cat, reach the relevant corner. Below, accurate play provents ths ‘There Is no hiding In he corner onyiway Hf the Reok'e Yawn ik accompanies by & ‘but another crawing exception ‘ccurs If the defender hes a Pawn on its home square Dlockirg the advance, as ‘talomate Ie once rgain In the In positions of « King + bishop Pawn versus King * Diahep, if the defending, Xing ‘an safely. block the enemy Pawar thea te penitent However, things stare to. get Intereeting when the defender ik rable to obtam such a blockeds ent mut rely “on fiving up bit Bishop fer, the Paynr With the aitaskiag King ins dominant role. this Is tore often than not very disfieult. The Following. three fexamples show hoy, White is Gble te Force the enemy Bishop off the vital diagonal by fatty simple means 1 eat ro By means of a ‘eflectne sucrifie’ the Black Bishop le Fareed off the short ab-cb diagonal once again there Is no satisfactory. wey te. prevent the promotion. Zugenang! Note White achiever nothing by 1 Qeb es Gog 2 aot GFP 9 BA Bee 4 Bet areete: facta draw can only be gearantond if the deferder Is {ible to stop his Bishop from blag blocked! 1 Get Draw JJuat In tine! Now Black i tunable to directiy block the tchemy Bishop for taking on i sten the promotion occurs, and of course White would decline “any offerings of deflection, eg. 1.065 O45, ‘Soimetimes even if the win Is porslble fe may tll require 4 falr amount of technique, tf Sontraat to tho three simple earlier examples, below is the amous Coneurini position At present White Is unable €0 block the ABE agonal.” Nonetheless his task appeare straign:forwerd. First he must move his Bishop a7, When forced off by a simple deflection sac~ ritice by the White Bishop on the gl-a/ diagonal. ‘If the Black Bishop yras nom on Ft, say, then White coule gain & tempo on Als way te al with 1'QeS es 2 des. However ince this fo not the cose 1 Obs 2 fz dus ‘The point the Black King is proventing $08? 3 H ‘As excellent move, The Black King can't neve fa view oft Qa? and 20. the Black Bishop must move from is bhevea on be Soe Bes 4 oer This oF 4. DS Is forced su the Black King must arrive Dt cbin time 2o prevent 6 Ge7, 5 QdBe es & Bhat one 1 oft Now the journey te a7 is unimpalrec. ? bs 8 Ger dns 9 QB Bai to Of Our Med 0 With fegard to opposite coloured Bishops I cen elaye Femember, hearing. the rule hat @ Bishop and to PaWyne Agaiest a Tishop isa win only I'he Pawns are (no oF more files spare Tcidn't necoesaelly Understand such a rule, and { fetureliy” asaumed "thie Goulda't include conaected Pavwna which are surely good! In Tact brief analysis shows that. on long as the Gerending hiskop can find the ‘eorreet” diogomal, andthe Pawns are not alread) teo far advanced, ier «draw 1s aslly secured i On at, 62 and 63 the Bishop 1s posted well. de willalwaye be met by Grd ax the Black King’s unable to fsuppett thle ‘sdrance, being ed! down to tne defence of ‘More will be learnt later of opposite coloured as well fs ‘other Blehop exdgamoe, tnd hopefully by the end of this booklet the reader should he closer to.” recognizing xd or "bed Bishop eigame, tee) understanding the techniques required. to ‘ther convert the whole point fr salvage the half OF course, uch knowledge Ie Invaluable ‘to a plaver tunking of enter= Tig anche edgy as tall as) those who” accidentally tumble into them! (Chapter One ‘Sama Coloured Blahops with ‘exire Pawns Experience has taught me hae ifyouare s Paver oF more up tn encgames involving. the tame coloured Bishops. then, It ctaer things remain equal our winning chances are ‘ecellent’ Well okay. this may found. Uke «grows feneralization and these ‘other things’ (discussed tn more detail inthe. next chapter) do have a bearing on the outeore, Sut cartel fe ‘draw is at all possible it often requires more scourecy and le more easily overlooked taan the ‘h player can often be a Powe down in Rook + Pawn or Queen + Pawn oncines but have his ective Rock or hie tampant Queen pros adequate compensation for draw Although there | are ‘rood and "bad Bishops, they aro ravely active in the asme sense as Rooks can be, and perpetual check io uaually out Of the question! Hence a Pewn majority is more easly converted inte a win In minor father than” mejor ploce dings Tal, King of minor piece ndings stated there area Gouple of tips which epply to Bishop and Kaight endgame alike 1) The more Pawns there are on the board the more Avaatagoous It ls for the Sttacker” This Is simply Because checkmate is of Course impossible with a King. fand Bishop versus a Klug, aad thus a defenders teak ix complete if he can ellminace the last opposing Pawn oven at the cost of his Bishop, ') Outalde: peased Pane are the best. type to, have. Obviously Keighte on the im fare dim ete, anc hence Kovght ta often taken out of the geme by blocking. # wing Pawn. In Bishop endings not only would King be talon ut of position lng to acop ice Pawn but the defender Also has fewer, and taus more ually blocked diogonals to Contain it en. Ward Louba Berne Open 1993 1d pth 2k eb S Oe DE 4 aie Hea 2s thé ho? 25 Ba thse ‘doe by? 20, BUA Med 20 Weds Yxds 20 Td Qos 31 ez Qes 2 Gd 2 20 Qat Bo 94 Gbs Ger 35 Tine nfo so (4G o7 es TS 30 Bhs gh a ett 8 met £6 40 Oxo The Pawn thrust aS¢ Ie Tou first White (wiehos 20. improve the Position of his Bishop, 10 “Br Ser 2 gas ao os Perhaps unnecessary, but white (mel) realizes that his Pawns are in wo danger from the enemy King, and onsiscent Wich theor) ola thie one. onthe oppash colour to bota Bishons, where itis lnimune for good. a ‘ez 4b fe iS fer Ger Black 12 naturally eager to quiets us many Paws as proce, snd honides there ls Title choice as 6... bS 47 ct testes «second ‘dangerous passed Pawn and makes Way Fores. 47 xcs Oat a Again, probably an unnecessary move but it is fleseing to. reo this other Black Pawn forced onto « dark aquare, at 9 bes For a While now White haus hind the winalog. plan in mind, His Bishop and e5-Pawn fnnve. provided. en excellent brriot ta the Bec King, But now secoad Fawn must be ined st no cost, a4 The problem is. that as soon a “the “Waite Bishop lowes the a-p8 diagonal the Black King ean edyatce to 66, fyeing up the 26-Pavta However, simple ealculation ‘howe that Black must avoid all King + Pawa endings, and fo White targets Blacks Es-Pavn This wey White cen attackit on ¢6 but stil return to Te im time to aove the S-Pawn. Note this could not be dose if he went bunting the af Pawn as bd-dl takes g 2! 2 & 3 fs Bs BES tne oy sao aga Gel" Sied cas a flee Bed ol Bese home elthough the af-Pewn trou also be spe forthe Picking aly Zhurastew Soci 1977 Leh 6 236 O36 3 e336 4 cd xd 5 aA a 6 Wed xed 7 ned Bice ot Has 9 Wns yas 10 Obse Bd? 11 gxa+ {Dull 12 0-0 dt 19 Fa eo 4 Brel MAB 1 Mldte Beth to Hidde Gxdb 17 eS deed 18 es Although this game could ‘almost belong In chapter 1, Black's position seen becomes to. ancorafortable that ke must ptuson a Fawn in order toexcienge Rooks ees oa Probably Black should have tried 18 Te giving White more chances 10. £0 srrong an the stviaas 19° Qhe 16.20 Here falls to 20 .. 6! IIBsbT et winning waterial we 20 G71 is also. unclear: 20...QbA with Mofo! to come, ‘indeed ‘Tal would have to dnad played 20 8! to praserve his advantage, Fo ‘White's winning plan ie fairly stealghtforward, He Imust firet.croate a passed Pawn whieh will tie doven the ceaeray King ane then inflteete ‘aad capture Black's Queen- pe 8 g epegue! ET For White eversthing Is going according’ to plan Possibly Jos. et wan ex pected whew after 37 nfo, fuck arin the Inst game White will secure =. barrier swith hie e6-Prwt covering o7 and F7, ahd hls Bishop soime~ ‘where’ controling e?. Thon ‘with the Black King out of tbe Yay the White King ith the {i of is Bishop will mop up Blacks @ and b Pawns. Bs Resse + BEER! oe Black's whole defence in based on hia ebility to Keep the White King away from hia Pans. With 4495 with the tie idea of Oc3, @yb4-a5 a threst Black svitches dagonale but bis days are numbered. ‘2 ‘ane & és oe “ 2a 8 Black ould do precious ite age th thse of More will be ssid of winning Bishop ndgames In he next chapeer, but the Following we games show tht holaing. the draw is ceccasionally possible with accurate defence. Halk v Valzor ‘Yenjocka Banja 1905 1g 65) Op? deb Feb eo + fe) Det 5 03 eo 6 Freer bs 7 BAD)MG 8 Bt a8 045 0-010 BA ab iL ab dyer 12 B5 co 13 3 6S Hotel isdd ed Ie ea Q)ni5 17 0-0 De 18 eS fb 19 OF+ 66h 20 6 Bao 21 Gua Wa? 22 Sat Brat 25 helo Mas 24 Gee? se? 25 gyt4 O07 26 Bll 6 27 cd HFa8 28 We7 AF 29 Bab? 65.50 hy fe 31 2 Bb Bowel se? 4a be Ne 44 TNT ‘Quo 35 Met "8 36 bs deo 27 es WreS 2B fves Frcs 3 do Ger 10 Byes Dxct 1 Oras ai 12 eaibe7 We have beon in the Bishop endgame for a few mover but now the dust. ha seitled, White's King is et to ‘enter the Pray aed he na clear Pawn ap. However there are fee Powae remtlaing Ove, tho ‘euitence of an a-Fawn ecch, Mould sake a win far more Likely) “and Black has the potential te create an outeide passed Pawn aap. vastly Improve the position of the Whive King antl eaa be met by 43 BAP 4a et Deo! Bleck ean draw the resulting King. ted Pam ending, Ie shoUld be noted though shar ‘White doce bave a clever plan in mind wick could be_im- plemented here afeor say 44. Gear 4s Wiz O67 fo BS intending 47 and recap turing with the King) 45 hi 47 gt with 45 [4 to Follow ‘whieh closely wine Aart a it After 44 e9 ex mention od above White In threctanlag 45 (4 ale to aixtt, Then. he ill hoes o witieg poaltlon fs after” winning Black's fS-Pawn the g-Pawn will oll home (Fe. White car cover cb find atckc KE from 9. There” fore Black must respond with dhe hb! 48 gh Bee! Now ‘Wrhite's Bishop would have to be on 4 for the win a ater 4 Gree Qee6 another drawn King anc Pawa ending mate- Bales eg. 17 14 Gees 18 Fg {Belo 49 ts eo 50.2 Wr ot he satsh es oa fee ts we of capt 5 now and in sinilar poniona, cn Senet Sipe ato * @ oof Be Stniously nck? . Qres wich Could Stara fat Lig ied fe eh ter $b ‘Broo dee 1h. 90 hes xo st eo. immediately her Black faa 51-1 as 825 has tegast & eB" SF ge a ge ge & ag ge mt & : oe Se 2 oy oe = 1 White ws to run treight back for, Blac ha-Pawn with 63 t+ then Black con eooy hie Wey to 1? with 9. 2e6. Oo oe % ba Again after say. 64 04 BA7‘at Teast one of White's Payens will drop in. exchange for the W2-Pawa and with the White King out of position there will’ ke no. ‘winning ore ee we ever! TERE REE $2388 Beet B48? allows 73.066 whist 72 nh 73 xh xt leaves Diack with a lost Bishop and Pawn “versus Bishop position as detailed in the "beac White has all but ex ousted his wiaaing ties. 74 eh was the last attempt hen 7A Qaor? 75 Bio leaves Black in augewane. but These? easly bold Flachotha v Banko ‘Ontrara 691 44 45 2.08 €0 3 Gc3 co 4Oy9 fe 5 03 Spa he Bas 703 0-0 8 Qb2 We? § fez bo 10 Ques Used 46 Te ws ad B Bed Dot fe Qnbt Wabt (7 ial Bas 18 Bes 1. ce yocS 200g Wer 21 04 ho 22 Ba ried 20 ats afb 24 Wale gh 25 Meal G0 26 19 eT 27 12 #8 28 Ges Midi 20 Be? ee8 30 Ado Has 31 Be ede 12 bi ges S3hFa ase 3h x9 Deo 49 Dds 4 86 fe fe 97 Gre Quek 28 a3 es 29 Deo ‘ds 40;gh4 ogo $1 dee Gas 42 gt ied 13 Ges Go At he As 15 g5 vad 46 b8 bt 47 is Ss bur Bl is Gas 50 Ga? Ad3 St deb a6 BR QeB ge? 53.Qe6 eo 54 hed F188 Bre Bed aie Up to now this endgame probably heon'e beon. White's best. He prematurely de= Centralized Ms King from « Fine position and has ended up Pawn down. he makes an ‘excellent Job of salvaging tie half poi. Se rst White must act fast ae Black is preparing to create « {ethal queenaide passed Pawn. For example, 96 Ged (56 $e es! 67 eo £5 60 gf Oxo Bo. aS.7 ba Goat 98 ob Fe 53 Gage Det. Sow Black I Sinning a4 bis King oan ether win Whites hé-Pawa or force the win of the White Bishop. for his brPawn, safe tn the Knowledge thet he owns the correct Bishop Tor his HS rows & jas Skt Ger sobs ot 6 6 ee si at White le having to deal with two connected passed Pane, Howevor the he-Paven ig a real menace end the igb-Pawn lat danger as the Fr-Pawn ise abil, aa ot BI. a3 ie Ot course a serious alternative when 62 (Ab3 Gets 63 es! 3 Bed? abt winning For Black) 09... $e? (ede, Bt GL Goh 2? 65 Dre ft did D1 65 Ged Is sutlh- lent te drain og. 6S. SB i 5.gF5 57 gs, a Os rr) ‘Around here He is aloo lack that mist be careful. For example 62 03 68 O69 G6? 4 te We 65 vob fe BO a2 G7 hs Gh (6 71 xb? 69 G7 att 70 geWs hi it ‘igo mate = ie i Chapter 2 8 Dest re Rae aly ret Same Coloured Blabops with suas than 6 Ber et h7+ winning for White, ean z « ee) Obviously the Pawn count — do the attacking of enemy ge be tn Diop endgeten’ ot ike Pant wat bud eop " Syste sndtemesif ssl Savon dled cms Sept be wieteror mc the aren ean EPequltave tr seceest toil ight al lure nar Snaerns fan oftn bet wp bese a ©) Tho Pave etrucsurse ‘good’ Bishop and it. Pawns and the effectiveness of any to prevent che penetration of Pawn majortioe play a Hg the enemy King role, One player's macrity However warning bells ‘may involve doubled Pawas should sound off should the from which a passed Pawn enemy King get at’ the Pavine ‘us a'good Bishop can Ubrough Pawns may be easly munched definition offer a help ithe by adomiant Kin ‘way of protection, 9) Spaaking of dominance ‘Ward y McMahon, Surrey Open 992 12 fb 2 e4 eb 3 4)c3 Qha 4 0-05 ge2d5 Cay oh Pod able King and Pawn endgame, Ghvds 8 A? yet 9 Bs teas Hence hie Bishop can else 10 Qxbé cb 110-0 HB 12 63 ‘oain Tresly whilst the enemy asi Wot Qa? 14 Peel hb 15 Bishop must often wold a Res ho 16 Tel Ges 17 ees ‘rade Epwes 1B MxeS Hack 19 Peas ©) Bveryone knows that a QA? 20 Med as 21 he Hes 22 jood Bishop io one which hoes ot 23 xcs Gre 24 a 3 fellow Pawns Tixed on the Ql? 25 ab ab 20d Wes 27 Wh? ‘opposite coloured squarea 10 bu 20 Wa 45 29 Wabs Wr 30 IMself. The reasons for this de Deb 31 ft thval 32 dad enerelly Being good are twrotoid D The “good! Bishop can ails ‘The Pawn count Is tevel bur ‘ia contrast to White, Black's doubled bePewna leave fi Ineffective majority Well, some Fawns have been exchanged aad the Kings Centralized. White's plan is €o make a mely ees and hopefully to. pentirate and remore Blacks queenside Pana, Feet he Improve. the position of his bishep. seesrecnnees’ e 2 as ‘White hes certainly taken is time reaching thls position fut he it an the brink of achieving Ms aim. Black Currently covers both oh and ‘Cb GUL he muse move. If 5D 4. Gu7 51 Bove Ge? 52 OFS and move fis Bishos direct onslaught rom the Waite King and Pawn, og. 52. Bat 59 Gs Dot 54 es with the idee of fre7 antl Qp6, and White is ‘winning. ‘3. gar St Gok Babe Fres Soe Rather than sitting back and watching his Pawns be fereibly removed Bleck has ontored a King and Pevwe ndgame, He Is hoping to fbtain the opposition in 4 King and Pawn versus Pew sitdetion but he loses out to tecurate play, fgeessere E222 te? eet Although this chapter concerned with Bishop end- games with equal Pawns there ‘ft of course n close connec- to with the previous chap ter. Thisis because one side Into win i is most Ukely that = Pawn must be won. Ae the sfender will. be trading Piwne wherever possible thie often feads to situations of King:BishopsPawa¥ Kings Bishop as in the following gene 1403 d5 2 ob eo 3 3 gfe 4 2 Ge? fe? 5 Sibel 7 ez Wo 8 cd Sxd5 9 0d Gb? 10 08 ASI Bes 05 12 TH od 13 €xdd We (4 ez ofl « p19 4 Oct 16 Mack xed naa Wen 10 Moll Oe? oS Ges 20 Wek aed Bee ees oo 2) Geo Geo 24 Baw manors af nde 27 dye Gyo 20 deo Td 29 Hed Qi? foo ea 98? SS 2 Byer ner sete ab 04 Sh Mbe 38 eo Mea 96 3 Me? S72 Ba $0 Kez Me 9 Oe Ho) 00S Bat Us eed Ged Ho@eo Bee 40 OMS dh 4 45 ter Quese Heed So? 47 Dike Gel 48 «3 We 49 bo ‘Gusto get sh ges gro 2 deat ade on eau Bios usar sega gs Raw ‘The Pawn count 1s level but with a Fourth one on (ts May there are currently tares passed. Payne! Alshough deay may. seem the correct feutcome, certainly White has the edge, His b-Pawn is the mest outside passed Pea Whore it le a potontil threat (tn BishopsPawn or Kings Paw fndgames alike) and te ‘aafe In contrast. to. thls Black's c$-Pawn Is very diff~ cult to dafend and te ex Indeed, the c-Pawn Is about! to drop. but Black ie Correctly making a nulsance SPs Pave Naseee Y 2 ome Bes This mova takes the King ‘out of position. where It Is lnsble (> stop the Pawns, After 7 Alfficul< to eee hor Waite cen fake progress, fg. 72 ott i673 Ges Qadste or 72 Ged dS! (72 eo? Is far Tess convincing 73. GUS" Geo 74 GRIDS T5et Oh eo OS a ae As usual 73... C149 loves to MDF ett 77 and 72 29° threaiens nothing. hence TA @xf2 and White ia waning. Se Black must grovel hornbly 2 ‘ber 1% — ixtz gb? 2 EE % 7 el det 8 Bes ‘As has already and will be shown, If White can get bis King to a7, b7 or cf then he would the resistance hore wich 76... G7 Sutearetal play sil prodinces te win. 7905+ as 80 dee AAT! a iat oa 82 Qtr Ob? (€2 .. Gao 63 died Ge2 64 ‘Deo Bae 85 9P5 ged de We? and White Is winting) 63 e6 Gao We, Well allows #4 Qe? ‘wallet other Bishop mover Jeane White with e won King and Pavin endgame Ge7 ( . 9e6 5 Des oF 84 Ber 85 BO 85 god oe 6 ‘Ge7 with Whiee winning, 2 gS as 80 ‘ao Bt Bes do ‘Again a8 above 8h. eth ae ‘Aa demonstrated tn the “basica, White will shortly win by) means of a simple eflection. For example, 82 ots 8 a7 QF 84: G04 Qed 85 Que Bf 86 Ob? Oe# 87 Des 8 38 QFE Gats Ob Interestingly two years later Glenn Flaar ocemed to be cruising salar fal Feached the Following position after 94... xg (Paunoric~ Plesr, Gonova 1980) Certainly the White King te dominant but Black has Ile tine as Whites b-Pawa isnot to far advanced and of ‘olrse must fist negotiate the beaguare 3 der gos Soi Oe Sgt oe & os ge © Bet gat a 8° & ae we ‘at Bleck would dearly love to got his King to o@ (and of course ba) but 62s, GAT Is rice by 63 oes! 83 “bes ony 6 Gas br caso of dejo vu, but a closer Inspection shows that we have fot soon this’ position with White to move, Previous nalyals abowe how moot Black Bishop moves now are fret by AS wloning, bat White tas no way of sticcess- fully Tosing & move. and 68 aS is met by 65... Bes and ‘not 5. QaaS?? 66 Buds a? G7 es ae 6 GAs! Ged 9 ich OH. 70 br wich White winning ar & fo Bt ses Gee ogee ger ® Ges oe 70 ie gt Flac tt the en of 7 ae got ger oe ge Brow a ‘white ean find no other way to make progress, eg 73 i 16 Dae Ds? ‘Another occurrence of bishop sod “Pay versus Blahop le avoided by means of resignation af adjournment tn the following. game Which hows the use ‘of a space fadvontage, We are ofton {aughe how a space advantage ‘springboard for aa attack but are waraed of the dangers Should some pieces get Ureded andthe eemaining enemy pleces areallowed routed the ack’ This generally refers to the major pieces. which can fon dark ike. HOW no densing that a ‘space advantage is @ result of ‘tdvanced Paws, aad oo long fas they are not easily taken the furthor “eevanced. these Pawar the more dangerout hey are, 8. Arkell yA. Marte ‘Noe Sal Woma ‘lympted 1790 Lobes ted Hfed ob Has 4 dt cA SA) 6 cd ob 7 a8 O47 8 “Bee 9 0-0 447 10 a2 De? fi Tel 0-0 wer de 13 Bynes dyno8 1 de Wa? 15 ed Heda To Tact Gees 17 xed We 18 hk Ha? 19 AS Med 20 Stee ‘9e2 Wes 21 Phd? Rat 22 Ba Thats 25 wear or Was 24 ease 6 26 (4 ds 27 29 Ges be White's Pawns are furthor aadvaiced end both sides have Pawn Fixed on the. wrong oloured square eS nd a0) ‘Aa of jot there fa no way ln for ‘the White King, but the etse contin 1 2 s ou Some may choose to blame Black's “ist move for hor defeat bat with 20 many Payne on there’ wa always te chance thet one might ‘smuggled through to promo- ton, ‘One idea White had was fo-fo, ultimately to create paseed.b-Paven. New Whi Fnauncely pleas Be gueen fide Pawns on light aquarse before installing & threatening ne 00 bi, ‘ne thing that the reser may bare noticed ebout a lot ‘of the practical gamor in thie Booklet ts che frequent un ecossorly lengthy mancouy~ ring of the attacker's Bishop, ‘Ono explanation Je that the position is being enjoyed, and thother Ua thet a. player ta ‘Gnsure of till searching for the best. way forward. Beve Blact’s only abvious Wackness Is the ho-Paw aud ( saspect that when White maces’ the fuext breekshrough In moves time the is pleasantly” eur prised at how Rood ter po tom inatently boce Seesae berpse. Eorees 2 a6 4“ ® ro a 4“ i “7 we 8 50 3 gone & ge oF a ee a = ter The trade of IePawn for F-Pawn was. inevitable, and ow White's King is in such Superior position thatthe win Ie forthcoming bythe method the reader afiowld know 35 ‘The resiguation looks lite premature bit no doubt sdjoursmont analyte by both amps retched the same has TOM? QF 7 Gb ed 72 Gxt with the promotes to follow. aa ‘The gamo_cortainly hightighes the benefits of playing. on ne matter how mall your “advantage may White ‘has In ‘he. fi fame of this chapter tv sgoi- Ficent enough to supply a win, Bae the method is! very ime structive Dorfman y Bellon Lopes. ‘Legroxe 1931 1 OFS e5 Zed he 3 ds cd Ded e6 5 ot Ge? 6 Ded 416 7 3 0-0 8 get 6 90-0087 10 19 6 tl Bet Gyre 2 513 ood 1h 0 et 15 dbs {6 of Qxfo 17 Qxfe Wate 10 ‘U7 28 Mes fe? 24 Gra G7 25 bs Web 20 er» Fer 27 Hc Mes 28 Qdd re 29 Me? He? 30 BRe7 Gxer 1 Hes Go 2 yb Seb we axes ‘The most obvious sapect of this positon 1s tase not aly lo Black's -Pawn effective as a passed evn than Whiee’s potential F Pawn, bat also i¢ severely limits the scope of Black's ona Bishop. io lee ie: : 2 BR 3 or Be af ee, eae & 8 g ieee 47 Qs0 br Mattors have Foor some what clarified over the last Few moves, ane Black is restricted to movag. bis Bishop backwards. and fore ee wards, Note that 47. gat? ‘would allow White to Force ‘inning King and Pawn ending after 4B £71@Be7 30 (0lbe x00 Sigua, 42 get ge 2 of Black cannot allow the White King to roach fS and 29 attempts to createa decoy. 49 ‘BA? te mot woll by 50 Gna ust as It would have bean oa the previous move, 90 Det soe s 3 Gen z imple plen_ is 3 gong with C0 but BO ‘But then 81 Ged orf 50, bar si ges. : St gps gar oon ab 2 tS des ee Chapter 3 Opposite Coloured Bishops ‘When an opposite clour- 1d Blhop tla Bishops opera ting on the oppuste coloured cures! entigame appears inevitebte, "meny) players tentme thet a. draw ill iimost cereainly be the ou:= Stn. Thiste hardly eurploing Sf Tope tele us that each se would dominate on the Celasrd squares of this ove Bishe ‘could Sedefonded on these on id there would. sever Confrontation of” Bishops indeed’ It Is not ficult to tndeestand why with = good blockade Ue defender can held out sometimes with = two. avn defictt and. com tmonly whom fist one Paws down as in this game. Finegold v Vanheste ‘Open 199. Lab Qf 2 ob eb 2 eck Bhd e2.65 5 dodyat 6 99 Qed 7 tho dct bt end 9 Was 45 10 cd 0-0 UI AS Badd 12 br be 103 oT At thea Bras 15 ge9 BU 16 Fes Hac F719 Hyde 18 ed BaF 18 Dea? FHxai 20 Heel ede 21 Fibs et 22 Dal b5 23 af ob 24 ab ab 25 ef GeO 2 Gack be ZI Bhd? Bad? 20 Eel Beal 29 ea We lave coached our frat ‘oppesite coloured — Bishop Ghugeme and” here Wate obviously “stands better ‘Aldbough tn the corner bis Tishop ie temporarily. tying down the Black King’ tothe efonce of the g?-Fawn, but fore Importantly his King is better “placed. It ill soon become’ clear to, the reeder thot the cttecker's ablity to ‘sin depends both on is ibility te create passed Pant find on activating “is King Guificently to help heme thess Pawns Be ft lad would be foleh to even ectenpt to fend bs Seba ar tile al allow Wate’s ing penetration to rad gee bel win Ge ilps oi te feign Set ‘ay, Ta 297. QUST ie ue 2 awiodan the 2 gh which ones ¢. ‘abl tomo. Todeed Blak Teale that hs e-Pen ls {ett canst he wl be thie to block Whites e-Pava Sith ite Rag and Bishop is Prony therefore ta play Ihe matty alle his Kinguie fone 30 ef of 1 oe gs 2 Go gt fe fe % os at Black ‘hes sctloved Ma faim on the kingside but must how acer hie King across £0 aid. his Bishop in blocking White's pansed b-Pawn ‘35 Geel es, 3% Ges ur abs ges 8 ‘Qe2 3 Gat oF oe fe Bs? Drew if waits. lng ses to help promote his b-Pawn then Black ean block this advance ‘with both his King aud Bishop, ‘but should the White. King attack Black's Kingsice Pawns then they can be eoeily de ended by the Black Bishop flee. In Fact, unnecessary though it ie If Black moved dis King to U7 ard his Bishop to hd then he could give ap hie bhi-Pawn ane still draw It he “paused! with hin King, with the Whive King on the King: ‘ico ard hie Bishop with the White King elsewhere. Homerer as well a8 having a rampaging Kine, the ably to win, cepetnis én Shether or not the attacker un create two assed Pawns, boven if this involves giving the Sefender one (or two) in foturn. Take for example the following two positions, the Inttor being’. spin-off from the hypothetical situacion Just Slecuseed aE winnie impel Ppa eh Gog fo ‘White Was well here a8 to “Hack” Biskop wil. be forced to concede Keel fron ‘Whit newly paseed gs itor course Wines c-Pewn then steal the dy. ‘The Tnpostantfearare ere i hat stu lack has 0 peneed Few its aneble to eaect ("tie Metop from ite fity of stoning Bi Wial oho. In die following geme White's “connected Pawns prove far stronger than Black's which will never. get dgolng without the help of the Slack King Polovedin y Hazel ‘Naleczow 1980, Let eb 2A FSA 3.03 46 4 bed § dvds Axes 0 We? 15 7 Sp d3 Bed dyed 9 Ws gE 10 het aM decd ed Oe) 13 Ell he 14 $09 Wx 15 Eychs (GFT We des F017 Dads as 8 Bid do 19 Goxge go 20 2x" Baba 21 br Bes 22 BEA be 23 {ez ga” 24 feet Macs 25 Boe Bes 2b 3 got 27 dsb Drab BN des xe 29 £4 OFo 30 3 {4591 Med Bned 92 Bcd eed 3.x? a J The Bishops ers of opoo- site colour and. the material fequal, but try as ke wll Ue Bleek’ Pawns will nover be as mobile a5 White's, Ie is of Course falsly common kaow= ledge that im most types of idinge connected pascad Pawas sre best and. tere proven na except a Note that advancing the Pawns on the light squares is Jogical ov else they may be fixed on the dark savares For ood, 1g. 13 0534 af a” Get OF ‘This following defensive smanosuyra drops the d5-Pawn but the White King ts tarest~ shlng to inflerate via KS ard 6 wher ls kingside mafority Will flow freely. Moanh Black's queenside Pawns. will be of ittie trouble to the smasterfit) White Hishop. Fd In the absence of queen side "Downe the beat Uhat Black could ever hope for is istrated below. ‘The position Ie ¢ rare exception in which Pavins on the shah rane donot win. | git is of course met bY I~. ng? whilet Bishop moven off the s2-e8 diagonal allow { . G8. 1H? ives Black « dark belive blockael, TRS Onis Draw Alas, reuuraing 9 the previos’ position, White Is happy to allow the Bishop te dive Itself up for ius Kingelde Pawns, unnecessary though tt Jo, ae he atl sea ex «Pawn. White would of course easily mop up Black's and be Paves and, as pointed out tarller, # Black King spriat to BB would be of Uttle ail White possesses the correct Bishops ‘The next incredible game le « porfoct axample of way never to write-off an endgame eavearly as both players were guilty of dotng nero, Stell y Emma Hamburg Opes 1992 Leb e5 240 dt 9 69 p64 badder S000 6S ne Tes ds @ cl od 9.4 cl 10 sc'0-0 Mheyee2 15 DUIS Bin i Sate got ts a Breas wit wets Bal Sen Pt Og 16 O49 Urbs 9 ob es 20 el as ds Seta 2 Be ace 23 Qt OFS 20 at Bes 28 2 Hles Be eet Eves 27 fed 4? 26 ne Fes 29 a gee 90 dace be ot Eb? are 2 na? Bese 99 eo 04 Ba 9 99 82 Qos 20 Elan ttn Black bs Pawn up but of wots Whites eewlng ‘Gharces are excellent. He can Suaily blockade. the pasced ‘awn on a dark squere and seeing. hla Kingelde. Pawns should not be a prablen, a =e & BS” 2 Ee see ike & BS oe BE pe 2 gS : a oe Putting another Pavn on 4 light square seems illogical but playing for (hand = €5 merely lguidates more Pawas. ‘The fewer Pawns left om the ‘oard means te more key & defending. Bishop can give Ieself up If weed be 2) Oe toureament 1 loft John know Ing thot he had tried hard but Sie believing that he would surely Joim mela few minutes. IE the White Bishop were on g5 snd the Wilte King ou © blocking the defended cl Pawn (say by a Bishop on {7 than adraw would elao be the futcome, Black can tke the S-Pawn but would etl be Unable to create another passed Dawa, Here the Black King appears blocked but Emme comes up with a bril- Hiant idea leading to” some Treah winning chances, a s so fe Thi snables Bleck to create a dangerous “outside Fareed Pawn in contrast t9 tie passed f-Pawn that would ‘eo obtained after £3 hgt hi St eh @x(4 Then if Waite could ‘Secure © Pawa on gi at the ‘cout of his ht-Pawn afer aay 5 fo, ke will eld the dea. The reader should by now recognize ths, Le. In this ease the Tollawing position. ny ‘arise at beat for Black, deed Be ia piel ace Gxf5 draw, Peers ae gu 3 & oa a cute poe eee ee ee os Scr en ea er ee eat Sureusane scutes ieee acre coca eae pees ai 1 the Black Bishop avitched to the dark diagonale and ‘erga then even without his g~ nd E-Dawae White could ‘raw as he can simply concede his Bishop for Black's &-Pewen ard hang loose arounel Bl wih Ms King. ‘White has not ane fut two passed. Pawas ut the fact thet they ero connected and stick on the dark squares Iosns that Black's Bishop os Dardleipate in the game whilst anil keeping thom at bey. It ‘might also be arpued that hey obstruct Whites ow Bishop but without either or ‘oth White would be eaally lost, Rar example, without the (4-Puorn the Black King ‘could stroll over. tet ‘queenside to, win the White Bishop for he c-Pawa and ‘ven with his King out of play bls Bishop can held tho fort by blocking on g6. It woud of courae be unable to perform sich task against both the Te and gS-Pavrns 65 with Waits's King on hd, would guarentee a. Pawn exchenge. However alee vital ie that this Black Bishop blockade on gb [eof course usolose anyway If is hePawn hag been comm- eted'to hte asze ela almost incredible te beteve that after thls. move White is lost Indeed it appears that Se Best Should the reader ti Ane find m Black win after this Soret wll be noticed that if Black aver plays =. g3 White can respond with f+ witeh feearon him Pawn on g7 at the case of his (Parva, Tet with the Whe King om, 9 hia black King sortie to the ‘qeeaslde. will rosa. him trenive the Waite Bishop for his 'c-Pawn. owerer. then White cam trade his e7-Pawn for Bleck’ h-Pawn leeving SngufPicont mating material 6 ‘ Sia S762 1s no improvement, ‘The White King will soon have to ive ground after 57. es te 58 hed ht $9 Grol 13 and ‘lack is qusening wit check. nike 36 182 W9 67 el ct 6 2 dia 5 Bs & a oa &@ $6 so g2 ‘a en m Se ba A Geo oly Z on 3 gs oe Rh Gis oa mR Now White is defintely lost, G1 Qels allows. Gt ata, and 64 get is met by 6F hd whon the beet reply ie imiased the: boat yet, be ls Lnaware of the elegant win at Is disposal: 64 hi 65 Qete aes ‘Chapter 4 Rook and Blshop Endgames “Around this stage in the booklet the reader may think {hh Cam Bogiening to scrape the barrel Justa little! Why thoald Rook ‘and Bishop fndgamies be any more Bishop Sndgames thas Rook 6 games? Indeed the Kook Will Eencrally play «greater role fhan the Bishop wallst there Is a reasonable chence that {ome places wll be exchanged takeing us out of this chapter (rout of tha book. Nonetheless there are ow pointe shot I would ike to make Within the context of farting with the Muders possibliny of 1 t Sint Wale Ht Ge? 0-0 1 0-0 (HF (0 ES ET 7 £9 pT [aig gi fe 20 Does ft 3 Bue ef 22-272 a0 23 bs ch 24 MD GU? 25 dyed 65 26 HA Wes 275 06 28 fees 29 xed Dred 20 dye7s Dns 31 Leb a6 BW Mifel Heed 33 Qi eo 34 gut Blot eet eos 2 Bf 37 3 Tne! 38 Feel Hc8 39 feo ads 40 Fido Oh? 1 Mhxds set cently level but Blades ft- Pawns doomed and the Inferior postion of his King that he must. wold and Biahops Paws Be Keeping a controlled position mith Iitde or a0 elon for’ the Black Rook. Note If 42 ~. aed 43 de es hed OBA 45 GAs and Black ‘will soo lose his Pawne and probably ore 1s well. 2

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