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RC Charging Circuit

When a voltage source is applied to an RC circuit, the capacitor, C charges up through the
resistance, R.

All Electrical or Electronic circuits or systems suffer from some form of “time-delay” between
its input and output, when a signal or voltage, either continuous, (DC) or alternating (AC) is
firstly applied to it.

This delay is generally known as the time delay or Time Constant of the circuit and it is the time
response of the circuit when a step voltage or signal is firstly applied. The resultant time constant
of any electronic circuit or system will mainly depend upon the reactive components either
capacitive or inductive connected to it and is a measurement of the response time with units
of, Tau – τ

When an increasing DC voltage is applied to a discharged Capacitor, the capacitor draws a

charging current and “charges up”, and when the voltage is reduced, the capacitor discharges in
the opposite direction. Because capacitors can store electrical energy they act like small batteries
and can store or release the energy as required.

The charge on the plates of the capacitor is given as: Q = CV. This charging (storage) and
discharging (release) of a capacitors energy is never instant but takes a certain amount of time to
occur with the time taken for the capacitor to charge or discharge to within a certain percentage
of its maximum supply value being known as its Time Constant (τ).

If a resistor is connected in series with the capacitor forming an RC circuit, the capacitor will
charge up gradually through the resistor until the voltage across the capacitor reaches that of the

supply voltage. The time also called the transient response, required for the capacitor to fully
charge is equivalent to about 5-time constants or 5T.

This transient response time T is measured in terms of τ = R x C, in seconds, where R is the
value of the resistor in ohms and C is the value of the capacitor in Farads. This then forms the
basis of an RC charging circuit were 5T can also be thought of as “5 x RC”.

The figure below shows a capacitor, (C) in series with a resistor, (R) forming a RC Charging
Circuit connected across a DC battery supply (Vs) via a mechanical switch. When the switch is
closed, the capacitor will gradually charge up through the resistor until the voltage across it
reaches the supply voltage of the battery. The way the capacitor charges up is also shown below.

Let us assume above, that the capacitor, C is fully “discharged” and the switch (S) is fully open.
These are the initial conditions of the circuit, then t = 0, i = 0 and q = 0. When the switch is
closed the time begins at t = 0 and current begins to flow into the capacitor via the resistor.
Since the initial voltage across the capacitor is zero, (V c = 0) the capacitor appears to be a short
circuit to the external circuit and the maximum current flows through the circuit restricted only
by the resistor R. Then by using Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL), the voltage drops around the
circuit are given as:
V S −R ×i ( t )−V c =0

The current now flowing around the circuit is called the Charging Current and is found by
using Ohms law as: i= Vs/R.

The capacitor now starts to
charge up as shown, with the rise in the RC charging curve steeper at the beginning because the
charging rate is fastest at the start and then tapers off as the capacitor takes on additional charge
at a slower rate.
As the capacitor charges up, the potential difference across its plates slowly increases with the
actual time taken for the charge on the capacitor to reach 63% of its maximum possible voltage,
in our curve 0.63Vs being known as one Time Constant, (T).
This 0.63V s  voltage point is given the abbreviation of 1T, (one time constant).

The capacitor continues charging up and the voltage difference between V s and V c reduces, so to
do the circuit current, i. Then at its final condition greater than five-time constants (5T) when the
capacitor is said to be fully charged, t = ∞, i = 0, q = Q = CV. Then at infinity the current
diminishes to zero, the capacitor acts like an open circuit condition therefore, the voltage drop is
entirely across the capacitor.
So mathematically we can say that the time required for a capacitor to charge up to one time
constant, (1T) is given as:
RC Time Constant, Tau
τ =RC
This RC time constant only specifies a rate of charge where, R is in Ω and C in Farads.
Since voltage V is related to charge on a capacitor given by the equation, Vc = Q/C, the voltage
across the value of the voltage across the capacitor (Vc) at any instant in time during the
charging period is given as:
V C =V S (1−e−t / RC )


 V C  is the voltage across the capacitor

 V S  is the supply voltage
 t is the elapsed time since the application of the supply voltage
 RC is the time constant of the RC charging circuit

After a period, equivalent to 4-time constants, (4T) the capacitor in this RC charging circuit is
virtually fully charged and the voltage across the capacitor is now approx. 98% of its maximum
value, 0.98V s . The time period taken for the capacitor to reach this 4T point is known as
the Transient Period.
After a time of 5T the capacitor is now fully charged and the voltage across the capacitor, ( V c ) is
equal to the supply voltage, (Vs). As the capacitor is fully charged no more current flows in the
circuit. The time period after this 5T point is known as the Steady State Period.
Then we can show in the following table the percentage voltage and current values for the
capacitor in a RC charging circuit for a given time constant.

RC Charging Table

Note that as the charging curve for a RC charging circuit is exponential, the capacitor never
becomes 100% fully charged due to the energy stored in the capacitor. So, for all practical
purposes, after five-time constants a capacitor is considered to be fully charged.
As the voltage across the capacitor Vc changes with time and is a different value at each time
constant up to 5T, we can calculate this value of capacitor voltage, Vc at any given point, for
RC Charging Circuit Example No1
Calculate the RC time constant, τ of the following circuit.

The time constant, τ is found using the formula τ = RC in seconds.

Therefore, the time constant τ is given as:   τ = R x C = 47k x 1000uF = 47 Secs
a) What value will be the voltage across the capacitor at 0.7-time constants?
At 0.7-time constants (0.7T) V c = 0.5Vs. Therefore, V c = 0.5 x 5V = 2.5V
b) What value will be the voltage across the capacitor at 1 time constant?
At 1-time constant (1T) V c = 0.63V s . Therefore, V c = 0.63 x 5V = 3.15V
c) How long will it take to “fully charge” the capacitor?
The capacitor will be fully charged at 5-time constants.
1 time constant (1T) = 47 seconds, (from above). Therefore, 5τ = 5 x 47 = 235 secs
d) The voltage across the Capacitor after 100 seconds?
−t −100
The voltage formula is given as V C =V S (1−e RC ) so this becomes:V C =5 V (1−e 47

Where: V S = 5 volts, t = 100 seconds, and RC = 47 seconds from above.

Therefore, V C =5 V (1−e 47
) = 5 V (1−e
) = 5(1 – 0.1191) = 4.4V

We have seen that the charge on a capacitor is given by the expression: Q=CV and that when a
voltage is firstly applied to the plates of the capacitor it charges up at a rate determined by its
time constant, τ.
RC Discharging Circuit

When a voltage source is removed

from a fully charged RC circuit, the
capacitor, C will discharge back
through the resistance, R.

In the previous RC Charging Circuit tutorial, we saw how a Capacitor, C charges up through the
resistor until it reaches an amount of time equal to 5-time constants or 5T and then remains fully
If this fully charged capacitor was now disconnected from its DC battery supply voltage it would
store its energy built up during the charging process indefinitely (assuming an ideal capacitor
and ignoring any internal losses), keeping the voltage across its terminals constant.
If the battery was now removed and replaced by a short circuit, when the switch was closed
again the capacitor would discharge itself back through the resistor, R as we now have a RC
discharging circuit. As the capacitor discharges its current through the series resistor the stored
energy inside the capacitor is extracted with the voltage V c  across the capacitor decaying to zero
as shown below.
RC Discharging Circuit
As we saw in the
previous RC charging circuit, in a RC Discharging Circuit, the time constant (τ) is still equal to
the value of 63%. Then for a RC discharging circuit that is initially fully charged, the voltage
across the capacitor after one time constant, 1T, has dropped by 63% of its initial value which
is 1 – 0.63 = 0.37 or 37% of its initial value. The time constant of the circuit is given as the time
taken for the capacitor to discharge down to within 37% of its fully charged value. So, one time
constant for an RC discharge circuit is given as the voltage across the plates representing 37% of
its final value which will be zero volts (fully discharged), and in our curve this is given
as 0.37Vs.
As the capacitor discharges, it loses its charge at a declining rate. At the start of discharge the
initial conditions of the circuit, are t = 0, i = 0 and q = Q. The voltage across the capacitors plates
is equal to the supply voltage and V c = V s . As the voltage across the plates is at its highest value
maximum discharge current flows around the circuit.

RC Discharging Circuit Curves

With the switch closed, the capacitor now starts to discharge as shown. The rate of decay of the
RC discharging curve is steeper at the beginning because the discharging rate is fastest at the
start and then tapers off exponentially as the capacitor loses charge at a slower rate. As the
discharge continues, V c  goes down and there is less discharge current.
We saw in the previous charging circuit that the voltage across the capacitor, C is equal to 0.5V c  
at 0.7T with the steady state fully discharged value being finally reached at 5T.
For a RC discharging circuit, the voltage across the capacitor (V c ) as a function of time during
the discharge period is defined as:

V C =V S ×e


 V c  is the voltage across the capacitor

 V S  is the supply voltage
 t is the elapsed time since the removal of the supply voltage
 RC is the time constant of the RC discharging circuit

Just like the previous RC Charging circuit, we can say that in a RC Discharging Circuit the
time required for a capacitor to discharge itself down to one time constant is given as:
τ =RC
Where, R is in Ω and C in Farads.
Then we can show in the following table the percentage voltage and current values for the
capacitor in a RC discharging circuit for a given time constant. Note that as the discharging
curve for a RC discharging circuit is exponential, for all practical purposes, after five-time
constants a capacitor is considered to be fully discharged. So, a RC circuit’s time constant is a
measure of how quickly it either charges or discharges.

RC Discharging Circuit Example No1

A capacitor is fully charged to 10 volts. Calculate the RC time constant, τ of the following RC
discharging circuit when the switch is closed.

The time constant, τ is found using the formula τ =RC in seconds.

Therefore, the time constant τ is given as:  τ =RC = 100k x 22uF = 2.2 Seconds
a) What value will be the voltage across the capacitor at 0.7-time constants?
At 0.7-time constants (0.7T) V c   = 0.5V c  . Therefore, V c   = 0.5 x 10V = 5V
b) What value will be the voltage across the capacitor after 1 time constant?
At 1 time constant (1T) V c  = 0.37Vc. Therefore, V c   = 0.37 x 10V = 3.7V
c) How long will it take for the capacitor to “fully discharge” itself, (equals 5 time
1 time constant (1T) = 2.2 seconds. Therefore, 5T = 5 x 2.2 = 11 Seconds

RC Waveforms

RC circuits can produce useful output waveforms such as square, triangular and sawtooth, when
a periodic waveform is applied to its input.

In the previous RC Charging and Discharging tutorials, we saw how a capacitor has the ability to
both charge and discharge itself through a series connected resistor. The time taken for this
capacitor to either fully charge or fully discharge is equal to five RC time constants or 5T when a
constant DC voltage is either applied or removed.
But what would happen if we changed this constant DC supply to a pulsed or square-wave
waveform that constantly changes from a maximum value to a minimum value at a rate
determined by its time period or frequency. How would this affect the output RC waveform for
a given RC time constant value?
We saw previously that the capacitor charges up to 5T when a voltage is applied and discharges
down to 5T when it is removed. In RC charging and discharging circuits this 5T time constant
value always remains true as it is fixed by the resistor-capacitor (RC) combination. Then the
actual time required to fully charge or discharge the capacitor can only be changed by changing
the value of either the capacitor itself or the resistor in the circuit and this is shown below.

Typical RC Waveform

Square Wave Signal
Useful wave shapes can be obtained by using RC circuits with the required time constant. If we
apply a continuous square wave voltage waveform to the RC circuit whose pulse width matches
that exactly of the 5RC time constant (5T) of the circuit, then the voltage waveform across the
capacitor would look something like this:

The voltage drop across the capacitor alternates between charging up to Vc and discharging
down to zero according to the input voltage. Here in this example, the frequency (and therefore
the resulting time period, ƒ = 1/T) of the input square wave voltage waveform exactly matches
twice that of the 5RC time constant.

This (10RC) time constant allows the capacitor to fully charge during the “ON” period (0-to-
5RC) of the input waveform and then fully discharge during the “OFF” period (5-to-10RC)
resulting in a perfectly matched RC waveform.
If the time period of the input waveform is made longer (lower frequency, ƒ < 1/10RC) for
example an “ON” half-period pulse width equivalent to say “8RC”, the capacitor would then
stay fully charged longer and stay fully discharged longer producing an RC waveform as shown.

A Longer 8RC Input Waveform

If, however we
now reduced the total time period of the input waveform (higher frequency, ƒ > 1/10RC), to
say “4RC”, the capacitor would not have sufficient time to either fully charge during the “ON”
period or fully discharge during the “OFF” period. Therefore, the resultant voltage drop across
the capacitor, V c   would be less than its maximum input voltage producing an RC waveform as
shown below.

A Shorter 4RC Input Waveform

Then by varying the RC time constant or the frequency of the input waveform, we can vary the
voltage across the capacitor producing a relationship between V c  and time, t. This relationship
can be used to change the shape of various waveforms so that the output waveform across the
capacitor barely resembles that of the input.

Frequency Response. The RC Integrator

The Integrator is a type of Low Pass Filter circuit that converts a square wave input signal into
a triangular waveform output. As seen above, if the 5RC time constant is long compared to the
time period of the input RC waveform the resultant output will be triangular in shape and the
higher the input frequency the lower will be the output amplitude compared to that of the input.

From which we derive an ideal voltage output for the integrator as:

V out = ∫ V ¿ dt
RC 0

RC Differentiator
The Differentiator is a High Pass Filter type of circuit that can convert a square wave input
signal into high frequency spikes at its output. If the 5RC time constant is short compared to the
time period of the input waveform, then the capacitor will become fully charged more quickly
before the next change in the input cycle.
When the capacitor is fully charged the output voltage across the resistor is zero. The arrival of
the falling edge of the input waveform causes the capacitor to reverse charge giving a negative
output spike, then as the square wave input changes during each cycle the output spike changes
from a positive value to a negative value.

from which we have an ideal voltage output for the Differentiator as:
d V¿
V out =RC

Alternating Sine Wave Input Signal

If we now change the input RC waveform of these RC circuits to that of a sinusoidal Sine
Wave voltage signal the resultant output RC waveform will remain unchanged and only its
amplitude will be affected. By changing the positions of the Resistor, R or the Capacitor, Ca
simple first order Low Pass or a High Pass filters can be made with the frequency response of
these two circuits dependent upon the input frequency value.
Low-frequency signals are passed from the input to the output with little or no attenuation, while
high-frequency signals are attenuated significantly to almost zero. The opposite is also true for a
High Pass filter circuit. Normally, the point at which the response has fallen 3dB (cut-off
frequency,  f c ) is used to define the filters bandwidth and a loss of 3dB corresponds to a
reduction in output voltage to 70.7 percent of the original value.

RC Filter Cut-off Frequency

f c= [ Hz ]
2 πRC
where RC is the time constant of the circuit previously defined and can be replaced by tau, T.
This is another example of how the Time Domain and the Frequency Domain concepts are

RC Integrator

The RC integrator is a series connected RC network that

produces an output signal which corresponds to the
mathematical process of integration.

For a passive RC integrator circuit, the input is connected to a resistance while the output
voltage is taken from across a capacitor being the exact opposite to the RC Differentiator
Circuit. The capacitor charges up when the input is high and discharges when the input is low.
In Electronics, the basic series connected resistor-capacitor (RC) circuit has many uses and
applications from basic charging/discharging circuits to high-order filter circuits. This two-
component passive RC circuit may look simple enough but depending on the type and frequency
of the applied input signal, the behavior and response of this basic RC circuit can be very
A passive RC network is nothing more than a resistor in series with a capacitor, that is a fixed
resistance in series with a capacitor that has a frequency dependent reactance which decreases as
the frequency across its plates increases. Thus, at low frequencies the reactance, Xc of the
capacitor is high while at high frequencies its reactance is low due to the standard capacitive
reactance formula of Xc = 1/(2πƒC), and we saw this effect in our tutorial about Passive Low
Pass Filters.
If the input signal is a sine wave, an RC integrator will simply act as a simple low pass filter
(LPF) above its cut-off point with the cut-off or corner frequency corresponding to the RC time
constant (tau, τ) of the series network. Thus, when fed with a pure sine wave, an RC integrator
acts as a passive low pass filter reducing its output above the cut-off frequency point. As we
have seen previously, the RC time constant reflects the relationship between the resistance and
the capacitance with respect to time with the amount of time, given in seconds, being directly
proportional to resistance, R and capacitance, C. Thus, the rate of charging or discharging
depends on the RC time constant, τ = RC. Consider the circuit below.

RC Integrator
For an RC integrator circuit, the input signal is applied to the resistance with the output taken
across the capacitor, then VOUT equals VC. As the capacitor is a frequency dependent element, the
amount of charge that is established across the plates is equal to the time domain integral of the
current. That is it takes a certain amount of time for the capacitor to fully charge as the capacitor
cannot charge instantaneously only charge exponentially.
Therefore, the capacitor current can be written as:
d V C(t )
i C(t )=C
d V C(t )
 This basic equation above of iC =C can also be expressed as the instantaneous rate of
change of charge, Q with respect to time giving us the following standard equation of: iC = dt
where the charge Q = C × V c, that is capacitance times voltage.
The rate at which the capacitor charges (or discharges) is directly proportional to the amount of
the resistance and capacitance giving the time constant of the circuit. Thus, the time constant of a
RC integrator circuit is the time interval that equals the product of R and C.
Since capacitance is equal to Q/V c , where electrical charge, Q is the flow of a current (i) over
time (t), that is the product of i x t in coulombs, and from Ohms law we know that voltage (V) is
equal to i x R, substituting these into the equation for the RC time constant gives:
Type equation here .
RC Time Constant
Q i×T
RC =R =R =T
V i×R
∴ T =RC
Then we can see that as both i and R cancel out, only T remains indicating that the time constant
of an RC integrator circuit has the dimension of time in seconds, being given the Greek letter
tau, τ. Note that this time constant reflects the time (in seconds) required for the capacitor to
charge up to 63.2% of the maximum voltage or discharge down to 36.8% of maximum voltage.

Capacitor Voltage
We said previously that for the RC integrator, the output is equal to the voltage across the
capacitor, that is: VOUT equals VC. This voltage is proportional to the charge, Q being stored on
the capacitor given by:Q=V × C.
The result is that the output voltage is the integral of the input voltage with the amount of
integration dependent upon the values of R and C and therefore the time constant of the network.
We saw above that the capacitors current can be expressed as the rate of change of charge, Q
with respect to time. Therefore, from a basic rule of differential calculus, the derivative of Q
with respect to time is dQ/dt and as i = dQ/dt we get the following relationship of:
Q = ∫idt (the charge Q on the capacitor at any instant in time)
Since the input is connected to the resistor, the same current, i must pass through both the
resistor and the capacitor (iR = iC) producing a VR voltage drop across the resistor so the current,
(i) flowing through this series RC network is given as:
V¿ V R dV
i (t )= = =C
R R dt

Q ∫ idt 1
V out =V C = = ∫ i(t)dt
As i= R¿ , substituting and rearranging to solve for VOUT as a function of time gives:


R ( )
∫ V ¿ dt
So, in other words, the output from an RC integrator circuit, which is the voltage across the
capacitor is equal to the time Integral of the input voltage, V IN weighted by a constant of 1/RC.
Where RC represents the time constant, τ.
Then assuming the initial charge on the capacitor is zero, that is V OUT = 0, and the input voltage
VIN is constant, the output voltage, VOUT is expressed in the time domain as:

RC Integrator Formula

V OUT = ∫ V dt
RC 0 ¿(t )

 So, an RC integrator circuit is one in which the output voltage, VOUT is proportional to the
integral of the input voltage, and with this in mind, let’s see what happens when we apply a
single positive pulse in the form of a step voltage to the RC integrator circuit.

Single Pulse RC Integrator

When a single step voltage pulse is applied to the input of an RC integrator, the capacitor
charges up via the resistor in response to the pulse. However, the output is not instant as the
voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantaneously but increases exponentially as the
capacitor charges at a rate determined by the RC time constant, τ = RC.

We now know that the rate at which the capacitor either charges or discharges is determined by
the RC time constant of the circuit. If an ideal step voltage pulse is applied, that is with the
leading edge and trailing edge considered as being instantaneous, the voltage across the
capacitor will increase for charging and decrease for discharging, exponentially over time at a
rate determined by:
Capacitor Charging

=V (1−e )
V C (t )

Capacitor Discharging

( )
V C (t )=V e RC

So, if we assume a capacitor voltage of one volt (1V), we can plot the percentage of charge or
discharge of the capacitor for each individual R time constant as shown in the following table.

Note that at 5-time
constants or above, the
capacitor is considered to be 100 percent fully charged or fully discharged.
So now let’s assume we have an RC integrator circuit consisting of a 100kΩ resistor and a 1uF
capacitor as shown.

RC Integrator Circuit Example

The time constant, τ of the RC integrator circuit is therefore given as:

RC = 100kΩ x 1uF = 100ms.

So, if we apply a step voltage pulse to the input with a duration of say, two-time constants
(200mS), then from the table above we can see that the capacitor will charge to 86.4% of its
fully charged value. If this pulse has an amplitude of 10 volts, then this equates to 8.64 volts
before the capacitor discharges again back through the resistor to the source as the input pulse
returns to zero.
If we assume that the capacitor is allowed to fully discharge in a time of 5-time constants, or
500mS before the arrival of the next input pulse, then the graph of the charging and discharging
curves would look something like this:

RC Integrator Charging/Discharging Curves

Note that the capacitor is discharging from an initial value of 8.64 volts (2-time constants) and
not from the 10 volts input.
Then we can see that as the RC time constant is fixed, any variation to the input pulse width will
affect the output of the RC integrator circuit. If the pulse width is increased and is equal to or
greater than 5RC, then the shape of the output pulse will be similar to that of the input as the
output voltage reaches the same value as the input.
If, however the pulse width is decreased below 5RC, the capacitor will only partially charge and
not reach the maximum input voltage resulting in a smaller output voltage because the capacitor
cannot charge as much resulting in an output voltage that is proportional to the integral of the
input voltage.
So, if we assume an input pulse equal to one time constant, that is 1RC, the capacitor will charge
and discharge not between 0 volts and 10 volts but between 63.2% and 38.7% of the voltage
across the capacitor at the time of change. Note that these values are determined by the RC time
Fixed RC Integrator Time Constant

So, for a continuous pulse input, the correct relationship between the periodic time of the input
and the RC time constant of the circuit, integration of the input will take place producing a sort
of ramp up, and then a ramp down output. But for the circuit to function correctly as an
integrator, the value of the RC time constant has to be large compared to the inputs periodic
time. That is RC ≫ T, usually 10 times greater.
This means that the magnitude of the output voltage (which was proportional to 1/RC) will be
very small between its high and low voltages severely attenuating the output voltage. This is
because the capacitor has much less time to charge and discharge between pulses, but the
average output DC voltage will increase towards one half magnitude of the input and in our
pulse example above, this will be 5 volts (10/2).

RC Integrator as a Sine Wave Generator

We have seen above that an RC integrator circuit can perform the operation of integration by
applying a pulse input resulting in a ramp-up and ramp-down triangular wave output due to the
charging and discharging characteristics of the capacitor. But what would happen if we reversed
the process and applied a triangular waveform to the input, would we get a pulse or square wave
When the input signal to an RC integrator circuit is a pulse shaped input, the output is a
triangular wave. But when we apply a triangular wave, the output becomes a sine wave due to
the integration over time of the ramp signal.
There are many ways to produce a sinusoidal waveform, but one simple and cheap way to
electronically produce a sine waves type waveform is to use a pair of passive RC integrator
circuits connected together in series as shown.
Sine Wave RC Integrator

Here the first RC integrator converts the original pulse shaped input into a ramp-up and ramp-
down triangular waveform which becomes the input of the second RC integrator. This second
RC integrator circuit rounds off the points of the triangular waveform converting it into a sine
wave as it is effectively performing a double integration on the original input signal with the RC
time constant affecting the degree of integration.
As the integration of a ramp produces a sine function, (basically a round-off triangular
waveform) its periodic frequency in Hertz will be equal to the period T of the original pulse.
Note also that if we reverse this signal and the input signal is a sine wave, the circuit does not act
as an integrator, but as a simple low pass filter (LPF) with the sine wave, being a pure waveform
does not change shape, only its amplitude is affected.

RC Integrator Summary
We have seen here that the RC integrator is basically a series RC low-pass filter circuit which
when a step voltage pulse is applied to its input produces an output that is proportional to the
integral of its input. This produces a standard equation of Vo = ∫Vidt where Vi is the signal fed
to the integrator and Vo is the integrated output signal.
The integration of the input step function produces an output that resembles a triangular ramp
function with an amplitude smaller than that of the original pulse input with the amount of
attenuation being determined by the time constant. Thus, the shape of the output waveform
depends on the relationship between the time constant of the circuit and the frequency (period)
of the input pulse.
An RC integrators time constant is always compared to the period, T of the input, so a long RC
time constant will produce a triangular wave shape with a low amplitude compared to the input
signal as the capacitor has less time to fully charge or discharge. A short time constant allows the
capacitor more time to charge and discharge producing a more typical rounded shape.
By connecting two RC integrator circuits together in parallel has the effect of a double
integration on the input pulse. The result of this double integration is that the first integrator
circuit converts the step voltage pulse into a triangular waveform and the second integrator
circuit converts the triangular waveform shape by rounding off the points of the triangular
waveform producing a sine wave output waveform with a greatly reduced amplitude.
RC Differentiator

The passive RC differentiator is a series connected RC network that produces an output signal
which corresponds to the mathematical process of differentiation.
For a passive RC differentiator circuit, the input is connected to a capacitor while the output
voltage is taken from across a resistance being the exact opposite to the RC Integrator Circuit.
A passive RC differentiator is nothing more than a capacitance in series with a resistance, that is
a frequency dependent device which has reactance in series with a fixed resistance (the opposite
to an integrator). Just like the integrator circuit, the output voltage depends on the circuits RC
time constant and input frequency.
Thus, at low input frequencies the reactance, XC of the capacitor is high blocking any DC
voltage or slowly varying input signals. While at high input frequencies the capacitors reactance
is low allowing rapidly varying pulses to pass directly from the input to the output.
This is because the ratio of the capacitive reactance (X C) to resistance (R) is different for
different frequencies and the lower the frequency the less output. So, for a given time constant,
as the frequency of the input pulses increases, the output pulses more and more resemble the
input pulses in shape.
We saw this effect in our tutorial about Passive High Pass Filters and if the input signal is a sine
wave, an RC differentiator will simply act as a simple high pass filter (HPF) with a cut-off or
corner frequency that corresponds to the RC time constant (tau, τ) of the series network.
Thus, when fed with a pure sine wave an RC differentiator circuit acts as a simple passive high
pass filter due to the standard capacitive reactance formula of XC = 1/(2πƒC).

But a simple RC network can also be configured to perform differentiation of the input signal.
We know from previous tutorials that the current through a capacitor is a complex exponential
given by: iC = C(dVc/dt). The rate at which the capacitor charges (or discharges) is directly
proportional to the amount of resistance and capacitance giving the time constant of the circuit.
Thus, the time constant of a RC differentiator circuit is the time interval that equals the product
of R and C. Consider the basic RC series circuit below.

RC Differentiator Circuit

For an RC differentiator circuit, the input signal is applied to one side of the capacitor with the
output taken across the resistor, then V OUT equals VR. As the capacitor is a frequency dependent
element, the amount of charge that is established across the plates is equal to the time domain
integral of the current. That is, it takes a certain amount of time for the capacitor to fully charge
as the capacitor cannot charge instantaneously only charge exponentially.
We saw in our tutorial about RC Integrators that when a single step voltage pulse is applied to
the input of an RC integrator, the output becomes a sawtooth waveform if the RC time constant
is long enough. The RC differentiator will also change the input waveform but in a different way
to the integrator.
Resistor Voltage

We said previously that for the RC differentiator, the output is equal to the voltage across the
resistor, that is: VOUT equals VR and being a resistance, the output voltage can change
However, the voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantly but depends on the value of
the capacitance, C as it tries to store an electrical charge, Q across its plates. Then the current
flowing into the capacitor, that is it depends on the rate of change of the charge across its plates.
Thus, the capacitor current is not proportional to the voltage but to its time variation giving: i =
As the amount of charge across the capacitors plates is equal to Q = C x Vc, that is capacitance
times voltage, we can derive the equation for the capacitors current as:
Capacitor Current
dQ d (C × d V C ) dVC V
i (t )= = =C =C ¿
dt dt dt dt
Therefore, the capacitor current can be written as:
V ¿(t)
i C(t )=C
As VOUT equals VR where VR according to ohms law is equal too: iR x R. The current that flows
through the capacitor must also flow through the resistance as they are both connected together
in series. Thus:
V OUT =V R =R ×i R
i C =C
As iR =iC
Thus, the standard equation given for an RC differentiator circuit is:

RC Differentiator Formula V OUT =RC dt¿

Then we can see that the output voltage, VOUT is the derivative of the input voltage, VIN which is
weighted by the constant of RC. Where RC represents the time constant, τ of the series circuit.
Single Pulse RC Differentiator

When a single step voltage pulse is firstly applied to the input of an RC differentiator, the
capacitor “appears” initially as a short circuit to the fast-changing signal. This is because the
slope dv/dt of the positive-going edge of a square wave is very large (ideally infinite), thus at the
instant the signal appears, all the input voltage passes through to the output appearing across the

After the initial positive-going edge of the input signal has passed and the peak value of the
input is constant, the capacitor starts to charge up in its normal way via the resistor in response
to the input pulse at a rate determined by the RC time constant, τ = RC.
As the capacitor charges up, the voltage across the resistor, and thus the output decreases in an
exponentially way until the capacitor becomes fully charged after a time constant of 5RC (5T),
resulting in zero output across the resistor. Thus, the voltage across the fully charged capacitor
equals the value of the input pulse as: VC = VIN and this condition holds true so long as the
magnitude of the input pulse does not change.
If now the input pulse changes and returns to zero, the rate of change of the negative-going edge
of the pulse pass through the capacitor to the output as the capacitor cannot respond to this high
dv/dt change. The result is a negative going spike at the output.

After the initial negative-going edge of the input signal, the capacitor recovers and starts to
discharge normally and the output voltage across the resistor, and therefore the output, starts to
increase exponentially as the capacitor discharges.
Thus whenever the input signal is changing rapidly, a voltage spike is produced at the output
with the polarity of this voltage spike depending on whether the input is changing in a positive
or a negative direction, as a positive spike is produced with the positive-going edge of the input
signal, and a negative spike produced as a result of the negative-going input signal.
Thus, the RC differentiator output is effectively a graph of the rate of change of the input signal
which has no resemblance to the square wave input wave, but consists of narrow positive and
negative spikes as the input pulse changes value.
By varying the time period, T of the square wave input pulses with respect to the fixed RC time
constant of the series combination, the shape of the output pulses will change as shown.

RC Differentiator Output Waveforms

Then we can see that the shape of the output waveform depends on the ratio of the pulse width to
the RC time constant. When RC is much larger (greater than 10RC) than the pulse width the
output waveform resembles the square wave of the input signal. When RC is much smaller (less
than 0.1RC) than the pulse width, the output waveform takes the form of very sharp and narrow
spikes as shown above.
So, by varying the time constant of the circuit from 10RC to 0.1RC we can produce a range of
different wave shapes. Generally, a smaller time constant is always used in RC differentiator
circuits to provide good sharp pulses at the output across R. Thus, the differential of a square
wave pulse (high dv/dt step input) is an infinitesimally short spike resulting in an RC
differentiator circuit.

Lets assume a square wave waveform has a period, T of 20mS giving a pulse width of 10mS
(20mS divided by 2). For the spike to discharge down to 37% of its initial value, the pulse width
must equal the RC time constant, that is RC = 10mS. If we choose a value for the capacitor, C of
1uF, then R equals 10kΩ.
For the output to resemble the input, we need RC to be ten times (10RC) the value of the pulse
width, so for a capacitor value of say, 1uF, this would give a resistor value of: 100kΩ. Likewise,
for the output to resemble a sharp pulse, we need RC to be one tenth (0.1RC) of the pulse width,
so for the same capacitor value of 1uF, this would give a resistor value of: 1kΩ, and so on.
RC Differentiator Example

So, by having an RC value of one tenth the pulse width (and in our example above this is 0.1 x
10mS = 1mS) or lower we can produce the required spikes at the output, and the lower the RC
time constant for a given pulse width, the sharper the spikes. Thus, the exact shape of the output
waveform depends on the value of the RC time constant.
RC Differentiator Summary
We have seen here in this RC Differentiator tutorial that the input signal is applied to one side
of a capacitor and the output is taken across the resistor. A differentiator circuit is used to
produce trigger or spiked typed pulses for timing circuit applications.
When a square wave step input is applied to this RC circuit, it produces a completely different
wave shape at the output. The shape of the output waveform depending on the periodic time, T
(an therefore the frequency, ƒ) of the input square wave and on the circuit’s RC time constant
When the periodic time of the input waveform is similar too, or shorter than, (higher frequency)
the circuits RC time constant, the output waveform resembles the input waveform, that is a
square wave profile. When the periodic time of the input waveform is much longer than, (lower
frequency) the circuits RC time constant, the output waveform resembles narrow positive and
negative spikes.
The positive spike at the output is produced by the leading-edge of the input square wave, while
the negative spike at the output is produced by the falling-edge of the input square wave. Then
the output of an RC differentiator circuit depends on the rate of change of the input voltage as
the effect is very similar to the mathematical function of differentiation.
Difference Between Capacitor and Inductor
The Difference Between Capacitor and Inductor are explained considering various factors like
the basic definition, calculation of stored energy, the flow of current, their behavior in both AC
and DC circuits. Relationship between voltage and current, its unit, types of inductor and
capacitor, their resistance to change and applications.

The Difference Between Capacitor and Inductor is given below in the tabulated
Definition Capacitor stores energy in the form of Inductor stores energy in the form of
electric field. magnetic field.
Calculation of Energy Energy stored is calculated in terms of Energy stored is calculated in terms of
voltage. i.e. current. i.e.
½ CV2 ½ LI2
Flow of current There is no flow of current through the In an Inductor current passes through
capacitor plates. the coil.
Behavior in DC circuit Capacitor acts as an insulator for DC Inductor acts as a conductor for DC
circuit. circuit.
Relationship between In an AC circuit current leads voltage by In an AC circuit current lags voltage by
voltage and current 90 degrees. 90 degrees.
Behavior of current in In a DC circuit when capacitor is added In a DC circuit when inductor is added
DC circuit in series with a resistor, the current in series with a resistor, the value of
initially becomes high but later falls to current is small and afterward it
zero. increases with time.
Unit Its unit is Farad Its unit is Henry
Types Ceramic, Electrolytic and Tantalum are Coupled inductor, multi-layer, ceramic
the types of capacitor. core inductor, molded inductor are the
types of Inductor.
Short circuit The Capacitor acts as a short circuit for It is equivalent to a short circuit to the
alternating current. direct current.
Steady state condition Capacitor acts as an open circuit to the Inductor behaves as a short circuit to the
steady state condition in DC circuits. steady state condition in DC.
Resist to change Capacitor resists change in voltage. Inductor resists change in current.
Applications Electrolytic capacitor in high voltage Inductors are used in radio, TV, chokes,
power supplies and where high capacity automobile spark plug, transformer etc.
values are needed.

Capacitor and Inductor both are the passive components of an electrical circuit.
A Capacitor consists of two metallic plates or conductors which are separated by a dielectric
medium. An electric field set up because of the potential difference between the two conductors
or we can say between the two plates.

Inductor is a type of coil which stores energy in the form of magnetic flux. When as electric
current is passed through a coil, voltage is developed across the coil due to change in the
magnetic field.

The Difference Between Capacitor and Inductor are as follows: -

 Capacitor stores energy in the form of electric field, whereas Inductor stores energy in the form
of magnetic field.
 Energy stored in Capacitor is calculated in terms of voltage, i.e. ½ CV 2. Energy stored is
calculated in terms of current, i.e. ½ LI2
 There is no flow of current through the capacitor plates but in an Inductor current passes through
the coil.
 Capacitors act as an insulator for DC circuit, whereas Inductor acts as a conductor for DC
 In an AC circuit for capacitor, the current leads voltage by 90 degrees and in case of inductor
current lags voltage by 90 degrees.
 In a DC circuit when capacitor is added in series with a resistor, the current initially becomes
high but later it falls to zero. In case of an Inductor when it is added in series with a resistor, the
value of current is small at the starting but gradually it increases with time.
 Capacitance is measured in Farad whereas Inductance is measured in Henry.
 Ceramic, Electrolytic and Tantalum are some of the types of capacitor. Coupled inductor, multi-
layer, ceramic core inductor, molded inductor is some of the types of Inductor.
 The Capacitor acts as a short circuit in the alternating current. Inductor is equivalent to a short
circuit to the direct current.
 The Capacitor acts as an open circuit to the steady state condition in DC circuits, whereas
Inductor behaves as a short circuit to the steady state condition in DC.
 Capacitor resists the change in voltage whereas Inductor resists the change in current.
 Electrolytic capacitors are used in high voltage power supplies. An Axial electrolytic capacitor is
used in lower voltage and for smaller size for general purposes where high capacity values are
needed. Inductors find applications in radio, TV, chokes, automobile spark plug, transformer etc.

Difference Between Capacitor and Battery

The Difference Between Capacitor and Battery is explained considering factors like function of
capacitor and battery, type of component they are, their usage, voltage, charging and discharging
time, life cycle, cell voltage, cost, service life, charging temperature, specific power, potential
difference, polarity, types and size.

Difference Between Capacitor and Battery is shown below in the tabulated form
Potential energy is stored in the form of Its potential energy is stored in a
an electric field. chemical form.
Capacitor draws energy from the circuit,
Function Battery provides energy to the circuit.
stores and then release the energy.
Type of component It is the passive component of the circuit. It is the active component of the circuit.
It is generally used for AC applications.
Usage It blocks the DC component of the It is used as the DC components.
In capacitor voltage gets rapidly The Battery provides a relatively
decreased. constant voltage when discharging.
Charging and Charging and discharging is fast as Charging and discharging is relatively
discharging time compared to batteries. It is about 1-10 sec slow. About 10-60 min
Life cycle 1 million or 30000 hours 500 or more
Cell voltage 2.3 to 2.75 V 3.6 to 3.7 V
The specific power is up to 10000
Specific power Its specific power is about 1000 to 3000
Cost of battery is less as compared to
Cost Cost of capacitor is higher
the capacitor.
Service life 10- 15 years 5 to 10 years
Charging temperature -40 to 65 degrees Celsius 0 to 45 degrees Celsius
Potential difference increases Potential difference generated by a
Potential difference
exponentially with time. battery is constant.
The Polarity of the capacitor must be The Polarity of the battery is reversed at
same at the time of charging and using. the time of charging and using.
Alkaline, lead acid, lithium, lithium-ion,
Types Electrolytic, Ceramic and Tantalum
Nickel cadmium, zinc carbon.
Batteries are small in size as compared
Size Capacitors are large in size
to the capacitor.

The Capacitor consists of two or more parallel plates which are separated by a dielectric
medium. When an electric current is supplied to the capacitor, the current enters the plate. The
dielectric used to stop the flow of the current. Thus, a change is created which is stored in the
form of an electric field.

A Battery is a source of energy in the electrical network. It consists of three main parts known as
positive terminal (Cathode), negative terminal (Anode) and the electrolyte. The charging and
discharging takes place by the chemical reaction which generates the voltage.

Difference Between Capacitor and Battery is described below in detail

 In Capacitor Potential energy is stored in the form of an electric field, whereas in Battery the
potential energy is stored in a chemical form.
 Capacitor draws energy from the circuit, stores and then release the energy. The Battery provides
energy to the circuit.
 Capacitor is the passive component of the circuit, whereas Battery is the active component.
 Capacitor generally used for AC applications. It blocks the DC component of the circuit. Battery
is used as the DC components.
 In capacitor voltage gets rapidly decreased. The Battery provides a relatively constant voltage
when discharging.
 Charging and discharging is fast as compared to batteries. It is about 1-10 seconds, whereas
Charging time of the battery varies 10-60 minutes.
 The Life cycle of a Capacitor is about 1 million or 30000 hours, whereas Battery life cycle is
500 hours or more
 The Cell voltage of a Capacitor is 2.3 to 2.75 Volts whereas that of battery is 3.6 to 3.7 Volts
 The specific power of a Capacitor is up to 10000 (W/kg) whereas for the battery it is 1000 to
 Cost of battery is less as compared to the capacitor.
 The Service life of a Capacitor is about 10- 15 years, whereas for Battery it is 5 to 10 years.
 The Charging temperature of a Capacitor is -40 to 65 degrees Celsius, whereas for Battery it is 0
to 45 degrees Celsius.
 Potential difference increases exponentially with time in Capacitor. Potential difference
generated by a battery is constant.
 The Polarity of the capacitor must be similar at the time of charging and using both. The Polarity
of the battery is different at the time of charging and using that means it is reversed.
 Electrolytic, Ceramic and Tantalum are the different types of Capacitor. Similarly, the different
types of battery are Alkaline, lead acid, lithium, lithium-ion, Nickel cadmium, zinc carbon.
 Batteries are smaller in size as compared to that of the capacitor.


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