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My magazine’s audience profile

My magazine’s audience is aged between 16-25

years old, meaning that they will either still be in
education (whether that be 6th form or university),
or staring their first job. Meaning that they will still
be trying to find out what to do with their life.
Things that would be intriguing towards this
audience would include; where would they go for
university, what potential careers they would like to
do, any new interests and popular things that their
friends also enjoy.
In terms of psychometrics, these group of people
would aim to be more of a mixture of Aspirers,
Explorers & Reformers. This is because they are
young and they would want to explore more,
discover new things about the world and
themselves, they are socially aware so they don’t
have to conform to typical social interactions where
they talk to the latest superhero movies and latest
video games.
In regards to more specific demographics, it is aimed
at both genders, it’s aimed at any ethnic group, the
education level is for people thinking about
university to people just leaving university.
It will be geared towards anyone in this group
because its about trying to encourage people of this
audience group to consider what they should do
with their life, where they can go, live, explore, build
relationships and even communities through
relating to the stories in the magazine and providing
social interaction between friends and family.

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