Efforts Done By: - Dhruv Jain

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Efforts Done By : -

Dhruv Jain
The objectives of this project are listed below : -

• To, highlight Science as a necessary part of our

everyday life.
• To, explore emerging technologies.
• To, analyze the impact of Science and emerging
technologies on our lives.
Humankind has constantly sought to innovate to make life
more comfortable.
Almost every aspect of our life today is touched by Science in
one way or the other.
It is pertinent that we appreciate the varied applications of
Science in our daily lives.
Whether it was learning to domesticate animals rather than
hunt, or inventing the wheel.
We have sought to better our lives through scientific inventions
and discoveries.
These changes have impacted modern technology the most.

Rapid changes in the field of Science have led to tremendous

advances in the field of technology.
I would show or keep my opinions on the pros
and cons of using social media, or on any other
related topic.
I would enumerate ways in which Science and
technology have changed lives particularly in
the context of differently abled children.
I would be explaining,
Emerging technologies such as solar panels,
rain water harvesting, e-waste management, etc.
~ Emerging Technology

1. Green Technology




~Science and Technology in the social context

1. Science: discussion on use & abuse

2. Uses and misuses of technology (in healthcare,

agriculture, warfare, changing lifestyle etc.)
3. Assistive technology for the differently abled
1. Green Technology : -
~ Environmental technology (enviro tech), green technology
(green tech) or clean technology (cleantech) is the application
of one or more of environmental science, green
chemistry, environmental monitoring and electronic devices to
monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and
resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human
involvement. The term is also used to describe sustainable
energy generation technologies such as photovoltaics, wind
turbines, etc. Sustainable development is the core
of environmental technologies. The term environmental
technologies is also used to describe a class of electronic
devices that can promote sustainable management of

~ Purification and waste management includes the following : -

• Biofiltration
• Bioreactor
2. Mechanotronics
~ Mechatronics, also called mechatronics engineering, is
an interdisciplinary branch of engineering that focuses on the integration of
mechanical, electronic and electrical engineering systems, and also includes
a combination of robotics, electronics, computer
science, telecommunications, systems, control, and product engineering.
As technology advances over time, various subfields of engineering have
succeeded in both adapting and multiplying. The intention of mechatronics
is to produce a design solution that unifies each of these various subfields.
~ The various course structure available in this field are given below : -
• Engineering Mathematics
• Mechanical engineering and materials science and engineering
• Computer engineering
• Computer science
• Control engineering
3. Nanotechnology
~ Nanotechnology, also shortened to nanotech, is the use of matter
on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale for industrial
purposes. The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology
referred to the particular technological goal of precisely
manipulating atoms and molecules for fabrication of macroscale
products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology.
~ Scientists currently debate the future implications of
nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new
materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as
in nanomedicine, nanoelectronics, biomaterials energy production,
and consumer products. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises
many of the same issues as any new technology, including concerns
about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and
their potential effects on global economics.
4. Biotechnology : -
~ Biotechnology is a broad area of biology,
involving the use of living systems and
organisms to develop or make products.
Depending on the tools and applications, it often
overlaps with related scientific fields. In the late
20th and early 21st centuries, biotechnology has
expanded to include new and diverse sciences,
such as genomics, recombinant
gene techniques, applied immunology, and
development of pharmaceutical therapies
and diagnostic test. The term biotechnology was
first used by Karl Ereky in 1919, meaning the
production of products from raw materials with
the aid of living organisms.
1. Science: Discussion on Use and Abuse

Science has progressed in both the domains – constructive as

well as destructive. The latest triumphs of science try to
remove the evils of disease and death. These have also
increased the threat to human life. On the destructive side,
science has invented weapons that are most dreadful and

One of the most frequent and popular question which is

often asked is, “Are scientific inventions making us happier?”
Science has definitely made life easier for man.
Telecommunication and technology have made the world,
not just a small place, but a tiny world. We can talk to a
person across the world sitting in front of our webcams, we
can send pictures and videos in minutes over the net and we
can carry a world of information in a tiny microchip.
As modern age is an age of science, man has become
calculative and mechanical. Science is advancing and it is
thwarting our civilisation . In the kingdom of science,
words like love, affection and sentiments are fast
becoming alien. So what is the use of science for man if he
gains the whole world but loses his soul? Spiritualism is on
the wane while materialism is on the rise. Philosophy,
culture and poetry are fading from human life because of
the rapid advancement of science.

Therefore, the opinion remains divided on the science

being a boon or bane. No one claims for certain that
science is complete happiness or an impending curse.
However, the latest triumphs and victories of science need
to be properly utilised , otherwise, they can bring certain
death and destruction to the human race.
2. Uses and misuses of technology (in
healthcare, agriculture, warfare, changing
lifestyle etc.)
Technology is the scientific knowledge to
create and invent new devices and
machines to facilitate humans.
The arrival of different devices and
machines have made life more easier.
Technology is defined as the use of
scientific knowledge to create and
produce something to enhance and
improve life.
Science and technology and
interdependent on each other, advance
in the field of science brings advance in
The research, experiments and
observations that are conducted in the
field of science help to design and
produce technological products and
devices that benefit humanity.
Advantages : -

1. It has helped in the growth and development of humans.

2. Inventions and discoveries have made life more easier and more effective
and convenient.

3. Technology has connected whole world and have made world a global

4. It is used at every walk of life, simply it is a boon to mankind.

5. Technology has not only made our life easier and comfortable but it has
contributed a lot in the growth of economies of the world.

6. Creative technology which includes art, designing and advertising through

some software applications has helped a lot to promote art and designing.

7. The architectural technology has made it easier to design and build

buildings, bridges and plazas.

8. Industrial technology has also benefited industry.


1. The excessive use of technological equipment and inventions

has created different sorts of pollution. Due to air and water
pollution the world is facing severe health issues and problems.

2. Technology borne diseases like visual impairment and

obesity are on the rise.

3. It has made people socially isolated.

4. The labor class is suffering due to advancement in technology

because it has decreased employment opportunities.

5. The horns of vehicles and sounds produced from machines

has increase noise pollution.

6. Many natural resources are at the risk and are being depleted
to produce and prepare technological equipment, it is an
unalterable threat to environment.
3. Assistive technology for the differently abled
The Introduction of Technology in the sphere of Education has
proved to be a turning point in the transfer of knowledge in a
traditional classroom setting. Integrating Technology with
teaching and learning has developed an interactive
environment while also fostering creativity wherein students
find themselves engaging more than in the usual lecture
method classroom setting. The incorporation of technology in
education has also resulted in students being equipped with
skills that helps them enter the workforce once they
graduate. With all these developments, Technology has
played a major role in creating an environment of equal
opportunity by paving the way for differently-abled learners to
engage and be a part of a traditional classroom setting. In the
past, differently-abled students struggled to be a part of
classroom program is due to accessibility and instructional
There are several limitations to assistive technology, such as;

High Costs: Most of the technology and equipment available are specialized devices
and are also customized to suit the learner’s requirements. This can result in an
increase in the cost of acquiring the technology. Hence, it is one of the major reasons
why there is a lack of availability of technology/devices to those who require it, as
financially, this is not a feasible options for them and their families.

Development and Implementation is Time Consuming: Much of the technology

that has now evolved, has been a result of decades long research and development.
It cannot be produced overnight as it requires great amounts of trial and error and
testing to the if the product, produced, works efficiently. Also, for many software, it
needs to be user friendly and manageable so it acts as an assistance not as a
hindrance for the user.

Possibility of Malfunctioning: The devices produced do undergo long research and

development and quality testing before it is released, but at the end of the day it is
machinery and a piece of equipment, the possibility of malfunctioning for which is
always there. This could require the re-call or re-development of a technological

Training is needed for the Operation: Those handling and operating the
equipment, need to be trained for its usage and need to get accustomed because
there devices can require a specialized handling. Be it teachers, nurses or caregivers,
training is an important part of handing assistive technology. Equipment could be
bulky, and also space restrictive

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