DCP Traffic (9-4-22 Addl MC ( (Project - City) Explaination For Delay of Hancock Bridge

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Date: 9.4.


97/ DCP traffic South / Hancock bridge PIL folder and file/ save South Mumbai from traffic



DCP traffic, South Mumbai.

Sub: Addl MC city and project shall explain the delay of 7 years for completion of Hancock

Reg: final date of completion of entire Hancock bridge

The Traffic police shall take on record and seek explanation from Addl MC (city) and (project) and
Railway authorities

Hancock bridge
a. Details of work done in 7 years and what is balance to be completed.
b. Unreasonable delay of 7 years. 1st phase is not seen
c. Approach road for Jinabai Rathod road not seen
d. When will 2nd phase start and be completed not known
e. What shall be effect of traffic jam because of two lane staring at
i. Fazalani school, where hundreds of scooters and cars come for dropping
ii. Elly kadorie school on mazgaon side
iii. Large godowns where 40 feet lorry takes 10 minutes to enter the gully
iv. Traffic jams till JJ on dongri side and Byculla on Mazgaon side
f. Whether school buses and BEST buses and lorries will be allowed to use the Hancock
g. If heavy vehicles / buses / school buses will not be allowed on
Hancock bridge how will there be reduction of traffic on P d
mello road.
h. Whether the bridge shall be open only for owners of private
vehicles and what is fate of students / senior citizens/ patients
and citizens who do not have vehicles.
i. Where will local resident of dongri side park vehicles and other alternatives.

j. Details of work done since 65 years of permission to widen the road to 90 feet at Dongri
k. Work done for widening the road at Dongri side since last 7 years
l. Budget of 11 crores not allowed this year.
m. Completion of approach road for 4 lane on both sides.
n. What preparation done for rehab of occupants of obstructing buildings since 65 years of
road widening?
o. Undertaking in writing that all
i. shifting of utilities are over.
ii. All fund area ready and project shall not suffer for funds
iii. Date of commencement and completion
iv. Penalty and punishment to contractors/ Addl MC and DMC infrastructure in
case of delay
v. Compliance of Traffic police NOCs issued from time to time.
vi. Provision of ramp/ lift for senior citizens and patients.
p. Provide details of all bridges / FOB/ ROB to be closed repaired
up to Sion and Bandra

Carnac bridge
1. How will traffic load be handled in view of
i. 70 to 100 vehicles pass on Carnac bridge
ii. How will P D mello road, PM road, D.N. Road and Crawford Market junction
handle this traffic.
iii. Godown are also allowed below JJ bridge near Crawford Market junction which
is another nuisance.
iv. Illegal transit market at Crawford market junction
v. Illegal closure of Anna sahib Daundkar marg and MRA marg and MJP market
pay and parking facilities.

2. Submit documents and undertaking

i. All underground utilities are shifted
ii. All obstructing structures are removed and rehabilitated
iii. all drawings and all permissions form railways is completed and no permissions is
iv. tenders are invited and finalized for appointing contractor
v. all raw and finished materials for demolition and construction is ordered and
vi. all consultants are appointed
vii. all funds are ready and shall not be delayed for want of funds.
viii. Date of commencement and completion
ix. Penalty and punishment to contractors/ Addl MC and DMC infrastructure in case
of delay
x. Tree cutting permissions

3. Undertaking from Addl MC and DMC zone 1 that all conditions mentioned in NOC
dt. 20.8.2014 and other NOC issued thereafter directing removal of illegal parking,
illegal stalls, illegal structures, name boards – Chowks/ flower beds/ reading rooms,
religious structures, obstruction and encroachment on road / footpath / traffic
islands/ below the JJ and Byculla bridges at

a. Crawford Market junction

b. Carnac bridge junction
c. Mohd Ali Road
d. B. A road.
e. SVP road
f. Y M road
g. Samanthbhai nangi marg
h. Ramchandra Bhatt marg
i. Imamawada
j. Wadi bunder bridge
k. JJ hospital signal to Novelty Signal

4. mandatory test report / documents which shall be kept in public domain before
declaring the bridges / structures are unsafe for usage and need demolition and

i. the structural audit report of super structure girders and abutments along with
embankments of the bridge.
ii. Load testing report.
iii. Definition of defective work and sub-standard work.
iv. real time structural health monitoring report.
v. six monthly structural audit stability report
vi. Details of alternative arrangement done to facilitate vehicular and pedestrian
movement after closing of these bridges.
vii. Format of inspection report to be followed by every officer showing
comparison of the parameters which is actual carried out at site and the
specification / parameters as per IRC.
With regards

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