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Introduction to Clay Reading Questions- ***use the other attached document

to read & answer the below questions.

1. What 4 elements help in the process of making something from clay?

Earth, Water, Air, Fire

2. Name some of the industrial uses of clay.

Bricks, Building, Drainage Tiles, Plumbing Fixtures (toilets and sinks), Electrical
Insulators, and Lining for Steel and Glass Furnaces

3. Why do you need to sift clay you dig from the ground to prepare it for use?
To remove large pebbles, roots, and impurities

4. There are 3 important things to remember when building a large clay project. What are
Made Hollow, walls no thicker than ½ inch, and a small hole allowing air in and out of the
hollow space

5. List and describe 3 basic clay construction methods below.

Pinch, Coil, and Slab

6. When making a slab, explain the purpose of the guides.

The rolling pin will roll over the guides keeping all of the clay the same thickness and
preventing you from pushing too hard into the clay with the rolling pin

7. When joining 2 slabs, is it better to have moist or drier clay? Why?

Drier clay because moist clay is a lot more flimsy and harder to connect

8. What does it mean to score a surface? Why would you do this?

Make scratches on the sides you are putting together to make it easier to stick them

9. When impressing designs into your clay piece, how do you know if your clay is too
The clay sticks to the object making the imprint

10. What are some objects you could press into clay to make designs?
Pencil Erasers, Forks, Shells, Bottle Caps, Fabric, etc.

11. How hot does the kiln get during the firing process? How long are the pieces fired for?
1870 degrees Fahrenheit and they are fired for 3 ½ hours
12. Is your project going to be the same size as it was when it went in the kiln? If not, will it
be larger or smaller?
It will be Larger then it was when placed in the kiln

13. What is the purpose of glaze?

To protect water

14. Will depressions in the clay have a darker or lighter coloured glaze after firing?

15. Why shouldn’t you put the glaze on the bottom of your piece?
It will stick to the kiln

***--- Now you will use this link for #16 and 17 Black Ceramic and 3D Artists to answer the
last two questions. You will look up an artist from this list, Instagram group, or padlet on the link.
16. Find an artist who could inspire you as you move forward building in clay. Paste their
name and one image of their work.
Kenesha Sneed

17. What about their work inspires you?

I enjoy the collection of colour

/ 17 pts

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