HSAD300 1 Jan Jun2022 FA1 PC V3 24012022

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Academic Year 2022: January - June

Formative Assessment 1: Systems Analysis and Design 3


NQF Level, Credits: 6, 20

Weighting: 40%

Assessment Type: Essay Questions

Educator: P. Jideani

Examiner: P. Jideani

Due Date: 25 March 2022

Total: 100 Marks


• This formative assessment consists of three (3) questions.

• It is based on Units 1 to 3 of the prescribed study guide and Chapters 1, 2, 7,
11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 23, and 26 of the module textbook.
• All questions are compulsory.
• Submit your complete assessment as one (1) pdf document.
• A Unicheck-verification report will be issued via ColCampus once the
assignment is submitted. Please ensure that you follow the correct steps when
uploading your assignment, to ensure that the verification report is correctly
issued. If the incorrect document is uploaded, or if the verification report is
issued for the incorrect document a mark of zero (0) will be awarded. If the
verification report indicates that a 30% similarity rating has been exceeded, 25%
will be deducted from the final grade.

1 HSAD300-1-Jan-Jun2022-FA1-PC-V3-24012022
The following learning outcomes are assessed:

• Explain the key systems analysis and design models which are used for process
modelling, system modelling, and data modelling
• Understand the role of the business analyst
• Understand the SDLC phases
• Understand the use of the Zachman framework
• Understand the importance of software measurement methods

Question 1 (50 marks)

You are employed by Pizza Hut’s Technology Division. You are designing the business
logic of their pizza ordering system. Pizza Hut has a unique business case having 4
organisational units Purchasing, Fulfilment, Customer service, and Accounting. Your
superior tells you that it will be a good idea to make the organisational units your
swimlanes. You are told the process all begins at the Customer service that receives
the order, this is then sent to the fulfilment to pull the available inventory and
accounting department for the preparation of the invoice. The fulfilment department
then needs to check if items are available, if items are not available a prepare
backorder is sent to the Purchasing department. Once the purchase of an item is
made, it is then sent back to the fulfilment department that performs a Pull Backorder
inventory. If all items are available, a fulfilment email is sent to the accounting
department. Once the Accounting department receives the order from the Customer
service, the Accounting department prepares an invoice as stated earlier. The
Accounting department receives confirmation from the Fulfillment department to send
an invoice. The Accounting department Receives payment and closes the order at the
Customer service. The technology division wants to control how the Food Ordering
System (FOS) takes place at the branches. The food ordering system is at the center
of managements concern and also the context. Customers may make orders from the
FOS, the FOS should be able to provide a receipt to the customer. The FOS should
also be able to send food orders to the Kitchen. Management reports should be sent
to the branch manager of each branch.

1.1 Management wants you to use an iterative approach to the development of this
project. Explain what the Iterative model is and possible advantages to the
2 HSAD300-1-Jan-Jun2022-FA1-PC-V3-24012022
(8 marks)
1.2 Using only the case study provided. Draw a Context Diagram for the Food
Ordering System (FOS) of Pizza Hut. Note: Figure 2.4, Unit 2 page 29 notation of a
context diagram must be used. No other notation will be accepted.

(7 marks)

1.3 Draw an activity diagram with swimlanes of the customer order process.
(15 marks)

1.3 Draw a Use Case diagram for your attempt in question 1.1. (10 marks)

1.4 With the new branches opened at Pizza hut, management found the need to hire
salespeople. You are working closely with the business analyst who provides you
with the business rule. A salesperson should be able to make sales, sales can be
made by only one salesperson. A customer must agree for a sale to be made. A
customer may receive many items from the Warehouse, different warehouses
could send items to a customer. Draw an entity-relationship diagram for the
business case provided, showing four (4) tables and corresponding entities with
primary keys. (10 marks)

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Question 2 (33 marks)

A local fashion designer and tailor who has been working for over 30 years wants to
digitise his business. He wants to move away from legacy and manual ways of doing
things. He wants a digital system where clients may book to consult him, generate
receipts for work, etc.

2.1 Conduct a feasibility study for the fashion designer. (15 marks)

2.2 Analyse which of the Information and requirements gathering technique will be
most suitable for this project
(5 marks)
2.3 The Zachman Framework is a foundational structure for Enterprise Architecture
that gives a formal and systematic manner of perceiving and defining an
enterprise. Discuss seven rules of thumb which you should bear in mind when
working with this framework.
(13 marks)

Question 3 (17 marks)

Apps stores for mobile devices are full of many applications that range from
educational, productivity to social apps. Identify any applications that will benefit
tertiary students who would like to upskill themselves in Systems Development. You
have decided to use McCall's Software Quality Framework to test the applications.
Answer the following questions.

3.1 State the name of the mobile application you are testing (1 mark)
3.2 After testing the applications, write a review of the application you identified in
Question 3.1 using the following McCall’s software quality framework quality
factors. Clearly outline the process of testing the application for each level of
Software Quality Factor. (16 marks)
3.2.1 Reliability
3.2.2 Usability
3.2.3 Maintainability
3.2.4 Portability

4 HSAD300-1-Jan-Jun2022-FA1-PC-V3-24012022
Note to grader: Award 2 marks for each quality factor. Award extra 2 marks for each
quality factor testing process.
Criteria Total
- Reliability
A program performs its intended function with precision and accuracy to
this extent.
- Usability
The effort required by users to learn, operate and use the program
- Maintainability
The effort needed to identify and fix problems
- Testability
The effort required to test the program to ensure it performs as expected
The extent to which a program meets its specifications and fulfills the
customer objectives
- Clearly outlines the process of testing the application for each level of
Software Quality Factor.
(2 marks each to a total of 8 marks, If the outline is coherent but not clear
for each stage, award 1 mark for the factor, If the outline is not coherent
and clear, award 0 marks for the factor)

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