Gce Islamiyat Chapter 2 Page 28: Sources of Islamic Law

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Chapter 2 Page 28
There are two sources of Islamic Law:
 Quran and Hadith
 Ijma and Qiyas
Ijma is the consensus of the scholars
regarding an issue not mentioned in the
Quran and the Sunnah. It is legal because
Allah has also ordered us to practice it.
The Quran says, “Ask the people of the
religion if you do not know.” These
scholars when they get an issue, they
research it and then present their point of
views and in this way, they practice Ijma
and reach an agreement called a Fatwa.
Fatwa is an Islamic terminology which
means an Islamic opinion regarding an
issue. Ijma was performed during the
Prophet’s life time and after his demise as
well. During the lifetime of his it was
practiced at the time of Battle of Uhud and
the Battle of Trench. After his demise
means during the four rightly guided
Examples include: -
 During the era of Abu Bakr (RA)
For an opinion regarding compilation
of the Holy Quran
 During the era of Umar (RA)
For Tarawih prayer
 During the time of Uthman (RA) it was
practiced twice
Once for copying the Holy Quran
And second, for an early Azan for
Friday prayer.
Today Ijma is also practiced
Examples include: -
 Plastic Surgery
Procedure which helps to beautify and
also sometimes help to save lives.
Mainly condition for this depends on
intention. Like a woman can have
plastic surgery if she wants to beautify
herself for getting good proposals and
for her husband. Its actually a facility
given to us.
 Organ Transplant
Procedure in which an organ is removed
from one person’s body and kept into
other. There are certain conditions for
this that whole procedure should be
carried out by a Muslim doctor, no
money should be involved, and the
donator’s life should not be at risk.
 Liposuction
Donation of fat because it can save lives
and for making cosmetics as well. Its
again a matter of intention men do it for
health and women for proposals and
Scholars accepted this view.
 PCR Test or Corona Test
According to the Scholars it does not
break fast because in it we do not put
anything inside our mouth and don’t get
in anything rather we take it out.

 Salah Time During Pandemic

Rules of one society cannot be applied to
other but some have to be followed for
the welfare of the Muslims.
In exams examples of live of
Companions and the Prophet and today’s
Difference between Arbitration and Ijma
Arbitration is debate
Ijma is the opinion
Relation of Quran, Sunnah and Ijma
1. All sources of Law
2. Ijma is on the order of Allah
3. Hadith Prophet (SAW) also
practiced it
4. Ijma is also related to Quran and

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