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How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

How to Turn Yourself

Into a Live Breathing
Cash Machine


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Copyright by Toyin Omotoso

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Thanks for purchasing this book.

It is my heart desire that every word in this book will help you to achieve the
main reason why I wrote it in the first place which is to turn you into a live
breathing cash machine.
Before I go further, let me ask you a question:
When people need some money, what do they do?
Well, the answer is that they go to the bank to withdraw some cash from
their account. Right?
That is, if they have money inside the bank account.
If someone needs some cash around 8pm at night or during the weekend,
they will just walk to an ATM machine and collect the cash since the banks
will be closed by then.
This tells us the main purpose of cash machines which is to help you get
cash when you need it even if it is in the middle of the night.
Now…imagine that you have a cash machine inside of you that you can turn
on anytime to get cash whenever you need it.
This machine is always loaded and has no downtime. Wouldn‟t that be cool?

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That is the main purpose of writing this book.

Some years back, I was a student of Botany in one of the state universities
in Nigeria.
Needless to say, I never planned to study Botany but after 4 years of failing
“almighty JAMB” as they call it, what was I supposed to do when I was given
the chance to study Botany?
Like other students, I jumped right into the first mistake that majority of
students make when they go to the university which is…

…studying a course they have

little or no enthusiasm for.
In year one, I had very good scores mainly because the courses was a
combination of other courses I was interested in like English, Chemistry,
Physics etc
But, my grades went down drastically in year two when it dawned on me
that I wasn‟t going to learn anything useful about becoming financially
independent especially since I was studying Botany.
It was around this time that I began to invest more of my time and money
in books and trainings that talked about making money or doing business.
Yes! My grades went down drastically but my understanding about the art of
making money and doing business began to grow.
My course mates and some of my friends got worried about my “crashing
grades” and tried to give me some advice but I was already too deep into
my odd thoughts about generating money independently.
I began to invest more and more of any money that came into my hands
into my financial education including my school fees.
In fact, there was a particular day when all the money I had with me was
only N1700. I had no food in my room and I was hungry. I wanted to get to
a restaurant as soon as possible but on my way, I came across a book I
have been looking for.

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The title of the book is “Multiple Streams of Income” by Robert G. Allen and
it was priced at N1600.
I bought it immediately and forgot about the food. The remaining hours of
that day was spent consuming the contents of the book…instead of
consuming food.
The funny thing is that I only understood of what I was reading from the
book at that particular time.
This was the first book that I bought that taught practical means of making
Before this time, I had already read a lot of books on motivation and
financial wisdom.

Books Like:
 Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

 Master Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill

 Over the Top by Zig Ziglar

 You Can Reach the Top by Zig Ziglar

 The 21 Success Secrets of Self Made Millionaires by Brian Tracy

 101 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Success by Brian Tracy

 Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy

 Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do by Robert Schuller

 … and a whole lot more

Since then, I have learnt so many techniques about generating cash on
demand from so many people.

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These techniques work both online and offline and they have been
responsible for helping me to make money and live comfortably without
having a job.
Turning yourself into a living breathing cash machine and maintaining that
status is a journey, not a destination.
This is due to the fact that you have to keep increasing your capacity. The
amount of money you can generate and hold.
I still get new lessons and training everyday about this part of my life.
When you become a live breathing cash machine, what happens is that you
suddenly become confident about money issues and you no longer have
money worries.
Let me explain what I mean by that.
Let‟s take a look at what the majority of people out there do when it comes
to the issue of money:
The normal routine is that you go to school to study a course or become an
apprentice to learn a skill that you can now use to get a job or be self-
The catastrophe about this is that the world we live in has changed and is
still changing. In today‟s world, the competition in the labour market has
made it difficult for even people with Master‟s degrees to get a good job.
Not only that, the majority of people who get jobs don‟t make enough
money to sustain and enjoy their lives the way they would love to.
And because they are not “live breathing cash machines,” they wake up each
day and go to work hoping that they will not be fired and hoping that their
employer will increase their salary.
When people like these lose their jobs, it is almost like hell for them
because of 2 reasons:
1. It is a tough world out there when it comes to getting another job.

2. Most people have no idea about what they can do to make money. The
only way to make money they have been taught is to look for a job.

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Now, don‟t get me wrong.

Getting a job is not a bad thing.
We need people to work at jobs for an economy to run smoothly. We need
lawyers, doctors, journalists, drivers, policemen, teachers etc. for an
economy to work.
But if you want to live a life that is void of money worries, you must not
totally depend on a job as your only means of getting money because let‟s
face it…In an economy like that of Nigeria, many employees are not usually
treated very well.
Private and public employees are often left to work without pay for up to 4
My brother once worked with a famous TV channel and they did not pay him
his salary for the first 4 months. It wasn‟t just him. They didn‟t pay the other
junior staff in the company at that time.
When he asked around, he discovered that it was a normal thing that
happened in the company from time to time…and most of the staff there
couldn‟t leave because there is no guarantee of getting another job if they
When you do not have the skills that allow you to turn on your internal live
cash MACHINE and make money on demand, you are left to the mercy of
others…the government, your employee and the economy.


One of my major understanding about life that I try to feed into the ears of
people around me is that either you like it or not, life is made up of 2 groups
of creatures and I am not talking about human beings and animals.
No. I am talking about PREYS and PREDATORS.
In life, it is either you are a predator or a prey.

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In the case of animals, they usually don‟t have a choice in choosing which
group they belong to.
For instance, either they like it or not, animals like antelopes and deers are
prey to other carnivorous animals like the lion or the tiger.
Smaller fishes in the sea are prey to sharks and other carnivorous sea
But in case of humans, we have the ability to decide if we want to be a prey
or a predator. We have the power to choose but majority of people live their
whole lives as a prey to other people who are predators.
So, how do you know if you are a prey or a predator?
You are a prey when you ONLY depend on the government to feed you and
help you pay your bills.
When you want more, you can only look up to the government to help you
and when the government does not respond, there is little or absolutely
nothing you can do.
You may not believe this but there are people here in Nigeria who do not
care about what the government comes up with. As a matter of fact, they
even control and influence the government.
They do not care if a litre of petrol sells for N1000. I am not just saying this,
I have actually met with people like this.
Let‟s think about that a little.
If a litre of petrol suddenly starts to sell for N1000, what do you think will
The first thing that is likely to happen is that employees will go on a
nationwide strike.
Then later on, they will go on another strike to demand that the government
should increase their salary.
Sounds normal. Right?
It is because that is what you have been made to believe. Life starts to take
a new turn when you begin to see things from a different perspective.

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Another way to think about this theory of PREDATORS and PREYS is to think
about Charles Darwin‟s evolutional theory of Natural selection which was
coined “Survival of the Fittest” by a man known as Herbert Spencer.
You can fight it all you want but things won‟t change because of your
fighting. That is the way the world was made to operate.
The fittest people survive and enjoy. The weak people suffer and die.
And mind you, the fitness I am talking about has nothing to do with
muscles. The strong people of today are not tall men with bulging muscles.
They are men with clear business sense who make a lot of money and who
use that money to do whatever is important to them.
People with a lot of money have plenty options available to them in life.
People with limited amount of money have fewer options, even fewer
sources of income.
But again, the good news is that you have the choice, the power to become
a predator or remain a prey.
Most people who earn low wages are always angry at people who make a lot
of money.
If you are riding in your BMW X6 for instance and you are stuck in traffic,
just take some time and observe the look of people around you especially
those in crooked cars, you will see that their faces are usually filled with a lot
of hatred but does that change anything?
If you currently earn N30, 000 a month for instance and you are annoyed
with your boss who earns N350, 000 per month, things will not change for
you just because you are annoyed.
In fact, you may even get fired if your boss finds out that you are annoyed
with him. So, what you will do like most employees is to pretend that you
like your job and your lousy boss so that he can pay you at the end of the
But think about it this way: What about if you decide to work on
improving yourself so that you make yourself strong financially so that you
no longer have to depend on your boss?

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That is a decision that you have the power to make and nobody will make it
for you…and when it comes to money matters, I have found out that the
best way to get rid of money worries is to master the rare act of making
money and making it work for you.
As a living breathing cash machine, you do not have to make yourself
uncomfortable just to make a living. The live breathing cash MACHINE ability
in you gives you the power to make good money anytime you want and the
quantity of money you make depends on how big you can think and your
personal financial goals.
I will talk more about this later on.
I hope you get the idea and I hope this book will bless your lives in ways you
never thought possible.

So, Who Is This Book For?

I wrote this book for anyone who has the desire to distinguish themselves
from the mass of people who struggle each day to make the small amount of
money they use to pay through life.
It is for anyone who can read and who has the burning desire to learn, apply
and get results.
I am not a believer in school certificates so it does not matter if you think
you are an A student or F student.
What matters is do you really want to turn yourself into a live breathing cash
It does not matter if you are a man or a woman, you can turn yourself into a
live breathing cash machine if you really want to badly.
It does not matter if you are young or old.
It does not matter if you are an undergraduate, a graduate, a PhD holder or
even a professor.
Better still, it does not matter if you are a secondary school dropout. All that
matters is your level of desire.

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That reminds me of a story about Julius Casear that I read when I was in
school that explains how powerful a strong desire is.
According to the story, Julius Caesar led an army to England and when he
landed, he was determined to take no chances of retreat. He had to win at
all cost.
He wanted to show his troops that their invasion meant victory or death. So
he burned all the ships that brought them to England right before their eyes.
His objective was not a hope or a wish, but a hot desire that was bigger than
anything else.
This is the type of desire that you need to have if you really want to win and
that is the only thing you need.

Will This Book Change Your Life?

I emphasized the importance of a burning desire because a lot of people
read a book or attend a seminar and expect to magically become a cash
There is always a learning curve and obstacles for you to move from the
position of a prey to that of a predator.
That is why only a few people eventually succeed. The people who succeed
are those who have that exceptional quality of giving it everything they have
There are 3 types of people who are going to read this book.
The first set are people who will read it, make their comments about how
good or bad it is and toss it aside.
The second set are those who will read it, try to work on turning into a love
breathing cash machine but because of life‟s obstacles, they will soon give
up and retain their position as a prey.
The third set are few. These set of people are those with a burning desire to
succeed against all odds. They will also get tested by life but because they

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really, really want to turn into a live breathing cash machine, they will
persist till they succeed.
So, which set do you belong to out of the 3?
Only one thing will determine the answer and that is:

“How bad do you really want to

become a live breathing cash machine?”
Permit me to quickly tell you about the story of a black man known as S.B
His story was one of those stories that helped me to strengthen the mindset
that anyone can indeed move from the position of a prey to a predator
regardless of how bad their condition may be.
Fuller was born in 1905 to 2 farmers and throughout his childhood and
teenage years, all he knew was consistent want and deep poverty. But all
that changed when his mum was about to die.
On her deathbed, she said to Fuller “We shouldn‟t be poor, S.B, and don‟t
ever let me hear you say it is God‟s will. We‟re poor only because Father
never developed the desire for anything else”
These few words became deeply ingrained in his mind and changed his life.
He developed the desire to become rich and this desire soon turned into an

This desire compelled him into making plans and getting into action and
soon, he became the first black multimillionaire in America.
So, once again – “Will this book change your life?”
There is only one person who can truly answer that question and that person
is YOU.

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Will you start the journey?

Will you quit?
Will you persist till you get what you want?
Notice that the keyword in those 3 questions is YOU.
It all starts if you read this book till the end. That is test number ONE

Years ago back in school, one of my course mates saw me reading Robert
Kiyosaki‟s book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
He didn‟t waste time to tell me how he felt bored reading the book and
couldn‟t make it to the middle. Where he got it wrong was when he told me
that I will soon get bored reading the book too.
He was wrong!
I have now read the book over 20 times simply because we have different
So, if you are able to indeed read this book to the end, that should give you
an idea of how you really want to get this part of your life handled.
By the way, this book might contain a lot of grammatical errors or phrases
and sentences that grammarians will frown at. If you are reading for the
purpose of picking out these errors rather than learning from it, enjoy
This book also contains a lot of quotes from the Holy Bible and other people
whose words have influenced me. In case you are not a Christian, don‟t
ignore the Bible quotes. What is important is the wisdom in each quote.
I wish you the best.
- Toyin Omotoso

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Positioning Yourself to
Become a Live Breathing
Cash Machine

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It All Starts With You and Your Belief System

There are 2 ways people think when it comes to money.

Some people think money is scarce, they think it is only for some special
people and some other people think there is plenty of it to go around if you
know how to reach out and grab your share.
The unfortunate news is that the majority of people think that money is
something that is scarce and that it is greed for them to even think of having
plenty of it.
On the other hand, a few set of people are the ones who don‟t just think that
money is plenty. They also believe that they have the ability to attract as
many as possible of it for themselves
Which of these 2 groups do you want to belong to?
Your answer is what is going to make the remaining contents of this report

Money is one subject that has a sense of irony attached to it.

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People spend all their entire lives working to get money. Yet, they behave as
if getting money is something that is either evil or is of little importance.
Have you heard the saying before that “money is the root of all evil?”
It is a saying that was developed and spread by people with a poverty
mindset. Meanwhile, the real saying which comes from the bible is that “the
love of money is the root of all evil”
This means when you love money so much that you want to acquire it by
any means possible, it drives you to pursue all sorts of evil means to get it.
But there is also another side of the coin that is often not talked about and
that is “the lack of money as well is the root of all sorts of evils”
Think about it.
A lot of people take to robbery, kidnapping, killing just because they lack
money and the only way they think they can get it is by force even when it
means attacking other people.

Money Is Not Evil

One of the beliefs you need to have about money is that it is not evil. Money
can‟t do anything all by itself. It is the handler of the money who determines
what it is been used for.
For instance, one person might use his money to build hospitals and schools
to help other people live better lives.
Another person will use the same money to assassinate and harm other
It is said that money brings out the deep heart desires of a person. In short,
if you happen to be an evil person deep inside, you are likely to become
more evil when you lay your hands on a plenty of money.
At the same time, if you are a good person, you will definitely do more good
in life based on your heart desires.

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When you understand that money is not evil, you will feel confident in
learning about how to attract more money into your life.
Some several years ago, I attended a one-week boot camp and one of the
highlights of the boot camp had to do with financial freedom.
This single part of the boot camp is one of the powerful events that changed
my life.
The speaker who delivered the training for the financial freedom aspect of
the boot camp happened to be a Polytechnic graduate who now employs a
lot of polytechnic and university graduates.
It was because he decided to figure out how to solve this mystery called
When the subject of money is raised, people suddenly freeze up and behave
as if you just raised a topic that has to do with killing babies.
One of the books he recommended to us during his speech was Napoleon
Hill‟s first bestseller, Think and Grow Rich
I quickly started searching all nearby bookshops to get a copy of this book
after the programme. I eventually got one after about 3 months.
I have now read Think and Grow Rich about 40 times but the first time I
read it, I couldn‟t understand a word of it.
Meanwhile, some of my friends and course mates started to “warn” me that
I was thinking too much about getting rich.
But really, is it a bad thing to think about getting rich and is not thinking
about getting rich the good choice?
Make no mistake about this – Thoughts are things. Your consistent
thoughts eventually have a way of manifesting in your life.
I could go on and on about this but the main lessons I need you to dwell on
from this section are:
1. There are two types of mindsets about money and whichever one you
choose eventually affects the flow of money to you. It is either you

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have a poverty mindset or you have a prosperity mindset.

2. People with prosperity mindset believe that there is a lot of money out
there and they also believe that it is theirs. They treat money decently
and appreciate other people.

3. People with the poverty mindset believe that money is scarce, they
treat and handle money indecently and they hate people who are
wealthy which is why they remain poor.

ACTION PLAN – Make a decision today to make yourself prosperity

conscious. Get a copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and start

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Understanding Money and

Its Movements

One of the main problems that people have with money is that we often
think it is a bunch of special papers printed by the CBN.
Why is it that some people have a lot of money sometimes running into
billions whereas some other people struggle to even acquire tens of
The first thing that we should be looking at is the mentality of scarcity or
plenty but that is not all.
The other thing is what I call the law of value and that brings us to the real
definition of money.
I think if you are going to be a live breathing cash machine, you have to
know exactly what money is and how it works. Most people really have no
idea what money is.
So, what is money?
I wasn‟t a good economics student while in school but I remember that in
economics, they taught us that “Money is primarily a medium of exchange or
means of exchange.
It is a way for a person to trade what he has for what he wants”
That means the more exchange a person does to get other people what they
want, the more money you make.
In case you don‟t, this is what it means – “Money is a means of
exchanging what you have for what you need.”

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In short, what you want to use as exchange to get what you want has to be
something that is of value so that you can get value in return.
So, if you have a lot of lands for instance and you want money, all you have
to do is to sell the lands and get money for it. People who pay you money
are also getting what they want (the land) by using what they have (money)
If you want more money, then you simply sell more land.
Now, notice the way I used “land” in the illustration above to replace value.
This tells us that at any point in time, value equals money and money equals
value which gives us this equation.

Value = Money

It also leads to this understanding.

Small Value = Small Money
Big Value = Big Money
Plenty of Big Value = Plenty of Big Money

Let Me Explain Further:

Value is anything (either concrete or abstract) that can add value to the life
of another person by helping them to solve a problem or something that
helps them to enjoy and live a better life.
Let‟s say you discover a secret combination of chemicals for instance that if
mixed together in the right proportions and under the right conditions can
help cure breast cancer within 3 days of proper usage.
Now, that is value because there are so many people all over the world who
will give anything just to get over the pain of breast cancer.
You can sell this formula to a big pharmaceutical company who will pay you
millions of dollars for it.

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Why would they do that?

They will pay you such a huge amount of money because they know that
such a formula can be sold to millions of people all over the world.
Let me use another example that is not too crazy like the breast cancer
thing to explain this concept of how value converts to money.
Let‟s say you are a musician and you come up with a combination of lyrics
and beats that is so sweet to the ears and even reaches deep into the soul.
You can now package the music and sell it to millions of people and that will
result in getting you a lot of money as well.
In the 2 examples I have given above, you will find out that a common
element is that you exchange value for money by bringing something
valuable to the marketplace.
So, what happens when you bring it to the marketplace?
You have to sell it. In short, selling is how value is been exchanged for
money. Think about these different value items I listed below:
 You sell your products (e.g. clothes, electronics, books) to make

 You sell your skills and services to make money (e.g teaching,

 You sell your stocks, bonds, lands and other assets e.t.c to make

What determines what you get in return for the value you are
exchanging are two things:
1. The Quality of the Value

2. The Quantity of the Value

First, let‟s talk about the quality of the value:

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This has to do with the ascribed importance that what you are offering has
as long as the buyer is concerned.

Here are some few examples:

o Why do people buy a particular brand of Champagne for N35,000 and
they won‟t even bring out N4000 to buy some other brands of

o Why do some schools charge as high as N700, 000 per year while
some other schools can‟t even charge up to N35, 000 per year?

o Why do some phones sell for as high as N300,000 while some struggle
to sell for only N15,000?

o Why does it cost N2 million to buy a plot of lands in some places when
you can buy a plot of land for N200, 000 in some other areas?

o Why does it cost up to N5million to do a heart surgery whereas you

may not pay up to N300, 000 for a minor surgery like when you want
to remove a lump on your back?

The difference is in the quality of

value that is been offered.

You need to understand this.

People will willingly pay a higher amount of money for something that they
perceive to be of higher value.

Secondly, let’s talk about quantity:

The more quantity of value that you exchange by selling, the more money
you will make.

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It is simple calculation. Right? Yet, a lot of people do not realize this simple
If you happen to be a barber for instance, there is only a limited number of
haircuts that you can cut per day.
If one hair cut cost N300, and you can only do 100 haircuts in a day even
when you are working at your max, then that automatically puts a lid on
your income.
In order for you to increase how much you are making per day, you will
have to cut more and since you can‟t do that alone, you will need to bring in
other people to help you.
If you do that, your income will continue to go up until you can no longer do
That is usually the problem with people who make money by selling skills
and services that take a good amount of time to deliver.
If you are a teacher for instance, it is likely that your income won‟t be much
based on the quality or quantity of your service.
In order to increase your income, you will have to do any of the
1. Improve the quality of value you are selling to what your marketplace
can perceive and pay higher prices for it.

2. Improve your system of selling so that you are able to sell higher
quantities and therefore make more money.
Let me explain the 2 options above by assuming that you are own a barbing
If you charge N300 per hair-cut for instance and you want to improve the
quality of your service to make more money, you may find ways to do so
like changing the seats in your barbing shop, putting an AC, a better TV and
cable for customers to enjoy e.t.c
With that, you may bump up your charge per haircut to N500 based on
feedback from your customers.

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With this change in price, you will see that you only need 12 haircuts to
make N6000 whereas when you were charging N300, you would need 20
hair-cuts to make N6000.
Secondly, you need to sell more to make more…
Instead of improving your barbing services for instance and increasing the
price of your haircut to N500, you may increase the number of customers
that can be served at once in your shop.
So, let‟s say you spend 30 minutes on one customer, you can employ other
well trained barbers to help you so that that same 20 minutes can now be
spent on 3 customers.
At the end of the month, you will see that you have been able to make more
money that you were doing before and you have more money to invest in
your business just by increasing the quantity of value that you are selling to

Value Can Be Abstract or Concrete

In the olden days, value was usually attributed to concrete things, that is
things you can see and touch but all that has changed in today‟s world.
As a matter of fact, in today‟s world, abstract things even command far
higher value than things that are concrete.
Look at software for instance. You actually can‟t touch a software but they
sell for outrageous amounts of money based on the function they execute.
What about a company like NIKE?
If you ask most people what Nike does, they will tell you that they are into
the manufacturing and marketing of sport wears but Nike does not
manufacture any sport wears. The only thing they do is the promotion of the
Nike logo which is a powerful brand. Other companies manufacture the sport
wears and use the Nike logo to brand them and sell millions.
Smart concept. Isn‟t it?

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As at the time of writing this report, one of the top news in the business
scene is that Facebook acquired a company known as Whatsapp for a
whopping $19 billion.
By the way, what does Whatsapp do? Whatsapp is mainly a mobile software
that allows users of different phones to chat. Facebook acquired it for $19
billion because they had already built a super system with a massive 450
million users.
The lesson here is that when you start to think of the type of value you can
exchange in order to be able to make a lot of money, you shouldn‟t be
thinking about physical products only.
Value can be abstract things like advice, concepts, codes, ideas, trademarks
I think I have been able to explain this money concept properly. Let us now
move to the next chapter to talk about more important things.

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Start At the Beginning

One of the questions people ask frequently concerning the world we

live in is when exactly was the beginning?
My personal answer to that is – the beginning was whenever the earth
was created.
What does this have to do with you becoming a cash machine?
Everything we do in life has a beginning.
There was a time you began to walk.
There was a time you began to go to school.
There was a time you began to read and write.
There is also a time you will begin to turn yourself into a live breathing
cash machine and that time could be now if you so desire.
In short, you have to start from somewhere and this section is all about
helping you to have a good understanding of where you are right now
and how to proceed from there.

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Where Are You Now?

What are you doing at the moment to improve your financial life?
Are you in school studying a course with the hope of graduating and getting
a job in an oil company?
Are you an apprentice trying your hands on a skill that you hope to turn into
an income generating revenue?
Are you a small business owner hoping to grow and become big someday?
Are you an employee working at a job you do not like just because you want
to pay the bills with the hope that you will be promoted one day and earn
Whatever the case may be, I want you to observe a common word in all the
scenarios above?
That word is HOPE.
That is what most people do. They hope that things will get better and while
it is good to hope, the truth is that you need something better and stronger
than just hoping.
I have mentioned it before. You need a burning desire.
This is where you start from?
Here is a question you need to ask yourself right now:
“How bad do I really want to become a live breathing cash MACHINE?”
If your desire is not as hot as it should be, no problem. You can work on it.
You can develop a burning desire and that is where you should start from.
If you are reading this and you already have a burning desire to succeed,
then you need to move ahead with the rest of the things I will be sharing
with you.

What is Your Target?

There are various levels of live breathing cash machines.

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Some people can generate up to N100m within a week when they need it.
Some can only generate N1m within a week.
Some can only generate N100k within a week.
These are different levels and each level is based upon the mindset,
understanding, network and skills of that person.
Which level do you intend to get to?
People who are able to generate up to N100m within a week operate at a
higher level than people who can only make N1m a week at their maximum
That means they put in more effort.
One of the things that would determine the kind of results you can generate
and how big you can think is your environment.
Back in 2010, I was living in my hometown, a small town where you can get
a comfy, 3 bedroom apartment for around N200,000 a year.
If you decide to eat outside, you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner for
about N1,200 in total.
If you use public transport, you can‟t spend more than N400 per day and if
you have your own car, you do not need more than 10 litres per day to run
your errands within the town.
People who earn about N200,000 and above in a month can live lavishly
based on what I just told you.
I knew what I wanted but my environment wouldn‟t allow my thinking to
enter that range so, one day I was reading a book authored by Rev. Sam
Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Centre.
In the book, he said something like this: “If you want to catch a whale, you
can‟t do it hunting in the stream around your house. You have to go out into
the sea where the whales are”
That was it.

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I packed my belongings and moved to Abuja. Living in Abuja actually

broadened my thinking. I saw life from a different perspective. My thoughts
began to change.
Where I only needed about N70,000 to pay for a year rent in a self-
contained apartment in my hometown, you had to pay about N200,000 for
the same type of apartment in Abuja.
That pushed me to improve on my money making skills.
Why am I telling you all these?
It is because your decision about how far you want to go is eventually going
to affect the types of plan you make, the people you meet and actions you
So, how far do you want to go?
How far do you want to develop your cash machine abilities?
Answer that question right now before you move ahead.

Learn to Be a Good Thinker:

Once you have been able to decide where you are right now in terms of the
level of your desire and how far you want to go, the next thing is to start to
work on your thinking immediately.
The most powerful part of your body is your brain but unfortunately, that is
the part that is usually under-developed in most people.
If most people will pay more attention to developing their brains the way
they develop their bodies by going to the gym, the world will be a better
place for them.
How do you develop your brain?

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There is only one way to develop any part of your body and that is by
activating the law of use and disuse.

Law of Use and Disuse: This law states that any part of your body that
you stop using begins to die and any part that you use consistently
continues to develop in nature.

Think about it.

Look at the body structure of a carpenter for instance and a banker who sits
at his desk all day long and does not even go to the gym.
Over time, the body of the carpenter will become stronger and well
developed while the body and muscles of the banker will become weaker.
The same thing applies to your brain. If you consistently exercise it by using
it the right way, it will get stronger and will produce better results.
How do you exercise your brain?
By thinking of course.
Unfortunately, this is one activity that people avoid on a daily basis. Thomas
Edison, who is usually known as the greatest inventor of the new world we
live in said “There is no expedient to which a man will not go to avoid the
real labor of thinking.”
The ability to think can help you get solutions to different kind of problems in
life. That is if you really know how to think because what most people refer
to as thinking is usually not thinking.
I think this is why Billionaires like Bill Gates all agree that one of the
important things that is not been taught to people in school is the fine art of
The reason is because programming forces you to think.

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Live breathing cash machines are people who know how to think and who do
a lot of productive thinking.
This should become one of your habits too.

How Well Can You Think?

I can never forget a time in my life when it looked as if everything was
crashing right before me.
It looked as if I couldn‟t move forward no matter what I did. All the money I
had was N5 which was carefully tucked in the middle of my bible and it had
already spent 3 months there.
It was around this time that I remembered a powerful statement I read from
one little book written by Bishop David Oyedepo of Winner‟s Chapel.
The statement says:
“If you can think enough, what you have is enough”
What do you think about that?
Does it sound powerful to you?
That statement is one of the most powerful statements I have ever come
across and it is 100% true.

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But how best it works for you is going to depend on the state of your brain.
That is why you need to start putting your brain to use in various situations
right now so that you can get it stronger.
You can‟t become a live breathing cash machine without the ability to think.
Thinking produces ideas and ideas are what eventually leads to plans that
produces money.
Also, the quality of the ideas you get is based on the quality of your
How do you get quality thoughts?

First Within, then Without

Like I said, the quality of the thoughts you think lead to the quality of the
ideas that come to you.
One of the common sayings in programming is GIGO which is “Garbage In,
Garbage Out” in full.
This means a computer will give you an output based on the data that you
put into it. If you put in invalid data, it is also going to give you an invalid
This is exactly how the human mind operates as well.
When you feed the human mind with high quality input, it will also give you
high quality output in terms of the thoughts you get which eventually leads
to high quality ideas.
So, how do you get high quality input into your mind?
There are various ways to get high quality data into your mind since
everything that enters into the mind is usually through the five senses which

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- Sight
- Smell
- Touch
- Sound
- And …Taste
All these senses have a way of sending in data into your mind either you like
it or not.
For instance, when you taste a type of vegetable for the first time and it is
bitter, your mind stores that data so that when you come across the same
vegetable again, your mind quickly generates an output to remind you that
this vegetable leads to something uncomfortable (bitter in the mouth)
However, the two senses I want to talk about here are that of sight and
It is because these two senses are the main gateways that we use to get
information into our minds.
Sight – Take this book you are reading now for instance, you are taking all
this information in with the aid of your eyes before your brain interprets it.
The same thing happens when you read a magazine, a newspaper, an article
The same thing also happen when you see a picture of anything as well. As a
matter of fact, it has been discovered that in most cases, the mind is able to
easily interpret pictures than words.

Sound – how do you know when someone is calling your name? A particular
sound goes in through your ear and is interpreted by your brain.
The same thing happens when you listen to your radio, when someone is
talking to you or when you are listening to an audio recording.
Atimes, your sight and sound senses work together at the same time like
when you are watching the TV or looking at someone and listening to them
at the same time.

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Since information can be passed into your mind mainly via these two senses,
that tells us that you need to do two things if you want to increase the
quantity of quality thoughts that you get.
The two things are:
1. Reduce the amount of bad information that you allow into your mind
every second.

2. Increase the amount of high quality information that you allow into
your mind.
Let’s talk about bad information – this reminds me of a story I read in a
book about when the depression hit the US hard around 1930. There was a
man who owned a bakery business and his business was doing so well. He
didn‟t listen to the radio and he didn‟t read the newspaper so he didn‟t know
there was a depression.
All was going good until his son came home from school one day and told
him something like “Dad, how come you are doing all these business when
the economy is bad? Don’t you know people are losing their jobs and people
are going out of business?”
He then went ahead and exposed the man to all sorts of data about how the
economy was crashing and soon enough, the man started to think about
these things and his business started to decrease until he went out of
The best sources of bad information has always been from people around
you and the news.
If you have a lot of negative people around you, your journey to becoming a
live breathing cash machine will be a difficult one because these people are
going to influence you over and over with the negative data that they
consistently program into your mind.
The same thing happens with the news. While it is a good thing to have an
idea of things that are going on around you, you should limit the amount of
news that you feed on and you should train yourself not to dwell upon them.

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Feed Massively on Good Information:

You can program your mind in such a way so that it can always spit out high
quality thoughts and ideas.
You can do so by intentionally surrounding yourself with big thinkers, people
who consistently shower you with positive words and who believe in you and
let you know it.
You can do so by intentionally and consistently feeding your mind with
excellent and prosperity implying pictures.
You can do so by listening to audio recordings that are filled with valuable
information that can motivate you or help you get better in life.
You can do so by attending seminars, conferences and events where you are
exposed to information that help you think bigger, get better and do better
in life.
You can do so by reading books, reports and manuscripts that help you to
develop the mindset of an unstoppable live breathing cash machine

Become a Reader
Let‟s talk about reading.
About 10 years ago, I heard the following statements I am about to list
below for the first time and these statements affected me deeply:
Statement One – Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Readers.

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Statement Two - The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." ― Dr. Seuss, Author of
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
Statement Three – If you want to hide anything valuable from a black
man, hide it in a book because he won‟t read it.
If you look closely at men who have succeeded greatly, one of the things
you will notice about all of them is that they usually have a library filled with
They are always book junkies.
Let me give you a quote from Joseph Addison to answer why.

Some months ago, my very good friend and mentor, Akin Alabi just bought
a big house worth millions of naira.
I and a few friends went over and he was showing us around the house. One
thing that caught my attention was his huge library of books. Only God
knows how much this man has spent buying all sorts of books on success,
motivation, leadership, business and marketing.
No wonder he is a multi-millionaire and no wonder he is a rare live breathing
cash machine.
Apart from thinking, another productive activity that people avoid is reading.
Reading expands your mind. Reading strengthens your imagination…and
reading helps you to understand and master a lot of things.
If you want to become a huge live-breathing cash machine, you can‟t do
without reading.

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One of my favourite authors on the subject of success is Brian Tracy.

The first time I read a copy of his book “Eat that Frog,” I also read the
“about the author” section at the end of the book and I was amazed.
Brian Tracy is not just a reader, he is a voracious reader. No wonder he is
able to build a huge business, author several books, consult for various
organizations and also put together various high value trainings for
individuals and organizations.
Only someone with a large mind can do all of that and this comes as a result
of reading.
Today, I am widely known as an excellent marketer by a lot of people but
how did I learn about marketing in the first place?
I started to learn marketing by reading all sorts of books I could find. Most
of the books I read were free e-books downloaded online since I didn‟t have
money to buy any of the ones that were been sold but those free books
helped me in a lot of ways.
Today, I have now spent a lot of money buying both digital and physical
books and I am still buying because as a live breathing cash MACHINE, you
have to be learning continuously.

What Types of Books Should You Read?

Anyone who reads and reads consistently eventually will have a better
understanding than others and this is exactly what happens when it comes
to the issue of money.

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The fact that you are reading this book means you are at least better than
most people out there who do not read a single book about their finances all
We live in a period that is considered to be the best so far in the history of
mankind. One of the reasons is because you can have access to books on
almost any topic you want.
With the internet and with a powerful search engine like Google, you can sit
down in your house and literally turn yourself into an expert at any topic you
Generally, you should read books about every areas of your life but since
this book is about helping you to turn into a live breathing cash MACHINE,
the books you should read are the ones on success, business and direct
More on direct marketing later in this book.

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Tame These 3 Demons – Fear, Laziness and

This section is actually going to be short but the message here is very
Before you start to think about some imaginary evil spirit, I need to let you
know that I used the word “demon” to describe these strong interferences
that usually stand between a person and their goals.
The truth is that everybody, young and old, poor and rich all have these 3
demons somewhere in their lives but the difference between people who are
successful and people who are not is that successful people have learned to
put them under control.

Everyone Is Afraid of Something:

Take fear for instance.
How does the normal person react to fear? The main reason why a lot of
people do not start their business is because they are afraid they are going
to fail in a business they haven‟t started.
But what do successful people do? Successful people have the same fear but
they act all the same despite the fear.
I have a wallpaper that I created for myself on my computer. The wallpaper

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“Everything You Want In Life Is On The

Other Side of Fear. Deal With It!”
Think about it.
The main reason why so many people won‟t take the next step in their lives
is because they are afraid of the unknown or they are afraid of what people
will say.
If you consistently allow fear to hold you in its claws, there is no way you
are going to become a live breathing cash machine.
A lot of people are looking for that magical feeling of confidence and courage
before they step out and do something.
These people do not know the feeling of courage will not come until you step
out and act.
I used to be terribly afraid to speak in public and I longed to have the same
courage that was available to all those people in public.
So, I started reading but everywhere I turned to, I got the same answer on
how to get rid of the fear and that answer was to face it.

Another thing that I learned while reading about how to become confident is
that – “the very act of gathering more information about any particular area
gives you more confidence in that area”
For instance, while reading books about how to eliminate the fear of public
speaking, I stumbled upon some tactics that one could use to fake
confidence until you become confident.
I used it the very first time I was called upon to speak in public and while I
didn‟t give a smooth public presentation, I was able to actually pull through

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and when I was though, the thought that “It wasn‟t as hard as I thought
flashed across my mind”
Another thing is that as you gain more experience in the area you used to
fear, your level of confidence is going to increase but it all starts when you
confront your fears and move forward towards what you are afraid of.

That also reminds me of one of the students who attended one of my QCC
By the way, QCC is short for Quick Crazy Cash.
This particular student sent me an email after 6 months and told me that he
was unable to start anything despite the training that he got from me.
He said he was afraid of what would happen if it did not work.
But how does someone know if something won‟t work when you are yet to
start it.
This is the fear of failure and it is the same reason why a lot of people don‟t
start a business or do something that they really want to do in life.
This is what I call the fear demon and there are various types of fear. Some
of them include the fear of poverty and the fear of losing money.
Check yourself to see what you are afraid of especially when it comes to the
issue of money and begin to take steps that will help you tame the fear.

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All Successful People Are Hard Workers:

There is a saying that I hear people say from time to time, maybe they
heard about it from a pastor or some motivational speaker.
The saying goes like this:
“I want to work smarter, not harder”
While the people they heard this saying from actually have a good
understanding of what they mean, in most cases, the people who go about
chanting it think “been smart is a way to avoid hard work”

People who are successful are both smart at doing their work and they are
also hardworking.
I have met a lot of successful people and I don‟t think any of them is nothing
less than hardworking.
If you want to become a live breathing cash machine, you have to forget the
rubbish about not working hard.
You are actually going to work harder and smarter than others.
One of the main lessons that I learnt from Brian Tracy‟s books is that:
“Successful people are people who do what unsuccessful people are not
willing to do”

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Things like:
- Waking up and starting work early

- Staying up at night to get more work done

- Reading books

One of the major causes of failure is just plain laziness and majority of
people are lazy.
Take reading a book for instance, a lot of people can‟t read a book from the
beginning till the end even if it is a small book. However, these same people
can sit down for countless hours and watch TV or spend time gossiping with
their friends or arguing about all sort of things they have no control over like
sports or politics.
Are you lazy?
If you are, you can make a decision today to put in more efforts into building
your life.

One of my best teachers when it comes to marketing and making money is

the Late Gary Halbert who many people consider to be the best copywriter
who ever lived.
When I began to learn about marketing, I looked for everything he has ever
written on marketing and other topics and I read everything. I would wake
up in the middle of the night while others were sleeping and read his
newsletters and books until I began to master the art of copywriting and
I hear a lot of people complain about how they are not talented about
anything and this is their main excuse for remaining a failure in life.

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The truth is that if you are willing to work hard at anything and learn along,
you will eventually get results.

To cut the long story short, the main message here is that you should resist
the urge to be lazy if you really want to become a LBCM and get more out of
Here is another quote about hardwork from Michelangelo who has been held
to be one of the greatest artists of all time:

Do It Now!
When is the right time for you to get started on your journey to becoming a
The right time is now!
I used to be very sluggish at making decisions and taking action. This is one
of the habits of people who fail in life.

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This is one of the most powerful habits that prevents a lot of people from
moving ahead in life just because we are waiting for the right time to start
doing something worthwhile.
The only cure to procrastination is this: Do not wait!
According to the words of Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Rich –

I didn‟t have a computer when I decided to start an online business and I

didn‟t allow that to stop me. All I had was a CD that contained some ebooks
and I took it along with me to anywhere I could find a computer to use.
In order to tame the old habit of procrastination, you have to make a
decision to intentionally take immediate action on anything you want to do.
When you do this repeatedly over a period of time, it eventually becomes a
I still work at this everyday myself. Out of the 3 demons I listed here,
procrastination is usually the one that looks harmless and normal but highly
Look out for it and always remember to take action immediately.
This is where I am going to move over to part 2 of this book where I will be
sharing practical ideas on the act of cash generation.

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The Act of Generating Cash
on Demand

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Meet the Cash on Demand Masters
Many of the things I will be sharing with you here will be relatively new to a
lot of people and that is to be expected because these are not common place
I myself learnt these ideas from studying the works of people who have
mastered the art of generating cash on demand regardless of where the find
It is just like the story of Bob Allen, author of Nothing Down and Multiple
Streams of Income.
When Bob wrote his book, Nothing Down and wanted to market it, he went
to TV and made a bold statement:
“Send me to any city in the US with just $100 in my pocket for expenses
and within 48 hours, I will buy an excellent piece of real estate without my
own money”
That is just like someone in Nigeria saying “Take me to any random city
within Nigeria and within 48 hours, I will buy an excellent piece of
real estate”
They took him up on his offer and sent him to a random US city with just
$100 and an agent monitoring his every move to ensure that no “mago
mago” was involved.
Barely, 24 hours later, he had actually bought a good piece of real estate
without his money.
That bold claim sold millions of copies of that book.
Bob Allen is one of the money-masters that I have learnt from over the
Another time, he made a bold statement that he was going to make $24,000
online within 24 hours live on TV.

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They took him up on his offer and once again, he proved that he could do
what he claimed.
Some few years ago when I was just learning these money techniques,
these things were new to me but over the years, I have now met people who
have even achieved far more ground breaking, awe inspiring results than the
Bob Allen example I shared above.
For instance, several marketers have been known to pull in $1m in sales
online within 24 hours.
Crazy. Right?
Apart from the new generation money masters that I learn from, I also take
my time to learn from the fathers.
In fact, I focus 75% of my efforts learning from the fathers because they
understood the basics and they made things work even before the internet
and all the software we have today was made possible.
For instance, Ted Nicholas who I call the 6 billion dollar man is one of my
Around 1978, Ted wrote a book, published it by himself and sold over 2
million copies of the book all by himself.
That wasn‟t the only book he wrote and sold millions of copies. He also
helped other people in launching their businesses and making millions from
Another favourite of mine when it comes to mastering the ability to generate
cash on demand is the late Gary Halbert.
Almost all the money-masters today owe him a debt because of the wisdom
he shared via his newsletters, books and seminars as regards the rare act of
generating cash on demand.
Another great money-master “daddy” that I like a lot is Dan Kennedy. Dan
Kennedy used to work together with Gary Halbert back in the days.
Dan has created many multi-millionaires out of nothing based on his
teachings and mentorship.

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As at now, I only have about 6 of his books and about 4 of his high priced,
premium courses on marketing.
Other great fathers are people like – Gene Schwartz, Joe Karbo, Joe
Sugarman, David Oglivy and John Carlton.
As you can see, these names are not popular names that you see all over
the place because the cash generating strategies that they use and teach are
so effective in such a way that it is almost unbelievable to so many people.
But once you master these same strategies and you see things the way they
see them, you will become unusually confident about the fact that you can
generate a lot of money regardless of whatever condition you find yourself.
Since I do a lot of business via the internet, I have also learnt a lot of cash
generation strategies on how one can effectively make use of the internet to
bring in money.
Actually, the internet makes a lot of things far easier and faster so far you
don‟t get caught up in any of the millions of distractions online.
For instance, before the internet, you had to wait 3 – 7 days before a letter
you send is received by the person you sent it to.
All of that has now changed.
You can send an email to hundreds of thousands of people regardless of
where they are in the world and they will get the mail within 5 minutes.
This is one of the reasons why someone can created a business today and
begin to profit from it almost immediately.
I didn‟t just say that. I have done it myself over and over.

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The Basics of Generating Cash on Demand
What are the basics of generating cash on demand?
First, I need to let you know that this book was written with the average
individual in mind.
It wasn‟t written for big companies and overly wealthy people who have the
ability to pump hundreds of millions of naira into a new business project.
I also need you to understand that the strategies I will be sharing here work
both online and offline.
With that said, the very first thing you need to understand is that you must
be enthusiastic about the art of making money. Attitude is everything in all
areas of life, business included.
If you are not enthusiastic about the art of making money, you will soon get
tired, bored and worn out.
And actually, I don‟t know why any person won‟t be enthusiastic about these
money making ideas when you realize how much you can enjoy better with
more money in your pocket.

All Money Is Made By Selling Something:

Here is an important truth that you really need to understand deep down in
your heart for you to become a LBCM.
It was exposed to me the first time by Late Gary Halbert in one of his
newsletters where he said “All money is made by somebody selling
something to somebody else”

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The keywords in that statement are:

- Somebody selling something

- To somebody else
A lot of people have an idea of this just like I used to think I understood it
but the reality is that they don‟t really get it.
Think about it:
 A barber sells his barbing skills

 A model sells her beauty

 A factory worker sells his time and his minimum skills

 A teacher sells his time and his knowledge

 A musician sells his musical skills

 A heart surgeon sells his highly developed skill

 A merchant sells his products to other people who need them

 Radio and TV stations sell advertising

 Newspapers and magazines sell advertising

What does that tell you?
The amount of money you have the ability to make is proportional
1. What you are selling

2. How many of it you can sell within a period of time

Most people get those two things wrong all the time because they were not
taught by their parents or in school.

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When the average person starts to think about making money, they only
think of it in this format:
1. Find a Job or

2. Try and start a business

The number one fault with a job is that you sell your time and since time is
limited, the amount of money you can make is limited.
The second fault with a job is that you need to have a high quality and
advanced skill like that of a heart surgeon or an advanced programmer for
you to be able to command a lot of money per hour.
What do you sell?
This explains why people like teachers, office attendants, factory workers
don‟t earn a lot of money because those skills are not highly developed or
Also, these people only work within a time frame of about 8 hours (like 8am
– 4pm)
But, take someone like me for instance:
I have a website that sells products on men‟s health and the website is on
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Not only that, the website is setup in such a way that its‟ main purpose is to
sell and resell to visitors.
In this situation, you can see that:
1. I am selling products that people want to pay for

2. Based on my advertising and sales system, I can sell several products

in an hour. There is no limitation.
Again, what does this tell you?

In order to become a live breathing cash MACHINE, other important

things you need to master are:

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1. You need to be able to come up with good ideas of products and

services that you can sell.

2. You need to really know how to sell.

Unfortunately, once again none of those skills are taught in school.
For instance, the type of marketing that is taught even to marketing
students is only useful for huge companies with advertising budgets that run
into hundreds of millions of naira.
Before I move on, I want you to think about this:
If you actually know how to come up with great ideas of products and
services that will sell and you have mastered the rare act of selling, why
would it be impossible for you to make money anytime and anywhere?

Here is an example:
I am a fan of Infopreneuring.
Infopreneuring is entrepreneurship that has to do with creating, packaging
and selling valuable information.
In 2011, I was on facebook and I read a post that had a lot of comments.
The post was about how frustrated the poster was about making payments
for some products on the internet.
I make payments online all the time and I had adequate knowledge about
this. For instance, so many people use GTBank and they do not know they
can use the GTB card to make payments online.
So, what I did was to create a short report of about 29 pages that explained
several effective ways to make payments online right here in Nigeria.
I created a website for it and within 2 days, this new business was up and

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It only cost me about N30,000 to get it up and running including

advertisement costs.
Within 2 weeks, this new business was already making a lot of money.
What made that happen?
1. I figured out something that people were looking for.

2. I created a product to satisfy that desire.

3. I created a sales system to sell it to people.

Become a Student of Markets:

In Gary Halberts‟ book, Boron Letters which is actually a compilation of
money making lessons he wrote to his son in form of letters, he wrote:

What does it mean to become a student of markets?

It simply means to keep your eye open for opportunities about what people
are buying and what people are looking to buy.

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Why Most Small Businesses or Money Making Projects Fail:

Would you like to get access to a secret that can help you to drastically
reduce the risk of failing with every business project you set up?
I am going to tell you.
But before I do that, let me quickly expose another flaw in the educational
In school, we were taught that the number one reason why small businesses
fail is lack of capital.
I think that is just one of the millions of business theories put together by
people who don‟t really do business.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The number one reason why your money making venture is likely to fail is
selling what people do not want to buy.
How do you know what people want to buy?
It‟s easy. You see, the way to deduce what people want to buy is to simply
train your eyes to observe what they DO buy!
Note: There is a huge difference between what people actually buy and
what they say they buy.
For instance, a lot of people will tell you that the book they read the most is
the bible but nothing could be further from the truth.
People read fashion/gossip magazines than the Bible but they usually won‟t
tell you. It is your work as a LBCM to observe the truth.
Secondly, train yourself to detect the fears, frustrations and problems that
people need to get rid of and are eager to pay money to get the solution.
For instance, what fears, frustrations or problems do you think car owners
have and they are ready to pay for a solution?

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What about parents?

What about bankers
What about housewives?
What about civil servants?
What about small business people?
What about pastors?
What about Ipad users?
What about married men?
What about overweight women?
What about women whose husbands are cheating?
I can actually make a very long list of various groups of people this way and
do some research to find out solutions they are looking for and are willing to
pay for.
When you look at the groups I have listed, the main similarities there are:
- The group is massive – means if I create a business targeted to
them, I can scale it up very fast based on the plenty number of people
I can sell to.

- The group is increasing – not only is the group massive, but the
probability of the group running out is very low. E.g. Can parents,
overweight women or civil servants become obsolete? I don‟t think so.

- They have money to spend – I didn‟t out students or job seekers on

that list for one reason: They have limited money to spend. That does
not mean they don‟t spend money.

Of course, there are lots of businesses that target students and job
seekers but your risk of failing with them is high. So, why waste your
valuable time when there are other markets with high success rates all
over the place.

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How do majority of people start a business?

They start it backwards.
They start by opening a shop or office, import products, create them or buy
They will now go ahead to start looking for people who will like to buy what
they are selling.
That is the number one tactic to easily fail with any money making

Find what people want first, identify the people who want it and measure the
level of their want. Then, go ahead and get it for them. It took me a long
time to learn this but I want you to get it into your head as soon as possible
so that you can achieve faster results.
The main lesson here is this: If you create a money making venture that
sells a product or service that people want to buy to the people who want to
buy them, your rate of success is pretty high.
The other thing that might affect your money making venture after this is
your ability to sell and to put together a sales system.
This skill is as rare as hen‟s teeth especially in a country like Nigeria where
we do not have sales training programmes around.
The only sales training programme you only see are the ones put together
by big corporations like banks, oil companies etc. which are not useful for an
average person or the small business owner.
The next section in this part will be about the art of selling.

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How to Get What to Sell

We have already established the fact that money is made when something is
sold. Let‟s now talk about what you can sell to make money.
There are 2 things you can sell to make money.
It is either you are selling a product or a service.
PRODUCT – an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.
E.g. food, books, fuel, computers, phones, water, drinks etc.
SERVICE - the action of helping or doing work for someone. E.g. Giving
advice, cleaning, keeping records, creating adverts, etc.

2 Ways to Get a Product to Sell

All businesses who sell products get the products to sell in either or both of
ways below:
1. It is either they create the product themselves or…

2. They get the permission to sell other people‟s products as a

wholesaler, retailer, reseller licensee or an affiliate.

Creating Products – Creating products is usually a tedious task and it

requires developed knowledge or expertise about the product been created.
Also, in most cases, creation of a product is usually a synergy of efforts.
For instance, I am writing this book based on my knowledge about the
contents but then, I have no idea about printing it. In order to get it printed,
I will need to pass the manuscript to a printer who will now use his own
expertise to come up with the finished product – a printed book.

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Other People’s Products – Instead of creating your own product, you can
actually base your money making ventures in most cases on products
created by other people. You can do so by employing the following:

Wholesaling – Buying the said product from the manufacturer in large

amounts so that you get a lot to sell and also get it at a highly reduced cost.
Based on this, you can sell to people who can also sell to others and still
make some profits.

Retailing – Retailers are the ones who buy in small quantities so that they
can sell to the end consumers.
This is simple economics 101
If you are going to be selling products from other people that are not digital,
you are going to be either a wholesaler or retailer and you need to be able to
calculate your margins very well.

Reseller – A reseller is simply someone who has the resale rights to sell
someone‟s intellectual product. In the world of selling digital products online,
there are lots of products you can buy rights to and sell. When you acquire
the rights to sell someone else‟s‟ product, you are able to keep 100% of the

Affiliate – You must have heard about affiliate programs. You are an
affiliate when you sell for a particular company and you are paid a certain
percentage based on each sale you make. For instance, one of the
companies that I sell as an affiliate for is which provides
email marketing features for marketers.
For each customer that I bring to Getresponse, they pay me a 30%
commission of the money that the customers pays per month.

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Licensee – This is when you acquire the rights to use somebody‟s systems
to help them sell their products and they get a certain percentage. If you
have a products with a proven sales system, you can license it out to other
marketers who can use your system to sell for you so that you both make

As you can see, getting a product to sell is never the problem once you
understand what people buy and why they buy. There are loads of products
out there that you can license or obtain the rights to sell.
As an infopreneur, I have created several information based products and I
have also given people the resale rights to them.
For instance, there was a time I gave one of my friends a 31-paged report
that I created. He went ahead to sell tons of it and profited over N2million
from selling it.
Let‟s now talk about selling.

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Master the Art of Effective Selling
You can‟t be a live breathing cash machine if you do not master the art of
knowing how to sell effectively.
With that said, there are 2 types of people who sell.
There are people who really know how to sell.
They understand the basics of selling and the techniques and strategies
involved in selling any product or service.
Then, there are people who think they are selling when in reality, all they
are doing is distribution.
For instance, retailers who sell soaps, electronics, kitchen, recharge cards
and office equipment etc think they are selling but in reality what they are
doing is helping the big companies to distribute the products that they
In the real life movie, “the wolf of wall street,” Jordan Belfort who was acted
by Leonardo Decaprio took a pen and said to one of his friends who said he
could sell anything – “Sell me this pen”
He couldn‟t.
The inability to sell is another top reason why a lot of people struggle with
money issues all their lives especially because there are so many
opportunities out there but only a man who has mastered the art of selling
to a certain level can get people to part with their hard earned money in
exchange for the product or service that is been sold.
If I gave you 100 copies of this book and told you to sell it for me, can you
do that?
If you can‟t, you have to start working on your ability to sell.

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Have you ever noticed something about bestselling books?

Bestselling books are not always the best in terms of contents.
A book usually becomes a bestseller and sells millions of copies due to the
power and intelligence of the sales system that is pushing it.

How Do You Master the Art of Selling?

5 years ago, it occurred to me that one of the main things I needed to
master in order to succeed better at money making is knowing how to
market and sell products.
Just like the way I mastered a lot of things, I started to acquire books from
the best, the masters of sales and marketing.
Books like “How to Sell Anything to AnyBody” by Joe Girald
I also started to acquire other audio and video courses on sales and
marketing as well.
And just like every other thing, I began to understand things at a deeper
level when I started to practice them.

In order for you to make truly serious money, you have to use what Gary
Halbert calls RSS.
RSS is acronym for Remote Selling System.

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This means having the ability to get your sales and marketing message
across to huge numbers of people at the same time.
The ability to get your sales message across to huge numbers of people at
the same time is one of the advantages that the internet created.
For the first time in the history of mankind, you can now reach as many
people as you want all over the world with your sales and marketing
That is why financial breakthroughs like raising $1m within 24 hours happen
all the time.
One of the new generation money-masters that I learn from, Frank Kern
once created a campaign that pulled in $1.4m within 24 hours.
One more thing…
The art of effective selling will be difficult to master if you do not understand
the foundation behind the sales process which is marketing.

What is Marketing?
Before I move on, let me talk about marketing because marketing is very
important to the sales process. In fact, marketing is what makes selling
If you asked 100 people to tell you the meaning of marketing, you are
probably not going to get an answer that makes sense because most people
who think they know marketing actually have no idea of what marketing is.
In reality, marketing is anything you
do to get or keep a customer.
Most of the time, it is in form of your communication but that
communication has to be based on real research work of knowing your

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potential customers as much as you can so that you can communicate with
them properly.
Marketing is actually a combination of the following:
1. Research
2. Advertising
3. Sales

The research phases starts before you even create or decide on the product
to create.
The reason is because you need to have a good understanding of who you
plan to sell the product to.
The research phases also helps you to come up with the right message that
you will use to advertise the product and to sell it.
The advertising and selling aspect of marketing is the communication part
and unfortunately, these are the main aspects that most people focus on.
Because they ignore the research part, they eventually come up with a
wrong combination of words that do not communicate deeply with the

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When you have done your proper research for a product you want to sell and
who you want to sell it to, you will be able to come up with the right words
you can use to communicate with them effectively.
For instance, if I want to sell t-shirts and jeans to young men between the
ages of 19 – 27, which of the sentences below do you think will bring in
more sales?
Sentence one – These t-shirts and jeans are top notch, buy them today
and look good.
Sentence two – Wear these clothes, Get these women.
Which one did you pick?
Sentence one is what most people will use based on the fact that they do not
know marketing and they don‟t do any type of research about the people
they want to sell to.
And sentence two will beat sentence one hands down because it speaks
directly to the inner desires of these age group that we are trying to sell to.

Magic Words that Make You Rich

Ted Nicholas once published a book that he titled Magic words that make
you rich.
What he was trying to pass across in the book is that words are powerful
and the right combination of words in different situations can be used to
trigger a positive response.
He should know better. Ted Nicholas is a master of words and he has
created thousands of successful advertisements to sell products and service
in various areas of life.
I guess that is why he said:

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What is the skill he was talking about?

It is the skill of copywriting.
By the way, what is copywriting?
You may get various definitions if you check for the meaning of copywriting
in a dictionary, Wikipedia or other places but as far as I am concerned, here
is my definition:
Definition: Copywriting is the ability to craft a great sales message.
The sales message can be in various formats depending on how you intend
to use it.
It can be in form of:
- A sales letter
- Radio jingle
- A classified advert
- A banner Advert
- Video sales letter
- A presentation
- An infomercial script
- A telephone script
You do not need to become an expert copywriter if you are not naturally
passionate about this but you should at least know the basics so that you
can create decent sales messages for yourself.
It will also help you when you are hiring a professional copywriter to work
for you.
NOTE – There is a difference between a direct response copywriter and the
type of copywriters who create general branding promotions. When you
want to hire a copywriter, you should ensure that he is a direct response
copywriter and you should hire him based on his past works.

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As far as I am concerned, as at the time of writing this book, there are only
4 copywriters in Nigeria I can hire to create my sales message for me and
the 4 of them are already rich.
The reason is that there is almost no way you are not going to be a money-
maker when you master the art of crafting great sales messages that get
people to give you money…in exchange for value of course.
Just so that you can have a good idea of how powerful copywriting is, let‟s
say you bought resale rights to a piece of software that helps businesses
with their statistics.
Things like gross profits, net profits, tax to be paid, losses, salary, expenses
You have also written a very good 3 paged sales letter to sell the software to
small businesses all over the Nation.
But just to be sure, you also decided to pay an expert copywriter like me a
good amount of money to help you create another sales letter.
So, you send out the 2 sales letters differently to 500 targeted prospects and
you create a way to track the results from the 2 adverts.
That is, letter A goes to 250 prospects.
Letter B goes to 250 prospects.
After about 30 days, you sit down to compare the responses from the 2
Letter A, the fairly good one you have created brought in 15 sales...whereas
Letter B, the one that was created by an expert copywriter brought in 67
This sort of thing happens all the time.
Since you now have a winner in this case, you may now decide to roll out
and do more advertising so that you can bring in more sales. Let‟s talk a
little about advertising.

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Outrageous Advertising that Produces Outrageous Results

One of the important books that you need to get in your library as a LBCM is
Bill Glazer‟s book, Outrageous Advertising that Produces Outrageous Results.
You can order for it from Amazon.
Advertising is how you are able to reach your prospects with your marketing
and sales message and it can be done via various media like:
1. Newspaper and Magazines
2. Flyers
3. Billboards
4. Radio
5. Television
6. Social media sites. E.g Facebook
7. Search engines. E.g Google
8. Sites with high traffic like, MSN
9. Blogs

The factors that determine where you advertise are:

1. The people you want to reach with your adverts

2. Your target; how many people you want to reach

3. Your advertising budget

Advertising is what brings in the big bucks because with advertising, you are
able to pass across that sales message you have crafted via copywriting to
as many targeted people as possible.
In short, advertising is salesmanship multiplied because with advertising,
you can pass your sales message across to multiple number of people at the
same time and if your communication is right, you will bring in a lot of sales.
I used to have internal issues with spending money to advertise my business
and yet, I wanted to make a lot of money. Isn‟t that crazy?

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One day, a friend of mine shared a quote with me that instantly changed my
whole mindset about advertising and I have taken advertising seriously ever
since then.
The quote by Steuart Henderson Britt says:

I hope you get the idea now, outrageous advertising only works when you
have a powerful sales message sent out to a targeted group of people who
are likely to respond to it.
Let‟s talk about the type of marketing you should pay more attention to as a

Direct Response Marketing vs Brand Marketing:

There are 2 types of marketing.
Direct marketing and brand marketing.
Brand marketing is the normal type of marketing that you see around, and is
the type people are taught in school.
It is the one that small business owners mistakenly copy and leads to them
getting broke.
Brand marketing is only effective for large businesses who have a lot of
money to throw around.
The reason why it is not good for small businesses is because brand
marketing usually does not directly lead to a response.
Have you seen some of the adverts on newspapers and billboards where a
single word like „Yes!” can be written across a full page or wide banner?

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That is brand marketing and like I said, it works for the big companies who
have the money to push it.
But what about direct marketing?
Direct marketing is the type of marketing that you should focus on as a
It is the type of marketing that will save your life.
Its‟ focus is on generating the type of response that you need and it is
In direct marketing, you can easily know if a particular marketing campaign
is working or not based on the results you are getting from it.
For instance, let‟s say you spent N100,000 on a particular marketing
campaign and you only got back N56,000 in sales, that means the marketing
campaign did not work and you can work on it and move to another project.
Also, as you use direct marketing to promote your business, you can be
building your brand and perception in the minds of your customers based on
the quality of your products and the service you provide.
The sweet thing about direct marketing is that it can work for any type of
business and it helps you to get faster results from your business.
A lot of so-called marketing professionals will disagree with what I have said
about direct marketing because they do not understand it but on a one on
one, head to head competition, direct marketing techniques will always
outpull the brand marketing stuff.

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Learn How to Use OPM, OPT, OPS and OPE

One of the best thing that ever happened to me was when I began to learn
that as a single person, you are limited in what you have the resources to
By resources, I am talking about things like time, skills, money and energy.
For instance, I have already told you about the importance of understanding
sales, copywriting, advertising, marketing, knowing what people want to buy
Despite all that, if you want to accomplish a lot, then you need to be able to
distribute your tasks to other people to get them done for you.
Also, in some cases you might need to use OPM when you have created a
profitable system and you intend to scale it up.
OPM means Other People‟s Money.
And when I say use OPM, I am not talking about going to the bank to get a
loan. That would be a serious mistake as a young entrepreneur because
number one, banks only give out loans to people who do not need it in the
first place.
When you have built a good business and you need hundreds of millions or
billions, you can approach the bank then, they will usually be willing to help
you out and you will have other experts like accountants to help you out by
So, how do you use OPM if you should not get a loan from the bank?
I will tell you how.

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Lots of people have money in their bank accounts and they are doing
nothing with it mainly because they have no idea of what they can do with it
or because they are afraid of taking risks.
These people might be from your family, your friends, your co-workers etc.
What you want to do is to use their money to scale up a profitable money
making venture that is proven.
Read the last paragraph again especially the last 10 words.
Why the last 10 words?
The reason is because you are NOT permitted to use OPM unless you have
already created a venture that has proven itself to be profitable.
Let me give you an example:
In September 2012, I created a new business online that sold high quality
information in form of short reports.
I put in $200 into it for advertising just to test it out and before I knew it,
this business was giving me $400 for each $200 that I spent on advertising.
That is a net profit of $200.
But I went further. I worked on the system so that it was now giving me
$600 for every $200 that I spent on advertising.
That is a net profit of $400.
This is the type of statistics that you are looking for which proves that the
money making venture that you are working on is indeed profitable and no
guess work or assumption is involved.
It is at this stage that you can now go and get an OPM to scale up the
income you are getting from it. That is if you do not have enough capital
yourself to scale it up.
Like in the situation I described above, I didn‟t use any OPM, I just
reinvested my own money into the venture to make millions from it.
But then, there was a time back in 2009 that I actually used OPM.

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I just created a system that was making good profits and I got an OPM of
N70,000 since I had no extra money of my own to pump into it. I even
promised to pay the person N140,000 back in 8 months because I knew how
much I was going to make from the venture.
I learnt this as well from Gary Halbert.
According to Gary, he would spend about $5,000 to setup a money making
venture and see if it would be highly profitable. If it was profitable, he would
get some bankers to fund him and he will use their money to scale up the
venture and both of them would make some serious money based on their
sharing agreement.
That is how I use OPM. The last time I used it was in 2011 but I will use it
again if the need arises.
Apart from OPM, other op‟s you should use are:
OPT – This means other people‟s time. Since time is limited, you should
make use of other people‟s time and pay them for it. This way you can
spend your time focused on high value activities that will make you a lot of
For instance, let‟s say you are selling a DVD that teaches how to trade forex
using a particular strategy.
Let‟s say you are selling 20 copies daily and you are in charge of making the
deliveries yourself. A task like this is going to slow you down but what about
if you hire someone to make the deliveries for you? That way, you can spend
your time on increasing your number of sales and creating additional
products that will bring in more money.
Common sense. Right? But we both know it is not common.
Another one is OPE.
OPE could stand for other people‟s efforts or other people‟s energy.
Finally, you should always be employing OPS.
OPS means other people‟s skills and the skills we are talking about in this
regards are high value skills that will help in multiplying your productivity.

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For instance, even though I am a good copywriter, I can only create a

limited number of sales materials within a period of time.
However, if I delegate or outsource that task to another highly skilled
copywriter, I will be able to work on other things that will bring in additional
For someone who is starting at the bottom, using OPM, OPS and the other
OPs may not be all that visible but you can start introducing them as you
move along.

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Network With Other Live Breathing Cash

One simple step that can instantly help you to start getting better results as
a LBCM is to find other LBCMs and network with them. Period!
It sounds simple but this is devastatingly powerful.
Back in 2011, I was living in Abuja which is a good place to live but I didn‟t
have the chance to network with other LBCMs who could help me to think
better. So, I left Abuja and came to Lagos.
Within a few months, I started to discuss with people like Akin Alabi and my
good friend, Ronald Nzimora and that changed everything.
The kind of big thinking that I got from Akin Alabi for instance gave me a
paradigm shift. Something I could never get from reading books.
It is TRUE.

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When you consistently spend time with other LBCMs who are smarter and
better than you, what happens is that you get infected and once you get
infected, it becomes difficult for you to remain the same.
Apart from what happens to you mentally, you become open to various ideas
and opportunities when you network with people who are better than you in
various areas of life.
You also have the advantage of getting deep advice from them. Something
they wouldn‟t share with any kind of people.
In November 2013, I met some new friends from the USA during an internet
marketing event here in Lagos.
One of these new friends is a cool headed and wise man named Allyn Cutts.
While we talked, he shared a story with me that changed his life. The story
he shared with me was on how he joined a mastermind group of internet
marketing elites some years back.
This mastermind group was created by a top internet marketer whose name
is Yanik Silver and the fee to join the group was $20,000 per year.
That is around N3.3m a year.
He did all he could just to raise the money and he joined the group. Once he
was in the group, he was able to freely network and talk with big guys who
were doing business in millions of dollars and within some few months, he
made his $20,000 back.
But that wasn‟t the breakthrough.
The breakthrough is that his entire life changed and the last time I talked to
him before writing this book, he just returned from another mastermind
He told me – “pay your way to the top”
The reason is because top, high quality LBCM don‟t sit around or throw their
contacts around. The reason is because they are aware of parasites out

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They are aware of people who are looking for ways to feed on them for their
own good.
For instance, when I go to a public even like a seminar, a lot of people
approach me to get my phone number and email address.
I give them the phone number and email address but when they ask for
something like my BBM pin, I tell them politely that I only give it to friends
and my family.
From experience, I know that most of these people are leeches.
In order to be able to network effectively with other high value LBCM, you
need to understand that LBCM usually value symbiotic relationships.
If you have something of value to offer, a LBCM will be willing to give you
their real contacts when you meet in public.
So, where do you meet LBCMs in order to network with them?
There are 2 major ways;
1. Meet them at events

2. Pay and join the groups they belong to

Meeting LBCMs at Events – I am not an expert at networking like some

people proclaim but I don‟t care who you are, if you can package yourself
very well and you have something that other LBCMs will consider as
something of high value, you will easily network with high quality LBCMs.
The packaging is to help you get a good first impression which matters a lot
especially when you are approaching people at events.
But then, after the packaging comes your introduction and what you have to
If you approach me at a public event for instance and you are not well
dressed, I will automatically classify you as a leech before you open your
mouth to talk.
But if you are well dressed, I will be open to meeting you and that is until
you say something like “I want you to be my mentor”

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If you want to effectively network with other people at an event, you must
understand how to offer value first.
Years ago, I used to walk up to high value people at events trying to
network with them and I will say something like “I would like you to be my
But these people, as you will soon learn when you become a high value
person yourself understand that people who have no value to substitute are
usually time wasters and energy drainers.

Join Groups that High Quality People Belong to: If you really want to
get to know a lot of high quality people, the best way to do it is by joining
groups and memberships that they belong to.
These groups are usually high priced and this is why when you join such
groups, every other person in the group automatically see you as a high
value person even if you do not have anything to offer at first.
The fact that you pay a high amount of money to join such groups mean you
are a serious person and not a freebie seeker. It means you have a burning
desire to succeed and you are willing to pay the price to get to your goals.
So, how do you locate such masterminds? I really do not have a list as at
the time of writing this but I am working on compiling a list.
If you would like me to send you more information about masterminds you
can join, just send an email to
The email should have your full name and phone number - and the subject
line should say - Interested in Masterminds
This one advice of networking with other minds that are smarter and better
than you will change your life drastically. DO IT!

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It Starts Now!

Holy Awesome…Goodies! 

I feel like I should keep writing but I have to stop here.

If I try to cram everything into this single book, I will definitely not finish
writing this book because I am learning new things every day myself plus it
is just impossible to put in everything into a single book.
I have read over 100 different books on copywriting alone. Imagine trying to
put everything in here.
But I am glad with what I have shared so far.
I actually thought it would take me about 3 days to write this book but
eventually, it took me about 10 days to do so.
For a lot of people, reading a book like this will be the start of a new way of
life of you but don‟t let it end there.
You have to strive to continually move forward. That sis the only way to
develop and progress.
I never said it in this book that the journey to becoming a live breathing
cash machine is an easy and straight-lined journey.
It isn‟t. There are bumps and several obstacles on the way. There are tests
and trials that life will throw at you to see if you really want this stuff.
That is probably why a lot of people never get started and that is why I
started this book by emphasizing the power of a burning desire and its
importance to your success.
One of the most powerful statements that was rooted in my mind when I
began to learn about success is this – Do Not Give Up!

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Do not take NO for an answer.

Mind you, not giving up does not mean to stubbornly keep going even
though everything is saying you are on the wrong path.
Not giving up means “Not giving up on your goal” there are times when you
have to sit down and re-plan, re-strategize before you launch back.
Despite that, I have actually given up on so many things in my life and
whenever I look back at some of them, it is usually with a pain of regret.
“Only if I had stuck to it a little bit more” I would say but then “only if” is
one of the most painful phrases in the world.
A lot of people go to school, get a job, get married without investing any
amount of time and resources to become financially intelligent.
Later on in life, they find out that they have a lot of responsibility to meet up
with and their resources are now limited. They look back at when they had
all the time and money to become financially independent and all they can
say if “Only if”

Don‟t let your life become a repeated saying of the “only if” phrase.
If you have read this book up till this stage, you still have a lot of time to do
something. Just don‟t wait. Get started right away.
Many people have become live breathing cash machines without reading this
book. I am one of those people and some of friends are included. But our
journey to becoming live breathing cash machines could have been
shortened if we had the opportunity to read a book like this.
So, do not take this book for granted. Read and reread it. Make references
to it as many times as you can.
Apart from the quotes in this book, every single word was written from my
personal experience and understanding about this subject.

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This is not one of those mumbo-jumbo thrown together just to attain a

status of an author.
It contains information and strategies that have been tested and proven not
just by others, but in my own life.
I really desire that it will change your own life in various ways. I also wish
that you too will be able to pass this message across to other people so that
they can transform into live breathing cash machines and also help others
too to transform into LBCM.
I am proud of you that you read to the very end.
May God help us all.

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Here are some books that I think you should get and start reading as soon
as possible.

 As a man thinketh – James Allen (It is an old book but you should be
able to get a printed copy on Amazon or a PDF by searching on

 Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

 Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki

 Millionaire Fastlane – M.J Demarco

 GOALS – Brian Tracy

 No Excuse – Brian Tracy

 Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy

 How to Make Money Out of Thin Air – Brain Sher

 What Rich People Know and Desperately Want to Keep Secret – Brian

 Words Into Money – Ted Nicholas

 Boron Letters - Gary Halbert

 How to Sell Anything to Anybody – Joe Girald

 The Ultimate Sales Letter – Dan Kennedy

 How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

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 How to Make Millions With Your Ideas – Dan Kennedy

 Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion – Robert Cialdini

Most of these books can be gotten from business bookshops around you but
if you can‟t get any of them around you, just go over to
and place an order for them.
Remember, readers are leaders.

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