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Office NosICICERY MIDNAPORE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Affiliated to Vidyasagar University) MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL -721101 END SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF SEMESTER- I, 2017 B.A/B.Sc. The following is the statement of Grade and Credit Points obtained by Name :.. Roll BA: Registration Number: ORT Credit ade! (Ci (Credit Point/ Lab-Based [Non-LabBased| Si tal Credit C+2 (The), 5 40 Subject Course MATHEMATICS: (Core) esn(Pry/ru)| 200 Pg io ‘ feos 40 ! +2 (pe./70) if 10 1 Ge- (7h) | 5 ‘Pos 3g CHEMISTRY: (eB ga. (ees /0)| Le ae iJageoe2) SrPae an Pend ST aa HDS BOW Peres ee 160° Uy NAL Courses: Core Courses Full Marks: | " 6399 150 Marks Obtained: ia ‘ 119 Remark: Qualified to the Next Semester. Published on: 08/05/2018 Verified by: & QABera tu ua Principal PLEASE SEE REVERSE Chief Controller of Exaininations Scanned with CamScanner ‘Office Nor MCICEIIO2T0 MIDNAPORE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Affiliated to Vidyasagar University) MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL -721101 END SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF SEMESTER- II, 2018 B.A/B.Sc. The following is the statement of Grade and Credit Points obtained by ‘Name Roll: ., Registration Number: Mc/UG/S-12/18 i Credit Letter|Grade|redit Point] | SCPA_ Subject Cc fer|Grade Soe Ee : a UNG _[Cab-Based [rating] Grade] Point \ctsde ome tal Cred) : panna caf Hg at Long 40 Crd (th. tint cb CAML Courses front tu i \ uae Scanned with CamScanner MIDNAPORE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Affiliated to Vidyasagar University) MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL -721101 END SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF SEMESTER-III, 2018 Sc. The following is the statement of Grade and Credit Points obtained by Name: Roll: Registration Number MC/UG/S-311/18, | _ cr Subject Course [Tab- Grade] “(Credit x: \Credit Poin » Based Point \crade Point) Total Credit) 1 ee6 Te 4 45 POS ees eR /ze) Zin 13 MATHEMATICS. °)).|\\)) e8(r sin mate Core} é (eae 2 3) “a 30 | 7246 8 MATHEMATICS 3 ae (SEC). o i PHYSICS ' ¥ GErSpA (rH), 4 (24 1 ee iP Neaeden dem! fis 2 a [ota a sauna on] 3G] a@ Putos ll tre] LSM | peated cata VAM Courses, Core Courses] Full Marks: : 375) Hoel "228 | Marks Obtained: |: MDS 267, 474 : Remark: Qualified to the Next Semester. | Published on: 20/03/2019 Verified by: gf} PERE rincipal Chief Controller of Examinations PLEASE SEE REVERSE Scanned with CamScanner MIDNAPORE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Affiliated to Vidyasagar University) MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL -721101 DE CARD END SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF SEMESTER-IV, 2019 The following is the statement of Grade and Credit Points obtained by Name: Roll: Registration Numbe E redit Point] Subject ce Fear ea eter Gaal (Credit x. (Credit Point! Subj ourse [Haba] Nadab] Grade] Point |a\Sae poranl aacrcremy cacrm, ads | at 9 a5. e-beRy | 2 fa | pe [7 7 MATHEMATICS phctictting 4 5. tid 8 49 (Core) c-9(PR/TO) ar ee ct ae | 1 +10 (TH) 4 fos |! }oi0 50 c-10(pR/T0) 8 MATHEMATICS ‘SEC-2(TH/PR) {SEC} 2 poz .on 8 16 ee cranny} a fos pial] oe 32 (¢e) ce-dorter/my {2 foca Pae | 9 18 ‘Total: 26 |. 26 d a} All Courses Core Courses] Full Marks: 375 228 202 478 Marks Obtained: Remark: | Qualified to the Next Semester. Published on: 26/08/2019 Verified by: Mo Principal Chief Controller of Examinations PLEASE SEE REVERSE Scanned with CamScanner MIDNADORE COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) (Affiliated to Vidyasagar University) MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL -721101 END SEMESTER EXAMINATION OF SEMESTER-V, 2019 B.A/B.Sc. The following is the statement of Grade and Credit Points obtained by Name: KAMAL KUMAR DAS Rol Registration Numbe it Grade] Create Point] —SGPA Subject Grade] “(Credit x. |(Credit Poinu| joa-LabBased “oint Grade Point) Total Credit) e-21 (7H) i 7 35 matueMarics | ¢-i1(7R/70) 6 6 (Core) c-12(TH) 10 50 c-12(PR/TU) 9 9 MATHEMATICS | DSE-1A(TH) 10 a (DSE-1) [pse-1A(PR/TU)] 8 8 MATHEMATICS | psz-2a(rH) A 8 40 (DSE~2) Jose-2a (PR/TU)| A 8 8 — —t 206 Core & DSE Courses Full Marks: 300 Marks Obtained: 239 Remark: Qualified to the Next Semester. Published on: 22/02/2020 Verified by: A covTOLTR QeBera- dy Principal Chief Controller of Examinations PLEASE SEE REVERSE Scanned with CamScanner Student 1D: 2027-1544 Office No:MCICEAWHTT MIDNAPORE COL : (AUTONOMOUS) 4 (Affiliated to Vidyasagar University) MIDNAPORE, WEST BENGAL -721101 FINAL GRADE CARD B-4/B.Sc. FINAL SEMESTER EXAMINATION- VI, 2020 The following is the statement of SGPA of Semester-VI & CGPA obtained by Name Roll: Registration Number: Mc/UG/S-V/20 Semester-VI Subject courne [ramet Neral UNE peer eae cas | a Be sfircks wrmoaries [essen] a [oa ep [ae (Core), c-14 (TH) 4 5 ° 10 50 ‘¢-14 (PR/TU) 2 1 ° 10 20 9.71 warmmarics | oosr-am [a a ine (ose-3) DSE-3(PR/TU) 2 1 Ae 3 09 varmmarres | ose-4cm [a sc bcet [sa oa sera DSE-4(PR/TU) 2 1 Ae 3 09 rome Reale aa Ecmarsebiconees ST or Marea onibiaes i ‘Consolidated Grade aa 379 ase 208 333 ‘Semester Result: a Published on: 17/10/2020 Verified by: a PLEASE SEE REVERSE, Prineipal Chief Controller of Examinations Scanned with CamScanner

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