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Date Subject Work to do Teachers Instructions
7-5-22 English 1.Read the poem “If were a butterfly” from Write down the day and
Marigold 2and underline all the new words date of the
and learn their spellings. Make an audio assignments and do all
recording of the reading and post on peer your work in HPA
group. notebook.
2. Do one page of writing in your notebook
8-5-22 Maths •Write number names for the given number. Write down the day and
29 _____________ 30 _______________ date of the
40 _____________ 12 _______________ assignments and do all
11 _____________ 13 ______________ your work in HPA
20 _____________ 239 ____________ notebook.
550 ____________ 999 _____________
601 ____________ 133 _____________
9-5-22 EVS Complete the following about “Myself” Write down the day and
1. My name is _________. date of the
2. My birthday is on ________. assignments and do all
3. I am ______years old. your work in HPA
4. I am a __________. notebook.
5. I am studying in __________ school.
6. I am studying in ________ class.
7. My favourite subject is _______
8. My hobbies are _________.
9. I want to become _________.
10-5-22 Arabic Memorizing Surah Al-Fatihah by making a Recite the surah three
video and sending it. From Amma parah times carefully . Then
memorize and make a
vedio and send it.9
911-5- English 1.Write meaning of all the difficult words 5 Write down the day and
22 times in your notebook date of the
Thankful- feeling or showing thanks assignments and do all
Wriggle- to move along by twisting your your work in HPA
body. notebook.
Giggle – to laugh
Glee- happiness
Trunk – long nose of an elephant
Hop – to jump
2. Do one page of writing in your notebook.
12-5-22 Maths Determine the value of the underlined digit. Write down the day and
e.g: 545 hundred 223 tens 159 ones date of the
129 ______ 324 ______ 560 ______ assignments and do all
989 ______ 229 ______ 620 ________ your work in HPA
559 ______ 356 ______ 111 _______ notebook.
13-5-22 EVS Answer the following questions and write 3 Write down the day and
times in your notebook. date of the
1. What is a nuclear family? assignments and do all
Ans – A small family is called nuclear family your work in HPA
It has three or four members. notebook.
2. What is A joint family?
Ans – A family in which grandparents,
parents, uncles, aunts and cousins all live
3. When do all family members meet?
Ans – All family members meet at the time
of weddings and festivals.
14-5-22 Arabic Memorizing Surah Nass by making a video Recite the surah three
and sending it. From Amma parah times carefully . Then
memorize and make a
vedio and send it.
15-5-22 English 1.Read the lesson “I want" page no. 29 from Write down the day and
Marigold 2 and underline difficult words and date of the
learn their spellings. Make an audio assignments and do all
recording of the of the reading and post on your work in HPA
peer group. notebook.
2. Do one page writing in your notebook.
16-5-22 Maths Learn the table from 2 to 6
17-5-22 EVS Give one word answer for the following Write down the day and
questions and write it three times in your date of the
notebook. assignments and do all
1. Father and mother are our your work in HPA
Ans – Parents. notebook.
2. Our brothers and sisters are our
Ans – Siblings
3. Our father's father is our
Ans – Grandfather
4. Father, mother and children make a
Ans – Nuclear or small family.
5. Parents and children make a
Ans- Family
18-5-22 Arabic Memorizing Surah Falaq by making a video Recite the surah three
and sending it. From Amma parah times carefully . Then
memorize and make a
vedio and send it.
19-5-22 English 1. Read the lesson “I want" page no. 30 and Write down the day and
underline difficult words and learn their date of the
spellings. assignments and do all
2. Make an audio recording of the reading your work in HPA
and post on peer group. notebook.
3. Do one page writing in your HPA
20-5-22 Maths Write the number for the given number Write down the day and
names. date of the
1.four hundred ninety two __________ assignments and do all
2.five hundred ___________ your work in HPA
3.two hundred fifty six ____________ notebook.
4.nine hundred sixty seven _____________
5.eight hundred seventy eight ___________ hundred thirty three ______________
7.five hundred eighty seven_____________ hundred nine _______________
9.three hundred thirty nine ____________
10seven hundred ______________
21-5-22 EVS Answer the following questions and write it Write down the day and
three times in your notebook. date of the
1. What are indoor games? assignments and do all
Ans – Games play inside the covered area your work in HPA
is indoor games. notebook.
2. What are outdoor games?
And – Games play in the open area is called
outdoor games.
3. Write two examples of indoor
Ans – Snakes and ladders, carrom
4. Write two examples of outdoor
Ans – Cricket, Football
22-5-22 Arabic Memorizing Surah Ikhlass by making a Recite the surah three
video and sending it. From Amma parah times carefully . Then
memorize and make a
vedio and send it.
23-5-22 English 1.Write meaning of all the difficult words 5 Write down the day and
times in your notebook. date of the
Wise – having knowledge assignments and do all
Stretches – To make something longer by your work in HPA
pulling it. notebook.
Wand – a thing long stick used by magician
Wish – want
Monster – a horrible creature
2. Do one page of writing in your notebook.
24-5-22 Maths What comes just before: Write down the day and
_____327 _____407 _____566 date of the
_____699 _____700 _____200 assignments and do all
_____455 _____ 302 _____100 your work in HPA
_____ 666 _____ 904 _____499 notebook.
25-5-22 EVS Fill in the blanks and write it in your Write down the day and
notebook. date of the
1. Our ______ tells us bedtime stories. assignments and do all
(elders / teachers) your work in HPA
2. We ______ tease the animals in the notebook.
zoo. (should / should not)
3. We ______ our relatives and care
for them. (hate/ love)
4. A nuclear family is a ______ family.
(small / big)
5. My _____ is my father's brother.
(grandfather/ uncle)
26-5-22 Arabic Memorizing Surah Lahab by making a video Recite the surah three
and sending it. From Amma parah times carefully . Then
memorize and make a
vedio and send it.
27-5-22 English 1.Read the lesson “The wind and the sun” Write down the day and
page. no. 46 from Marigold 2 and underline date of the
all the new words. assignments and do all
2. make an audio recording of your reading your work in HPA
and post on peer group. notebook.
3. Do one page of writing in your notebook.
28-5-22 Maths Represent the following numbers on the Write down othe day
abacus. and date of theo
235 660 408 312 700 301 290 assignments oand do
306 455 623 all your work ino HPA
notebook. O
29-5-22 EVS Tick the correct answer and write it in your Write down othe day
notebook. and date of theo
1. We go to museum to see number of assignments and do all
(old / new) and wonderful things. your work in HPA
2. We feel (happy / sad) while doing notebook.
things we like.
3. My uncle’s children are my (sibling /
4. On holidays we go for a (picnic /
5. (Acrobats / Clowns) doing exciting
stunts in the circus.
6. A place where we can see a number
of animals is a (zoo / circus)
30-5-22 Arabic Memorizing Surah Nasr by making a video Recite the surah threoe
and sending it. From Amma parah times carefully . Then
memorize and makoe a
vedio and send it.o
31-5-22 English 1.Read the lesson “The wind and the sun” Write down the day and
page. no. 47 from Marigold 2 and underline date of the
all the new words. assignments and do all
2. Make an audio recording of the reading your work in HPA
and post on peer group. notebook.
2. Do one page of writing in your notebook.
01-6-22 Maths Complete the following. Write down the day and
4*6 =_____ 2*8 = _____ 3*3 = ______ date of the
5*6 = _____ 4*4= _____ 6*2 = _____ assignments and do all
6*4 = _____ 3*8 = _____ 3*9 = _____ your work in HPA
2*7 = _____ 5*5 = _____ 4*3 = ______ notebook.
6*6 = _____ 4* 9 = _____ 6*7 = ______

02-6-22 EVS Learn all the difficult words and write 5 Write down the day and
times in your notebook. date of the
Parents, assignments and do all
uncle,cousins,vacation,relatives,wedding, your work in HPA
festival, grandfather, recreation, Cricket, notebook.
museum, function, acrobats.

03-6-22 Arabic Memorizing Surah Kafiroon by making a Recite the surah three
video and sending it. From Amma parah times carefully . Then
memorize and make a
vedio and send it.
04-6-22 English 1.Write meaning of all the difficult words 5 Write down the day and
times in your notebook. date of the
Quickly – at a fast speed assignments and do all
Puffing – to breath hard your work in HPA
Funny – causing laugh notebook.
Wiping – clean or dry something.
2.Do one page of writing in your notebook.

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