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Session: 2022-23

English........................... 4
Hindi……........................ 10
Maths............................ 18
English Rhymes............. 23
Hindi Rhymes................ 27
G.K……………………………. 31
Conversation…..………… 35
Computer………………….. 40
Art………………................ 46

Subject – English

Prescribed Books:

1. At Play (Book one – Part 2) The Beacon Readers

2. Old Dog Tom (Book Two – Part 1) The Beacon Readers
3. Beginner English Primer – B (Kids World)
4. Cosmos Cursive Writing 2 (Flamingo Books)
5. Life Skills & Value Education- UKG (Provided by the school, available on
school’s App. “AMJHS SRE”)

TERM – 1

Course for Periodic Test – 1

1. At Play (Book one – Part 2)

From Pg no. 3 to Pg no. 22
Note:- Seen Comprehension, Ques/Ans and Make Sentences done in
2. Beginner English Primer – B
1. Little Chick
2. The Alphabet
3. Activity
4. My Teddy Bear
5. Sound a
6. Sound e
7. Sound i
8. Sound o
9. Sound u
10. Double Letter Ending
11. Similar Sounds
12. Blending Sounds
13. Use of A/An
3. Cosmos Cursive Writing 2 (Pg no. 2 to 12)

Course for Half – Yearly Exams

1. At Play (Book one – Part 2)
Full Book
Note:- Seen Comprehension, Ques/Ans and Make Sentences done in
+ all work done in Periodic Test – 1
2. Grammar (PC Wren’s)
14. Use of This/That
15. Use of He/She
16. Use of You are/ I am
17. Use Yes/No
18. Use of His/Her
19. Action words
20. Use of Before/After
21. Days of the week
22. Months in the year
23. Use of in
24. Use of on
25. Use of under
26. This is/These are
+ all work done in Periodic Test – 1
3. Cosmos Cursive Writing 2 (Pg no. 13 to 24)

Unseen Comprehension

To write five sentences on the given topic – My Self, An Apple.

TERM – 2

Course for Periodic Test – 2

1. Old Dog Tom (Book two – Part 1)

From Pg no. 5 to Pg no. 30
Note:- Seen Comprehension, Ques/Ans and Make Sentences done in
2. Beginners English Primer B
27. That is/Those are
28. Capital Letter/ Full Stop
29. Activity
30. Use of Has/Have
31. They/Their
32. My/Your
33. Our/Their
34. How Many
35. In/On/Under (Where)
36. Numbers
37. Fruits & Vegetables
 Cosmos Cursive Writing 2 (Pg no. 25 to 36)

Course for Annual Exams

1. Old Dog Tom (Book two – Part 1)

Full Book
Note:- Seen Comprehension, Ques/Ans and Make Sentences done in
+ all work done in Periodic Test – 2
2. Beginners English Primer B
38. Opposites
39. Who
40. When
41. Which
42. Why
43. Thank You/Please
44. Can/Cannot
45. Shall/Will/Will not
46. One, Two, Buckle My Shoes
47. What’s Wrong
48. My Self
 Cosmos Cursive Writing 2 (Pg no. 37 to 48)

Unseen Comprehension


To write five sentences on the given topic – My Bag, An Apple, The Sun
Note:- Full Grammar course will be included in Annual Exams.


Time : 2 hrs M.M. – 40
1. Literature
 Seen Comprehension 2 × 2 = 4 marks
 Make Sentences 1 × 2 = 2 marks
 Ques/Ans 2 × 2 = 4 marks
 Beginner English Primer – B 30marks
Total =40 marks

Time : 3 Hrs MM : 80
1. Unseen Comprehension 5 marks
2. To write five lines on the given topic 10 marks
3. Beginner English Primer – B 35 marks
4. Literature
Seen Comprehension 6 marks
Make Sentences 1 × 6 = 6 marks
Ques/Ans 2 × 6 = 12 marks
Writing 6 marks
Total = 80 marks

ता वत पु तक :-

 वर प रचय (First Ever Books)

 वर लेखन श द एवं वा य रचना (Tini Mini)

अ वा षक – पूव पर ा का पा य म

 वर लेखन श द एवं वा य रचना

प ृ ठ सं या 4 से लेकर 35 तक

 वर प रचय

1. वणमाला ( वर/ यंजन)

2. श द (अमा क)

3. आ क मा ा

4. इ क मा ा

5. ई क मा ा

अ वा षक – पूव पर ा के न प का ा प

समय – 2 घंटे पूणाक – 40

1. वणमाला ( वर/ यंजन लखना व भरना) ½ × 10 = 5

2. दो, तीन, चार वण वाले श द 1×4=4

3. दए गए श द पर उ चत मा ा लगाना ½ × 12 = 6

4. मा ाओं पर आधा रत न / उ र 2 × 5 = 10

5. दए गए श द क सहायता से र त थान भरना 1 × 5 = 5

6. च पहचानकर वा य पूरे करना 2 × 5 = 10

अ वा षक पर ा का पा य म

 वर लेखन श द एवं वा य रचना

प ृ ठ सं या 36 से लेकर 56 तक

 वर प रचय

6. उ क मा ा

7. ऊ क मा ा

8. ऋ क मा ा

9. ए क मा ा

10. ऐ क मा ा

11. रं गो के नाम

12. फल के नाम
+ अ वा षक – पूव पर ा का पा य म

अ वा षक पर ा के न प का ा प

समय – 2 घंटे पूणाक – 40

1. वणमाला ( वर/ यंजन लखना व भरना) 1×6=6

2. दो, तीन, चार वण वाले श द 1×2=2

3. दए गए श द पर उ चत मा ा लगाना 1×8=8

4. मा ाओं पर आधा रत न / उ र 2 × 6 = 12

5. दए गए श द क सहायता से र त थान भरना 1 × 8 = 8

6. च पहचानकर वा य पूरे करना 2 × 7 = 14

7. रं गो के नाम 2 × 5 = 10

8. फल के नाम 2 × 5 = 10

9. सह जोड़े बनाओ 1×5=5

10. सल
ु ेख 5

वा षक – पूव पर ा का पा य म

 वर लेखन श द एवं वा य रचना

प ृ ठ सं या 57 से लेकर 82 तक

 वर प रचय

1. ओ क मा ा

2. औ क मा ा

3. अं क मा ा

4. अँ क मा ा

5. जानवर के नाम

6. सि जय के नाम

वा षक – पूव पर ा के न प का ा प

समय – 2 घंटे पूणाक – 40

1. दए गए श द पर उ चत मा ा लगाना 1×5=5

2. मा ाओं पर आधा रत न / उ र 2 × 5 = 10

3. दए गए श द क सहायता से र त थान भरना 1 × 5 = 5

4. च पहचानकर वा य पूरे करना 2 × 5 = 10

5. जानवर के नाम 1×5=5

6. सि जय के नाम 1×5=5

वा षक पर ा का पा य म

 वर लेखन श द एवं वा य रचना

प ृ ठ सं या 83 से लेकर 96 तक

 वर प रचय

1. अः क मा ा

2. बारहखड़ी

3. र – रे फ का योग

4. र – पदे न का योग

5. आधे यंजन का प एवं योग

6. वा द ट फल (क वता)

7. डॉ टर और चंटू

8. अनु छे द – (सरू ज, मोर) च दे खकर दए गए श द क

सहायता से अनु छे द परू ा क िजये

9. वलोम श द

10. वचन

+ अ वा षक – पूव पर ा, अ वा षक पर ा एव वा षक पर ा का स पूण
पा य म

वा षक पर ा के न प का ा प

समय – 2 घंटे पूणाक – 40

1. वणमाला ( वर/ यंजन भरना) 1×5=5

2. दो, तीन, चार वण वाले श द 1×4=4

3. दए गए श द पर उ चत मा ा लगाना 1×5=5

4. मा ाओं पर आधा रत न / उ र 2 × 6 = 12

5. दए गए श द क सहायता से र त थान भरना 1 × 5 = 5

6. च पहचानकर वा य परू े करना 2 × 5 = 10

7. सह जोड़े बनाओ 1×5=5

8. अनु छे द (सूरज या मोर) 5

9. वलोम श द 1×6 =6

10. वचन 1×6 =6

11. आधे यंजन भरकर श द परू े करो 1×4 =4

12. सि जय , जानवर , फल , तथा रं ग के नाम 1×5=5

13. क वता क पंि तयाँ पूर करो 1×3=3

14. सल
ु ेख 5

वषय संवधन :- ुतलेख

1. सा ता हक ुतलेख पर ाएँ क ा म आयोिजत क जाएंगी िजनके

अंक अ वा षक पर ा एव वा षक म सि म लत कए जाएंगे |

2. वाचन काय

Subject – Maths

Prescribed Book:

1. Tini Mini Mathematics Primer (T.T. Publications)

2. School Time Maths Primer

TERM – 1

Course for Periodic Test – 1

1. Counting (1-500)
2. Write in words (1-100)
3. Write in figures (1-100)
4. After, Before & Between (1-100)
5. Sums of Addition (two digits, with and without carry over)
6. Sums of Subtraction (two digits, without borrow)
7. Ring the smallest number/greatest number (1-100)
8. Put the correct sign <, >, = (1-100)
9. Back Counting (30-1)
10. Tables (2 to 5)
 Book work (Tini Mini Mathematics Primer Pg 1-30)
 School Time Maths Primer (Pg no. 1-24)
Course for Subject Enrichment -1
1. Number Dictation (1 to 500)
2. Number Recognition (1 to 500)
3. Recognition of Shapes – Circle, Square, Oval, Triangle, Rectangle, Diamond,
Heart (oral)
4. Dodging tables (oral) ( 2 to 5)

Question Paper Pattern For Periodic Test – 1
Time – 2 hrs M.M. – 40
1. Counting (any ten numbers) 10 × ½ = 05
2. Back Counting (any ten numbers) 10 × ½ = 05
3. After, Before, Between 03 × 01 = 03
4. Write in words 02 × 01 = 02
5. Write in figures 02 × 01 = 02
6. Put the correct sign 03 × 01 = 03
7. Sums of Addition 03 × 02 = 06
8. Sums of Subtraction 03 × 02 = 06
9. Dodging Tables 04 × 01 = 04
10. Ring the smallest number 02 × 01 = 02
11. Ring the greatest number 02 × 01 = 02
Total = 40

Question Paper Pattern for Subject Enrichment 1

 Number Dictation ½ × 20 = 10
 No.’s Recognition 01 × 04 = 04
 Shapes Recognition 01 × 02 = 02
 Dodging tables (oral) 01 × 04 = 04
Total = 20 marks

Course for Half – Yearly Exams

1. Counting (1-600)
2. Back Counting (50-1)
3. Write in words (1-200)
4. Write in figures (1-200)
5. After, Before, Between (1-200)
6. Sums of Addition (two digits, with and without carryover)
7. Sums of Subtraction (two digits with and without borrow)

8. Sums of Multiplication (one digit)
9. Tables (2 to 6)
10. Ring the smallest number / greatest number (1-200)
11. Put the correct sign <, >, = (1-200)
 Book work (Tini Mini Mathematics Primer Pg 31-60)
 School Time Maths Primer (Pg no. 25-48)
+ Course of Periodic Assessment-1 will be included in Half Yearly Exams.
Note –Related topics can be asked from the book and the notebook also.

Question Paper Pattern For Half– Yearly Exams

Time – 3 hrs M.M. – 80
1. Counting (any 20 numbers) 20× ½ = 10
2. Backward Counting (any 10 numbers) 10 × ½ = 05
3. Write in words 04 × 01 = 04
4. Write in figures 05 × 01 = 05
5. After, Before, Between 06 × 01 = 06
6. Sums of Addition 05 × 02 =10
7. Sums of Subtraction 05 × 02 = 10
8. Sums of Multiplication 05 × 02 = 10
9. Dodging Tables 08 × 01 = 08
10. Ring the smallest number 03 × 01= 03
11. Ring the greatest number 03 × 01= 03
12. Put the correct sign 06 × 01 = 06

Total = 80 marks

Course for Periodic Test – 2
1. Counting (1-700)
2. Write in words (1-500)
3. Write in figures (1-500)
4. After, Before, Between (1-500)
5. Sums of Addition (two digits with and without carryover)
6. Sums of Subtraction (two digits with and without borrow)
7. Sums of Multiplication (two digits without carryover)
8. Back Counting (70-1)
9. Put the correct sign <,>,= (1-500)
10. Skip Counting by 2 (1-20)
11. Tables (2 to 7)
12. Ascending order (1-50)
13. Descending order (1-50)
 Book work (Tini Mini Mathematics Primer Pg 61-90)
 School Time Maths Primer (Pg no. 49-72)

Note :- Related topics can be asked from book and the notebook also.

Course for Subject Enrichment-2

1. Number Dictation (1 to 700)
2. Number Recognition (1 to 700)
3. Dodging tables (oral) ( 2 to 7)
4. Days of the week and months of the year(oral)

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 2

1. Counting (any 10 numbers) 10 × ½ = 05
2. Backward Counting (any 10 numbers) 10 × ½ = 05
3. Write in words 02 × 01 = 02
4. Write in figures 02 × 01 = 02
5. After, Before, Between 03 × 01 = 03
6. Sums of Addition 03 × 01 =03
7. Sums of Subtraction 03 × 01 = 03
8. Sums of Multiplication 02 × 01 = 02
9. Ascending order 08 × ½ = 04
10. Descending order 08 × ½ = 04
11. Dodging tables 04 × ½ = 02
12. Skip Counting 08 × ½ = 04
13. Put the correct sign 02 × ½ = 01
Total = 40 marks

Question Paper Pattern for Subject Enrichment-2

a. Number Dictation 20 × ½ =10
b. Number Recognition ½ × 04 = 02
c. Dodging tables (oral) 03 × 01 = 03
d. Days and Months (oral) 05 × 01 = 05
Total= 20 marks

Course for Annual Exams

1. Counting (1-800)
2. Back Counting (100-1)
3. Write in words (1-800)
4. Write in figures (1-800)
5. After, Before, Between (1-800)
6. Sums of Addition (two digits with and without carryover)
7. Sums of Subtraction (two digits with and without borrow)
8. Sums of Multiplication (two digits without carryover)
9. Put the correct sign <,>,= (1-800)
10. Identification of shapes(Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle, Oval, Heart,
Star, Diamond)
11. Skip Counting by 2 & 5 (1-50)
12. Ascending & Descending order (1-100)
13. Tables (2 to 8)
14. Story Sums (Addition) Pg 38-39,
15. Story Sums (Subtraction) Pg 46-47

 Book work (Tini Mini Mathematics Primer Pg 91-120)
 School Time Maths Primer (Pg no. 73-96)

+ Course of Periodic Assessment-2 will be included in Annual Exams.

Note – Related topics can be asked from the book and the notebook also.


Time – 3 hrs M.M. – 80
1. Counting (any 20 numbers) 20 × ½ = 10
2. Back Counting (any 10 numbers) 10 × ½ = 05
3. Write in words 03 × 01 = 03
4. Write in figures 03 × 01 = 03
5. After, Before, Between 03 × 01 = 03
6. Sums of Addition 05 × 02 = 10
7. Sums of Subtraction 05 × 02 = 10
8. Sums of Multiplication 05 × 02 = 10
9. Put the correct sign 04 × ½ = 02
10. Identification of shapes 02 × 01 = 02
11. Skip Counting 08 × ½ = 04
12. Ascending order 08 × ½ = 04
13. Descending order 08 × ½ = 04
14. Dodging tables 06 × 01 = 06
15. Story Sums Addition 02 × 01 = 02
16. Story Sums Subtraction 02 × 01 = 02
Total = 80 marks

Subject –
English Rhymes

Prescribed Book:
Sing along nursery Rhymes – 3 ( Kid's world Educational Books)

Term -1
Course for Periodic Test -1

1. Incy wincy spider

2. Mary had a little lamb
3. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
4. One , Two.... buckle my shoe
5. Ten little fingers

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 1

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Rhyme 4 marks
 Any two Rhymes (out of three) 2x2=4 marks
 Action 2 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Half Yearly Examination

6. Bits of paper
7. Washing day
8. The wheels on the bus
9. Just Me
10. This is my family

Note:- Syllabus of Periodic Test -1 will also be included in Half Yearly Exams.

Question Paper Pattern for Half Yearly Examination
Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Rhyme 8 marks
 Any three Rhymes (out of five) 3x3=9 marks
 Action 3 marks
Total = 20 marks

Term – 2
Course for Periodic Test -2
11. How does the corn go?
12. A Pinch of salt
13. Vegetables
14. Green big bananas
15. Hey - O the Derry – O

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 2

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Rhyme 4 marks
 Any two Rhymes (out of three) 2x2=4 marks
 Action 2 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Annual Examination

16. God made me
17. Shapes
18. Pretty balloons
19. Old Macdonald had a farm
20. Brush your teeth

Note: - Syllabus of Periodic Test -2 will also be included in Annual Examination.

Question Paper Pattern for Annual Examination

Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Rhyme 8 marks
 Any three Rhymes (out of five) 3x3=9 marks
 Action 3 marks
Total = 20 marks

 In English Rhymes course of Half Yearly Exams will not be included in

Annual Exams.

Subject –
Hindi Rhymes

ता वत पु तक : - फुहार बाल क वताएं (Kid’s World Educational Books)

Term -1
Course for Periodic Test -1
1. ाथना
2. वनती
3. बैठ फूल पर सुंदर ततल
4. झूम झूम कर हाथी आया आया
5. धोबी आया

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 1

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Rhyme 4 marks
 Any two Rhymes (out of three) 2x2=4 marks
 Action 2 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Half Yearly Examination

6. एक एक
7. चांद का कुता
8. बादल
9. म बादल बन जाऊं
10. फुटबॉल
11. केट

Note:- Syllabus of Periodic Test -1 will also be included in Half Yearly Exams.
Question Paper Pattern for Half Yearly Examination
Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Rhyme 8 marks
 Any three Rhymes (out of five) 3x3=9 marks
 Action 3 marks
Total = 20 marks

Term -2
Course for Periodic Test -2
12. मां तू कतनी अ छ है
13. सूरज दादा
14. एक डाल पर बैठा बंदर
15. एक च ड़या के ब चे चार
16. चु नू मु नू थे दो भाई

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 2

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Rhyme 4 marks
 Any two Rhymes (out of three) 2x2=4 marks
 Action 2 marks
Total = 10 marks
Course for Annual Examination
17. मेर ब ल काल पील
18. ब कुट का पेड़
19. रं ग बरं गे गु बारे
20. अगर पेड़ भी चलते होते

21. न ह ं च ड़या
22. ऊपर सूरज

Question Paper Pattern for Annual Examination

Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Rhyme 8 marks
 Any three Rhymes (out of five) 3x3=9 marks
 Action 3 marks
Total = 20 marks

Note: - Syllabus of Periodic Test -2 will also be included in Annual Examination.

 In Hindi Rhymes course of Half Yearly Exams will not be included in

Annual Exams.

Subject – G.K.

Prescribed Book:
Picture Book (Unique Books International)

Term -1
Course for Periodic Test -1

1. All About me
2. Our Body Parts
3. Pet Animals
4. Wild Animals
5. Birds
6. Reptiles and Sea Animals
7. Insects

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 1

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Question 4 marks
 Any three Question (out of five) 3x2=6 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Half Yearly Examination

8. Flowers
9. Vegetables
10. Fruits
11. Things We Eat And Drink
12. Our Foods
13. Clothes (pg no. 14)
14. Clothes (pg no. 15)
15. Our Helpers
Note:- Syllabus of Periodic Test -1 will also be included in Half Yearly Exams.

Question Paper Pattern for Half Yearly Examination
Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Question 5 marks
 Any five questions (out of seven) 5x3=15 marks
Total = 20 marks

Term -2
Course for Periodic Test -2
16. Kitchen Articles
17. Festivals
18. Seasons & Climate
19. Action Words
20. Home Appliances
21. Musical Instruments
22. Colours And Shapes
23. Transportation

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 2

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Question 4 marks
 Any three Question (out of five) 3x2=6 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Annual Examination

24. Games
25. In My House
26. Bathroom Articles
27. Me And My Family
28. Classroom
29. At the Zoo
30. Our National Symbols
Note:- Syllabus of Periodic Test -1 will also be included in Half Yearly Exams.
Question Paper Pattern for Annual Examination
Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Question 5 marks
 Any five Question (out of seven) 5x3=15 marks
Total = 20 marks

Note: In G.K., syllabus of Half Yearly Exams will not be included in Annual Exams.

Subject –

Term -1
Course for Periodic Test -1
Instruction:- Answer in a complete sentence.

Q1- In which class do you study ?

Ans- I study in UKG class.

Q2- What is the name of your Class Teacher?

Ans- My class teacher’s name is .

Q3- What is the name of your Principal?

Ans- My Principal’s name is .

Q4- What is the name of your Administrator?

Ans- My Administrator’s name is Ms. Chandana Jain.

Q5- How many months are there in a year? Name them.

Ans- There are 12 months in a year. January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December.

Q6- Name the months that have 31 days.

Ans- January, March, May, July, August, October, December.

Q7- Name the months that have 30 days.

Ans- April, June, September, November.

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 1

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Question 4 marks
 Any two Question (out of three) 3x2=6 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Half Yearly Examination
Instruction:- Answer in a complete sentence.

Q8- Where is your school located?

Ans- My school is located at .

Q9- Who is the President of India?

Ans- The President of India is Mr. Ram Nath Kovind.

Q10- How many states are there in India?

Ans- There are 28 states in India.

Q11- Name the capital of Uttar Pradesh.

Ans- Lucknow is the capital of Uttar Pradesh.

Q12- What is the name of our state?

Ans- The name of our state is Uttar Pradesh.

Q13-Who is the Prime Minister of India?

Ans- The Prime Minister of India is Mr. Narendra Modi.

Q14- Who is the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh?

Ans- The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh is Yogi Adityanath.

Note:- Syllabus of Periodic Test -1 will also be included in Half Yearly Exams.

Question Paper Pattern for Half Yearly Examination

Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Question 8 marks
 Any three Question (out of four) 4x3=12 marks
Total = 20 marks

Term -2
Course for Periodic Test -2
Instruction:- Answer in a complete sentence.
Q1- What do you want to become when you grow up?

Ans- When I grow up, I want to become .

Q2- Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Ans- Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India.

Q3- Name the colours of our National Flag.

Ans- Saffron, White and Green.

Q4- What does your father do?

Ans- My father is _ .

Q5- What does your mother do?

Ans- My mother is .

Q6-Which is your Mother Tongue?

Ans- Our Mother Tongue is Hindi.

Q7- How many colours are there in our National Flag?

Ans- There are three colours in our National Flag

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 2

Time: 2 hrs M.M. =10
 Compulsory Question 4 marks
 Any two Question (out of three) 3x2=6 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Annual Examination
Instruction:- Answer in a complete sentence.

Q8- Who wrote the National Anthem?

Ans- Rabindranath Tagore wrote the National Anthem.

Q9- Name the four directions.

Ans- North, South, East, West.

Q10- In which direction does the sun rise?

Ans- The sun rises from the East.

Q11-Who is known as the Father of the Nation?

Ans- Mahatma Gandhi is known as the Father of the Nation.

Q12-Name the currency of India.

Ans- Rupee is the currency of India.

Q13- In which direction does the sun set?

Ans- The sun sets in the West.

Q14-Who was the first President of India?

Ans- Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first President of India.

Note: Syllabus of Periodic Test -2 will also be included in Annual Exams

Question Paper Pattern for Annual Examination
Time: 3 hrs M.M. =20
 Compulsory Question 8 marks
 Any three Question (out of four) 4x3=12 marks
Total = 20 marks
 In Conversation course of Half Yearly Exams will not be included in Annual

Term - 1
Course for Periodic Test - 1
Identify the following Computer devices:








Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 1

M.M. =10
 Compulsory Question 4 marks
 Any two Question (out of three) 3x2=6 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Half Yearly Examination

Identify the following Computer devices:




Q11. What is Computer?

Ans11. Electronic Device.
Q12. What are the basic parts of the computer?
Ans12. 1. Monitor
2. Keyboard
3. Mouse
4. CPU
Q13. Which is called the Brain of Computer?
Ans13. CPU.
Q14. What is the full form of CPU?
Ans14. Central Processing Unit.
Q15. Who is the father of the computer?
Ans15. Charles Babbage.

Note: Syllabus of Periodic Test - 1 will also be included in Half Yearly Exams.

Question Paper Pattern for Half Yearly Examination

M.M. =20
 Compulsory Question 8 marks
 Any four Question (out of five) 3x4=12 marks
Total = 20 marks
Term - 2
Course for Periodic Test – 2
Q16. What do you use to type?
Ans16. Keyboard.
Q17. What is also known as a portable computer?
Ans17. Laptop.
Q18. Give two examples of input devices.
Ans18. Mouse, Keyboard.
Q19. Give two examples of output devices
Ans19. Monitor, Printer.
Q20. What is the full form of PC?
Ans20. Personal Computer.
Q21. Which part is used to produce musical sound?
Ans21. Speaker is used to produce musical sound.
Q22. Which part of computer used to play games?
Ans22. Joystick is used to play games.

Question Paper Pattern for Periodic Test – 2

M.M. =10
 Compulsory Question 4 marks
 Any two Question (out of three) 3x2=6 marks
Total = 10 marks

Course for Annual Examination

Q23. How many buttons are there on the mouse?
Ans23. There are two buttons on the mouse – Left or Right.
Q24. What is the full form of CD?
Ans24. Compact Disc.

Q25. How many keys are there on keyboard?
Ans25. 104 Keys.
Q26. What is the full form of WWW?
Ans26. World Wide Web.
Q27. What is the full form of Computer?
Ans27. Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and
Educational Reasearch.
Q28. Who is called the father of the Internet?
Ans28. Vint Cerf.
Q29. Which is the input device that allows a user to move the cursor on the
Ans29. Mouse.
Q30. Where is data stored in a computer?
Ans30. CPU

Note: Syllabus of Periodic Test -2 will also be included in Annual Exams.

Question Paper Pattern for Annual Examination

M.M. =20
 Compulsory Question 8 marks
 Any four Question (out of five) 3x4=12 marks
Total = 20 marks

Prescribed Book:-

Fun with Strokes-C (Devjyoti Books)

TERM – 1
Course of Periodic Test-I

1. Balloons
2. Football
3. Pear
#Fun with strokes (c) Activity (Page No. 1-8)

Course of Half Yearly Exams

4. Hut
5. Kite
6. Boat
# Fun with strokes (c) Activity (Page No.9-17)

Course of Periodic Test-II

1. Flag
2. Tree
3. Traffic light

# Fun with strokes (c) Activity (Page No.18 -26)

Course of Annual Examination

4. Rocket
5. Clown Face
6. Brinjal
# Fun with strokes (c) Activity (Page No. 26-34)
1. Choice will be given in the question paper.
2. Grades will be awarded.

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