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Method o
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g Sales
by Stefan

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Reeves Gut
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“Nature’s Drano”...
For Your Bowels?
Add this flavorless nutrient to your morning coffee or tea
To effortlessly and fully empty your bowels
Every single morning…

Have you ever poured Drano down a clogged pipe…

And watched in amazement as weeks… months…

maybe even YEARS of backed-up gunk suddenly vanished…

Letting the pipe finally flow free again?

Well if you aren’t pooping as much as you’d like…

• If you feel like your bowels are clogged up…

• Pushing your belly out and causing uncomfortable gas and bloating…

• Creating embarrassing gas that could clear out a room…

• Making you feel heavy and lethargic by literally weighing you down...

I’d like to show you this one unusual jungle fiber you can add to your diet…

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That acts like nature’s own “Drano for your bowels”…

Yet it’s one of the healthiest foods on the planet...

Helping to effortlessly and fully flush your bowels every single morning…

• So you feel lighter and more energetic…

• Reduce gas and bloating so your stomach shrinks...

• And enjoy clean, fast “ghost wipes” to avoid painful chafing...

By doing nothing other than adding it to your morning coffee, tea,

oatmeal or smoothie.

In fact, even as you read this…

People across the world are using this

unusual nutrient to become a “perfect pooper”...

And they’re DELIGHTED to discover that…

• Their bowel movements become effortless and perfectly regular…

• Wiping takes just a few short pieces and isn’t sticky or smelly…

• Their gas is nearly odorless and happens much less frequently...

• Their bowels fully empty leaving their stomachs flat instead of


• They feel lighter and more energetic as they release pounds of

“stuck poop” weighing them down…

Enjoying a “perfect poop” like I described above might sound like a fairytale
dream right now.

But I promise you it’s absolutely possible…

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And much easier than you think.

In fact, what I’m about to share with you has been scientifically shown to…

• Help you poop up to 171% more than you do right now - That’s
the difference between pooping about 2x per week versus 7 days a

• Quickly remove 5-20 pounds of backed up poop that’s weighing

you down - So you feel lighter, more energetic and less bloated…

• Boost healthy gut bacteria by up to 344% - Establishing a

“bulletproof gut” so you can stay regular, be less sensitive to foods,
be less gassy, and even enjoy a stronger immune system…

Now you might be thinking this all

sounds too good to be true…

But I promise I’ll show you all the research…

All the evidence from leading universities…

And even introduce you to people JUST like you who are now “perfect
poopers” after trying what I’m about to share with you.

• Like Lenee, who puts this flavorless jungle fiber in her coffee every
morning to stay regular even while following the Keto diet…

• Or William, who now enjoys the “perfect poop” every single morning
after years of struggle…

• Or Kristen, who saved herself from the “blocking” side effects of pain
meds and got regular in just two short days…

• Or Allison, who says “It’s crazy how good it works!”...

• Or April, who’s struggled to stay regular for decades and finally achieved
her goal just days after trying what I’m about to share with you…

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The best part is that all this can happen...

• WITHOUT changing your diet…

• WITHOUT gagging on toxin-filled, gel-like psyllium fiber everyday...

• And WITHOUT resorting to dangerous, embarrassing laxatives,

suppositories or enemas…

In fact...

This new discovery makes traditional

“pooping solutions” like psyllium fiber and laxatives
completely obsolete…

That’s because it solves the #1 problem causing you to poop too little OR
too much…

• That fiber alone can’t fix…

• That laxatives actually make worse…

• And that other solutions simply don’t help.

I promise I’ll show you EXACTLY what it is…

HOW it works (along with mountains of scientific research)...

And why it can transform your life just like it did mine.

But first...

I need to share an embarrassing story with you...

We were at a rehearsal dinner for a wedding, and I’d just finished eating. It

had been about 4 days since I’d pooped last…

So I knew there was a high risk of either getting stuck on the toilet for

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20 minutes…

OR having sudden diarrhea.

But I knew where the bathrooms were…

Because I always knew where any bathroom was in any public place...

So I figured I would be OK.

About 5 minutes later, that infamous “hot flash” you get as a warning
before you poop your pants washed over me…

So I started speed walking towards the bathroom…

And when I got about half way there…


My eyes opened wide as I mentally screamed...


At this point, I can’t even describe the fear that overtook my body.

I got outside as fast as possible…

Clenched my butt as hard as I could…

And started speed walking towards the nearest bathroom...

Which was about 100 yards away down the street at the next restaurant.

But about half way there, a couple walked by me…

So I tried to act normal by relaxing for just a second to say hi...

And immediately, I knew that I’d made a huge mistake.

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Because just a few steps later..

It all rushed out of me...

and into my pants and shoes!

Four days worth of poop was now dripping down my leg and into my shoes.

And in that moment…

I felt like I wanted to just give up and die.

• The shame…

• The embarrassment…

• The disgust with myself that I let it happen…

• The fear of getting made fun of for the rest of my life...

It was all too much to handle.

I felt like the main character in some kind of sick, twisted film that everyone
watched and laughed at.

But I couldn’t just stand there crying on the street...

So I sprinted into the next restaurant I was headed towards…

Straight to the bathroom where I had to take off my underwear...

Covered up the stains on my pants as good as I could…

And called my wife to leave the rehearsal dinner and come pick me up.

Now I don’t know if something this embarrassing

has ever happened to you…

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But having an accident...

In public...

As a grown adult...

Is one of the most humiliating experiences you can ever go through.

And on that day…

I made a decision to make sure it never happened again.

So for the next several YEARS

I tried every possible solution to figure it out...

First I tried about a dozen different fiber supplements on the market…

After all, it’s what my doctor told me to do.

But after researching them, I discovered that most traditional fiber


Are NOT a complete solution…

And are quite frankly toxic to your body!

Most contain a common soluble fiber called psyllium.

Psyllium turns into a gel which helps push stool through your intestines. But

it comes with a few risks you may not realize.

For example...

1. It can cause your throat to swell and lead to choking if you don’t
drink it with enough water...

2. It can make digestive discomfort worse and even cause an

asthmatic-like allergic reaction…**

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3. Most products contain toxic chemicals, GMO-based ingredients,

sugars, artificial sweeteners and unknown amounts of artificial
flavors, artificial colors, fillers, and other dangerous ingredients...

I can’t name names for legal reasons…

But here are the ingredients inside a leading fiber supplement brand which
comes in a yellow, orange and purple container that you’d probably
recognize in your parent’s kitchen…

• Maltodextrin - Shown to spike blood sugar, kill off healthy gut

bacteria, and potentially even cause weight gain... 5

• Citric acid - A preservative often made with GMO ingredients which

could make digestive problems WORSE instead of better... 6

• Artificial orange flavor - Artificial flavors are chemically produced

in a lab to make things taste better. Unfortunately they have a wide
variety of side effects including headaches, fatigue, nausea, chest
pain, dizziness, and many more...7

• Aspartame - Research shows this sweetener increases risk of

seizures, headaches, mood swings, ADHD symptoms, dizziness,
weight gain, birth defects, and brain fog. Even WORSE is that it turns
your healthy gut bacteria, crucial for digestion, TOXIC. 89

• Yellow 6 - Food dyes have been shown to cause behavioral changes

such as irritability, restlessness, sleeping trouble, hyperactivity, and
more. It also contains a known cancer-causing substance called
Benzidine... 1011

Now I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want all those chemicals in
my body.

And even if you do decide it’s worth the risk...

It’s still a NIGHTMARE trying to gulp down a large glass filled with a thick,
gel-like substance that tastes awful and makes you want to gag.

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On top of that, they’re actually missing 2 of 3 crucial elements to enjoy

perfect pooping…

Which is why they don’t work for so many people.

I’ll explain all 3 crucial elements to enjoy perfect pooping daily… But

first I want to tell you about what I tried next…

So you don’t make the same mistakes I did.

Because you see...

I tried laxatives next… and quickly understood

why they should be avoided at all costs...

Laxatives work by stimulating your body to poop more.

Personally I hated even having to try them...

Because they’re not natural and have severe long-term consequences.

I like to use products that work WITH my body and help solve the root
cause of the problem…

And that’s not what laxatives do.

Because instead of giving your body what it needs to help you poop

They forcefully STOMP on the accelerator.

Your body then gets lazy and lets the laxatives do all the work…

Creating a dependency on them.

This requires you to continually increase the dose the longer you use

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Further increasing your risk of severe complications.

In fact, doctors at the world-famous Mayo Clinic recently warned…

“If you frequently use certain laxatives over a period of weeks or

months, they can decrease your colon’s natural ability to contract and
actually worsen constipation. In severe cases, overuse of laxatives
can damage nerves, muscles and tissues of the large intestine.”

So clearly laxatives should only be for severe cases and short-term use

And only when your doctor prescribes them.

So once again I was left with something that only partially worked…

And was destroying my health.

So I kept asking around and trying ANY idea someone would give me. In


I tried every possible “natural” remedy

you could ever think of…

I refused to resort to suppositories and enemas…

Because they should only be used as a last possible resort and in severe,
hospitalization-type circumstances...

So I started researching and came across a whole slew of remedies

other people claimed to work, such as…

• Various types of exercise programs to try and get my sluggish

bowels moving again…

• About a dozen different diets including high fiber, low-fodmap, the

elimination diet, and SO many others…

• Gobbling up prunes like they were candy…

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• Drinking up to a gallon of water per day to try and “flush it out”...

• Biofeedback therapy to test if it was a problem with my pelvic floor…

• Acupressure AND acupuncture thinking maybe it was some kind of

energy blockage…

And after almost a decade of testing everything…

THOUSANDS of dollars wasted…

MANY more pooping incidents…

And enough embarrassment to last a lifetime…

I was just about to give up.

That’s when I had a conversion with a genius doctor

that would change my life...

His name is Dr. Michael Felley…

And I was introduced to him after complaining to a friend about my pooping


Dr. Felley is a board-certified physician and nutritional specialist.

He’s spent his entire life learning how the body works…

And takes a unique approach that very few modern doctors take.

Since he tends to see what other people can’t see…

I decided to ask him what I was missing.

After I explained my decades of issues…

And how I’d tried everything with no success…

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Have you ever had someone complain to you asking for advice…

And realizing you knew the answer you just smiled at them because you
knew how to help?

Well that’s exactly what he did.

And after I stopped talking he said..

“Jeremy, I’m sorry to laugh but everything you just told me was doomed to
fail from the start. Not many people know this, but most traditional solutions
for what you’re experiencing don’t solve the root of the problem, so they
actually CAN’T work. The reason I’m laughing is because I’m happy for
you. I know exactly what’s causing your problems.”

So, of course…

I asked him to explain what was going on...

So he explained the entire process of

“how poops happens”...

As it turns out, it had to do with my “poop speed”.

I know that sounds a little strange, so let me explain...

The entire process from “food to poop” is pretty amazing…

First the food you eat enters your stomach…

Where bile and digestive enzymes begin to grind your food into
“mush cake”.

Now the scientific term for this is actually “chyme”...

But I like mush cake...

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So let’s use that :)

That mush cake enters your small intestine where most of the
nutrients are absorbed into your bloodstream.

What’s left is what you see as poop… which consists of indigestible

fiber and bacteria.

This lump of fiber and bacteria then make their way into your large

Then your colon...

And finally into your toilet.

And here’s the very important part...

It’s the speed of this process that determines

how enjoyable or frustrating your poops are...

You see, there are nerve endings throughout the walls of your intestines...

Which create muscular contractions called peristalsis.

The scientific definition of peristalsis is this…

“The involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles

of the intestine or another canal, creating wave-like
movements that push the contents of the canal forward.”

Put in simpler terms…

It’s a “poop train!”

This process literally shuttles your poop throughout your intestines like
a train…

Soaking up water so it becomes moist and soft for easier pooping...

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And out of your body.

If you’ve ever felt your stomach growl, that’s actually NOT a sign of

It’s actually your poop train at work.

But here’s where the problem comes in…

Your poop is mixed in with a LOT of water in the beginning.

So as it moves through your intestines, your body slowly absorbs water

which changes its consistency.

And depending on how LONG this process takes, your poop can take many
different forms.

By the time it reaches your colon, it should look like a #3 or #4 you see
in the chart to your right…

But if it happens too fast, not enough water gets absorbed into
your intestines...

And it comes out as diarrhea (#5-7)...

And if it happens too slow, too much water gets absorbed…

And it creates hard, dry poop with painful constipation (#1-2).

But if the process is in perfect balance…

Without any interruptions…

You enjoy “perfect poops”...

Like the sausage or snake-like shape like #3 or #4 in the chart.

These are the perfect poops that dreams are made of...

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They take just 30-60 seconds…

• Generally happen once or twice a day for most people...

• Come out soft and smooth and with a feeling of “complete release”...

• And require minimal wiping without pushing, grunting or spending

10 minutes on the toilet hoping and praying something finally comes

As he told me this, I could barely contain my excitement.

Because I realized...

Fixing this poop train was the “missing link”

that would solve all my frustrations!

If I could just get my poop conveyor belt back on track…

• I’d FINALLY be able to go in public without fearing what might


• I’d FINALLY get rid of the “bloat balloon” inside my belly making me
look heavier than I really was…

• I’d FINALLY feel confident as I could fully empty my bowels and feel
light and energetic again…

• I’d FINALLY be able to wipe in just a few seconds without leaving my

butt chafed and sore…

Heck maybe I’d even get rid of the smelly, embarrassing gas that I’d had
for my entire life!

Hopeful, I kept researching and discovered that there are THREE main
factors that damage the health of your poop conveyor belt.

They include…

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Poop Blocker #1:

Boa Constrictor Stress Hormones

Think about the last time you felt very stressed… nervous… or anxious...

You probably felt it in your GUT… right?

Well the reason you feel it in your gut is because stress tightens
your nerves like a boa constrictor…

Including the nerves moving poop through your intestines.

And considering our crazy modern lifestyle…

• With demanding bosses and impossible work schedules...

• Bills that continue to pile up regardless of how much you save…

• Drama with your family and friends that seems to never end…

• Family activities and the challenge of raising children…

• And all the other million stressors you encounter every day…

It’s no wonder we’re all stressed out!

The problem is that stress releases epinephrine…

The “flight or flight hormone” that saves you in dangerous situations...

Diverts blood away from your intestines and into your vital organs such
as the heart, lungs and brain.

As a result, your poop conveyor belt slows down.1

On top of THAT, stress releases another hormone called corticotropin-

releasing factor (CRF) in the bowels...

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Which is like holding your hand over a burning candle…

Because it directly slows down and inflames intestines, making the
situation even worse.2

And like I said before...

You cannot enjoy perfect poops unless your poop train

is functioning like a well-oiled machine...

It’s physically impossible.

That’s why if you suffer from...

• Stomach cramps and pain...

• Bloated or swollen stomach…

• Erratic bowel movements...

• Nausea and/or vomiting…

• Feeling heavy and swollen...

• Not pooping as much as you think you should...

• Loss of appetite...

• Feeling full for no reason...

• Excessive gas or difficulty passing gas...

More than once or twice a week...

It’s a good sign that your poop conveyor belt is broken and needs to be

I’ll show you exactly how to do that in just a minute, but first we have to talk

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Pooper Blocker #2:

Lack Of Fiber

One of the first things most doctors recommend if you’re pooping too much
OR too little…

Is more fiber.

As I mentioned earlier, fiber alone can’t help most people…

But it IS one of the three crucial elements to enjoy perfect poops on a daily

That’s because if you And if you’re pooping

aren’t pooping enough… too much…

It helps bulk up and push poop It soaks up much of the excess

through your digestive system. water, bulking it up so it comes
out in a more solid form.

You’re supposed to eat about 25-30g fiber per day…

Yet according to national statistics the average person is only

consuming about 15g of fiber per day.3

So if you’re having a hard time staying regular, it’s CRUCIAL to add more
fiber to your diet.

Just make sure you’re getting the RIGHT fiber into your diet.

Most people think there are only two types of fiber...

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Fiber Type #1: Soluble Fiber Type #2: Insoluble

Soluble fiber bulks and Insoluble fiber adds bulks and speeds up
softens poop by absorbing water. This
and soft,
… like poop which pass
without leaving a mess...

And while all fiber helps digestion…

There’s one little-known type of fiber

that creates even BETTER results...

It’s something you likely haven’t heard of…

Yet combines all the best benefits of both soluble and insoluble fiber to help
you enjoy “perfect poops” daily.

I’ll tell you about it just a second.

But first we need to talk about why it’s so powerful.

And just one of those reasons is because it KILLS OFF…

Poop Blocker #3:

Toxic Bacteria Waging War Inside Your Gut

You’ve probably heard the difference between good bacteria and bad

Just in case you haven’t…

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Good Bacteria Bad Bacteria

Helps break down nutrients in food, regulates

Robs your
of energy, causes infections, in
controls your hormones, sugar and junk food cravings, accelerates fat st
increases your digestive system, andslows
your metabolism
many otherand
that keep
your immune system...

Your body naturally has a balance of both good and bad bacteria. It’s

supposed to be about 85% good bacteria, 15% bad bacteria.

Unfortunately there are MANY factors that increase bad gut bacteria,

• If you were born naturally or via c-section…

• When and how often you’ve taken antibiotics…

• If you grew up in the city or the country…

• How much time you spent around dirt…

• Your diet throughout your childhood and into your adult life…

• How often you eat artificial sugars and junk food…

• Your daily stress levels …

• How much sleep you get…

• And many more!

All of these factors determine how much “good” or “bad” bacteria are
inside your gut at any given time.

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And if you experienced ANY of the following in the past week...

• Gas...

• Bloating...

• Indigestion/sour stomach…

• Irregularity of bowel movements...

• Pain or cramping…

• Food sensitivities…

• Fatigue…

• Difficulty sleeping…

• Even anxiety and/or erratic moods...

It’s a clear sign that your microbiome has become overrun by bad

Now here’s why that’s so important…

Good bacteria are CRUCIAL to becoming a perfect pooper. In


One study showed they can help

increase stool frequency by 171%!4

That’s the difference between pooping just about twice a week…

Versus 7 days a week like clockwork.

Can you imagine how GOOD you’d feel…

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• To wake up every morning and completely empty your bowels so

your stomach feels flat and sexy…

• To shed several pounds of “stuck poop” and watch in disbelief as

your belly shrinks…

• And finally feel LIGHT and ENERGETIC as you remove excess poop
that’s literally weighing you down...

The best part is, it’s easier than you think.

Just remember...

Perfect pooping requires fiber… good bacteria…

And a fast-moving poop conveyor belt…

That’s it.

No fancy workout program (although exercising does help)...

No hard-to-follow diet (although you should always eat healthy)...

And no pills or medication.

This is the “recipe” for perfect pooping.

Pretty simple right?

1. Consume enough fiber and water daily...

2. Help your good bacteria kill off bad bacteria

3. And speed up your poop train…


You can enjoy perfect clean-wiping poops every day.

But the good news is…

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There IS a safe, natural, plant-based solution that improves all three

functions you need to enjoy perfect, daily poops.

That’s why I’d like to introduce you to...

The Little-Known “Jungle Fiber”

Which Creates Perfect Poops Daily

The jungle fiber I’m talking about is called “prebiotic fiber”… also known as

I like to call in jungle fiber because of the Hadza Tribe in Tanzania...

They’re one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes, and known to have
one of the healthiest guts on the planet too.

In fact, their gut microbiomes are 40% more diverse than the average
person because they eat huge amounts of fiber…

Specifically prebiotic fiber.

Prebiotic fibers are a miracle when it comes to your digestion and

helping you enjoy a flat sexy stomach…

Because they impact ALL THREE major influences on your digestion!

Let me explain how they work...

Prebiotic Benefit #1:

Speed Up Your Poop Conveyor Belt
By Reducing Nerve Stress

As we discussed earlier...
Stress is CRUCIAL to manage because it tightens your nerves and
slows your poop Train.

The problem is, completely avoiding stress is nearly impossible...

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Which is why it’s better to strengthen your body’s ability to fight it.

Now don’t worry, I’m not asking you to live like a monk…

Buy a new house on top of a mountaintop…

Completely cut yourself off from society…

And meditate 12 hours a day.

Because prebiotics can do all the work for you!

Studies show that they can decrease stress and anxiety by reducing
corticosterone (a chemical released during stress) and soothing damaging

In other words,

They tell your body to relax even if you live a stress-filled life...

Which is very handy when you’re dealing with even low levels of stress on
a regular basis.

Plus they help improve your sleep by increasing REM and non-REM sleep,
especially after stressful events.13

And as we all know, a good nights sleep is crucial to keeping stress levels
at a minimum.

But that’s not the only way they help you become a perfect pooper…

Because you’ll also enjoy...

Prebiotic Benefit #2:

The Perfect Fiber Balance

Prebiotics contain the same properties of regular fiber to help bulk up and
soften your poop...

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So it comes out frequently…

As easy as squeezing a new tube of toothpaste…

And FULLY empties your bowels.

You’ll LOVE that tight, slim, non-bloated feeling when you finally get rid of
the excess poop that’s backed up inside you.

In fact, some sources say you can easily have anywhere between 5 to 20
pounds of poop sitting in your intestines if you aren’t going at least
once per day...14

Which is as much as a used car tire.

No wonder they call it a “spare tire” around your waist!

Now of course everyone is different...

But I personally lost about 4 pounds when I first started pooping daily.

Now the weight loss was great…

But more exciting was that I got rid of my “belly bulge” that made me look

Which meant I could stop sucking in my stomach at parties...

And I’m happy to report the weight never came back.

I believe you can have a very similar experience…

And as we discussed earlier…

You won’t have to worry about taking a product filled with toxic chemicals,
preservatives, and artificial flavors.

Because prebiotics can be made flavorless!

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In fact, you can add them straight into your coffee without even knowing
they’re there.

I’ll explain how in just a moment, but first let me show you...

Prebiotic Benefit #3:

Helps Good Bacteria Flourish
To Give You A Stronger Stomach

That’s because prebiotics are like an all-you-can-eat buffet for your healthy

And the more they can eat, the faster they can multiply and flourish.

The two most abundant and most studied “families” of bacteria are
Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria.

Whenever you hear about the amazing benefits that come from having
a healthy microbiome…

Chances are the studies were done on these two families of bacteria. And

if you aren’t familiar...

Healthy gut bacteria have been shown to directly impact ALL areas of your
health, including…

• Support a healthy heart…

• Increase energy and help you feel lighter...

• Maintain positive moods…

• Subdue harsh allergies...

• Help maintain a healthy weight…

• Help you sleep better…

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• Support a healthy immune system...

• And of course they help reduce bloating, gassiness and general

stomach discomfort... 15

Well the good news is that prebiotics are proven to...

Boost Lactobacilli by up to 344%... And

skyrocket Bifidobacteria by up to 366%16

And as I mentioned earlier…

Boosting healthy gut bacteria could be the difference between pooping just
TWICE per week…

Versus every single day!

And in case you’re wondering how they do it…

They work by stimulating myoelectric activity so poop moves faster through

your intestines.17

That means prebiotics are the PERFECT synergistic friend to any

probiotic you might be taking…

Because they can help supercharge the results you’re getting from it.

And if you’re not taking a probiotic, they can actually give similar benefits
because they can boost the healthy gut bacteria you already have..

So as you can see...

Prebiotics make it effortless to become a perfect pooper…

They give you the FIBER you need to bulk up your stool and help it
glide through your intestines easily…

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They reduce internal STRESS so your nerves stay calm and increase
how fast your poop conveyor belt works…

And they boost your healthy gut bacteria to further improve your
digestion and increase your poop conveyor belt.

The fact is…

They are the ONLY option for people who are sick and tired of straining and
pushing just to finish feeling like you didn’t get it all out...

• Who are tired of feeling like they have heavy cement packed inside
their lower abdomen…

• Who are tired of looking in the mirror and not feeling sexy…

• Who are tired holding their belly in every time they’re around friends
and family…

Unfortunately… Getting Enough Prebiotic Fiber In Your Life Is

Practically Impossible...

Prebiotics are generally found in RAW, WEIRD, terrible tasting foods… And

cooking strips out most of their prebiotic content.

That’s why it’s so important to eat them raw.

Unfortunately, most people simply can’t stomach the raw versions of high-
prebiotic foods, like these...

1. Raw chicory root

2. Raw Jerusalem artichoke

3. Raw dandelion greens

4. Raw garlic

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5. Raw leeks

6. Raw or cooked onions (to a lesser extent)

7. Raw jicama

8. Raw asparagus

9. Raw green bananas

Most sane people would not eat those foods in their raw form…

And I don’t blame you!

Because I’ll try pretty much anything…

Especially if it’s healthy for me…

But there are limits.

That’s why I decided to start experimenting on myself...

Before I discovered prebiotics I tried EVERY possible solution…

But nothing really helped me achieve “perfect poops”.

Increasing my fiber intake helped a little… as did fiber supplements…

But I hated the way they tasted and how they felt as I swallowed them…

So I never stuck with them.

And believe it or not...

I actually DID eat the raw forms of many of those foods so I could get
more prebiotic fiber into my diet.

Trust me when I say…

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It was NOT a fun experience.

What’s amazing is that after about a week I actually noticed a huge


But I knew there was NO way I could handle eating raw forms of
weird foods for the rest of my life.

So I asked Dr. Michael Felley for some help…

Dr. Michael Felley is a physician and nutritional specialist. He

is one of the nation’s top nutritional experts…

And I’m proud to call him a friend.

When I told him about my “experiments” he just looked at me and said...

“Jeremy, you’re wasting your time… All

that was completely unnecessary!”

He told me that the manufacturer he worked for had a unique process that
could isolate prebiotic fibers into a completely flavorless and easily
mixable form…

So you simply add it to your coffee, smoothies, or really anything liquid-


And become a perfect pooper in just a few short days…


So we started experimenting...

We tried ALL sorts of different combinations…

I was adamant that I wanted it to be…

• 100% plant-based and natural…

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• Without additives, chemicals, or preservatives of any kind…

• Completely flavorless and easily mixable…

• With a perfect balance of soluble and insoluble fiber so you get

results without becoming gassy or bloated…

It took MONTHS to figure out the right combination…

But we finally did it!

I still remember opening the box and trying out our final formula for the first

I got two cups of coffee (one with it, and one without) and gave my wife
a blind taste test…

And she had NO idea which one contained the prebiotic fiber!

I began taking it that day…

And just TWO days later, I was pooping every day on a consistent

Every poop being smooth, soft and effortless to push out…

Taking just 30-60 seconds each.

In other words, the perfect poop!

So I began telling my friends, who started trying it out…

And they BEGGED me to make more!

I couldn’t believe how well it worked for so many people.

The results happened FAST, generally within just a few days…

People were pooping better than they ever had…

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And word was spreading.

And after getting requests from family… friends… and even strangers… I

finally decided to make it available to the public.

It’s Called Peak BioBoost…

And It’s Guaranteed To Help You Enjoy
Perfect Poops Daily

Peak BioBoost is a blend of four science-backed prebiotic fibers to help you

enjoy the “perfect poop” on a daily basis.

It works by…

1. Speeding up your poop conveyor belt by decreasing nerve stress…

2. Bulking and softening your poop without creating gas or bloating

by giving you the perfect balance of soluble and insoluble fiber…

3. Keeping you pooping regularly and consistently by supercharging

your friendly gut bacteria...

And it works like CRAZY!

You’ve already heard my story about how it was the ONLY thing that
rebalanced my pooping habits…

And it’s working for many other people as well. Here are a few of their

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Keeps Me Regular While On Keto

“Peak BioBoost is my new favorite supplement to start each day with. I

use one scoop in my tea or coffee and enjoy the benefits of increased
metabolism in addition to my cravings for sugary, starchy foods being
little to none. As someone that adheres to the Keto lifestyle, I also love
that this supplement gives me an extra fiber boost right off the bat that
helps keep my digestive system running smoothly. Peak BioBoost has
definitely earned a staple spot right next to my coffee pot. I love it so
much I actually gave it to my brother, who is now a raving fan as well!”

- Lenee Gill

“I Forget It’s There By The First Sip”

“I’ve been taking Peak BioBoost+ Prebiotics for a month and they have
tremendously regulated my digestive system. I put one scoop of the
product in my morning coffee and forget it’s there by the first sip. My
bowel movements have become consistent and I’m very pleased with
the way the product has literally pulled my gut from a rut!”

- William Gill

Helped In Just 2 Days...

I tried this because I’ve always been jealous of people who pooped
so easily and regularly. The biggest shock to me was how FAST it
worked. Just two days in and I was having “perfect poops” every
single day after that. Plus I just put it in my coffee, and can’t taste it
whatsoever. I loovvveee how easy it is, how fast it works, and how
affordable it is. I’ll now use this everyday!

- Kristen Pizzano

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WOW - I Finally Feel Normal Again!

I tried Peak BioBoost three days in a row and WOW. I finally feel
normal again. They were all super smooth and easy!

Plus I also forgot to take it on day 4 and didn’t poop that day. Then
I started it back up again, and got on a normal schedule. It’s crazy
how good it works!

- Allison Carpio

I Love This Stuff...

I’ve tried ALL sorts of things to keep me regular. From colon

cleansers… to fiber supplements… everything you could think of.
This was the first product I’ve tried that was easy to take on a daily
basis, actually worked, and didn’t make me gag when I took it like
most fiber products do. I just put it in my coffee and some of the
smoothies I make, and I literally don’t even know it’s there. I love
this stuff!

- April Watts

Now if you’ll notice something, most people love it for two reasons…

1) It simply WORKS like crazy…

2) It’s SUPER easy to use and enjoy on a daily basis without even
realizing you’re taking it...

So let me talk about the fact that...

Peak BioBoost Has Over A Dozen Uses!

When I first created Peak BioBoost, I wanted to make sure it was both
flavorless AND easily mixable.

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

That’s because I’ve taken dozens of “popular” fiber supplements in the


And hated every single one.

I wanted this to be different…


And so much more effective than any fiber supplement you have taken in
the past..

The good news is…

I did just that!

Since Peak BioBoost is flavorless and easily mixable...

Most people simply add it to their morning coffee or tea.

There is ZERO flavor, and it mixes in just seconds…

And if you’re not a coffee drinker, you can

add a scoop to any of the following…

• Tea

• Smoothies

• Protein drinks

• Baked Goods

• Pancake/muffin batter

• Homemade dough/bread

• Pasta sauces

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• Oatmeal

• Mac & Cheese

• Soups/stews

• And MANY more…

It’s SUPER simple and such an easy way to boost fiber intake for yourself
and your entire family.

Plus it’s easily mixable so you can use it with many foods and drinks
without lumps or grittiness in just a few seconds…

To enjoy less bloating, consistent and regular bowel movements, better

gut health, more energy and so much more.

But having said all that, you might be asking yourself...

Why is this specific blend of prebiotic fibers so special?

That answer is pretty simple actually…

Research shows that different probiotics thrive on different types of


Just like you have your favorite meals, so do your gut bacteria!

That’s why we’ve included...

• Acacia Gum - To promote healthy bacteria in your intestines and

enjoy what I like to call a “bulletproof stomach”... 18

• Inulin - Which swells up and forms a gel-like substance that expands

to push your poop through your intestines… 19

• Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) - Which protects against “bad”

bacteria, promotes healthy cholesterol levels, and helps speed your
poop conveyor belt...20

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• Flaxseed - To help bulk up your poop and flush waste out of your
digestive tract...21

And just in case you were wondering...

Peak BioBoost Is…

• Vegan-friendly

• Vegetarian-friendly

• Paleo-friendly

• Keto-friendly

• Gluten-free

• Non-GMO

• Soy-free

• Psyllium-free

• Dairy-free

• Artificial flavoring free

• Filler-free

• Sweetener-free

• Additive-free

• Manufactured in the USA

Now as you can see…

Peak BioBoost Is A NEW, ADVANCED Way

To Enjoy Daily Perfect Poops…

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It’s made using…

• The RIGHT ingredients which are shown to keep you regular and
boost health in dozens of different ways...

• In the RIGHT amounts so you’re getting enough to make a very real

difference, but not enough to cause bloat or discomfort…

• In a FLAVORLESS and MIXABLE powder so you can easily enjoy it

every single day without having to “force it down” like you would with
a gel-like psyllium based fiber…

That’s why people are going crazy over it…

There are no big secrets here…

No clever marketing tricks…

Just a product that delivers great results, at a great price. On

top of all that…

It’s One Of The Simplest And Smartest Ways

To Boost Your Overall Health

We’ve mostly talked about helping you become a perfect pooper on this

But the fact is…

Fiber and prebiotics help boost your health in SO many different ways.


• Increased longevity - In an analysis over 17 studies using 980,000

participants, researchers found that every extra gram of fiber slashed
the risk of mortality dying by 1%. There are 7 grams of fiber in Peak
BioBoost… you do the math!22

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• Shrinks your waistline - Fiber helps shrink your waistline by helping

you feel full longer after a meal and reducing your appetite. In fact
one study showed that every additional gram of fiber helped them
lose an extra ½ pound of fat.23

• Supports healthy blood sugar - One study found that boosting fiber
intake reduced fasting glucose levels by an astonishing 28%! 24

• Supports healthy cholesterol - An analysis of research studies

showed that as little as 2g of extra fiber per day can support healthy
cholesterol levels that’ll make you and your doctor smile... 25

• Supports healthy blood pressure - Research presented at the

American College of Cardiology Conference showed that patients
with hypertension significantly cut their risk of heart complications by
consuming more fiber... 26

• Boosts mental cognition as you age - Memory and overall brain

function tends to slow as we age. But fiber helps protect against this
by soothing inflammation… 27

• Protects against knee pain - New research has now shown that
prebiotics protect against inflammation in your joints, especially in
those who are overweight... 28

• Boosts immune system - By increasing production of interleukin-4,

which soothes inflammation in your immune cells so they can function
better... 29

• Protects your heart - Many studies show that fiber helps fight back
against cardiovascular related health issues... 30

As you can see…

It’s CLEARLY a smart decision to add more fiber into your daily diet… And

Peak BioBoost is hands-down the easiest way to do that.

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But all that creates a problem because…

We’re At Constant Risk Of Selling Out

Peak BioBoost is a Godsend for anyone looking to enjoy perfect, daily


In fact it’s so powerful and effective that word is spreading like wildfire…

People all over the world are discovering this incredible formula for

And they’re ordering as many as six bottles or more at a time.

That way they can enjoy the perfect poop on a daily basis without worrying
about getting backed up, feeling bloated, or having embarrassing, smelly

And it makes sense because you’ve seen the science behind Peak
BioBoost and why it’s a new evolution in digestive support.

And the best part is that the longer you use it…

• The more consistent you become…

• The more toxins get removed from deep inside your digestive tract…

• The better food can turn into more energy...

• And the better you feel.

That’s why our biggest problem right now… Is keeping

it in stock for new customers like yourself

That’s because...

1. We produce Everlean in small batches to keep the quality as high

as possible…

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

2. Our manufacturing process takes longer because we’re using only

the highest quality ingredients, run each batch through several tests
to ensure proper potency, safety, and results…

3. Customers are reordering at a rapid pace after seeing the massive

transformations in the first few weeks…

4. And those same customers are telling their friends and family
because it works so incredibly well without resorting to dangerous
laxatives or gag-causing fiber powders like psyllium…

Because of that, we’re at a CONSTANT risk of running out of bottles… And

if that happens…

You’d be forced to wait as much as three months until the next batch is

That’s why I’d hate to see you procrastinate…

Coming back later to order…

Just to see a big “Out of Stock” banner on this page.

That’s why I’ve just recently reserved an extra large order

from my manufacturer… and locked in a
50% discount for new customers!

It cost me a lot of extra money to do this…

But I wanted to make sure we had enough in stock for you to order. The

good news is…

Because I ordered much more than I normally do…

My manufacturer gave me a HUGE “per bottle” discount…

Which I’m passing onto you!

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

You see…
While Peak BioBoost normally has a suggested retail price of $59.95
(which is an absolute steal in its own right)...

If you order TODAY while we have enough stock…

On THIS page only…

I’d like to offer it to you at a massive 50% discount for a very limited time.

You’ll see your various options below…

But first let me answer a question you might be thinking to yourself right

Which is...

How Much Should You Take?

As you’ve just seen, you can mix Peak BioBoost into virtually anything
since it’s flavorless.

That’s what makes this perfect for the entire family.

Regardless, here’s how to get the best results…

FIRST, start out with 1 serving per day.


Oh wait, that’s it!

You’re done.

It’s really that simple.

You don’t need to torture yourself by drinking a full glass of gelled-up water
that makes you gag.

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

Simply add a scoop to your coffee, tea, or any of the other dozens of
ways I showed you to use it earlier…

And enjoy ALL the benefits we’ve talked about today.

Pretty simple!

And it brings me to my next point...

How Long Should You Take It?

My recommendation is to think of prebiotics like you would a multivitamin.

When you take a multivitamin, you experience the benefits of it while taking

But when you stop, the benefits stop.

It’s the same with a prebiotic.

It should be something you take daily to feel better, keep your digestion
strong and healthy, stay slim, and enjoy more energy.

That’s why I’d like to give you...

A Huge 50% Discount

As I mentioned earlier, we recently placed a much larger order than usual...

Which means not only is it in stock…

It also got me a HUGE “per bottle” discount…

Which I’m passing onto YOU.

While Peak BioBoost normally has a suggested retail price of $59.95

(which is an absolute steal in its own right)...

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

If you order TODAY while we have enough stock…

On THIS page only…

I’d like to offer it to you at a massive 50% discount.

You’ll be able to order a full six-month supply for just $29.95 per bottle.

Now you don’t need to order six bottles of course…

Because below you’ll see that we have both one-month and three-month
supplies as well.

But before you choose your option, I want to assure you that WHATEVER
you choose...

Your order is backed by our

1-year, 100% money-back guarantee...

I want you to feel confident in anything you purchase from Peak Biome.
That way you can order today, risk-free, then try it and see how it works for

That’s why all I’m asking from you right now is a “maybe”.

I want to give you a full YEAR to try Peak BioBoost and feel safe about
giving it a fair test to see if it works for you, without risking a single penny. I
don’t want you to pay a dime unless you SEE and FEEL the results you’re
looking for.

If for any reason, or not reason at all you feel this is not for you, simply
send us an email and I’ll be more than happy to give you a 100% money-
back refund. No questions asked. No hoops to jump through.

On top of that, you’ll receive FREE shipping if you choose our 6-bottle
option (an additional $9.95 savings).

Just remember, this offer is available on THIS page only…

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

And for a limited time due to our inventory issues.

So look at the ordering options and choose the right package for you.

• Try 1 jar if you’re simply trying it out and are super skeptical…

• 3 jars if you want the best possible experience…

• Or 6 jars if you want the best experience AND by far the best

Take a moment and choose your option below...

Buy 4 Get 2 Free 3 Containers 1 Container

** Image ** ** Image ** ** Image **

$29.95/jar $34.95/jar $39.95/jar

Add To Cart Add To Cart Add To Cart

FREE Shipping $6.95 S&H $4.95 S&H

Normally $359.70 Normally $179.85 Normally $59.95
50% discount 41.70% discount 33.36% discount

Oh and I almost forgot…

On top of everything we’ve already discussed...

I’d like to give you FREE bonuses when you order today as well!

Bonus #1
The “Perfect Poops” Cookbook

The Perfect Poops Desserts cookbook has 50+ delicious, gut-friendly, zero-
guilt dessert recipes that…

• Can help you burn fat…

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• Have ZERO processed sugar, unhealthy fats, gluten or dairy…

• Taste SO good even your kids and grandkids will demolish them…

• And even help you poop better :)

They’re PERFECT if you’re trying to eat healthier, regardless if you

have gut issues or not...

They taste INCREDIBLE …

They’re so EASY that young kids can make them...

Plus they fit nearly any diet you might be following. Inside you’ll find recipes
perfect for…

• Keto…

• Paleo…

• Low carb…

• And SO many others…

There are even a bunch of Vegan-friendly recipes!

But my FAVORITE part?

Most take just 5-10 minutes to create using common, easy-to-find


Inside you’ll enjoy…

** Insert food porn **

And SO many more!

Bonus #2
87 Gut-Friendly, Fat-Burning
Smoothie Recipes

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

I partnered with one of my very good friends, Jonathan Bailor. Jonathan is

the creator of “The SANE Plan” and author of the book “The Calorie Myth”.

When I told him about Peak BioBoost, he immediately loved the idea.

That’s why he offered to give my customers 87 of his most delicious, gut-

friendly, fat-burning smoothie recipes, FREE! The smoothies themselves
help promote healthy digestion…

And if you add Peak BioBoost to them, you can supercharge your results.

Enjoy them for breakfast… lunch… as a midday snack, or even dinner!

These delicious smoothies will help you stay regular while reducing
bloating and burning fat.

You’ll be able to enjoy…

And DOZENS more...

All while burning fat, enjoy amazing digestion, regular bowel movements,
less bloating, and less gas!

Click Here To View Ordering Options

Here Are Your Two Options...

We’ve gone over a lot on this page today...

Now, the decision is yours.

You’ve seen all the clinical studies…

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All the proof…

All the reasons why giving Peak BioBoost a try is a great decision you’ll feel
comfortable making.

So now you’ve got a choice…

1. You can do nothing and give up. Then look back 6 months from
now realizing that you could have simply tried something new and
finally gotten the results you’ve been looking for...

2. Or you can try Peak BioBoost, risk-free. It’s convenient, effective,

and works incredibly fast. You’ll enjoy “perfect poops” along with less
embarrassing gas, less bloating, and even more energy. That way
you can finally feel confident about your body again.

But the choice, of course, is yours…

If you’re tired sucking in your belly to avoid embarrassment at social


If you’re tired of that “rock in your stomach” feeling and wish it just felt FLAT

And if you want to enjoy healthy digestion on a daily basis...

I urge you to claim a risk-free trial of Peak BioBoost today.

Remember, your purchase today is completely risk-free. If for any

reason you aren’t satisfied, just send back your order and receive a
100% refund. It’s as simple as that.

So go ahead and click here to view your ordering options.

Here’s to a skinnier, healthier, happier (and sexier) you,

Jeremy Reeves

Founder, CEO PeakBiome

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How many bottles should I order?

The answer may differ from person to person. But in general…

• Try 1 jar if you’re simply trying it out and are super skeptical…

• 3 jars if you want the best possible experience…

• Or 6 jars if you want the best experience AND by far the best

Also remember that right now we’re holding a special discount, so be sure
to place your order today before we either run out OR stop this promotion.

What’s unique about Peak BioBoost?

Peak BioBoost is a combination of four different science-backed prebiotic

fibers to help you enjoy the “perfect poop” on a daily basis.

Simply add a scoop to your coffee…

Or any of the other dozen or so ways you can use it…

And you’ll enjoy regular, consistent, perfect poops.

What ingredients are in Peak BioBoost?

Here’s a list of the actual label so you can see everything in exact detail

*** Insert label ***

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What’s the best way to take this product?

Start off with 1 serving per day and see how that works for you. If it’s a little
too much, reduce to ½ serving and continue. Or if you need a little more, try
up to 2 servings per day. Feel free to add it to your coffee, tea, desserts,
soups/stews, or any of the other dozens of uses!
You will receive more information on how to use the product upon ordering.

How long will it take before I feel the benefits?

This is different for everyone. Many people notice differences in 2-3 days,
while others may take a week or longer. It’s important to continue taking it
to continue experiencing the benefits of it.

How safe is Peak BioBoost? Are there any side effects?

Peak BioBoost is sourced from the highest possible ingredients which

are rigorously tested for purity and potency in state of the art facilities.
It is manufactured in the USA and GMP certified using safe ingredients.

There are zero reported side effects. However, individuals who have
been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth) should
consult their doctor on taking pre or probiotics. If you are concerned about
Peak BioBoost interacting with your medication, please consult your doctor.
Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Probiotics are considered very safe, especially when it comes to allergies.

It is also free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, preservatives,
gluten, dairy, and soy. However, it is manufactured in a facility that also
processes milk, eggs, wheat, and soy. If you have any concerns, please
consult with your physician.

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP

Q: How will this product be shipped to me and how quickly?

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using FedEx, USPS
or UPS. Customers in the United States and Canada can expect their
orders within 5 to 7 business days. International orders typically take 8 to
15 business days (plus customs clearance times).

Q: Is it safe to order online from your website?

Of course! We use a 256-bit secure ordering server where 100% of your

data is encrypted, safe, and secure. Our secure shopping cart is verified by
numerous 3rd-party security verification systems, including McAfee Secure,
the leader in security scanning. So, you can rest assured that your
information is 100% safe and secure at all times.

Copy Example - Jeremy Reeves Gut COP


22. Yang Y, Zhao LG, Wu QJ, Ma X, Xiang YB. Association between
dietary fiber and lower risk of all-cause mortality: A Meta-Analysis of
Cohort Studies. Am J Epidemiol. 2015;181:83-91.

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30. Kim Y, et al. Dietary fibre intake and mortality from cardiovascular
disease and all cancers: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.
Archives of Cardiovascular Disease. 2016;109:39.


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