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Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology,Indore

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Name: Shweta Jain Class: III Year Sec.: CS-A
Subject Code:BTCS-501 Subject Name: Theory of Computation Unit: 1&2
Level-1 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission
Basic Conceptual Theoretical Questions
Que Explain the basic structure of Finite state machine and 2 way finite
.1 automata.
Que Explain the concept of transition diagram and matrix.
As Per . 2
SVVV Que Differentiate between Mealy and Moore machine.
Syllabu . 3
s Que Describe the properties of regular expression.
Que Describe the construction of regular grammar from regular expression.
Level-2 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission
Problem Based Numerical Questions
Que Write regular expressions for the following languages over the alphabet
.1 Σ={a,b}:
(a) All strings that do not end with aa.
(b) All strings that contain an even number of b’s.
(c) All strings which do not contain the substring ba.
Que Consider the following non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) over the
.2 alphabet Σ= {0, 1}.

As Per

Give a one sentence description of the language recognized by the NFA.

Write a regular expression for this language.

Que Design DFA:

.3 (a) L = {x | x start with 110 }
(b) L = {x | x end with 1011 }

VISION- “To be renowned for excellence in Computer Science & Engineering”

MISSION- “To impart quality education, meeting the latest industry requirements, futuristic research
& developments in Computer Science & Engineering”
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology,Indore
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Que Convert the following NFAs to DFAs:
.4 (a)


Que Minimize the given DFA:


VISION- “To be renowned for excellence in Computer Science & Engineering”

MISSION- “To impart quality education, meeting the latest industry requirements, futuristic research
& developments in Computer Science & Engineering”
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology,Indore
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Name: Shweta Jain Class: III Year Sec.: CS-A
Subject Code:BTCS-501 Subject Name: Theory of Computation Unit: 3
Level-1 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission:- 24/09/ 2015
Basic Conceptual Theoretical Questions
Que. Describe context free and context sensitive grammar.
Que. Explain chomsky classification of grammar
As Per 2
SVVV Que. Define the following:
Syllabus 3 (i) Chomsky Normal from
(ii) Greibach Normal from
Que. Explain closure properties of CFL’s.
Level-2 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission:- 24/09/2015
Problem Based Numerical Questions
Que. S -> aB | bA
1 A -> aS | bAA | a
B -> bS | aBB | b
i.Find left most derivation
ii. Find right most derivation
iii. Parse Tree
For string aaabbabbb
Que. Write a CFG for the language L = {wcwr | w ϵ (a, b)*}
Que. Write a CFG for the regular expression r = 0*1(0+1)*
Que. Write a CFG, which generates palindrome for binary numbers
As Per 4
SVVV Que. Write a CFG for language L = {0i1j2k | k <= i or k <= j}
Syllabus 5
Que. Remove the unit productions from the following grammar
6 S -> AB
A -> a
B -> C / b
C -> D
D -> E
E -> a
Que. Identify and remove the unit productions from the following CFG
7 S -> S + T/ T
T -> T * F/ F
F -> (S)/a

VISION- “To be renowned for excellence in Computer Science & Engineering”

MISSION- “To impart quality education, meeting the latest industry requirements, futuristic research
& developments in Computer Science & Engineering”
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology,Indore
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Que. Simplify the given grammar
8 A->aBb | bBa
B->bB | aB| ε
Que. Convert following CFG to CNF
9 S -> 1A | 0B
A -> 1AA | 0S | 0
B -> 0BB | 1S | 1
Que. Explain pumping lemma for CFL. Prove that following language is CFl or
10 not?
L={anbncn / n>=1}

VISION- “To be renowned for excellence in Computer Science & Engineering”

MISSION- “To impart quality education, meeting the latest industry requirements, futuristic research
& developments in Computer Science & Engineering”
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology,Indore
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Name: Shweta Jain Class: III Year Sec.: CS-A
Subject Code:BTCS-501 Subject Name: Theory of Computation Unit: 4
Level-1 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission:-
Basic Conceptual Theoretical Questions
Que. Define Pushdown Automata. Compare NFA and PDA.
Que. Define different types of language acceptances by PDA.
As Per
Que. Is it true that the language accepted by a PDA by empty stock or that of
3 final states are different in language?
Que. Is it true the nondeterministic PDA is more powerful than that of
4 deterministic PDA? Justify your answer.
Level-2 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission:-
Problem Based Numerical Questions
Que. 1. Let M=({q0, q1},{0,1},{x,z0},A,q0,z0, ɸ).
1 Where δ is given by
δ (q0,0,z0)={(q0,xz0)}
δ (q0,0,x)={(q0,xx)}
δ (q0,1,x)={ (q1, ε)}
δ (q1,1,x)={ (q1, ε)}
δ (q1, ε, x)={ (q1, ε)}
δ (q1, ε, z0)={(q1, ε)}
Construct the CFG equivalent to this PDA.
Que. Construct PDA for the following grammar:
As Per
2 S ->AB
A ->CD
B ->b
C ->a
D ->a
Que. Construct CFG without Є production from :
3 S → a | Ab | aBa ,
A → b | Є,
B → b | A.

Que. Develop a push-down automaton for L= ambnck.


VISION- “To be renowned for excellence in Computer Science & Engineering”

MISSION- “To impart quality education, meeting the latest industry requirements, futuristic research
& developments in Computer Science & Engineering”
Shri Vaishnav Institute of Information Technology,Indore
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty Name: Shweta Jain Class: III Year Sec.: CS-A
Subject Code:BTCS-501 Subject Name: Theory of Computation Unit: 5

Level-1 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission:-

Basic Conceptual Theoretical Questions
Que. Describe Instantaneous descriptions and more of Turing machine
Que. Explain multi- tape and multi-head Turing machine.
Que. Define properties of Recursive Languages and Recursively Enumerable
As Per
3 languages.
Que. Explain Universal Turing Machine.
Que. Describe the applications of TM? What is the basic difference between
5 2-way FA and TM?
Que. Differentiate PDA and TM.
Level-2 (Mandatory) Date Of Submission:-
Problem Based Numerical Questions
Que. Construct a TM for language of even no. of 1’s and even no. of 0’s over
1 Σ={0, 1}.
Que. Develop a Turing machine for L={wwR | w=(a+b)* }
As Per
Que. Design a Turing machine M to recognize the language L={ 1n2n3n ; n>=1}
Que. Develop a Turing machine for L={ambmcmam | m>=0 }

VISION- “To be renowned for excellence in Computer Science & Engineering”

MISSION- “To impart quality education, meeting the latest industry requirements, futuristic research
& developments in Computer Science & Engineering”

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