Assignment 15

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Think Question #2:

Consider This:
1. For computer technicians using unlicensed software, under Philippine laws, what penalties can be imposed?

Software piracy is a violation of the copyright provisions of the IP code of the Philippines (RA 8293) and Optical
Media Act (RA 9239) and carries with it penalties of up to nine years of imprisonment, a fine of up to P1.5 million, or
both. Unlicensed software can carry viruses and other types of malware that infect computers. According to the Harrison
Group, 24% of pirated copies of Windows were either infected or automatically downloaded malware as soon as they
were connected to the Internet

10 businesses found using unauthorized software in the anti-piracy campaign. (2014, January 4). Retrieved

2. Should software vendors be allowed to look into your computer secretly for illegally installed software? Why or
why not?

In my opinion software vendors should not be allowed to look into computer secretly for illegal installed software
because the facet of information security is often referred to as protecting confidentiality. While confidentiality is
sometimes mandated by law, common sense and good practice suggest that even non-confidential information in
a system should be protected as well-not necessarily from unauthorized release as much as from unauthorized
modification and unacceptable influences on its accessibility.

3. What should the consequences be for IT or computer repair technicians who access unauthorized data? Why?

Technicians may be terminated from the companies if they access data in an unauthorized way. Data is the most
valuable asset of any individual. It may contain personal information that should not be leaked. If a technician leaks the
data by mistake, then there may be a security risk for the system owner.
Training may help the technician to understand the importance of their job to prevent events like data leakage
during system maintenance. But it depends on individual thinking, if someone wants to steal a user’s data for malicious
purposes, then even after training they will do it.
For safety, purposes remove all the data from the system and store them on another device before giving the
system for repair.

Think Question #4:

Consider This: Assuming that you’ve graduated from college. What online resources should you use to
create a professional online presence? Why? What groups or companies should you join or follow on LinkedIn?
What steps will you take to enhance your professional online presence?

LinkedIn is "the" site for professional networking. And it's the best resource for building and managing my career

Professional Facebook Page. Creating a Facebook page is a way to differentiate the professional from the personal
you. Set up a page to share your expertise, industry news, and current events with others. Keep your family, friends, and
photos on your personal page, and be careful about the privacy settings so you don't inadvertently share too much
information with employers.

Personal Website or Blog. A blog or personal website that is related to my career interests is a good place to
highlight my expertise and an ideal way to feature my credentials. I can provide information on what I have to offer an
employer, link to my online social profiles, and share my contact details with prospective employers and networking
contacts. I will engage with other users and spend time growing my network. The more connections I have, the greater my

In line with my career of interest the LinkedIn groups I should join are the following:  
 Nursing Professionals. This group is for nursing professionals to be around like-minded people and network.
 Medical Information Group. From research, treatment, and policy changes, the discussions in the Medical
Information Group are always informative. With a growing number of nurses and other medical professionals that
are not doctors joining this group, the concentration of healthcare professionals is dense. 
 NursingCrossing. NursingCrossing is the place to be when entering the world of nursing, and are looking for a
place to enhance your career. This LinkedIn group monitors and analyzed medical employers across the globe. It
is constantly updated with who is the most desirable employer, or which position is the most competitive. For
monitoring and reporting everything to do with nursing careers, there’s no better group on LinkedIn.

Here are the 5 steps I will do to enhance my professional online presence.

1. Manage my social networks

2. Take a high-quality professional picture.
3. Start a blog specific to my line of work.
4. Become a one-of-a-kind expert that my audience didn't know they needed.
5. Stay consistent.

Building Your Professional Online Presence. (n.d). arts and sciences. Retrieved from

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