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Natures Mathematics

Activity 1

Melrhean Grace Denga-ey


October 2, 2021
That’s New to Me! I Totally Agree!
-I didn’t know that Fibonacci sequence plays a very -I totally agree with the message of the documentary
important role in nature’s mathematics until I watched video clip that mathematics in nature is the greatest
this video clip documentary. show on earth. It gives us a ways to understand
patterns, to quantify relationships, and predict the
-I learned that Fibonacci sequence also aimed of future.
highlighting the existence of regular patterns.
-I agree that Mathematics were not invented by
-I realized in this lesson that natures is all about math. humans, but they are a universal language. The
If we were to observe the way a plant grows new same that uses nature to express themselves through
leaves, stems and petals, we would notice that it their beings.
grows pattern following Fibonacci Sequence.
-I agree that Mathematics reveals hidden patterns
-It is new to me that when you join the square corner- that helps us understand the world around us.
to-corner with an arc of the circle you get an I Disagree
approximate equiangular spiral that is reminiscent of I think there is nothing to disagree with the video
nautilus shell. documentary because I still have so much to learn
and my knowledge about the mathematics in nature
-I also learned that the Hexagons are the are not enough to disagree with the speaker.
recurring theme in nature turning in
geological formations.
Natures Mathematics
This documentary video reminds me of the
I have a question about the patterns. Is mathematics article I have read in the internet that says, the
imitating nature's patterns or is it the other way mathematics in nature allows students to explore
around? and gain knowledge about mathematical patterns
found in nature such as tessellations and the
Can patterns be found in things that we can’t see? Fibonacci sequence, which is true as I watch the
Aside from those questions, I also wanted to know In addition, it also reminds me of the symmetry that
more about the topic Mathematics in nature and how it is the fundamental part of geometry, nature, and
important it is to learn this times and how this helps shapes.
me in my chosen course. Text-to-Self
The prevalent occurrence of the Fibonacci sequence
in nature allows me to see and discover for myself
the presence of mathematics in the environment I
live in.
-This lesson taught me to appreciate small things
around and to give them value because even the
most chaotic is still have their own uniqueness.
-By watching this video, I’ve realize that there is
more to learn about mathematics and in nature as
long as I will concentrate and be curios on what is
happening around.
-I will try to be efficient just like mother nature
achieving her end.
-By watching and understanding this lesson, I
become more aware of the natural beauty that
surrounds us and I am more motivated to learn
about the importance of taking care of our natural
resources in our environment and to preserve its
beauty for the next generations.
-It is wonderful to open our eyes to discover and
appreciate the beauty of nature. Mathematics is
visible everywhere in nature, even where we are not
expecting it. It makes our life orderly and prevents
Questions I Have? →Links Back To Me←

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