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Code-Switching Analysis: Taroudant Habitants as a Case of Study

Zainab Lamaachi: 19011693

Hasna Lektiri: 19010887

Chaima Lemghali: 19010823

Department of English, Ibn Zohr University

Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Mustapha Kharoua

Semester: 6

Academic Year: 2021-2022

A paper submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of a

B.A in English studies linguistics


We would like to express our deepest appreciation to our instructor Mustapha Kharoua

for his nice and friendly character, his guidance and supervision.

We are deeply indebted to Taroudant habitants for their help and cooperation, also for

their time and answers. They help us for selecting and gathering information about our topic.

We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to our family especially our parents,

brothers, and sisters for all the support and feedback.

Special thanks for our mates in university for their help and exchange of information.


Rather than focusing on the search for syntactic limitations in current code-switching studies,

this paper proposes that more emphasis should be paid to the role of social and psychological

aspects on switching patterns. This research is conducted the role of code switching in

affecting the social structure, it is mostly used by different language users. In this study the

focus is on code switching, its reasons, and its effects that has towards language, society, and

on the individual behaviour. Code switching considered as a universal phenomenon which has

a strong effect on social structure and language, and it is employed in all social domains.

Keywords: code switching, mother language, foreign language, behaviour


Table of contents


Research objectives…………………………………………………………………...7

Research questions…………………………………………………………………....7

Literature review……………………………………………………………………...7


Research types……………………………………………………...…….…………...8

Research design……………………………………………………….………………8

1.The main reasons behind code switching………………………………………...9

1.1. Why switch from one language to another?......…………………………….……9

1.2. In which way code switching affects the language?.............................................11

1.3. How can code switching influence individual behaviour?...................................12

2. Intermediating of social structure in code switching………………………......13

2.1. Code switching stereotype, Moroccan society as an example……...………...…13

2.2. Characteristics of code switching……………………………………………….15

2.3. The role of society in code switching…………………………………………...16

3. Code switching in Taroudant community……………………………………...17

3.1. How Taroudant community deals with code switching……………………...…17


3.2. How code-switching strikes Taroudant community’s domains……………...…18

3.3. The problems faced by using code switching in Taroudant community……......20




Language has several interpretations, linguists vary in defining the term “language” it

is defined as a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions,

and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols (Sapir,1921), Noam

Chomsky says that language is the inherent capability of native speakers to understand and

form grammatical sentences. Henry Sweet, an English phonetician and language scholar,

stated: “language is the expression of ideas by means of speech sounds combined into

sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thoughts”, while the American

linguists Bernard Bloch and George L. Targer formulated the following definition “A

language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group

cooperates.” Each of these definitions present language within a concept. Henry connects

language with thoughts, Bernard and George use the term ‘arbitrary’ to describe language. It

is obvious that the term language is difficult to define. People use language as a

communicative tool and competence, they apply language in many different styles, one of the

popular styles is code switching. this latter was regarded as random interference of one

language with the other (Lance, 1975) for several decades. In sociolinguistic code switching

describes the use of different dialects, accents, language combinations, and mannerisms

within social groups in order to project a particular identity. According to that notion,

everyone uses code switching to vary their language based on who they are speaking with and

what they are discussing. Moreover, code switching has several types, inter-sentential code

switching occurs in mid-sentence, intera-sentential code switching occurs between sentences,

and extra-sentential code switching also called tag switching occurs when a speaker uses

slang or a phrase from one language within a sentence that otherwise spoken in another.

Research objectives:

This research aims to fulfil all the aspects of using code switching, its impacts on individual’s

linguistic(language) and physical (behavior) abilities, also to release how society considers

bilinguals whose applying code switching. in addition, to reveal the necessity of code switching

in today’s communities through finding out its function on social networks, finally to know

how Taroudant community deals and strike code switching in different domains.

Research questions:

The main questions of this study are what are the reasons of code switching and its impacts on

language and behaviour? What perception do individuals and society in general have toward

code switching? How does the society influence code switching, and deals with this

communicative tool, Taroudant habitants as an example?

Literature review:

Any common place of bilingual speakers uses two or more languages, dialects, or varieties in

the same conversation. This phenomenon called code switching, it has become a major focus of

attention in linguistics. In sociolinguistics, code switching is an essential skill to develop in an

ever_evloving multicultural world. Sociolinguists, social psychologists, and identity researchers

are interested in the ways in which code switching, particularly by members of minority, ethnic

groups is used to shape and maintain a sense of identity and a sense of belonging to a large

group ”karolczak,Rzepka and Araki(2016)” found that code switching occur on the lexical

level, when there is no existing translation for a word and “Davy crystal(1987)” views the

concept as a situation where a bilingual individual alternates between two languages during

their speech or communicative engagement with another bilingual. As the research of “weng

peishi from Tamakang university” who negotiate the problems and obstacles faced by students

and teachers in understanting English language and its vocabulary as a second language. A

study conducted by “Nik Mastura, Nik Ismail, and Suthagan Narassuman” from technological

university and Academy of language studies. They describe the role of code switching as a

communicative tool.


This study mixes between two types of data analysing, qualitative data analysis and quantitative

data analyses. Concerning the qualitative is about the words and meaning, it allows to explore

concepts and experience in more detail, and it discovers how people code switch, why, and

what are the reasons that make people switch from a language to another. Moreover, the

quantitative research occurs in involving the process of analysing numbers and statistics,

through the results of questionnaire and formulation used as data collection to gather

information and responses, this study based on observations and questionnaire results, reveals

that more than 80% of people, in Taroudant city; appear to use code switching in more than

40%of their conversations.

Research types:

Using two types of research primary and secondary data. The primary data was conducted by

suggesting questions and asking people and students about code switching and collect

respondents to develop the research. Secondary data was collected from other sources, and it

was previously available, and studied by other researchers. Thus, that concerned with finding

sets of obtainable information.

Research design:

This study applies two types of research design, evaluation, and cultural designs by making

sense to complex social issues and examine cost-effectiveness of code switching. The use of

cultural interpretation to analysing the cultural texts, code switching as a subject of language.

1. The main reasons behind code switching, its impacts towards language

and behaviour.

There are numerous reasons behind code switching, people may apply switching between

languages in their daily life based on their situations, positions, and conditions. Moreover,

code switching could affect positively or negatively the individual’s language and behaviour,

either physically or linguistically depending on the status. Thus, switching seems to impact

the attitudes and behaviours in addition to language.

1.1 Why switch from one language to another?

Study the aspects of code switching should be taken into consideration, before moving to

explain its reasons. That means when and where the individual could apply switching between

languages. Mainly switching from one language to another appears in many situations, and

positions, for example in offices, conversations, at work, in conferences or seminars, also

occur in universal exchange. Moreover, code switching exists either in a formal or informal

contexts, consciously or unconsciously, to explain more and show the difference of code

switching between the formal and informal context, here are an example of a conversation

among a worker and his boss at work.

Worker: (at the office) hello sir, I was hoping that you could allow me to take some few days

off, I ‘am sick and the doctor counselled me to take rest.

The boss: absolutely you can.

Worker: (with his mate) hola como estàs?

Mate : estoy bien y tù ?

Worker: buenos dias! hasta luego.


The example shows the way of code switching the worker use with his boss and mate. He

switched from formal English to informal Spanish with his mate consciously. Thus, according

to some circumstances and reasons the worker switch between languages. therefore, there are

multiple reasons behind code switching, people switch from one language to another for

considerable number of purposes. Essentially, the person appears to use code switching as a

result, the community does not give much importance and value to the first language, so the

individual employs switching to improve his/her social status in society. In addition, when a

bilingual, a person who masters two languages, speaks about a specific topic s/he feel more

comfortable if s/he use a particular language than other. Or depends on the topic if it requires

vocabulary does not occur in the other language. Moreover, code switching could be a result

of daily conversations, thus, it becomes a habitual mode of speaking. Individuals may switch

also when their lizard brain take over, that is to access to different languages or accents,

without realizing it or intending to do it. People may also switch to fit in their needs or to

communicate easier with others. In addition, sometimes people apply switching to enhance

developing or realizing a situation. Additionally, using code switching to say an aspect in

secret, in other words means saying it privately. As well as code switching convey a meaning,

message, or involve an idea. Some people may use code switching to identify with a

community or making relationships with other identities. In other words, people may switch

to luck of facility which means that bilinguals use code switching when they cannot find an

appropriate expression or vocabulary items or when the language of conversation does not

have the word needed to carry on the conversation smoothly. However, people may use code

switching to gain status or make a different impression. Other time, when introducing

someone to a group, they may transition to a different language. A person may code switch to

achieve some level of power, respect, or advantage, which means modifying behaviours to

conform to the dominant culture unfortunately often feels like a requirement to be organized

for one’s efforts and talents which can bring with it additional economic privilege, power, and

freedom. Other reasons are to assimilate into dominant culture, sometimes code switching is

subconscious. Individuals may accept the narrative that some behaviours are fundamentally

superior to those with which they grew up and strive to integrate and adopt these identities as

their own in order to feel more connected or included. Finally, people may switch from a

language to another to appear less threatening to avoid violence, there are certain

circumstances when code switching is lifesaving. Shifting posture, dress, changing accents or

mimicking traditional gender characteristics.

1.2 In which way code switching affects language?

Each bilingual society utilize code switching to convey a message in daily life conversations

or as a habit, it may affect language either in a positive or negative way. Positively, while the

first language cannot help enough or does not possess enough expressions, words, or concise

phrases, to explain and conveying the meaning of the speech, switching to another language

could be beneficial and could help keeping the fluency of the first language speech meaning.

So, the chosen language come when there is no equivalent in the first language. Also, when a

speaker talks with people and they do not share the same mother tongue and he is switching

back to his mother language, this later contribute to spreading its own culture. Sociolinguists

have treated code switching mainly as a spoken genre, furthermore it may be found in written

texts forms. For example, various historical periods (Montes Alcala, 1998) examples include

Latin Greek in Cicero’s letters to his friend Atticus, English French code switching in a

variety of Medivial English texts (Trotter,2002), thus, it seems to affect the language structure

along communication. therefore, it possibly makes a change in language components order,

for example, “…vous prenez l’ascenseur est-ce que vous prenez l’ascenseur prenez vous

l’ascenseur. /…do you take the elevator do you take the elevator do you take the elevator”

(Flayman Mattson, A., & Burenhult, N. (1999)). This example indicates the major spelling

differences between French and English language through expressing the interrogative form,

furthermore, a French bilingual could appear various styles and tones to express the same

utterance or sentence. However, an English bilingual apply the same syntactic form. In

addition, code switching could affect the individual first language, in other words, the original

language may lose its value and eligibility specially in informal contexts while the speaker

does not apply neither rules nor structure respectively and faithfully. Consequently, the way

of speaking and pronunciation may contribute in either improving or degrading the value of

the language. Moreover, the practicing of code switching in everyday life may cause a defect

in applying mother tongue while communicating. by time, the speaker could get into

miscommunication or misunderstanding that would ruin and obstructs the conversation

inflow, and the language become a dead language as Greek and Latin.

1.3 How code-switching influence individual behaviour

Code switching not only about language but it also about style of speaking, pronunciation,

and the way the person behaves. Code switching influence individual’s behaviour in two

ways, positively and negatively. Code switching could pass on thoughts, emotions, opinions,

and behaviour. People change their personality and behaviour bought of them, the physical

and linguistic towards other, while using code switching in their daily talking and

communication. People changing their personality positively to fit other’s demands, they

make efforts to make something obvious, it means modifying their speech, tone, voice,

accent, and language to adapt to sociocultural norms, it now commonly means changing your

behaviour to suit the settings and circumstances. It could involve toning down a part of your

personality in informal situations especially. Code switching also impacts the individual’s

behaviour negatively when people consider themselves more intelligent than others or switch

in daily life communication which cause a misunderstanding and lack of response in social

context. Considering themselves intellectual, knowledgeable, and skilled when they switch

between languages, and that becomes a real problem in social class especially the lower


2. Intermediating of social structure in code switching.

Code switching has many common points with society. First, code switching stereotypes

occur in many bilingual societies, lots of people argued that code switching expresses a higher

level of education. Second, code switching could be either universal which means that it is

used by the whole world, or specific to a group of communities (each place in the world has

its own way and method of switching based on the situation). Thus, it is obvious that code

switching has a strong relationship with society, and it cannot be separated to be investigated.

2.1 Code switching stereotypes, Moroccan society as an example

many researchers suggest that code switching often occurs in racial societies. Code switching

commonly exists in American communities (black people). They adapt a specific norms,

values, and qualities for a certain environment. Code switching stereotypes occur when

people suffer from though, they change their style of speech, appearance, behaviour, and

expressions in ways that will optimize the comfort of others in exchange for fair, for example

employment opportunities. Negative stereotypes of black people run counter to what consider

“appropriate behaviours”. Some studies conducted in schools suggest that black students

selectively code switch between standard English and African American vernacular with their

classmates. A few entrepreneurs’ woman said that switching between languages is a

particularly important issue in the Multilingual and bilingual societies to combat racial

stereotypes a women said, “I did not even know that code switching was on a conscious level

until undergrad and my professor explicitly said you are black you need to switch your

language, hairstyle and attitudes, so you come across less threatening”. Black people suffer

from racial stereotypes because white people think that those black are less intelligent,

respected, and have unacceptable ideas. One black person said, “when we are working in

space that are not designed for us, we understand that there is a responsibility to speak in a

way that makes others comfortable and is sees as non-threating or confrontational”. Black

people feel like they need to mask a piece of who they are upon trying to get their foot in door

and to be respected on certain level. Moroccan society also suffer from these phenomena,

because it is considered as bilingual society that use code switching in daily life in different

spaces and under a variety of circumstances. Moroccan people face obstructions in school,

work or/and society in general when they are thinking that people who switch are genius.

What kind of people use code switching?







Youth Educated Rich Any person

Commonly Moroccan society suffer from code switching stereotypes. When they got to do

with intelligence, norms, principles, and a good social class. Based on the questionnaire

results people considering bilinguals whose switch in their daily utterances whether

consciously or unconsciously are more educated and intellectual (54,3%), others stated that

only youth code switch in their daily conversations (30,4%). Some argued that rich people

apply code switching (10%). Those fake images assign more value that is not exist in the first


2.2 characteristics of code switching (universal or specific to a particular group

of communities)

Code switching is a common characteristic in bilingual people, they often code switch from

one language to other languages when they speak or write. Speakers speak the same language

or dialect by using some words and grammatical rules. Also, the members of the group must

interact linguistically with other member of the community, they may share similar attitudes

toward linguistics norms. Code switching used by educated people and speakers whose master

more than one language and could switch their language during their communication. Code

switching is universal and specific at the same time. Universal appears in the entire world and

most of societies use code switching and switch from one language to another which means

that code switching is everywhere, and it is an everyday reality in every place it is also

everyday communication in the whole world. For example, a Chinese newspaper for

European Chinese. Sing Tao daily (European edition) has a lot of code switching, it is mainly

conversed between Mandarin and English for the international news, and mainly conversed

between Mandarin and Cantonese for the Hong Kong page. Code switching may also be

specific to a particular group of communities, means that every group of people has their own

way of switching and have special situations and positions which their switching occurs. For

the most part, people switch to identify with a particular social group and most of the time

they do not even realize they are switching. code switching happens subtly and, in more

situations, than with only bilingual speakers. Speech subconsciously becomes measured and

professional, in contrast when you are around friends your speech translations into a casual

tone as you feel more comfortable in the social setting or cultural context. These code

switches become more noticeable based on the social setting, when visiting your hometown,

you might put much more emphasis into the regional dialects as an unconscious way to fit in.

2.3 The role of society in code switching

Today, people are often interacting with others, their interactions must contain language.

Sociolinguistics reveal that language and society cannot be separated to be investigated,

Holmes (Holmes, Janet 2001) says that sociolinguistic is concerned with the relationship

between language and the context in which is used, Holmes argued that language and society

are common, and the language gains its function throughout the context (society). Thus, the

role of language among people is very crucial. Moreover, people in society could appear

language in significant number of ways, one of the primarily methods of speaking is code

switching people apply switching in everyday life, to realise code switching it is essential to

understand the role of language, this latter identify the person and connect people with their

communities, groups, and friends. However, the individual employ code switching as a

method of speaking, it differs from one situation to another depending on the receiver and the

status the communication take place. Otherwise, society or the individual influence the

person’s code switching, in some cases often demand employing switching between

languages, and it is mandatory to use this technique to convey the exact meaning of the

speech, to avoid misunderstanding, or to gain a smoothly conversation. While talking speaker

take into consideration the backgrounds of the listener, whether they engage in the same

environment and community, also, if they share the same culture and mother language, if not

then the speaker appears to apply switching to a target language to help the listener

understand and to carry the message meaning successfully. In addition, today’s societies

allow using code switching and it developed as it becomes a popular habit of speaking, people

could apply switching in work, advertising, between friends also with family. For example,

the person often has parents with different origins. So, he applies code switching at the same

time while he talking to both unconsciously. This example presents how could society or

environment contribute and affect code switching.


3. Code switching in Taroudant community.

Taroudant is a city full of nature and culture, modernity and tradition. Thus, its habitants are

bilinguals, they are mastering more than one language. They apply code switching as a

communicative tool because of their ability of producing different sounds, code switching

could strike Taroudant community’s domains throughout its real role in the society, but for

bilingual people using code switching leads to many problems and obstacles such as

miscommunication and misinterpreting.

3.1 How Taroudant community deals with code switching?

People could judge the person within the first eight words that come out of the mouth, they

often define code-switching as a change in linguistics, in addition, it can be the way of

dressing, talking, or presenting yourself in certain situations. Moroccan people apply code-

switching in everyday life, this study is about examining the involvement of code-switching

in one of the most beautiful towns in Morocco the land of cultures Taroudant, it is ideally

located between the sea and the mountains, with its majestic ramparts, this town full of nature

and culture, modernity and tradition, Taroudant habitants are often bilinguals, mastering

significant amount of languages and linguistic varieties because of their ability to produce

different sounds, besides mixing and switching between Arabic “Darija” and Amazigh

dialects. Are Taroudant people code switch? If yes, how much do they apply code-switching?

Here is an analysis of some statistics selected from a survey question, presenting Taroudant

habitant’s answer results:


DO YOU SWITCH IN YOUR How much do you think you

DAILY LIFE? apply code switching?

7% 0.1 0.13



yes no 1 2 3 4

The results above show that most habitants in Taroudant (93%) switch between languages in

their majority of daily conversations (50%). Moreover, people in this town are often

appearing more than one language due to their combination of numerous dialects (Moroccan

Arabic, Hassaniya Arabic, Rifiya...). In addition, Taroudant habitants use code-switching in

many situations. The best example presented at work, people in Taroudant are

overwhelmingly applying switching from Arabic to French or to any other foreign language in

job interviews, and in many economic domains.

3.2 How code-switching strikes Taroudant community’s domains as economy,

politics, and education?

In many bilingual communities, speakers alternate between the use of two or more languages.

Sometimes within a clause or sentence, sometimes at the boundaries of clauses or sentences.

This technique is called code switching, recently this term was famous and habitual in

Taroudant region. Code switching take place in cultural domains in Taroudant as economy,

education, and politics. In addition, it plays a real role in society throughout adopting new

aspects and norms. Code switching influences social domains as education because it has a

strong role in communication and in learning processes. Thus, this latter mostly affects

Taroudant’s habitants. This term code switching usually in classroom refers to the alternating

use of more than one linguistic code. Moreover, code switching has a positive effect on both

learners and teachers, it helps students understand difficult aspects of the lesson as well as

enabling them to participate in lessons and help them in making connection between their

prior knowledge. Based on the questionnaire results 93,5% of students in Taroudant using

code switching in their daily utterances, also 67% of students in that region see that code

switching is useful and important. Additionally, code switching affect economic domains and

workplaces in general in Taroudant region people choose code switching to manage a

business, job opportunity or in work meetings. Maybe this is back to colonisation,

industrialisation, and global economy have reinforced the dominance of certain cultural

norms. People of Taroudant region change their mannerisms, behaviour, or dress to conform

to the customs of the nature of work, people need to code switch to “fit in”. what this look like

in the office? Here are few examples. Fatima said that “I am working in a boys club, and I

need to change my tone or cracking lewd jokes to be a part of them”. Amazigh people in that

region changing their accent and pronunciation to be more acceptable in workplaces because

they are not feeling comfortable in speaking in one to another in public. No binary individuals

wearing traditional gendered clothing in office “djellaba” as an example, they must wear a

professional suit. Code switching have a dominant role on politics in our region because it

gives a sense of energy and enthusiasm. Code switching is the key to communicating with

voters, to share messages and persuade others to join a specific movement should start by

speaking with them in a language they understand which “Amazigh language” is to create a

contact with people, and the best way to do this is that switching from a universal language to

a liberal speak. Code switching is a strategy employed in political discourses to persuade

people from different categories.


3.3 The problems and obstacles faced by using code switching in Taroudant


Due to its history and proximity to Europe and African countries that utilize foreign languages

as lingua franca or for international communication, Morocco has used and thought in a

variety of local and foreign languages for decades. Taroudant is a city in the Sous valley in

south-eastern Morocco, its habitants use code switching as any other cities in the world, and

switch from one language to another for many reasons. But they faced many problems and

obstacles, those problems appear in that code switching creates tension between self-

expression and social acceptance. The cost of code switching is immense as it causes

minorities to spend time worrying about cultural compatibility, rather than dwelling on things

that do matter. Another issue in code switching is miscommunication and misinterpreting.

Also, it may hinder people ability to understand certain concepts and it may confuse them.

Consequently, it can affect their lives and comprehension skills.



One of the central aims of this study was to consider when and why people code switch

throughout discussing some major reasons that allow people to apply that style of speech.

Moreover, are their switching affect only language or it includes another switching as in their

behaviour. This study accomplished around Moroccan Taroudant habitants, the results

indicate that most of its people seem to use code switching as a habit, it occurs in most of

their conversations, domains, and within families’ dialects. Based on the analysis of the

statistic results above, it is distinctly that people in Taroudant apply code switching for more

than 80% in daily life, and about 30% to 50% in their conversations with others. In Taroudant

people are often judge bilinguals according to their switching between languages, 30% stated

them as Youth, 54,3% considered that only Educated people code switch, 10% argued that

only rich people code switch, and others stated that everyone could apply switching. Thus, it

is obvious that code switching stereotypes have this universal characteristic and it differs from

one community to another.

To conclude, the above research contains a full-fledged analysis of code switching which is a

linguistic phenomenon commonly occurring in bilingual and multilingual speech

communities, this study provides a deep analysis of the major aspects of code switching.


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