Swoosh 9 - Evaluation Tests

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Evaluation tests + Teste diagnéstico IIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID - 4 testes por unidade - Testes A e B com niveis diferenciados de dificuldade - Teste para aluno com Curriculo Especifico Individual - Teste Key for Schools - Solucdes - Grelhas de correcao e avaliacado dos testes TDA DT TOT IE DA Oe OD 1) -Grelhas aS avaliacgao - Producao escrita - Avaliacdo geral da turma - Avaliacdo global dos alunos, - Avaliagao do aluno com Curriculo Especifico Individual bit] prora=d gram + Ficha de autoavaliacao do aluno Ee ury Todos os materiais incluidos neste separador serdo disponibilizados em formato Word” editavel no e-Manual Premium. SO a crear ee 7) English Diagnostic Unit © Warm-up Matriz do teste diagnéstico ees Cenrecucce) Compreensso de pequencs textos Ibentsicar as patawas pola sua definicso Utiiaecorretamente vocebularioe doterminadas foxpressées em inlés, anjugande eve no tempo verbal adequado Escrita de palavras em cantexo| Produsic um tenunciade escrito ener Vocabutirae gramstics lecionaes em anos ‘tivo dos tempos lees Verb tenses Lencatehunks| Caloations Voczbutery Verb tenses Prepositions Leniatchunks Vocabutery Formate de um email, ‘casa quarts /bjetos ALG 28304655 B, 1, stadium 2. beach 3.tent 4. camera 6. piano G. 1.2) give 2a) put 3.6) took 4.) up 5.b) on 6.¢) blankets eerie) ‘A-Ligarimagons com rases |e camp com palavra adequada Swoosh -9.° ano Evaluat Crue eset) Resposta corres ou arrada | Eros de ortogratia:-1 FResposta erada:0 FResposta corres ou erada comete:-08 Tempo verbal errade: 0 | Erros de ortgrafiaipevantas +estutura my) orgarizada e coeronte: 20 16 pontes Erros de ortograia+estruturapouco + organized: 15 210 pontes | Erros de ortografia + estrtura bastante | desorganizada: 92 6 pontos D.4. at 2.0n 3.in 4. may/might 6. to 6. can 7. Ii/When 8. that 9. take 10. locking E, suggested answer Hi Richard, Guess what?... I've ust bought a TV for my bedroom. | bought it because | ike watching films while I'm in bed. I's on my desk, right next to my computer. Big hug, XK 131 School: Name: Date: Enc, Educagao: Teacher: g A. Which notice [A-G) says the same as sentences 1- 5? Write the correct, e letter in the corresponding box. Not all the letters are necessary. You cannot let your dog run freely here. oO i Buses will not go past this place. O f Please have the correct change reaey for the bus driver. 1 2 3. Check you have all your belongings before leaving. (_) 4, There will be some changes when summer starts. (_) | ;. Bus 35 will not run at the weekend. oO ees (a7 era) Te cu leaving the bus. Engin ~~" Do not exercise on bus line Saturday dogs in the school and Sunday. Use the playing field. train instead. B. Identify the word for each description. 4. People who like watching football often go to this place. =. A 2. People who like swimming in the sea usually gohere. = __ E_______ 3. You will need to take this with you if you go camping. = __ E__ 4. If you enjoy taking photos, you will need this. IA ee eee 5. This is a classic musical instrument with a keyboard. fillable td setlsbdtt 132 “Pp VV Vv vay ‘Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests. C. Read these sentences and choose the best word for each space. 1. Mary decided to_____ her bedroom a summer clean (a) give have (o) get 2. First Mary all her clothes away in the cupboard. (a) put (b) cleaned (c) took 3. She all her old dolls and games to a charity sale. (a) brought (b) got (e) took 4. She tidied __ her books and magazines. (a) out (b) up () down 5. She put some fresh flowers = the table. fain (b) on (c) between 6. She putnew __on the bed. (a) curtains (b) carpets (o) blankets D. Complete the emails below with ONE word in each space. Hi Rachel, I'm glad to tell you ®) I've found your mobile phone. It was in the bathroom under a towel. | will (9) itto school tomorrow. Don't Hi Julie, Remember | stayed (1) ______your house last week (2) _____ Thursday night. | think | left my mobile phone (3) _________ your. bedroom. It (4) ___ be on the bedside table next (5) the bed. Please, 6 you look for it? (7) tr you find it, can you bring worry. | really enjoyed having it to school? aa. you over last week Thanks so much P, I'm (10) — Rachel i forward to seeing you again. Big hug, Julie E. Write a very short message, between 35-45 words. You've just bought something new for your bedroom. Write an email to your friend Richard, In your email, you should: = describe what you bought * explain why you need it = say where you are going to put it or what you are going to do with it 133 134 Unit @ Spice up your life Matriz dos testes Prd Motion reas Cer | Listening {15 mints) MCL Compreeder | Seerse pons | comet | MCL2Compreender | MCID 13.2 Sierras ese | Wester orgpizasee texto Susi promotoras da ‘udiviual decde que | moalidade de ovens equades a0 neh se canhecimentos oslune Reading + Grammar (30 minutos) mew 192 MCR3Lertextos | Idenifcar organizagbes adaplados de promotaras da tpolegia ‘mobile de ovens hersticada para | MCID 133 recotha de laentfcar iniormagaa transformacées no modo | desta ede vier wets 1 Compreender formas | Med vebtences ce organizacza do | evieeeconhecer ‘ihe. or freer. nar sigumas estruuras | MCLG 141 | eotuncionamente da — 2 | ingua com alguma | Ouestion tags | compleidede MCLG 149 Cee eet rred AVeriateioutalso | §x6=30 Preenchimente de uma tabela 10x77 ‘A identificar o contosdo detente Bldenificar quem diz axe i 2 (©. Associa palavas! fapressdes an seu. | 64312 sigaticado sidaciiienens soe ‘A.Completar os espagos B, Campletar os esperos Ce Geese Eros de ortografia:- 5 pontes Eros de ortografia» etrtura:~ 1 panto Respestaerrada: 0 Resposte correla ou errada | Fesposta corrata ou arada Resposta correta ou erada | Respostacorrete ou errada | Resposta corete ou erada Erres de ortogralia:-05 pontos "Erros de ortograta«esiritura:~ 1 ponto Resposta et Erres de ortogralia:- 05 pontos Resposta erada: 0 | Weiting (35 minutes} : z 100 potas FMW Preéuzie Layer ston, de deters | palace 13 | tsssiacive conrnca | 10 | relative eciidade, | MCIDI1-Escrevero | ALEscreveroguidode | 8x6=48 i eaacag | Conte “Gieaneo gui dem envevsta | ~umaertevata | 6x20 =foa) | Méeauaie | vocal | it [ecto | frequente mas | j}___| Samat dierticato a 2 | Corepie | Oneal i 2 Unguten | Tompos ioe NeW 10ltra9, | MCD D2 Eecmer ou ees aes | com rlatia Teepnder scars, ett fade cotre | dtzeendo a cscrverumpost | Stpecnit) UO, |cunprinenndotiniece |g | teu docorter_| expan usbes 3 naw | no estbece sel sentmente Fishin te peat | pseart 1 Speaking (0 Utiar agers une athe de Selig pot 28 trosiperios> MeSI 6 nterair, com alum d-vontade, sobre Uopicos da atualidade (MCS162Combinar cam ginteriocuto, via | ere taes eda do is ciao encanis| Me'SP8 [Relprotuir textos vrais, areviarvente preperados, com pronincia e entaco adequatas MC SP 9 Produ de arma simples einer, cdscursos de cunho pessoal ‘SPOKEN INTERACTION: Get into pars Imagine you are at hore and wan 10 goto the cinema. Calla rend and inate birder tegowth you ‘SPOKEN PRODUCTION: Present your county What od ae vsitin acity Advantages of ing n Portugal IStudent book, page 43) Nivel delinguagem - 20 Pronincia = 20 + Flugncia~ 20 * Correvao~20 * Interago ~ 20 Grethade correcionap. 265 Total= 100 “+ Nive de tnguagem 10+ Contacto visual - 10 + Pronincia~ 10 + Intraeao~ 10 + luéncia~ 10 * Contato - 10 + Corre;ao~10 * Grganizacao - 10 1 Linguagem corporal 10+ Tempofimite~ 10 Gretha de corregéonap.266 Total = 100 — VP VV Vy Swoosh - 9,” ano Evaluation tests unit & Spice up your life ea ~) IN esa Class: — No.: Date: eae _ Mark: Enc.Educagio; = Teachers — A. You will hear a conversation about homework between a girl called Sylvie and a boy called Thomas. Decide if each sentence is true (T) or false (F}. ‘Thomas finds it hard to understand why Sylvie has so much homework. Sylvie agrees that she could change her weekend activities. Thomas thinks visiting the museum was a good experience for Sylvie. ‘Thomas offers to show Sylvie the Chemistry homework he has already done. fe ee Sylvie worries that her teacher might be angry if Thomas helps her. B. You will hear someone talking about a sports camp for teenagers. Fill in the missing gaps with the information provided. XUK SPORTS CAMP Choice of afternoon activity SERRE esate] Sign list outside the (1) Clothes | Wear a track suit, but also bring (2) extra pair of (3)___ along. | Food eee * Lunch is served in the (4) 12:15 and (6) * Snack bar sells drinks, chocolate and (6) “every half-hour between Certificate [etthas @y + Marks are given for: * attitude: (8) _____and team-work; = performance: strength, (9) and skill = |# Marks are on a scale of 1 to (10) _ 135 ‘READING COMPREHENSION 20 Minutes Read the text carefully. 136 10 15 20 25 30 = < tf i ERASMUS EXPERIENCES: How Erasmus changed my life Matija, from Croatia to Portugal Matija did his Erasmus exchange at the Instituto Politécnico in Castelo Branco, where he studied management in agriculture. “I always wanted to study in some country in Europe to gain new theoretical and practical knowledge, life experience and Jeam more about another country's culture, lear a new language, meet new people, inake new friends and acquaintances. Erasmus has made this dream come true. This experience has really changed me and it was one of the most exciting periods of my life and, hopefully, not my last Erasmus experience” Aron, from Poland to France ‘Aron went on Erasmus to Dijon. “Tt seems to me that it is simply impossible to summarise my Erasmus adventure There are too many experiences to describe and all of them are great. Why did I decide to go to France? I've always found going abroad appealing. To top it off Erasmus was an excellent opportunity to improve my linguistic competence. Besides, I wanted to discover new places and meet new people” Tiago, from Portugal to Belgium Tiago Lima, Universidade do Porto, went on Erasmus to the University of Gent in Belgium and studied engineering physics for five months. “To go on Brasmus was always a secret dream of mine and this year I decided it was time to make it come tue! Having never travelled beyond Portugal, Erasmus seemed like the perfect excuse to go and explore the world.” Alessio, from Italy to Spain ‘Alessio went to Cadiz on his Erasmus programme to study business and economics. “Thad a lot of doubts about going on Erasmus. I didn't want to waste time. Luckily I have a few friends that had already been on Erasmus and they talked me into making the best decision of my life! I met friends from all over the world. I learnt Spanish culture and traditions, I tried another study approach as well as living alone. Last but not least, I became more responsible than I had over the last 25 years! Yes, I can say that Erasmus made me a better student and person as ail those who have uted Erasmus will know." ‘Adapted from: www garagerasmus org/stories. hem! PY VD V Vy Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests. Identify the topic of this text. 1. Hosting a foreign student }O 2. Doing an extreme sport O 3. Taking a new language course CO 4. Participating in an exchange programme (_ B. Decide who says this: Matija, Aron, Tiago or Alessio. 1. The first time he travelled abroad was when he was an Erasmus student. (os ra 2. This experience has been rewarding and he would like to repeat it. Q aaseeae” 3. Through Erasmus he experienced a different way of learning in addition —__ to living on his own, which made him more mature. Aoi acca) 4. Being an Erasmus student helped him learn a foreign language. . Read the text again and choose the correct option for items 1 to 4. |. In line 4 “gain” means: (a) carry (0) realise (0) get fe . 2. Inline 6 “acquaintances” means: (a) colleagues (hb) associations —_(¢) neighbours 3. Inline 21 “excuse” means (a) regret () justification —_(e) plea 4 In line 25 “talked me into” means: (a) convinced —(b) demonstrated _(e) induced D. What do these words refer to in the text? "in line 7: __ “them” in line 12: Pin ine 20ueecesseeeeeeeees ct eeeeeeses ee “they” in line 25: E. Answer these questions about the text in your own words. 4. Which foreign language did Aron learn? How long did Tiago stay in Belgium for? . Why was Alessio indecisive about going on Erasmus? 137 =— © eC PP ©& 10 Minutes A. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, or Future (will). You __ (be} in the sun for hours. You probably ____________ [get] sunburnt soon. 2, My grandparents Wvisit) me next August. 3. Lastyear|________ (gol to France but |________{not/have] the time to visit the Eiffel Tower. 4. |___[never/be] to France myself! 5. |______ [climb a mountain, when |_______ (hear) a noise and [fall] down. 6. We regularly go] hiking in the Alps. 7. Carol______[skiJ when she_________ break! her leg. 8. Do you know when the next bus for Bristol Weavel? 9. John usually ________ {go} to school by bus. 10. Last night when | lerrive] home, my mother ______Icook} so she ______ {not /hear] me coming in 11. What________you___ {do} at 6 pm yesterday? Why you_____not answer] my phone call? 12, Inthe future cars_____ffiy]. B. Complete the sentences with either... or or neither... nor. 1. Charles ____sent an email __ did he phone. Do you know - what happened? 2 Wecan_________go shopping _______stay here. Which do you prefer? 3. 'm_______ hungry -____ thirsty. So I don’t want to go to the café! 4. Hernameis________ Sarah ________Lucy. I can’t quite remember what is it. 5. Sorry to disappoint you, but I've got__________the time _______ the equipment to go skiing today. C. Finish these sentences with an appropriate question tag. 1. You weren't at the concert yesterday, ______? 2. They are in the cinema now, = 2 3. This isn't your paperwork, 4. Susan doesn’t like rafting, ______? 5. You have already read this new book, __? 138 a ‘Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests sn A. Imagine there is an exchange student at your school. You are going to interview her £ for your school newspaper. Read her answers and write the corresponding questions. You: Hello, (gy) PHBE eee Marianne: It's a pleasure. My name is Marianne ‘Aagesen You: @ 2 Marianne: I'm from Norway. You: (3) ? Marianne: Well... 'm going to stay for ten months until July 2nd. ‘You: @ a — Tt Marianne: | decided to be a foreign exchange student because my sister's friend told me that she had had the time of her life and that inspired me to come here. She told me it's a once-in-arlifetime experience. You: 6) aga ail — Sao! Marianne: Speak? Yes, alittle, Portuguese is really hard, but | am trying to learn taking a Portuguese course. You: (6) a eel ae Marianne: The hardest thing about being here is the Language. | have to speak to people in English most of the time and it's exhausting ‘You: ™m— oe 2 Marianne: The people and the food. There are some really friendly people here and the food is awesome. Simply delicious! You: | _ SMBHABEEAEIS P.JEian ane ennes aE A aia Marianne: Yes, of course. Like | said, it's a great experience. | would recommend it to everybody: do it!! It's a whole new adventure. You: Thank you so much for this interview. | wish you all the best. B. Write a postcard to your best friend talking about this new exchange student at your school. Don't forget to mention: ae aeLM ae waa How long she is staying for What she did in Portugal What you think of her / * , C =~ ea Qa SR Ma MM MP aa ae. 139 mp - i 140 Unit @ Spice up your life Name: Class: Mark: Date: se Enc. Educacao: Teacher: ovis A. You will hear a conversation about homework between a girl called Sylvie and a boy called Thomas. Decide if each sentence is true (T] or false (F). ~ 1. Thomas finds it hard to understand why Sylvie has so much homework. GQ 2. Sylvie agrees that she could change her weekend activities. O 3. Thomas thinks visiting the museum was a good experience for Sylvie. O 4. Thomas offers to show Sylvie the Chemistry homework he has already done. O 5. Sylvie worries that her teacher might be angry if Thomas helps her. ) B. You will hear someone talking about a sports camp for teenagers. Choose the correct option. XUK SPORTS CAMP Choice of afternoon activi Sign list outside the (1) playground / changing rooms. Clothes Wear a track suit, but also bring (2) shorts / trousers, a T-shirt and an extra pair of (8) trainers / shoes. Food * Lunch is served in the (4) cafeteria / canteen every half-hour between 12:15 and (5) 13:65 / 14:15. * Snack bar sells drinks, chocolate and (6) biscuits / sandwiches. Certificate It has (7) five / six (evel. # Marks are given for: * attitude: (8) leadership / effort and team-work; + performance: strength, (9) techniques / speed and skill Vv Read the text carefully. ERASMUS EXPERIENCES: How Erasmus changed my life Matija, from Croatia to Portugal Matija did his Erasmus exchange at the Instituto Politécnico in Castelo Branco, where he studied management in agriculture. “I always wanted to study in some country in Europe to gain new theoretical and practical knowledge life experience and learn more 5 about another country’s culture, learn a new language, meet new people, make new friends and acquaintances. Erasmus has made this dream come true. This experience has really changed me and it was one of the most exciting periods of my life and, hopefiully, not my Jast Erasmus experience” Aron, from Poland to France 10 Aron went on Erasmus to Dijon. “Tt seems to me that itis simply impossible to summarise my Erasmus adventure There are too many experiences to describe and all of them are great. Why did I decide to go to France? I've always found going abroad appealing. To top it off Erasmus was an excelient opportunity to improve my linguistic competence. Besides, I wanted to discover new 18 places and meet new people” ‘Tiago, from Portugal to Belgium Tiago Lima, Universidade do Porto, went on Erasmus to the University of Gent in Belgium and studied engineering physics for five months “To do an Erasmus was always a secret dream of mine and this year I decided it was 20 time to make it come true! Having never travelled beyond Portugal, Erasmus seemed like the perfect excuse to go and explore the world.” Alessio, from Italy to Spain Alessio went to Cadiz on his Erasmus programme to study business and economics. “I had @ lot of doubts about going on Erasmus. I didn't want to waste time Luckily Ihave a 25 few friends that had already been on Erasmus and they talked me into making the best decision of my fel I met friends from all over the world. I learnt Spanish culture and taditions, I tried another study approach as well as living alone. Last but not least, I became more responsible than I had over the last 25 years! Yes, I can say that Erasmus made me a better student and person as all those who have tried Erasmus will know.” Adapted from: www.garagerasmus.org/stories html A. Identify the topic of this text. eos 1. Hosting a foreign student oO 2. Doing an extreme sport oO er . Taking a new language course G . Participating in an exchange programme 141 ee © © © © 142 B. Decide who says this: Matija, Aron, Tiago or Alessio. (ot 1. The first time he travelled abroad was when he was an Erasmus student. 2. This experience has been rewarding and he would lke to repeat it, © (__) 3. Through Erasmus he experienced a different way of learning in addition to living on his own, which made him more mature, 4. Being an Erasmus student helped him learn a foreign language. (C. Read the text again and choose the correct option for items 1 to 4. 1. Inline 4 “gain” means: {a)carry (b) realise (©) get 2. Inline 6 “acquaintances” means: (a) colleagues (b) associations _(e) neighbours 3. Inline 21 “excuse” means: (a) regret (b) justification —(e) plea iu 4, |n line 25 “talked me into” means: (a) convinced —_(b) demonstrated (e) induced D. What do these words refer to in the text? Choose the correct option. 1. “it” in line 7: * language » this experience 2. “them” inline 12: * foreigncountries —_* experiences 3, “it” in line 20: ° dream * Erasmus 4. “they” inline 25: — * friends » doubts E. Choose the best answer for the following questions about the text. 1. Which foreign language did Aron Learn? English / German / French 2. How long did Tiago stay in Belgium for? three months / five months / ten months Mis A. Choose the correct verb tense: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, or Future (will). 1. My grandparents are coming / came to visit me next August. 2. Last year | go/ went to France but | don't have / didn’t have the time to visit the Eiffel Tower. 3. | was climbing / have climbed a mountain, when | hear / heard a strange noise. 4. He regularly goes / went hiking in the Alps. 5. Do you know when the next bus for Bristol leaves / left? 6. What are you doing / were you doing at 6 pm yesterday? You didn't answer my phone call. 7. Be quiet! Look, the baby is sleeping / was sleeping. 8. | can’t go with you to the cinema. | don’t finish / haven't finished my homework yet. ‘Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests B. Complete the sentences with either or neither. 1. Charles ___sent an email nor did he phone. Do you know what happened? 2 We can __ go shopping or stay here. What do you prefer? 3, I'm_____ hungry nor thirsty. So | don’t want to go to the café! 4. Her name is______ Sarah or Lucy. | can’t quite remember what is it. 5. Sorry to disappoint you, but I've got the time nor the equipment to go skiing today. C. Finish these sentences with an appropriate question tag. Choose the appropriate option in the box below. 1. You weren't at the concert yesterday, —_ 2 haven't you 2. They are in the cinema now, 2 Srenithey 3. This isn’t your paperwork, = isit ; : does she 4. Susan doesn't like rafting, were you 8. You have already read this new book, Sa sn Imagine there is an exchange student at your school. Complete the following interview for your school newspaper. Use the expressions in the box below. Some are not necessary. being here * Do you speak Portuguese + What's your favourite subject e He here for « What's the hardest thing about being here a a cide to become an exchange student * Can you fel Us YOUT name, pl What do you like the most about How fong are you goin Where are you from * Why did you You: Hello. Thanks for this interview. (4) sect cess Marianne: It's a pleasure. My name is Marianne Aagesen ‘You: Marianne: I'm going to stay for ten months until July 2nd, ‘You: (By 2 Marianne: Because my sister's friend told me that she had the time of her life and that inspired me to come here. You: 4) = 2 Marianne: Yes, a little. It's really hard, but | am trying to learn it. I'm taking a course. ¢ You: Oe elt eae aa tale patie “Marianne: The people and the food. There are some really friendly people and the food is awesome. Delicious! S¥ou: Thank you so much for this interview. | wish you all the best. 143 ao 8 S| Unit @ Spice up your life eae Name: Ee eaters rae __ Class:___No.: Date: _ Mark: Enc. Educacao: _____ Teacher: A. Write the acti s in the box below under the corresponding picture. (Escreve as atividades da caixa debaixo da imagem correspondente.) fr « participate in an exchange programme become an active citizen hike write for a school newspaps af = una do an extreme sport visit a mus s go camping » play beach volley «go sightseeing * ona 144 “Pp VP Vv vay Swoosh - 9.” ano Evaluation tests B. Look at the pictures and complete the gaps with the Past Continuous as in the example. (Observa as imagens e completa as frases com o Past Continuous. Segue o exemplo.) John wasn't playing {not /piayl football. He was swimming (swim). not talk) on the phone. (write) in her diary. 2. Yesterday at 9 am | {not /sleep) 4 (have) breakfast. not /play) video games. (watch) a film on TV. 4. Tom _________ not /surff the Net. He _— listen) to music. :C. Complete the questions below with a word in the box and then answer them about yourself. (Completa as perguntas em baixo com as palavras da caixa e responde sobre ti.) 3. Where do you - rf 4, What is your favourite 5. How do you ____ today? — 145 ee 146 Unit Qsrice up your life Test A Listening ALE 2631 AEST B. 1, chonging 2eshorts 3. eines 4 cntean 1845 6 biseuts Teive Breton Se speed 10.100 Reading comprehension AL 4 Bot tage 2 Mata 3. alessio & Aron Crc2zaaode D1. tis expeienee 2. experiences 3. decom & nds Et. teon teat Frere. 2 Ho tye ive months. 3. He was indacee because he was atraida wating tine Grammar A. 1, hove deen wil get_2.are going vist / wi vist 3. wert dint hve 4, nove nverbaen B. was climbing nar el 6. go. as sking/ Droke B. lease 8 goes 10, arrived was cookirg/ cnt eat 1 were, eg fey not ansier 2 wy B, A.nciher (nor B thar or 3: nether ror ether for ineiter nor C.A.worayou 2 arent they 3. sit dose ho B. hover you writing A. Suggested nsver 1 Thankyou forthiinterew: Con you tllus your nome, plans? var are youtom? ‘3: Howleng ar you ging as here or? “A. ny cid you decide a tecoe a exchange stator? ‘5. Can you speak Portuguesa? 1. What the hardest thing about being here? "via: do youtke the most about being here? ‘8. tveyouenoying the experience of being an exchange student? B. openansver Test B Listening Aararsracsr B. A.changng rors 2 shorts Btsiners Ae canton 6.1345 Brbiscuits Teve Bellon 8 speed 40,100, Reading comprehension BL 4 Bet tingo 2 Matis 3, Asso Aron Crcrsanas D.1.cisexperence 2 experiences 3 dream Arends E. A. frencn 2. fue months Grammar A.A. are coming 2.wert/ ait thave 3. was climbing heard 4. goes 5. leaves 6.wereyou doing Z.is seeping 8. haven fnshed B. A.osithar Zother B.ncther &. other 8. peer Cte. wereyeu 2h arestthy Be ist Ad. does she Bia hoventyou Writing A. suggested ansner 4.Can you tellus your name, please? 2. How org are you ging to sty hare for? 'B. wn didyou decide to tecome a xchange tude? 4. Dayou speak Portuguese? ‘5. what de yu the the most about bing here? Listening scripts Exercise A (| el terrible ve gol ot of hamework dood nal want edo fer school stot. O, jst not fa Boy 0% cours youve gta lt todo ode. You ito aything yesterday. ou now? {Git No, edt. hod rating practice andar hat asus ote ‘edo anything ele. ‘Bey: Wel, maybe you cul do mere hamnewark athe weekend 50 you ‘wouidhave be er rating and al the ter tings you ering the wes (ite Buta the weekend often go out with my family For example, on Sunday we wet to th Scince Museum. vas avecamell weal want to mss outon things ke that just because got amaworct 4a ‘Bey: tually our qe chy meer gtt0 do ating tke a. Homeworks’ everyting. im sue you lar ust 2s much by og to places ke that (ites, but don suppose the eachars wb interecedin hat wil, thy now? Tea eget ads of Chemisty Homeworks do and oe ‘ipetital take me hours to ge treugh al Boy tl you wa. You can come rund to my house thisflencen and we werk oni tage ‘it ant non You're realy good at Chemistry You aways fish it ‘quickly and just ean keep up. Boys rot competion it? The important hing that we bth ‘inhi Working ogee wil beret more un db you thnk? Gite Bui dent it by mse, could et it ods of eu Boy Wel ugh tel he eacher ou und Rc and |vluteees| tw aipyourdestang it alm sure she wort min that {rt Arig, the! Thankyou. Perkeps feet better about Chemisty yurely me. Atte moment sti ont now where beg oe Boys Don worry Wel gether Exercise B Welure fo the XUK Sports Camp. Before you de yourselves ino rus, ket ie yu some efermation about te plans for hs tee Durng your tinehere you wil play at ast 1 erent sports ‘he mornings, the programme wilbe planned tut inthe afternoons you ‘lt atayste ableta choose nich activity you want ad. Yu nee ‘Signup ona liste mia toe saying which spot you'd tke todo - ‘heist sup on the wal outside the changing ars Now about ees yeu can wear your track or ast port, ahoughyou ‘should alo remember fo bring shorts anda T-shirt lang each ey val neath We do bth outdoor sprts nd ndoer ivi, s0 asia make sure you hae an etapa of trainers a wel. Lunch is serv inthe canta at al hour interials etween wae ‘tean an a quarter avo. Your group leader wil ell you wha ime to Start queuing ouside he canoes We alss hae a snack har whee you can drinks, chocolate and ‘seus, buraword af warning: ant at oa much ta time, Becase then eu won't be able to run fast. Atthe end ofthe course youl gta certcats placing you at neo fire levels Wie evaluatoyou ever ay ona nurber of atts Fst we alute your ait, this includes things tke te efor you ptint> tschactvity the way you workina fxm and soon, Ten, weave 84 ‘marks for your perermance, our strength and speed aswell asthe actual sl yeuhavein each sort. Al these marks rake up yur int ‘re utich so 100 yore whe gets YO marks o more wl be ‘arsed aleve cettcate. Now. ary qustons? Test CEI (A. 1 playbeachvaley 2 became an active cen 3. writer a school newspaper 4. vsita misaum B. ge camping 6 priate nan exchange programme 7. goons hice B.gnsieasing 9.00 an elem spat B. A.wassttatking/wasvriing B.wasnt seeping /washving ‘S.erent paying were watching . was suring / wasting 1G. A.name 2.trom 3. ved. spt fot 148 Unit Matriz do teste re irriculares Pra (iets re Oa en ‘Compreensio do Oral Listening [5 minutos] MCL 1 Compre discuss podvaees de AEscolneraopede forma cla correla MeL aCeepreender | MCUDI2.2Identear organizaces promotoras da Tobildade de ovens diferentes pos de texto ‘udio/audion'suat desce {que adequatos ao nivel de comhecimentos do luna ‘Compreensin da Esrita- Reading [30 minutos] Bldentficara roses caretae ou erradas MCR Ler textos Sdoptadoede vpelogis | MCID132 Aeealaegees duersfcads para denier organzacdes_ereageméz reeaha de ifermacSo_|pramotras da MCLG 14comproendor | robildade de jrens aa formasde organizagéo | MCID 13.3 eee ur doléicoe conbecer —Identificar 136 Slgurasestuturesdo | transormagiesne = luncensmenteda modo estar ede : linguecemaguma Yer ©.Escolhamiligla compiexiade Produgio e ntracio Escrita = Writing 25 minutos) (MCID 14 Compreendar formas de arganizacio do lénico e conhecer faigumas estrutras do furcieramerta da Lingua com alguma MEW10 ieragi com ‘alata faiidade, Sobre ascuntos de Carder geral ‘A.Resserover faces no allerando 0 senide das mesmas MCW'1Preduzi- ——Complenidade textos deO}ai00 palovas, comrelaive cp 10.2 B.Escrever uma leclidade, utizendo —Escreverau responder mensagem cute vocabuléiofrequente 4 catasdascrevendo ze 4 mas dversicada ——Sypersncie,reacies, Sentmenios .Escrever um posta testa deve sar cess estruturado ‘Sie acetveis apenas ers gramaticais que nda impecam a transmisse do mensagern Errs de ortograi so aceltaves, se armensagem or caesaeitligiel “0s alunos 580 penalizados es excraverem menos que¢ iimere minim de plawras, mas a se ‘rcederema mite sugerigo Interepio e Producie Oral Speaking (10 minutos) MCSI6Interagi, com algum s-xontade, sabre ‘8pices da atualdose MCSI6.1 Trocarnformagtes relevant e dar piises sobre problemas pratices quando {qestonade drtaments de forme cara NCSI7.2 Trecar iia, informacdeseopnides sobre pessoas, experiéncies eacontecimentes ‘SPOKEN INTERACTION. rete Critérios de classificacao i: sx 1050 Respsta area errada sx 10550 Rospestacareta cu erads 527295 = Erros de orografis no ste desconiados sue Respona errada pontos zs Layout | objeto 5 B dotexto 6 0 zi Adequacio 5 30 ‘aoteo i 5 15 [Gramitca 5 Coregao _Orografia 5 Uingustica 5 6 5 Limite epalavas | Respatopelotimee |S 5 + Nivel de tinguagem=20 + Corragéa = 20, + Proninia = 20 1 Interagao 20 2 Fluéncs 20 Teachers Fil, p. 184 187 Gretha de correo na Total= 100, © NieLdeinguagem= 10» Canatowsual-10 MeSPE Reeds tenscras.peomente, SEORENPRODUCTION: + Prin 5 is Prepxatos cmpronicasonoaia adnquodn | —PESOMYUTCOMY |. utr 5 conte = MCP 9 Produ, deforma simples linea, Wattodeand sting cly | « Corrie ~ 10 * Organzario- 10 ars ante Mragecinogh fetes CoeSeemcepoa-10 2 Bdse= 10 eee | Gretha de correcdona p. 266 a fe Swoosh -9," ano Evaluation tests oni Q) spice ue your te Name: Date: Enc. Educacao: Teacher: 15 Mines A. You will hear five short conversations. For each conversation, (circle) the appropriate picture (A-C). a 4. Whereis the article the girl wrote? A B c 3. What has the boy forgotten to bring along? 149 — oo US 4. How will the woman book the tickets for the exhibition? B. You will hear a conversation between a girl, Tina, and her brother, Jack, about a French family who is coming to visit them in England. Decide if each sentence is correct (C) or incorrect [I]. 1. This will be the Dubois family’s first trip to England, Jack suggests going sightseeing in London. The Dubois children are too young to go sightseeing. Tina has been to the British Museum. se eT Jack thinks that everyone enjoys visiting museums. (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] VY VP Vi Vy ‘Swoosh - 9.” ano Evaluation tests: READING COMPREHENSION 30 MINUTES A. Read the notices and choose the correct meaning for each one. “vie, ne 1. What is the message about? Hasan Poa (a) There are no tickets left. of the city hall at six. (b) Sylvie’s dad has the tickets. Don't be late. (€) They won't have to buy the tickets on the day. ‘David, your brother called, 2, What should David do? He cant meet you at school ‘because he has a problem. {a) Telephone his brother. poeareee {h) Write to his brother. call him back. (¢) Send his brother an email. 3. What is the message about? {a) Mark wants his snorkel back. ((b) Mark wants Paul to call. {e} Mark will go to Paul's house on Sunday. 4. What does the notice say? {a) You can dive there in the summer season. {(b) You are not allowed to dive there. (6) You need a permission to dive there. 8. What does the postcard say? (a) Sarah has to go back tomorrow. (b) Sarah is going to a summer camp on Friday. {e) Sarah hada difficult day. 151 ee © © © © 152 B. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. More and more young people are (1) the advantages of living in 2 country and are deciding to study abroad. They realise it’s the best way to learn (3) the customs and the way of life of other people. Student exchanges give teenagers the opportunity to live somewhere (4) for a school year. (5) they are living abroad, they will eat new food, experience new traditions and learn the way people (6) __ own age live day in and day out. Students stay with carefully chosen host families and attend a (7) school. Most students on the exchange programme have (8) _ __who directly supports them the whole time they are abroad. To qualify as an exchange student, you 9) be aged between 15 and 18 years and be good (10) ft speaking a foreign language. recognise recognising recognised recognition another _ Ee some loner with between Then “someone can at [for C. Read the text below. Everyone hears about how awesome studying abroad is and thinks, "Wow, maybe | should go abroad somewhere.” Hold up. Deciding whether or not you want to go abroad is the second question you need to ask yourself when you're planning your semester overseas. The first question is where you'd go. It may sound illogical, but studying abroad isn’t a chance to get away from school - it's a chance to spend a quarter of a year living somewhere where you've always wished you could live Two of my colleagues are currently abroad in Italy, one because this is where his ancestors came from, and the other because she loves food "10,000 times” as much as the rest of us. Even though I'm Italian myselt, I've never considered going anywhere besides London. And as odd as it may sound, this is because of Oasis. | spent high school obsessing over a band from a place I'd never been to. Throughout high school, | played guitar in a rock band. Like most kids who are into this sort of thing, | had posters of guys named Lennon, Hendrix and Cobain hanging in my bedroom, but unlike PY Vv VV Vy Swoosh -9.° ano Evaluation tests anyone I've ever met, my absolute favourite band was a group that hit the charts in the mid-90's and is only remembered today for one album in this country. | simply loved the band Oasis. For me, spending a semester abroad isn't an opportunity to go sightseeing around Europe. It is a chance to breathe the same air and soak in the same culture that helped shape those songs that | loved so much. It may sound odd to anyone else, but | wouldn't go abroad for anyone else. If you have some similar feelings towards some foreign city or country, no matter where, studying there may be your only chance of living your dream Written by Rossi {Adapted from: http://begavel.com] Circle) the correct option. 4. According to Rossi, when thinking about 5. Choose the best title for this text. studying abroad, the most important thing a Balng an exchange student. we need to bear in mind is. (b) Summer camps in London (a) if we really want to go. (e) The reasons for studying in {b) where we want to go to. another country. (0) why we want to go. (a) My experience studying abroad (a) with whom we want to go. 2. Rossi has two friends that... ¢ {a) would like to study in Italy. (b) have never been to Italy. (e) would like to go abroad with Rossi {(@) are studying in Italy at the moment. 3, Rossi would like to study inLondon | =! because... {a) he wants to see the country where Lennon lived. (b) he plays the guitar in a rock band and they have to go to London for a concert, {c) he loves a music band that is from London. (a) he wants to visit England. 4. For Rossi, studying abroad means. {a} going somewhere where he feels connected to. (8) sightseeing around Europe. {c) meeting new people. {(@) getting to know a foreign city or country. 153 me ©§ & © & sonar A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. Use between two to = four words. 1. Shall we go to the cinema this afternoon? How about this afternoon? 2. Ihave studied for two hours. I started ago. 3. | haven't been to a concert for a long time. Its alongtime toa concert. 4, She isn'ta good speaker of English. She doesn’t speak English very well, 5. You were an exchange student, weren't you? You studied as an exchange student, 2 B. You've just received this SMS from your friend Richard. Answer him back. In your answer, you should: « thank your friend for the weekend = say what you enjoyed the most about the weekend * invite him to stay with you (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 154 PY VP VV Vy Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests C. This is an excerpt of a postcard you received from an English friend. [im thinking of studying abroad..| have a lot of difficulty in learning forelgn languages and | know how important that is. 'm not sure if this Is a good Idea. What do you think? Where should | go? aoe et ia Write him a postcard answering his questions. Write your postcard in about 100 words. 2. a 156 SPEAKING — TEACHERS INSTRUCTIONS 10 MINUTES PART 1 Teacher asks: = What's your name/surname? + How do you spell that? = What do you like to do in the evening? = What's your favourite type of sport? Why? = Which country would you most like to visit? Why? PART 2 (you can use Speaking Card no. 33) In the next part you are going to talk to each other. I'm going to describe a situation to you: Your best friend wants to spend some time with you during the weekend. Where will you go? Talk to each other about the places you could visit and choose a place to go to (Show pictures on the next page.) Allright? Now, talk together. PART 3 (you can use Speaking Cards no. 34 and 35) Now | would like each of you to talk on your own about something. I'm going to give each of you a picture of some people enjoying their free time. [Student A], here's your picture. Please show it to (Student B), and now I'd like you to talk about it. (Student B], you just listen. I'll give you your picture in a moment. So, (Student A], please tell us what you can see in your picture. Here... (Student A describes the picture.) Ok, thank you. Now (Student B), here is your picture. You can also see people enjoying their free time in this picture. Please show it to (Student A], and tell us what you can see in the picture. PART 4 In your pictures you could see people riding their bikes. Now I'd like you to talk together about entertainment activities and say what you usually like to do; when you do them, where you do them [indoor or outdoor activities) and finally explain why you do them. [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) {Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 157 Unit Qd PET for Schools Listening ALAS ZALCEB BC 203.1405 Reading comprehension Aitc 2a 3adb 5c B.A. recognising 2another 3. about 4. else 5. While 6.their 7.new 8. someone 8. must 10. at C.12d3caabc Writing ‘A.1.going othe cinema 2 studying two hours 3. since Ive been 4. does she 6. didnt you B. suggestod answer Hi Richard, ‘Thank you so much for the weekend. I really enjoyed rafting with you. I was @areat experince. Would you like to come cover next weekend? Big hug, ©. Personatansier Listening scripts Exercise A DIALOGUE 1 Worn here's your artic forthe schoo! newspaper, Suse? ‘ou need ifr your schoo project I hope you havent leftiton the school bust its Don't worry, mum | pit in my schoo bag. Woman: Are you sure? can’ find itthere, You probably dropped. itinthe street somewhere Girls Oh, hore its It's nthe tchen tbl. forgot akeit wth me ths marring, Fase alarm! DIALOGUE? BoysH i's Daniel Got your message Yeah, dks to goto the ‘Science Museum. Thar’ an interesting nw exten on ‘there. Shave meet cutsde the maseum? Girt beter sits, athe cafe bar onthe carer We could havo a snack beore we goin. we could mest atthe bus sop, which is nearby too Bo Murs driving me into tun thc afternoon to buy me some rnewjeans.o, | want have to get the bus, but somathing to al st sounds good, hall ne mee at five then? Gir 0%, DIALOGUES. Girl Drink up yourice ea..we'lbe at for class. Oh... what are you looking ar 04? Don't tell me you've lft your repr: at home. You sad you werked on il michight Boys Don't wary it was the fist thing | putin my beg. Look here Iris. sust ge me minute, Just checking everything, onc. ew where dt Oh dear. you vil be able olen ‘me ane, went ov?.. motile phone. Ob heres, nny pocket a usual mm § © © S&S DIALOGUE 4 Man: Shall we goo the archaslogical exhibition inthe History ‘Museum? It's on fer to week, But we need ta Book if we ‘wan! to goon the fist sy because there's a concert on. Woman: Real? Lets go then, How do you book? Mani On the lteret or ov the phone. Or there's 3 ferm yeu can fini ths week’s magszine wih iscount for exch cet DIALOGUES. Girt: Youre ooking well How was your holiday inthe mountains? Teenage boy: Not se goed. | hurt my leg on the dy | rrved, ‘sorock climbing was ust impossible Wel everyone else went ff tthe meuntaine and | hao stay and ead # bole bythe hotel pol. Nat my idea a a goad holiday Gir Sorry tohear that ell at least you hat a good ret Is your leg batter now? Teenage hoy: Not realy stand watch television aot while Fm trying to ge better and be patiant Exercise B Birt: Jack, you know that French fay that mur and dad met in Paris lst year? Boy: Yeah, the Dubois fami Birt Tha’right.Aryoay, they are coming over next meth because one af the kis wants to study herein Lendon. They haven't been to England before, so mum wants ust help plana realy good week fr them. Can we gve her some suggestions? Wel, they must spend a dayn London vsing famous sites lige Buckingham Palace ane the Big en Paras they ‘ould goon one of those open top-deck buses and see everthing fom her. Girt That's a great idea Do you think the children would ike that? Boy: Hew ald are they? Girt: Anne is fourteen ad Pere is nineteen, Boys Oh that shoud be OK, then, What about a trip tothe Bish "Museum on anther day? Birt Oh ne! found that museum so bering, dont thik they would go for that tl. ell, think mast peopl id museums boring, but that's what people do when they vst another country ent? Bit Not necessary, They might want ry more outdoor actitieso perhaps goo same concerts or plays or evento the theatre Boys! know thar’ bigagen-irpoproc festival on, Do you think they would Uke thet? hat sounds better What about ‘aking Anne and Pierre bung jumping as well? think they might enjoy tat, don you? Boy: Whatever And what about footbal? Do you think we could il get tickets forthe football match in Chelee3? There are ‘some ferous payers there this year Cir sure we could. but wonder ithe family Likes football Boys dont know. Sel’ just make alist fal he things they ‘could do and then got mum to phone Mre Dubois tenight “he amily can tle ver and then phone usbackithey want ust book anthing. Dit: Britint! Lets gt started on thats then its 160 Peary ete ear Listening [15 minutes) MCL1 Compreender discurses producidos fe forma cere HeLtamgtender O12 diferentes tipos de ana ell trarloreses no medo te ata deestar ede vier audiovisual desceque | Se dequadas 20 nivel de fonnecimentas de ‘lune eae ar (30 ints] MCID 12.1 lentficar personagens do meio artistic terri, Centiieaepolico MCID 133 ldentficar transformacdes no medo desta ed vier MORS Ler exis adaptados de poogia ‘dverszada para recatha de iniormarao MoUs 14 Heauses: Hes t2 Compreender formas MEL 148, de orgonizacio de lexi econhecer | Fond ioms flgumas estruturas | MELB 1410 fo funcionamente da Body ios MeLs 14.10 | Writing 135 minutos Mow 10 Interagt com elatvo facidode, sobre assuntos de caracter eral MCID 102Escrever au rsponder a caras, deserevendo, MOW 11 Produzir textos, de 80 a 100 paleras, com relative feclidade,utlizando vcabulrio frequente mas dversicads MCID11.2Eserever comentéros imagens fornecidas Titian cia aaa 'MCSI6 Interagt com algum 2-vortae, sobre ‘pleas da atalidade MCSI6.1Trocarinformagesrlevanes e dar ‘opiidee sabre problemas prtices cuando ‘uestanaco drtamentee de ferma clara M$P8 [Relproduzir textos ors, previamonte praparadoe, com pronlncae entoacao acequadas MSP 9 Produzir 6 forma simposeinear, dlicursos de cunho pessoal Subordinados @tpicas ou Creer hidaaaaaa eet uric ‘AcEscolha milipla 10280 Resposta correta ou errada Preenchimente de | sxt0s: uma abela ee Resposta correta ou errads ‘A. ldentficarastrases | 5x6=20 corrstasouerraias _| (8x5 40] B.Procuar palawas no Resposta correta ou erada ee |5x2=10 | Repost carta ou rads © enicara que S220 se refere | DeRespendere 9 | Ervs de agai: -05 pntos Pertuniessobre | AxS=20 | Eros de orcgraiovecntras-ponto | BU fee E Respestaerrada: 0 AComolterastrases | 10x220 | Eros éertowrafa:- 05 potas | (523.15) | Respostaerain 0 AEsleaetial toes correla | Resposta correta ou arada | escampetar os esas |B y Layout | abjetiva 5 | to texto al onwiarioaetnce | w a [ceaererr ee A-tesndersuma | 50 denn | tio Ts] co ito kee” [Wesbae ——Ts | 18 | Gromética [Ts] | correo | Orso iG | Linguistica 5 | ‘8 Lite Descrever uma | ‘Cumprimenta do limite de Pes 2 sepowss ioreseacteccto | 5 | | Gretna de correo nap. 268 SPOKEN INTERACTION Getino pais. Imagine you area school land frend as sprained his/her ankle n the gm. Student Ask abou your rind haath Student 8: Answer Student A: Gue advice Student: Answer + Nivel de tnguagem -20 + Pronincia~ 20 + Fluincia-20 * Interagio - 20 Total= 100 |eathaecrefone 9285 * Conacavuat10 Mamata Nivel de inguagem ~ 10, * Proninca = 10 SURE PembuITONL | + Ftuancia~ 10 Cones = 10 2 Caos + Gein 1 “fenftastyovveresnvsroerar | CATHONTO | Orato [Student's book, page 73) | 2;Lnguagamcorporal 10 (+! sempoliniiss 1 | Grothade correciona 266 —_‘Total=100 “P VP VU vy Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests Unit @ Heal the world axa No.: Name: Class: Date: Mark: Enc. Educacao: ____ Teacher: Sime: A. Listen to the dialogues and order them accordingly in the grid below. One is not necessary. B. You will hear a news report about the World Health Organisation (WHO). Circle) the appropriate option for each sentence. 1. World Heart Day 2014 was celebrated in __. (a) August (September —_—_(«) October 2. Diseases like _______are the main causes of premature death in the 21st century. (a) heart disease and strokes (b) cancer (e) high blood pressure 3. The World Health Organisation aims to reduce 30% of salt intake by —_____. (a) 2020 2035 (@ 2025 : 4. In most countries high levels of salt is found in & orl Heath (a) processed foods (®) organic foods —_(e) industrial foods m . Consuming too much salt can lead to. fa) cancer () kidney failure —_(e) hypertension and blood pressure (Adapted from: wwnwho.int/en/ — 161 162 SS ee Read the text carefully. 10 16 20 25 30 UK AIR POLLUTION: WHY ARE WE ONLY NOW WAKING UP TO THIS PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS? John Vidal The Guardian, Tuesday 19 March 2013 Traffic fumes across the country are provoking increased cases of asthma and other respiratory diseases. So what is being done about it? ‘When Justin Bieber collapsed lest week at the O2 arena in London and was taken to a private clinic feeling “short of breath” and needing oxygen, rumours started flying that he had had an asthma attack. Most of last week, London's air was heavily polluted. Only a mile or so from the 02, Rosalind Dalton had also been feeling short of breath and needed her inhaler. She, too, is a singer, who has been in operatic societies since she was 15. Recently she was diagnosed with a long-term lung condition, even though neither she nor her family have ever smoked. “The air pollution has been bad over the last few weeks. On one occasion I set off to walk to Sainsbury's and tumed back because I was having symptoms,” she says. ‘Meanwhile, Malachi Chadwick found himself wheezing just months after he moved from York to London to work. He bikes around 40 miles a week in the city and his doctor has diagnosed asthma ~ almost certainly aggravated by air pollution. “The air quality of the two cities is noticeably different. When you bike you get [alr pollution] full in the face,” the doctor said. Dr Tan Mudway, a lecturer in respiratory toxicology with the environmental research group at King’s College London University, has spent several years walking the routes that children ‘take to school in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, measuring the pollutants in the air ‘they breathe and determining their impacts on the children’s respiratory health. He is shocked at the levels of pollutants these children are exposed to on a daily basis and fears for the ‘permanent damage being done to their lungs by the ultra-fine particles and gases emitted by diesel engines. ‘Air pollution, especially from diesel engines, is a “neglected, hidden killer" and children and old people are especially at risk, says Mudway. He lists some of the effects of polluted alr. In the short term, it leads to irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, headaches, nausea, bronchitis and pneumonia. Over a longer period it can result in heart attacks and lung diseases, cancer, even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, and kidneys. “We are aware of the health impact today but it’s difficult to take it seriously because you cannot see it. The solutions involve closing roads and reducing traffic, so it's very hard for most political parties to even imagine taking a stand,” said Jenny Jones, a London Green Party assembly member. After years of focus on climate change, government and environment groups are only now slowly waking up to this public health crisis. (Adapted from: wwwetheguardian.com) 20 Minutes oy) A. Say whether these statements are right (R] or wrong (W] according to the text. 1. Justin Bieber was on the news because he had a respiratory problem during a concert. ©). 2. Rosalind Dalton has problems with her lungs because she smokes. 3. Malachi’s respiratory problems got better since he moved to London and started to ride his bike. O 4. Dr lan Mudway is not surprised at the levels of pollutants that people are exposed to on a daily basis. O 5. Political parties say that it’s not easy to solve this public health crisis. a B. Which of the underlined words in the text correspond to the following meanings? a person who teaches at university or college: [nl — something that is given too little attention: fed the organ that humans use to breathe: fof == the result of harm or injury to a property or person: fn) - s BPN to breathe in a noisy way: {v] What do these words refer to in the text? “he” in line 4: __ phisgiglineriay sede Ee oe “their” in line 20: “their” in line 22: __ seep pe Q “it” in line 26: D. Answer these questions about the text. 1. When was this news article written? 2. Why did Justin Bieber have difficulty in breathing? 3. What did Dr lan Mudway do to measure the pollutants in the air and determine their impact on the children’s respiratory health? £ 4. According to Dr lan Mudway, what is the main cause of all these respiratory problems? 163 to Mates A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets to make first or second conditional sentences. Ibe) you, | would see a doctor. 1. You look pale. If | _ 2. I'm feeling better today, so if the weather ____________ {be} fine tomorrow, | will go ona picnic. 3. Ifyou __{not /wear] a coat, you will catch a cold. 4. If had enough money, | = Ffind) a way to create an environmentally friendly car. 5. Ifso many people________ {nat /use} cars, the air wouldn't be so polluted. 6 I think Peter_________ fee better ifhe _______{stop) smoking and i {do} more exercise. ul {cal John, if | had his number. 8 I can't speak English very well, but if! __________{speak] perfect English, it would be easier to find a good job. B. Choose the correct option. 1. If something is “just your cup of tea”, then it is (a) perfect (b) all wrong 2. Ifyou are “cool as a cucumber”, you are (a) in a state of panic (b) calm 3. A “hot potato” is a topic or issue which is {a) easy to solve (0) difficult to solve 4, A person that is a “bad egg” is someone who is always (@) in trouble (b) worrying about something 5. If something is “fishy”, it is _ (a) not quite right (b) perfect C. Complete the following idioms with the words in the box. Some are note necessary. fingers * @ hand « ears * back 4. So tell me the news. I'm all prove chest « mouth 2 leg 2. This is so heavy and | can’t carry everything myself. Can you give me _____, please? 3. Your important presentation is today, so break —_! 4. Could you keep ______ on my dog, while I'm away on holiday? 5. Thanks for listening to my problems. It feels good to get this off my —__. 164 GP? DD VD ONay Swoosh 9," ano Evaluation tests Came) st A. You've just received this note from your friend Diana. Answer her message. In your message, you should: = decline the invitation and say why (you are sick) = say what you have (choose a health problem) * suggest another date to go to the cinema Hh, Why dont we goto-the a : cintme, tonight? TReue's a gueot = comedy on at the Odeon. eee Ae et Dian B. Look at the picture and write a short description. 165 166 Unit es Heal the world ea» Name: Class: Date: ae i Mark: Enc. Educacao: ____ Teacher: B. You will hear a news report about the World Health Organisation (WHO). Circle) the appropriate option for each sentence. reAUEI VEST (NOTE FOR THE MEDIA: REDUCING THE OVERUSE OF SALT MAY SAVE LIVES 1. World Heart Day 2014 was celebrated in fa) September (b) August 2. Diseases like ____ are the main causes of premature death in the 21st century. (a) cancer (b) heart disease and strokes 3. The World Health Organisation aims to reduce 30% of salt intake by (a) 2035 @ 2025 4. In most countries high levels of salt is found in __ res World Heatth (a) processed foods (®) organic foods Organization . Consuming too much salt can lead to = (@) cancer () hypertension and blood pressure (Adapted from: waw.wha.int/en/ ae 4 Swoosh : 9." ano Evatuation tests 20 Minutes Read the text carefully. 10 18 2 30 UK AIR POLLUTION: WHY ARE WE ONLY NOW WAKING UP TO THIS PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS? John Vidal The Guardian, Tuesday 19 March 2013 ‘Traffic fumes across the country are provoking increased cases of asthma and other respiratory diseases. So what is being done about it? When Justin Bieber collapsed last week at the 02 arena in London and was taken 10 a private clinic feeling “short of breath” and needing oxygen, rumours started ‘lying that he had had an asthma attack. Most of last week, London's air was heavily polluted. Only a mile ot so from the 02, Rosalind Dalton had also been feeling short of breath and needed her inhaler. She, 100, is a singer, who has been in operatic societies since she was 16. Recently she was diagnosed with a long-term lung condition, even though neither she nor her family have ever smoked. “The air pollution has been bad over the last few weeks. On one occasion I set off to walk to Sainsbury's and tumed back because I was having symptoms," she says. ‘Meanwhile, Malachi Chadwick found himself wheezing just months aftar he moved from. York to London to work. He bikes around 40 miles a week in the city and his doctor has iagnosed asthma — almost certainly aggravated by air pollution. “The air quality of the two cities is noticeably different. When you bike you get [air pollution] full in the face,” the doctor said. Dr Jan Mudway, a lecturer in respiratory toxicology with the environmental research group at King’s College London University, has spent several years walking the routes that children take to school in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, measuring the pollutants in the air they breathe and determining their impacts on the children’s respiratory health. He is shocked at the levels of pollutants these children are expased to on a daily basis and fears for the permanent damage being done to their lungs by the ultra-fine particles and gases emitted by diesel engines. Air pollution, especially from diesel engines, is a “neglected. hidden killer’ and children and old people are especially at risk, says Mucway. He lists some of the effects of polluted air. In the short tarm, it leads to invitation to the eyes, nose and throat, headaches, nausea, bronchitis and pneumonia. Over a Jonger period it can result in heart attacks and lung diseases, cancer, even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, and kidneys. “We are aware of the health impact today but it’s difficult to take it seriously because you cannot see it. The solutions involve closing roads and reducing traffic, so it’s very hard for most political parties to even imagine taking a stand,” said Jenny Jones, a London Green Party assembly member. After years of focus on climate change, government and environment groups are only now slowly waking up to this public health crisis. (Adapted from: wwrw:theguardian.com) 167 ae ee A. Match the parts of the sentences according to the text. 1. This news article was written... .._ Justin Bieber was on the news because... . Justin Bieber had difficulty in breathing because... Dr lan Mudway is surprised at... 2. 3. 4 5. Malachi’s respiratory health got worse when... 6. Dr lan Mudway spent several years walking the routes that children take to schoo 7. According to Dr lan Mudway the main cause for all these respiratory problems... ( 8 Political parties say that it's not easy. {a) the levels of pollutants that people and especially children are exposed to every day. (b) to measure the pollutants in the air and determine their impact on the children’s respiratory health. |) air pollution, especially from diesel engines. (he had a respiratory problem during a concert. (9) the air in London was heavily polluted that week {c) on the 19th March 2013. (a) he moved to London and started to Pane aa EE (h) to solve this public health crisis. B. What do these words refer to in the text? 1. “he” in line 4: an effects of polluted air the children’s pollutants Justin Bieber Malachi’s “his” in line 13: “their” in line 22: “it” in line 26: 2 3. “their” in line 20: 4. 5. A. Circle) the correct option. 1. You look pale. If | am/ were you, | would see a doctor. 2. I'm feeling better today, so if the weather is / were fine tomorrow, | will go on a picnic. 3. If you don’t wear / didn’t wear a coat, you will get a cold. 4. If|had enough money, | will find / would find a way to create an environmentally friendly car. 5, . If we all drive / drove cars, the air will be even more polluted 168 Pp VP VV Vy ‘Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests B. Circle) the correct option. 1. If something is “just your cup of tea’, itis... fa) perfect (b) all terrible 2. Ifyou are “cool as a cucumber”, you are.. {a) ina panic (b) calm 3. A“hot potato” is an issue which is... a) easy to solve —_(b) difficult to solve 4. Aperson that is a “bad egg” is someone whois... (a) always in trouble (b) worried about something 8. If something is “fishy’, itis... (a) not quite right (b) perfect C. Complete the following idioms with the words in the box. Some are note necessary. fingers * a hand + ears * back 1. So tell me the news. I'm all an eye * chest «mouth © a leg 2. This is so heavy and | can't carry everything myself. Can you give me _______, please? 3. Your important presentation is today, so break 4. Could you keep _____ on my dog, while I'm away on holiday? 8. Thanks for listening to my problems. It feels good to get this off my sn A. You've just received this note from your friend Diana. Answer her message. In your message, you should: * say you can’t accept the invitation and say why (you are sick! = say what you have (headache and a high temperature) * suggest another date to go to the cinema (How about...?) 169 ao eS Unit 2] Heal the world Name: Date: Enc. Educagao: 0 Techies A. Write the words in the box below under the corresponding picture. [Escreve as palavras da caixa debaixo da imagem correspondente.) = cough » backache * sunburn * bruise headache * runny nose * cOug ee toothache « sore throat « fever « cut « spraine ass 170 PY VP VV Vy ‘Swoosh - 9." ano Evaluation tests, B. Read the sentences and identify the part of speech of the underlined word. Follow the example. (Lé as frases e identifica a categoria gramatical da palavra sublinhada. Segue o exemplo.) 1. Many children in Mozambig 2. ifyou don't eat enough, you can starve to death, 4. Agriculture is important to grow food for peaple to eat. 8. There is a lack of food in many third world countries. t enough I get hungry. C. Write the words in the box under the pictures below. [Escreve as palavras da caixa por baixo das imagens seguintes.] D. Describe the picture using the words/expressions in the box below. (Descreve a imagem utilizando as palavras/expressées da caixa em baixo.) This is a photo of a (1) girl who looks (2) She is lying (3) ____and she is feeling (4) Icanseea (5) ______ holding a thermometer in the foreground. Perhaps it belongs to (6) —___ She is taking the (7) because it's possible that the girl has (8) : “art 6 Ute UG 172 Unit @ Heal the world Test A Listening Ate2rsaacho Bap2aschabc Reading comprehension ALR2Wawaw se B1.lcurer 2enaglcted 3. ung A. damage S.vinesing C4. suse Sieber 2 Motachis 3. paitants the childrens Bpoltes D.1. on 19h March 2012.2, Londons sr was heavily ples tat wee 2c lie spel ser years naling the etes that crn ket choo ane ‘measuring the sr quay. Aplin, especialy rom ces engines. Grammar ALA. wore 2:is 3. dont wear Arua find 8. aie use 6, would cl) Stopped 7. woulcal Bespoke B.1.22.03.b4.95.s C. Lowe2anand3.a leo. ancye5. crest Writing A. soggstedansver ibis, Fimsorr but cant, Vege tere heséache anda high emeratre Now abet gpg nex week, en cay instead? ive al, Bahu B suppected answer ‘Thisea picture stag who weot tse he deter Inthe forgreund can See the i andthe car The doctor iting eee wha’ wreng with he GL Shes alding2stthascoe inher han. The gets mouths open so Tink shee a are thos. Inthe background cr ee the actor's ‘antigo, Test B Listening ALBZERAECEO Bala2bspaa5b Reading comprehension Bitc2135 45.06.00 BB. dis Baber 2 Maacis Sspeluions 4 he chires B.the eres fpattedar Grammar A. A.were 2is 3.dor'twear 4. would find 6. drive Bl.a2.b3.b425.2 CoAicreZaninddalig&.anyeB.chest Writing A. suggested answer Nidan, Fim sory bt ca. ve ot eri each an high temperate How att going est wee on Fray teas? Gvemeacatl Bohs. Listening scripts Exercise A DiALoouE “Teenage hoy: Oh. nats happaned? it ou yours back there? “Teenage gt: No. | hnk sprained my ane, Ithurts ely bad Teerage boy Let me ee! Don wor wel ake outa the asp iaLocuE? ‘oman deter Good raring, what semsto be the mater? Toanage girl: v got ria headache ard Ihseponsnezing. Worn nurse: Let’ seu hives temperature. hum youhave fret Fre ove presenpion or somerneiineadyuilaoonelvay beter Yu coh toge sme ves ss ello crnlts otter DiALocuE’ : Moran doctor So whathagpene ers? Womans Mes eles, down ad hk broke my ath, eran doc OK Leshve kane. tat trsb, but ean te thatyou nas tg oe teeth lanes by remaig he plage Pease ean tack an open vie DIALOGUES Teenage i: Oh. ot happees? Teenage i 2: ve got eile coldand runny ase. tet ion an reste poet Know wht ear? Teenage ir: oorthr! Di you nage et at len? Teenage 2 Nt ral Ios calnt stop caugtng Me hoe ight tro Teenage i: Ota must ae ben eu St down and rn and gees srehng ie and cna rik Ferop tat wil elp i yout obi beter, DALoGuES Doctor: Racal, yu dont lok cowel severing OK? Twenage gett realy nave a major stomachache Doctor: id you eat someting funny? Toanage grt at seme spaghetti with cam save franck Doctor: Maye the fond Was oan ou go fod paso “Teenage srt Tat cou be but |i fel 2 wel yostrdy. other Doctor: Hav you Been under ot of pressure ately? “Toanage grt: aientheen under ay mors sess han usa Doctor: Pertapsyou have caught that bg thats ein rou then Exercise B Word Heart Day 20: Note for he mas ‘On era Hear ay Ne 29 September, the Wars Heath Organisation [70 alg on cunt tke action an the overuse oly implementing WHO's sadum reduction recemrendstins fo cut won| the number ot eee Stern ram ear esease and strcas, and in then tose Ine, “The eang caves of pramatare dst inthe 2 canturyaeheart seared strokes NHO ls supporting goverment toimploment the or “plobal acon pont reduce nn eontgiausdceses"yhien comprises rine lob tergets, nding ae intiive trecuethe lta at intake by lative 30% by 2025, “ane target a educe sat by 2 arund the wordy 2025s ache, ills of peopl can ao geting tases ke hear eases, stokes and elated conditions, says Dr Oleg Chestno, WHO Ass stant Dractr-Ganeral or Non Communicable Diseases anc Meta Heath “The main oure of acm nour dts at Io many countries, 3°59} alt rte cores rm proceed foods such a rea, cheers, baled ‘snace, cred mets an read-made meals. Salt isin almost ‘renting we ea ear because processed on hs is of sal, or because we ae adcng salt when we prepare food ot har” adds Or Chestnn, Consuming tea och sat can comb to hyrtension er igh Heo recur, anc grt ineroaze the ica bear cease ae tok. ‘WHO recarmenis that ciéren aged betwen Zane years consume even less salt then his, ohep the healthy ané avoid any ature ciseases Test CEI A. A.bsckache 2 sore thast cough Ae cut. sunburn 6. toothache Theodache Bstomashache 8 fever 10, rn oes TH. bce $2, speainae ane B. 2s 3. nun & verb 5. noun 6. adjective ©. Ashan 2a sick 3. temperature A fon terrible B, over 8 bed Di. git 2erealy ack 3: inbed & terble 5. hand 6. her mesher Tgrietemperture Bofeer 174 MCL 1 Compreender sscursoeprocuzios de forma clara MCL2Compreender diferentes tpos do texto Suci/audionsual desde gue adequados 20 nel fe canhecimentos do ane MCR Ler lexus adaptades de ipologia ‘versficada pare recatha de inermaca0 MCLG 14 compreender formas de orgaizacso | Compreenaia do Oral - Listening 15 minuto curio McID 133 denier translormagdes no ‘moda do estar ¢ 66 viver~ sade | Compreensio da Escrita~ Reading 30 minutos) eID 132 éentfiar orgenizarbes promotoras da ‘abla de jvens Minercobear, | HED 23ieniar {sivemcamene este | fconomero to | elodeecarea oar vas : “rosin i Mew 10 Interagit com MCD 14 Compreender formas de argenizacgo do léxcoeconhecer Estrutura A.Excolber apcio ease 5410250 B.Preencher dados | 8x 10250 ‘A Escahero significado sproprada de cada _isalmensagem 5x20 B. Preencher um texto com palawras (identifier as roses caretas cu incorretes A.Reescreer frases Erros de ortograia:- 1 ponto | Resposia errada: 0 | | Respostacoreta ou errada Eros de orlograi so aceitivels | relatvfaclidade, | aigumasestruturesdo | ndpalierandoo | Sx5=25 é Sobreassurios 2 fundonament do senidasmesmas Resa Cardser geal lingu eer algua MCW Produsir | complesdade exes dea 100 a ae palaves,comrelatve cin 1a2Escreer ou BEScrveruma | ag ale iaclidade,tilzando responder a carts mensagem cura | 0 vocobulsinFequenieJesernendo ae : masdversiicado —— syperéns, eases, ce Adequacso | Contd cate mete, RB Ty ste [iat s na aes 15 Gramitea Correcio | Ortogratia Otero deve ser coos estruturado : x lingustica | Tempos verbs Se acetiei apenas eras grams que nBoimpecama tress compreensio da s z imensagem e 7 Eros de ortgrai sie aceitées, ea mensagem for coesa inti Unite cumprinento do ite | Onalsns So penliadns seesreerem meres que enimere mio de plas, mas nose | pas per 5 feacederem o limite sugerida Interagaoo Produgae Oral — Speaking [10 minutos] MCSI6 Interagi com algum 3-votade, sobre tépicos 6 atualdade MESt6.1 Trocarinformacdesrelovantese dar pins sobre problemas praticas quarco ‘uestionade dstaments ee forma cara MCSIT7.2 Trocar ideas, informacies e opinbos sobre pessoas, expenénciaseacontecimenies ‘SPOKEN INTERACTION Teacher Fle, pp 182,189 WeSP2 ebrisrtetoris, pvamene_ | SPOREK PRODUCTION meien meni sctorisatets | OaEAte NSP Sa Unlema snp ste | Pee Aiscursos de cunha passa areal «+ ve de tinguagem ~ 20 * Pronincia 20 * Busncia = 20 Gretha de corregaona p. 266 "ve de tinguagem ~ 10 * Pronincia=10 | 5 Funes = 10 Correo 10 | = Lingsager corporal - 10 | oretha de correczonap. 266 Gra de correiona 268 + Correggo~20 Intragao 20 Total = 100 * Contacto visual ~ 10 { Interagio~ 10 * Contedd — 19, ‘Organiza - 10, 1 Cratvidade— 10 otal = 10 YP VV VD vy Swoosh 9." ano Evaluation tests, on 2 Name: Class: Date: Mark: Enc, Educagao: _ __ Teacher: bimas A. You will hear five short conversations. For each conversation, put a tick [¥) in the box below the correct picture. 1. Who is Jane? —) ey) ad) 2. How did the doctor get to the hospital? i 5 175 5. Whois Beth? B. You will hear a radio programme in which young people from different parts of a country are interviewed. Complete the table below. YOUNG PEOPLE AROUND THE COUNTRY: Information sheet Name Age Favourite subject Usual transportation ee ee . On Saturdays Milk the cows and clean the cowshed On Young Farmer's Group Future job a ©) ceo RU es ae/ ek) oe? vy ‘Swoosh - 9.” ano Evaluation tests READING COMPREHENSION 30 MINUTES A. Read the notices and choose the correct meaning for each one. 4. Patrick's mum wants him to get some... (a) salad (b) fruit (6) antibiotics. 2. What does the note say? (a) The hospital insists that you always have OSs your identity card with you Cay ee (b) You must show your identity card at all times. Cn) ere (c) You can get an identity card at the hospital. 3. What is the message about? Sarah, ve already bougint my (a) There is no medicine left. medicine. Don't wait for me at the chemist if, (b) Sarah has the medicine. I'm late. Will then I meet you at the | (c) They don’t have to buy the medicine. dance studio. No BICYCLES aoainst | 4. What does the notice say? ‘THE GLASS PLEASE (2) Do not park your bicycle against the window. HOSPITAL (8) Do not ride your bicycle in this area {6} Broken glass may damage your bicycle. 5. Basketball practice has been cancelled due... {a) to poor facilities. (@) to an unexpected illness, {e) to legal logistics. cinashdt i 177 — Sf SC SS GS 178 B. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. “We help people worldwide (1) the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, AL» ieoeens sons ovnenes DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS disasters or exclusion from health care.” The organisation is known throughout the world (2) its French name or simply as MSF, but (3) ___ Canada and the United States the name Doctors Without Borders is commonly used. At the current time, 300 volunteers make up the organisation: doctors, nurses, and other staff, including the 13 founding doctors and journalists. (4) ____ doctors and nurses decided (6) volunteer their time to help solve world health issues. Médecins Sans Frontiéres was created (6) 1971 a small group of French doctors and journalists (8) believed that all people have the right to medical care regardless of race, religion, creed or political affiliation. The organisation (9) provides health care and medical training to populations in about 70 countries, and frequently insists on political responsibility in conflict zones. (10) be able to speak and act freely, MSF remains independent of any political, religious or economic powers. vin |ales aoe who when [action ‘active actively 10. | Although Inorderto However ‘Asa result C. Read the text below. PASS THE RED CUP FOR HUNGER RELIEF WITH CHRISTINA AGUILERA Yum! Brands announced the launch of its annual World Hunger Relief effort with the “Pass The Red Cup” challenge featuring superstar Christina Aguilera. According to the United Nations, there are nearly 850 million people around the world who suffer from chronic hunger. Yum! Brands’ World Hunger Relief effort is the world’s largest hunger relief effort in the private sector, spanning more than 125 countries, and over 40,000 KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell VY VP Vi Vy Swoosh -9.° ano Evaluation tests. restaurants and 1.5 million associates. The initiative began in 2007 in an effort to raise awareness, volunteerism and funds for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP] and other hunger relief agencies. Aguilera is challenging media outlets, other celebrities and her fans around the world to share #PassTheRedCup on their social media channels to raise awareness of the global hunger issue. She's also urging people to donate US$5 to help feed 20 school children on the campaign’s website, HungertoHope.com. Every dollar raised will go directly towards WFP's operations to fight hunger around the world. Aguilera was the public figure of the global World Hunger Relief and is the public face in the posters at the KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants. She has served as a volunteer spokesperson for World Hunger Relief since 2009 and has helped to raise millions for WEP and other hunger ralief agencies. She is also an “Ambassador Against Hunger” for WFP and has travelled on relief trips to Rwanda, Haiti and Guatemala. In 2012, the World Food Programme USA honoured Aguilera with the George McGovern Leadership Award for her hunger relief efforts. In addition, she was the first recipient of the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian of the Year Award in 2013 for her hunger relief work. “The beautiful faces of the children | met in Rwanda and in other countries are with me every day and fuel my passion to raise awareness of the global hunger issue,” said Aguilera. “That's why I'm urging everyone to join me and the #PassTheRedCup for Yur!. Together we can help millions of children move from hunger to hope.” Yum! is also addressing hunger across the US [a aa through its Harvest programme. Since its launch, ere erie Harvest has become the largest prepared-food donation programme in the world. Through Harvest, Yum! has donated more than 169 million pounds of food to those at risk of hunger in the US. “The World Hunger Relief campaign is a great example of how much can be accomplished when individuals rally around a good cause. [Adapted from: www looktothestars.org/charity/world-hung Decide if the statements are correct (C] or incorrect {I] according to the text. 4. Christina Aguilera participates in the “Pass The Red Cup” challenge. 2. There are more than 850 million people starving in the world 3. Yum! Brand's World Hunger Relief Effort is a governmental initiative to fight hunger in Africa, 4. This initiative began before 2007. 5. People can donate US$5 through a website. 6. Aguilera has been with World Hunger Relief since it started. 7. Aguilera has received several awards for her hunger relief efforts. = She joined this cause because she loves travelling to Rwanda and other countries Yum! only fights hunger in countries like Rwanda 40. The Harvest Programme fights hunger in the United States. 179 35 MINUTES A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. Use between two to four words. 1. Why don’t you take some medicine? If | were you, | Bprereeee some medicine. 2. Ifyou want to get better, you need to rest in bed You won't get better, oe in bed. 3. I don't have Monica's address, so | can't visit her while she's sick I would visit Monica her address. 4. It's a good idea to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Everybody plenty of fruit and vegetables. 5. You can't visit Mark at the hospital unless you have permission You can only visit Mark at the hospital permission. B. You've just received this SMS from your friend Peter. Hitnere, {can’t go to school today! sprained my ankle yesterday during football practice ©. Feeling miserable! Sorry! What should we do about the group work? Big hug, Peter Write him an answer. In your answer, you should: = express sympathy = advise him to go to the doctor and get some rest . to meet and do thi k a Pee [Adapted from: Cambridge Tests] 180 PY VP Vi Vy Swoosh - 9," ano Evaluation tests: C. This is part of a note you received from Rachel. As you know Peter has sprained his ankle, He has already been to the hospital and Is now at home. How about vistting him? Do you know what his address is? We could also lend him our school notes, so that he can study. What do you think? Write her a note answering her questions (about 100 words). 181 me Se SC S & JOMINUTES PART1 Teacher asks: = Tell me about your family: Have you got any brothers or sisters? = Tell me about your friends: Have yau got a best friend? - Why do you like him/her? - Tell me about a few things that you usually do together. = Ifyou could change one thing in the world, what would it be? Why? PART 2 (you can use Speaking Card no. 36) In the next part you are going to talk to each other. I'm going to describe a situation to you: A friend of yours is in hospital and you want to buy him a present. Talk together about what you could give him and agree on one present for him. (Show pictures on the next page.) Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. All right? Now, talk together. PART 3 (you can use Speaking Cards no. 37 and 38) Now, I would like each of you to talk on your own about something. I'm going to give each of you a picture of people that are sick. (Student A, here's your picture. Please show it to (Student B], and now I'd like you to talk about it. (Student B), you just listen. I'll give you your picture in a moment So, [Student Aj, please tell us what you can see in your picture. Here... (Student A describes the picture.) OK, thank you. Now (Student B], here is your picture. It also shows some people that are sick. Please show it to (Student A), and then tell us what you can see in the picture. PART 4 Your pictures showed sick people. Now, I'd like you to talk together about the illnesses you had when you were younger; if you were ever in hospital; how you felt and how your family and friends supported you throughout your recovery process. (Adapted from: Cambridge Tests) 182 “PD VY VU vay Swoosh - 9.” ano Evaluation tests (Adapted trom: Cambridge Tests) 183 184 Unit 2 PET for Schools Listening A106 2.03.8 4.0 5.8 B. 4.14 2Science 3 bicycle 4 Mondays 5. farmer Reading comprehension Aut.b 22 3.¢ 4.0 5b B. 1. whore 2.by 3.in 4. Those 5. to 6.in 7. by 8.who S.actvely 10. In order to C1021 31415. 61 7.0 818.1 10.0 Writing A. 1. would ike 2 unless you rest/ifyou don't rest il had 4. should / ought to eat 6 ifyou have B. suggested answer Hi T'm sorry to heer that. You should see a doctor immediately and then rest abit. Dont werry abaut aur group work. We can doit next week on Tuesday. Get well soon, Bighug, C. Personatanswer Listening scripts Exercise A DIALOGUE t Man doctor: So, Jane, how have you bean fling atl? ‘everthing Ok? ‘Teenage girl Not realy Man doctor: sit your ankle again? Teenage grt: No, | fel really sick. thnk 've got sore throat Man doctor: Let me check. Yes, ou ought to rest and take ‘some medicine. I il write you a prescription DIALOGUE 2 ‘Woman: Doctor Stevenson, Is everything allright? Mans Oh, mo sorry." running late, missed the bus. | was toying te decide whether to walk or go back and get my bike ‘when | saw a frind of mine, Luckily, he offered me ait because he works nearby DIALOGUE ‘Teenage girl 1: i, Jenifer! What's up? When are you planning to arrive at the party? ‘eonage girl 2H arrive it ater, around elven thirty ‘Teonage girl 1: Are you OK? ‘Teonage girl 2 Vos, don't worry had ta go tthe hospital, but row Fm alright Wil there be any food tet for me when So Teenage grt 1:1 ara the restaurant closes atten eclock but there's abar which does burgers and chips uti ‘midnight. And there's always the pizza place opposite, hich stays open late. rif you prefer, we ean make some sondwiches back at my place, Teenage grt 2 Fine, | won't want to ent burgers or pizza at that time at night. DIALOGUE ¢ ‘Woman: Have you heard? There hasbeen a huge accident near the horptal. Man; Are you sure? There's nothing inthe newspaper about that ‘Woman: ust saw it onthe eight o'clock news, Man; Tur onthe rato! You might hear something about there ‘Woman ll phone Patrick. He always knows what's going on, DIALOGUE 5 ‘Teenage gi 1: You look rather pale, Beth. I everything OK? ‘Teenage git 2: Not really feet rathr sick and| think that Fm boiling up...'ve gta terrible headache! Teenage girl 1: Oh dear, tha snot good, Why dort you go home, take something and go straight to bed? Exercise B Man: Hello and welcome to our seri about young people {wing in dforent parts of England, Today youl hear ‘George Clayton whe lives in Kinver telling you something about is ie Teenage boy: Hello, Im 14 years od and | goo Edgecti High ‘School. I'm realy interested in Science, but Ifind Maths and ‘xpatialy Chemisty abithard. 'm good at basketball ané Ie played forthe school team several times. We ie about Smiles from school, 50 | ride to school on my bicycle. My ‘unle has aftr near my house and I spend most of my {eve time helping cut there. He's got 30 cows and Ike to help him with ther. help to do the milking every Saturday and sometimes nave to clean the cvshe. I's hard work butts good to see everyting looking clean | painted it ‘hte last summer I'm good at aining. My uncle's got = tractor and he says can drive it when Fm 16, looking forward to that. On Mondays | goto the Young Farmer's Group, which have belonged to since | was ten. Going there Js mostiyall about having fun but we also lean things ike how to loakafter the animals properly. definitely want to ork inthe countryside when I leave schoo. would tke tolive in a town or sitin an office all day. My father thinks | should bea docior ike hes, but | want tobe Uke my uncle and have my own farm one day. My mother says Ihave to 0 to Agriculture College fst, s01'm going to workherdto pass all my exams, Man: Thank you George! 186 Matriz dos testes Pra reuse’ fetes “Listening (15 minutost MCL Compresnder Aiscursos produzidos deforma ciara MCL2Compreender | MCID 19.2 identticar diferentes tposde | organizacies prometoras texto sudo dda mobiidade de jvens audiovisual desde que | (oluntariacol dequaos 0 nivel de | Conhecimentos do | uno | | Reading + Grammar (2 minutos) | MCID 124 denticar | personagens do meio MCRSLectents | aristco,(teréro, adeptads de ipaagia | cena epltico dversiicadapora "| MCID 132 eet Feealhade informa | orgniactesprometoras a mebilidade de ovens tvotuaradl “wot t | cCompreendesfermas | se organza do | eceae comecee Verb init or verb + sing form MCLG 16.7 Paris of speech algumasesinturas | MCLG | oluncnomenteda ————— tnguecom algume | Relate pronouns complendade weLs 143 Wing [5 mints) Mew 1D nterasir, fom rlativa faclicade,eobre ascuntes de cardcter eral McID 10.2 Escraver ou responder a cartes, deserevend, MCW11 Produc textos de 802 100 palayras, com elatva faclidade,utizande ‘ecabulri requente mas dversiicado McID11.2Escrever comentris subordinados a tices ou imagens fornecios ee ‘A.Escothera imagem Esa axtoem Bescoba itp x1 70 ‘Adenia as ases $4420 _corrasoveraas_[035=41_| B Preiser gy Bearers | sa010 Cloeiearsaie sizeT@ patos sel ‘D. Responder a é erguiessobe 4x5 =20 __gtexto Acarpueasitecs [229 i Btuaeraanso | extb cone ms Seine |A.Eserever um anincio B.Escreverumacarta | $0 Cre 50 (10. 10-10) Teste A/B Creat Gerais | Respostacerreta ou errada | Eros de eregrafia:-0§ pontos Eros de ortegrafa + estrulura:~1ponto Resposta err ponies Reape cra overada Resposto correta ou errada Erroe de ortografia esruura:~1 panto | Resposta err: 0 Err de ortografi: -0. pontos Respostaerrade:0 Layout | Objetivo 5 dotento 15 | Oxganzacdoe coréncia 10 Adequagao | Conte ‘Speaking (10 minutos -Utlza apenos ume atidee de Speaking pora 2a alunolperiada LMCSI.6 Interagir com algum d.ventade, sobre ‘pices da atual dade MES 6.1 Trocarinformacdesrlevetes o dar ‘opines sobre problemas patcos guardo ‘questionade drtamentee de forma clara MeSP 8 [Relproduzr textos ors, proviomente ‘reparodos, com prontncia eentoar adeguadas Me'SP 9 Procusi ce orma simples e linear Aliscursos de conho pessoa SPOKEN INTERACTION Get into pairs. magne you sr your classmates want torase maneyo buy Same new books forthe schoo trary. Desi: how yu wills the money who wil Be responsible foreach fundraising actiy SPOKEN PRODUCTION (haose a text ead as ifyou wore anows reporter (Students book, page 103) ote | Vcabutris. " Bramatica | Correcso | Ortagratia _| tng | empesverbai |_15 [orden aes pars Limite | | Cumprimenodonimero tint | | de pats | s| ames | ce poses | {Grek de corrosion p. 268 | | + net de tngasem-20 1 nine 1eitee 20 * Gonedo= a ure 20 Total Gretha de correpao a p. 265 100 ‘Contacte visual 10 + Intra 10 * Contedda- 10, * Organizagée- 10 ‘vel de linguag * Pronincia~10 + Fluéncs~10| + Corregio~ 10 + Cngus Gretna de corregae nap. 266 Corporal 10 + Tempoimite~ 10 Tota: 100 —p VP WV Vy ‘Swoosh - 9.” ano Evaluation tests Unit S Make a difference ea Name: Date: e = " Enc.Educagdo: _-—sCTeatcheerr: ae A. You will hear three short conversations. For each conversation, put a tick [¥/] in the box below the correct picture. 1. What did the girl do last weekend? B. You will hear a radio interview about volunteerism. Choose the best option. ( TODAY'S SHOW: SHARING EXPERIENCES ) 1. Her name is a) Carol Pener (b) Katherine Pener (e) Katherine Peterson 2, Sheis______years old. (@) 84 ) 7% (34 3. Asavolunteer she _________ to breast cancer patients after surgery. {a) donates food () serves meals (@) gives advice . She volunteers for this cause because she is __ fasta fa) adoctor —_(b) a breast cancer survivor (e) responsible for the Reach to Recovery programme ;. She had her surgery in __. a) 1952 1969 (@) 1979 (Adapted from: www.networkforgaod.org] 187 ‘READING COMPREHENSION 20 Minutes Read the text carefully. 188 10 8 20 Pe 30 eee, DO CELEBS LIKE JOLIE INSPIRE VOLUNTOURISM? By Eva Vasquez, Special to CNN Voluntourism is volunteering on vacation and it’s something which is without any doubt increasing, “When I started back in 2000, Google didn't have a search term for ‘voluntourism’. They would ask you ‘did you mean volunteerism’,” said David Clemmons, the founder of VolunTourism.org. Now when you type in ‘voluntourism’, you get more than 300,000 hits. “For something that is still very much in its infancy, the fact that there is so much interest in it is a very telling thing,” he said It's hard to think about humanitarian travel without picturing Angelina Jolie and other high-profile volunteers. But how much do celebrities contribute to the growing appetite for volunteering away from home, and is it all positive? One thing is for sure, in our celebrity-obsessed culture many organisations see a benefit to having celebrities represent their causes. Jolie is a good will ambassador for UNHCR, also known as the United Nations Refugee Agency, and UNICEF has a number of celebrity ambassadors, including Liv Tyler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Clay Aiken, “UNICEF's celebrities have a broad range of talents and achievements, but they all share a commitment to improving the lives of children worldwide,” said Marissa Buckenoff, a spokeswoman for UNICEF. “And in each case a celebrity's association with UNICEF comes about because he or she has already demonstrated that commitment.” But the most valuable thing that a celebrity can probably offer is the public attention that they are able to draw to the cause. “When a celebrity goes to another country, the media accompanies them there,” said Erin Rank, the president and CEO of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles, California. This was the case of Habitat for Humanity when they convinced superstar Ricky Martin to travel to Thailand after the terrible tsunami in 2004, He went to the area and raised enough awareness to the issue to raise funds for 225 family homes for families in the region,” Rank said. While celebrities have a huge marketing appeal and can bring an incredible amount, of awareness to a cause, they're probably not the prime driver for most people to participate in humanitarian travel. “Natural disasters are probably the biggest push,” said David Clemmons, Nancy McGehee, an expert on voluntourism, agreed that celebrity involvement is not the most influential reason for volunteer travel. “Research has shown that people are more likely to participate in a volunteer tourism experience if they have the support of their families’ friends and co-workers,” she said. “My guess would be that the approval of those close to you is more important than what any celebrity does.” Still, the public's interest in celebrities is a powerful force, which is not to be wasted. (Adapted from: hitp.//editton cnn.com) VY VP VD Vy ‘Swoosh - 9.” ano Evaluation tests. A. Say whether these statements are right (R) or wrong (W] according to the text. 4. The term “voluntourism’ is still very new. 2, Organisations think that people are too obsessed with celebrities which is a disadvantage for their causes. oO 3. Celebrities representing UNICEF all share the same commitment to help improve children’s lives around the world. © 4, Ricky Martin made a big impact and due to his presence a lot of money F é CO was raised to rebuild family houses. O 8. According to Nancy McGehee, the main reason for people adhering to volunteer travel is celebrity involvement. oS B. Find words in the text that correspond to the following meanings. 1. anundeveloped state [paragraph 1): 2. responsibility, obligation [paragraph 3): 3. attention, consciousness [paragraph 3): pecieeeieee ce 4. attraction (paragraph 4): 5. support, blessing (paragraph 5): C. What do these words refer to in the text? 1 in line 2: a er 2. “it” in line 6: a 3 -“their™ inline T]s——____— “3 os! 4, “he” in line 23: ! VOLUNTER, 5, “they” inline 26, ~~ D. Answer these questions about the text. 1. In your own words explain what the expression “voluntourism is increasing” (lines 1-2) means. 2. Why do you think that: “It's hard to think about humanitarian travel without picturing Angelina Jolie”? _ 3. Why are celebrities so important for organisations like UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity? 4. According to David Clemmons, why do people actually like to participate in humanitarian travel? 189 10 Mnutes . Complete the sentences with a to-infinitive or -ing form. . I've decided _________ [become] a volunteer. . | love ____ [be] a volunteer at the hospital. . Please, avoid ___ [speak] so loud. We're in a library. (take) us to the food bank. . Everybody really enjoyed — [spend] time with the elderly. A. 1 2 3. 4. Our teacher offered 5. 6. Someday | want _______ (go) abroad and be a volunteer. 7. Imanaged _________ [persuade] him to come and now he is a volunteer. 8. Unfortunately, many people refuse __________(help} others when they can. A 9, Angelina doesn’t mind________ {help} people in need. 40, Ohno, |forgot_________ {phone} Carol to tell her about the charity sale! B. Choose the correct option. eg, The doctor told me to rest. x 1. It's not fair! So many people dying of hunger! | 2 I met my best friend at th 3. What kind of organisation is this? 4. Angelina Jolie is a very kind person. t 4 5. Please excuse her bad behaviour. | 6. You're always late. You have no valid excuse __anymore. C. Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. Put it in brackets when it can be omitted. 1. I didn’t understand the email you sent to me. 2. Volunteers usually take the bus goes to the city centre 3. Peter, ________works here as a volunteer, is my best friend 4, lusually hand out meals help cook in the local soup kitchen. 8. | donated some clothes to a charity ____Igreatly admire. 6. The boy Iwas talking to lives near your house. 7. Enkosini Eco, is a voluntourism organisation, offers volunteers a unique experience to work abroad at leading wildlife institutions. 190 DP VP VU Vy ‘Swoosh - 9.” ano Evaluation tests 35 Mnutes A. There will be a blood drive at your school and your Science teacher asked you to create an ad urging people to donate blood. Use your imagination to complete the following ad. . Read part of a letter you received from an English friend of yours. Answer in approximately 100 words. it cool? Have you heard about “voluntourism”? Isnt We could meet somewhere in Europe and then travel to a country where they need volunteers. How about we go during the summer holiday? What do you think? Where would you like to meet? Where should we volunteer? And what should we do? Have you got any good ideas? Can‘t wait to hear back from you... 191 aa GS OU Name: __ Date: Enc. Educacao: ents A. You will hear three short conversations. For each conversation, put a tick (V/) in the box below the correct picture. 1. What did the girl do last weekend? B. You will hear a radio interview about volunteerism. Choose the best option. | ai (_ TODAY'S SHOW: SHARING EXPERIENCES: 1. Hername is. (a) Carol Pener (hb) Katherine Peterson (e) Katherine Pener 2. She is — ____ years old. (@) 86 (b) 74 (934 3, Asavolunteer she ________to breast cancer patients after surgery. {a) donates food (b) gives advice (©) serves meals 4. She volunteers because she is ___ {a)adoctor —_(b) a breast cancer survivor (e) responsible for the Reach to Recovery programme (a) 1979 (by 1969 (0) 1952 (Adapted from: www.networkforgood.org] 5. She had her surgery in 192

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