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The University of West Indies

Cave Hill Campus

Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Economics

ECON1003 – Maths for Social Sciences I




1. Given

Find the following sets: i) ii)

iii) iv)

v) vi)

2. Given the following sets

State whether the statements are true or false

3. On a particular weekend, 120 customers made purchases at A and E garden store.
Of these 120 customers:

65 purchased tools.
70 purchased fertilizer.
68 purchased seeds.
25 purchased tools, seeds and fertilizer.
20 purchased fertilizer and tool only.
15 purchased fertilzers only.
38 purchased tools and seeds.

Represent this information on a Venn diagram and hence determine how many
customers purchased.

(i) Tools only?

(ii) Tools or seeds but not fertilzers?

(iii) Fertilizer and seeds?

(iv) Tools and seeds only.

(v) Neither, seeds, tools, nor fertilizer?

4. Let

(i) Show these sets on the number line.

(ii) State the following:

(a) (b) (c)

5. De Morgan’s Laws state that

(i) ¿

(ii) ¿

Let the universal set μ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 }

A¿ {1,2,4,5 } and B¿ {3,4,5,8 }

Verify (i)

SECTION B (Additional Practice)

1. a) Depict the sets

by using a Venn diagram.

a) Find:

i) iii)
ii) iv)

2. Let the universal set μ= { 1,2, … … .10 } A={ 1,2,5,7,8 } B= {2,5,6,8,10 }

C={ 3,4,5,7 } Verify (by direct computation):

i) A ∪ ( B ∩C )=(A ∪ B)∩( A ∪ C)

ii) A' ∩B ' =¿

3. Given:


i. ii.

iii. iv.

4. Let
Find the following sets by first showing the sets on the number line.

i. ii.

iii. iv.

v. vi.

5. Seventy students were surveyed by the sports representative of a university to

determine their preferences for the Sports Cricket (C), Basketball (B) and Football
(F). The responses were summarized as follows:

40 students prefer cricket.

30 students prefer basketball.
25 students prefer football.
12 students prefer basketball and cricket.
5 students prefer cricket and football only.
10 students prefer all three sports.
15 students prefer basketball only.

Draw a carefully labelled Venn diagram and use it to answer the following

(i) How many students prefer none of the sports?

(ii) How many students prefer football only?

(iii) How many students prefer only one sport?

(iv)How many students do not prefer football?

(v) How many students prefer basketball or football but not cricket?

E. Edwards

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