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Group Paper & Presentation Instructions

In groups of four or five (4-5) you will propose doing a group research paper and
presentation about a concept you learned in class that interests you. The group should
find relevant sources of information or materials to write the content of the paper and
presentation. The writing and speaking should be done by all members of the group.

Rules & Grading Criteria:

Written Paper Rules:

 Length: 15-20 pages including cover-page, content, illustrations and a list of
 Spacing: 1.5
 Font Type: Times New Roman
 Font Size: 12qqqqqqq
 Structure: Cover page, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and References
 References: A list of sources should be clearly stated in the written paper

Group Presentation Rules:

 Length: 15-20 minutes

Grading Criteria: Paper and presentation will be graded on the following:

60%: Content
 Usage & Understanding of Key Concepts & Terms
 Topic Originality/Creativity
 Connection/Relevance to Vietnam
 Usefulness

40%: Organizational Structure & Coherence

 English Competence
 Referencing
 Presentation Layout & Organization
 Group Role Division
 Time Management

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