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I. Go online and list down various sources that can help you understand the different
issues on pornography. Identify the topics being discussed by these sources.

 Youth, Pornography, and the Internet

B Y D I C K T H O R N B U R G H , H E R B E RT L I N

“The Internet is both a source of promise for our children and a source of
concern. The promise is that the Internet offers such an enormous range of
positive and educational experiences and materials for our children. Yet
children online may be vulnerable to harm through exposure to sexually
explicit materials, adult predators, and peddlers of hate. If the full educational
potential of the Internet is to be realized for children, these concerns must be

- The topic being discussed in the writings of Dick and Lin is all about the
vulnerability of the youths towards pornography which can easily be viewed
through different online platforms. It is a very big concern because as they said,
pornography may harm the values they are trying to preserved especially for the
children. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) viewed pornography
as harmful for minors.

 The Ethics of Pornography and its Impact on the Individual

Nicole Alicia – Marie Hult, Jonathan Rosenørn Schmedes, Gitte Højgaard

Johansen, Julie Emilie Stokholm Kragh, Kathrine Munch

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“In order to examine and discuss pornography, it is important to include
various points of view, and political stances that individuals pertain for the
concept. For example, there are two major political stances, which are liberal and
conservative parties that have vocalized concerns, opinions and reassurances.
There are also religious and political revolutionary groups that have expressed
various opinions towards pornography. These groups can include Catholics,
Christians (to name a few), feminists and groups that include victims of abuse.
However, since there are so many aspects of opinions, this project will only
highlight the opinions of conservatives, liberals, anti-pornographic feminists and
pro-pornographic viewpoints”

- In this paper they discussed about various view from different perspective about
the pornography. In dealing or coming into conclusion about the topic there are
two perspective they talk about. The Liberal perspective and the Conservative
perspective. The liberal perspective, libertarian groups argue that the only way
pornography should be restricted is when the act itself is reproduced in a way that
may harm others. This includes, physical abuse, mental, etc. Thus, in liberal
perspective, they view pornography as moral as long as it doesn’t harm others.
While the conservative perspective, believe that pornography is harmful to an
individual in all aspects of morals and values. They believed pornography should
be abolished for it is a violation of morality.

 Pornography and Censorship

Stanford University

“The word “pornography” comes from the Greek for writing about prostitutes.
However, the etymology of the term is not much of a guide to its current usage,
since many of the things commonly called “pornography” nowadays are neither
literally written nor literally about prostitutes.”

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- In the paper published by Stanford University, the word pornography had various
definitions. The first definition is Pornography is any material (either pictures or
words) that is sexually explicit. “Sexually explicit” functions as a kind of
indexical term, picking out different features depending on what has certain
effects or breaks certain taboos in different contexts and cultures. This sexually
explicit can be viewed by different printed materials, videos or even textbooks
especially the medical textbooks. Talking about this definition has a great content.
In this case, the medical books can be also viewed as immoral thing because of its
content. While talking about the second definition given “Pornography is sexually
explicit material (verbal or pictorial) that is primarily designed to produce sexual
arousal in viewers. “ this definition is more appropriate because there is a
limitation as to the “sexually explicit” thing. It deals with the anatomy textbooks
to be exempt from the sexually explicit materials which produce sexual arousal.

II. Discuss the possible implications (positive or negative) of the patronage of

pornography to the development of one’s character.

 Pornography is a visual representation of sexuality which distorts an individual's

concept of the nature of conjugal relations. It is a threat to many children and
youths. It violates the nature of sex because of its hideous and complex nature.
The patronage of pornography can affect the development of character especially
to the minors or youths. It may be negative or positive effects. Truly, pornography
can make us open-minded about sex but it can also posses another window of
curiosity to us. This curiosity can lead to something we are not ready yet because
of some factors. If a child was exposed to pornography at a young age it can lead
to disaster such as addiction. Many adolescents who view pornography initially
feel shame, diminished self-confidence, and sexual uncertainty, but these feelings
quickly shift to unadulterated enjoyment with regular viewing to addiction. The
development of character is greatly affected. Because as they grow, their curiosity
to experience it first hand, becomes so powerful and it will lead to Pre-marital Sex

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which is immoral when talking about the conservative perspective. While in
liberal perspective, it is moral as long as it does not harm other people. But the
problem is, if that “someone” is really eager to try it he may force someone to do
it with him, then it can be considered as rape. Men who view pornography
regularly have a higher tolerance for abnormal sexuality, including rape, sexual
aggression, and sexual promiscuity. Another implication of pornography is
prolonged consumption of pornography by men produces stronger notions of
women as commodities or as "sex objects." It is very unethical to name women
as sex object only not just because it devalued our capabilities but is also crush us
a human. Imagine being born just to give pleasure to man that’s absurd. This kind
of mindset making women as sex object should be abolished and should be exist.
Pornography also engenders greater sexual permissiveness, which in turn leads to
a greater risk of out-of-wedlock births and STDs. These, in turn, lead to still more
weaknesses and debilities. There are many more implications of pornography to
the development of character. These implications, if negative, needs to be viewed
as threats to the innocent mind of the children. As Camille Paglia said ”far from
poisoning the mind, pornography shows the deepest truth about sexuality, stripped
of romantic veneer”

III. Discuss a different topic within the scope of sexual ethics and explain how this might
affect the development of one’s virtuous character.

Women may get pregnant for a variety of reasons, but the most common reason for
having an abortion is that the women are not prepared for the responsibilities of a
child. Again, most are not prepared because they are not married to and not intending
to marry the man who impregnated them. It must also be noted that although these
women were not prepared to have a child, many reluctantly have abortions. Many
state that they felt pressured into having the abortion either because they feared or
knew that their parents would reject them, that their boyfriends or husbands would
leave them, or because their friends and co-workers thought abortion was the

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responsible choice for them. In this current era we are living, abortion is a very
rampant issue. To other people, they viewed abortion as the primary solution to their
problem regardless of their conscience. Truth be told, abortion is immoral and cannot
be tolerated because it is considered as violating the law of nature and killing one’s
innocent life is unforgivable. It is not our decision to take someone’s life. Abortion
greatly affects the development of one’s virtuous character. Virtue can be defined as
behavior showing high moral standards. By virtue, we mean not only knowing how to
determine the mean of emotions and actions, but also acting it through practical
wisdom. So, if one, already commits abortion how can she have a virtuous character?
Thus, abortion can be a big thorn in one’s path aiming for a virtuous character. Those
who had abortion has different reasons, if we based our judgment to their one
mistake, are we too cruel? Is committing one grave sin can make you an immoral
person for the rest of your life even if you are a good person? Or are you still a good
person after committing such sin? There are many questions floating around because
of this. As I said abortion can affect greatly to the development of virtuous character.
But it does not mean you cannot have a virtuous character for the rest of your life.
One mistake is enough you must make the right decision and aim at the right end.
Judgment form other people’s mouth may come along the way of aiming the right end
but never mind those people for they are not living your life. You are living it be
courageous as Aristotle said “Courage is the first virtue that makes all other virtues

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