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A,B,C, and D solidary debtors, are obliged to

give V,W,X,Y, and Z, joint creditors, V may collect from C P20,000.00
P20,000.00. Which of the following is correct?
This refers to delay on the part of the creditor Mora Accipiendi
If a thing is capable of particular designation, it
A,B, and C are solidary debtors of W and Y ,
joint creditors of Php 12,000 where the share
of the debtors in the obligation is 2:3:5 while Y can collect from either b or C P8,000
the share of the creditors is 1:2. If A is
insolvent, which of the following is correct
What obligations imposed by law itself, which
must be expressly or impliedly set forth and Obligation ex lege
cannot be presumed?
A,B, and C are jointly indebted to X in the
amount of P12,000. C was a minor at the time P4,000 form A and P4,000 from B
of the obligation was constituted X may collect
Armin voluntarily manages the property affairs
of Erwin without the knowledge or consent of
Negotiorum gestio
the latter. What juridical relation exists
between Armin and Erwin?
Before a person can be held liable for quasi-
There must be damage caused to the
delict, the following requisites must be present,
Which of the following is not a source for
liability for damages


To be valid, one of the following contracts

Donation of real property
must be in a public instrument
To be valid all of the following contracts must Donation of personal property the value of
be in writing EXCEPT which is lower than 5,000
The following statements pertain to the cause
It is illegality does not affect the validity of the
of a contract. Which statement refers to
That which is entered into the name of another
person by one who has been given no Unenforceable
A contract where the parties give equal or
almost equal values is known as
Absolutely simulated sale of ship by Nami Void
1. Oral Lease of land for more than 6 Unenforceable
Those undertaken in fraud of creditors when
the latter cannot in any other manner collect Recissible
claims due them
Levi delivered his bracelet to Hange for
Hange’s necklace. No written agreement was
signed by the parties. Which of the following
are appropriate descriptions of the contract
between Levi and Hange
Contract between Luffy ,capacitated and Ace,
incapacitated to give consent
Oral partnership agreement between Hinata
and Kagiyama where immovable property is
Contracts are valid and binding, whether
What is the general rule regarding the form of
written or oral, provided that all the essential
requisites are present
Contract the object of which did not exist at the
time of the transaction
A delivered his bracelet to B for B’s necklace.
No written agreement was signed by the
Onerous and Bilateral
parties. Which of the following is appropriate
description of the contract between A and B?

Partnership and Sales

In the partnership of A,B,C. A was appointed

He may execute all acts of administration
in the Articles of Co-Partnership as managing
despite the opposition of B and C
partner. As such manager in good faith
Daichi and Asahi entered into a contract of
partnership of profits. Subsequently, Daichi Yes, bcs the salary is acquired through
became a professor in a university. Will Daichi’s industry or work
Daichi;s salary belong to the partnership
It does not affect a contract of sale, except as
What is the effect of gross inadequacy of price
it may indicate a defect in the consent which
in a contract of sale
makes the contract voidable
I. If the quantity, number,weight or measure of
the mass is more that the quantity sold, the
parties shall become co-owners of the mass
II. If the quantity, number, weight or
measure of the mass is less than the
Both statements are true
quantity sold, the buyer becomes the owner
of the whole mass, with the seller being
bound to make good deficiency from goods
of the same kind and quality unless a
contrary intent appears
A is the capitalist partner and B the industrial
If there are profits, A will give the profits to the
partner. A is engaged personally in the same
kind of business the partnership is engaged in
I. All the partners in a general partnership are
considered managing partners if there is no
stipulation as to who shall act as managing
partner True, True
II. A partner is liable to the partnership for
whatever property he agrees to contribute
without necessity of demand
Upon the meeting of the minds on the price
When is the contract of sale perfected
and the object
A kind of partnership where all present
Universal Partnership
properties are contributed
R,S,T are partners. T is the industrial partner
who in addition to his services, he also
contributed capital to the partnership. There is
Pro-rate to his contributed captial
no stipulation as to the sharing of profits and
loses. The partnership realized profits of
21,000. The share of T in the profits
S sold a lottery ticket to B on January 18,2021.
The draw was already made on January No, Because the sale of vain hope or
17,2021 and the ticked did not win. Is the expectancy is void
contract between S and B valid?
A general partner in a limited partnership
Which of the following statements is not manages the business of the partnership but
correct? cannot perform acts of ownership without the
consent of the limited partners
A contract whereby one of the parties
obligates himself to transfer the ownership of
and to deliver a determinate thing and the Sale
other to pay therefore a price certain in money
or its equivalent is a contract of
A partnership composed of capitalist and
General Partnership
industrial partners
All the properties which belonged to each of
Atsumu and Osamu entered into a universal
the partners at the time of the constitution of
partnership of all present property. The
the partnership as well as the profits which
common property of the partnership shall be
they may acquire THEREWITH
Three of the following are option money.
Given when contract of sale is perfected
Which is the earnest money?
The following are only considered as
accidental; elements in the contract of sale Price certain in money or its equivalent (?)
W,X,Y, and Z formed a partnership…….The W,X,Y, and Z to pay P10,000 each and W and
creditors if the partnership can compel Z can demand reimbursement from X and Y
When the quantity delivered is more than that
Reject the whole of the goods if they are
which the partner agreed upon, the following
are the rights of the vendee Except

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