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Dear Ninth Grade Self,

Well to start off. We did it. We are graduating. Some tips, focus on yourself and focus on
getting good grades, take all the opportunities. Do not be afraid of being that weird kid in all the
clubs, all the challenging classes, who cares. Worry about yourself, if your friends want to make
fun of you for doing the most get rid of them. Find friends who will support you in good and bad
times. Pushing yourself to the fullest and taking those challenging courses will be worth it in the
end, it will allow you to become knowledgeable and intelligent.
Push yourself. If you think you can’t succeed in a class, you're wrong. Writing as your
future self, do not be afraid of taking extra classes in order to do big things. A tip I recommend to
you is to always listen to your mom; She will be your best friend and then your enemy in a split
second, but the good thing about that, and what makes a difference between all your friends is
she will always be there for you and always support you. That's why whenever she says to take
this class or join this club, do it. She is looking out for us and our future. Always be grateful for
your mom, you will be leaving her for college, so enjoy every minute you get to spend with her
while you’re still living under the same roof 24/7.
Writing this letter to you is a message that lets you know that we made it, and are
graduating and attending the California State University of Fullerton. Whatever struggles you are
going through right now, just know that you will get through this and all the obstacles and works
that this universe has thrown at you, you will get through it and it will all be worth it. Just
remember to push yourself to the fullest and to be yourself, because it is the best way to live life.

Ashley Chau

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