Spelling Bee

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Spelling Bee (Kinder)

Easy Round

1. Mug – noun
- A large drinking cup with a handle

He drank a mug of coffee.

2. Band – noun
- A group of musicians organized for ensemble playing

The band played a heartfelt song.

3. Web – noun
- A net made from silk threads woven together by a spider

The spider was spinning its web.

4. Drop – verb
- To let something fall

Be careful not to drop the chair on your foot.

5. Mop – noun
- A tool for cleaning floors

Bob used the mop to remove the dirt on the floor.

Moderate Round

1. Blink – verb
- To close and then open your eyes very quickly

She blinked when the light flashed.

2. Dress – noun
- A particular type of clothing especially for girls

Her wedding dress was decorated with lace.

3. Flower – noun
- The part of a plant that is often brightly colored

We planted flowers in the garden.

4. Sleep – verb
- To rest your mind and body by closing your eyes

I usually try to sleep for at least eight hours every night.

5. Flat – adjective
- Not having curves or bumps
- Smooth surface

Coins are usually round and flat.

Difficult Round

1. Church – noun
- A building that is used for Christian religious services

This is the oldest church in town.

2. Shelter – noun
- A place to live
- A place that provides food and protection

We made a shelter from branches.

3. Flash – verb
- To shine or give off bright light suddenly

Cameras flashed as the celebrities passed.

4. Whisk – verb
- To stir or beat (eggs, sauces etc.) with a whisk or fork

Whisk the eggs with cream until the mixture thickens.

5. Beach – noun
- An area covered with sand or small rocks that is next to lake or an ocean

We spent the day at the beach.

Tie Breaker Round

1. Scream
2. Shower
3. Shovel
4. Whip
5. Wheat

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