Advanced Web Tech

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(Credit: 2+2=4) (L: 2, P: 4, T: 0)

Theory: 20 Lectures, Practical: 20 Lectures

UNIT 1: Web Development Techniques (12 Lectures)

Server Side Scripting with PHP: Variable declaration, conditionals and loops, error handling with
try-catch, vardump, etc. , Integrating PHP in HTML and vice-versa, understanding popular libraries
like Date-Time, Math, String etc., Working with PHP superglobals, PHP-HTML form handling,
Session & Cookies, File Handling in PHP, Connection of PHP to MySQL DB, PHP CRUD
operation with MySQL DB, Server Side Scripting with JSP: Brief overview of Java, JSP
Fundamentals – Environment Setup, Syntax, Architecture, Lifecycle, Debugging etc., JSP Form
Processing and File Handling, Working with JDBC, Java Beans, Intermediate Web Development
Techniques: Understanding AJAX, Working with XML Documents using PHP & JSP,
Understanding JSON, JSON parsing and serialization using PHP, JSP and JavaScript

UNIT 2: Current Trends in Web Technology (8

Understanding Popular Architecture Paradigms – MVC, MVP and MVVM, their components and
their utilization, Introduction to popular PHP based web Content Management Systems, Wordpress
and Drupal(7+), Introduction to MVC paradigm using any open-source PHP framework like
Symfony, Laravel etc, Introduction to Server Side JavaScript with NodeJS

Practical / Lab work to be performed

(Tasks should be carried out in both PHP and JSP)

1. Create an HTML form to take an integer value as input. Whenever use submits the form
with the integer number, the next page should display the multiplication table of that particular
number in an HTML table. Please perform the necessary JavaScript validation at the form for
integer value and null values.
2. Write a script to read a text file from the ‘uploads’ directory inside the server root and show
its content inside a ‘div’ in an HTML page. Please make sure that the script reads only ‘.txt’ files.
Additionally, the name of the file should be suffixed with ‘processed’ once the script completes
reading it. For e.g. if the name of the text file is ‘abc.txt’, then after reading and displaying the file,
the script should rename this file as ‘abc-processed.txt’.
3. Write a script to read all images (.gif, .jpeg, .png extensions only) inside a folder in the
server root and display them as a slideshow (using JavaScript) in an HTML page.
4. Write a small project showing user registration and login functionality. The system should
make use of sessions for data storage. The password field should be encrypted. Use MySQL for
data storage.
5. Write a script to fetch JSON data from any Weather Forecast Website with JSON API (like
OpenWeatherMap) and show today’s weather data for your city/town/village with current date.
6. Write an HTML form where a user can submit their image with a short description of the
image and his/her name. On submitting the form, the next page should display the image followed
the description in a paragraph ending with a hyphen (-) and the user’s name. The backend script
should accept only JPEG pictures under 500KB. Perform appropriate JavaScript validation.
7. Write a simple AJAX script which takes input from and HTML form and makes a POST
request to a backend script. The backend script should return back the data which will be displayed
below the HTML form inside a ‘div’.


1. David Flanagan, JavaScript: The Denitive Guide, O'Reilly, 2nd Edition, 2011.
2. Jason Lengstorf, PHP for Absolute Beginners, APress, 2009.
3. Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.

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