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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Computer-assisted Pronunciation Teaching (CAPT)

to overcome Pronunciation Difficulties
among EFL Beginners
Dr. Khadija Anasse Brahim Mrissa
A professor of Higher Education at the A doctoral student at the Department of English Studies,
Faculty of Languages, Letters and Arts, Faculty of Languages, Letters and Arts, Ibn Tofail
Ibn Tofail University, University(ITU), Kenitra, Morocco and a high school
Kenitra, Morocco teacher of ESL.

Abstract:- English language learners immensely struggle misunderstandings. Similarly, some teachers of English are
with making correct sounds of English especially in the smart enough to recognize the importance of pronunciation
beginning levels. It is mainly due to major differences in as they give it its due importance in the instruction.
the phonological system of their native language and
English. Consistently, learners of English feel frustrated However, teaching pronunciation is not as easy as it
whenever being misunderstood in authentic situations. might seem. It is rather a subjective process as it is up to the
So, it is a matter of priority in every ESL classroom as it teacher to choose which pronunciation style to teach.
stands in the way of intelligibility and affects the Widely, teachers around the world adopt either of the
intrinsic motivation of students. Therefore, the current commonest pronunciation styles, American or the British.
paper is a systematic and insightful research with The choice of which style is determined by the teacher’s
twofold objectives. First, it would report and categorize interest and the teaching philosophy. In fact, there is not
the commonest mistakes of pronunciation frequently such a good or bad pronunciation style. It is genuinely a
made by beginner learners of English. The rationale matter of preference or sometimes where you teach decides
behind this is to enable teachers of English to anticipate what style to adopt. For instance, Teachers at the American
some mistakes and pronunciation shortcomings that Language Center are supposed to foster the American
students might come up with so as to cater for them tongue while teachers at the British council are likely to
before they become fossilized. Secondly, the paper will speak in a British tone. Furthermore, the pronunciation style
put forward some practical recommendations that aligns in many cases with the teaching materials for the
teachers of English and even syllabus designers take into course such as the textbook. In addition to the pronunciation
consideration since pronunciation is underrepresented style, there are three main and widely used pronunciation
either in classroom instructions or in textbooks. Besides, teaching models. To begin with, the intuitive-imitative
the paper suggests two Computer-assisted Pronunciation approach is the most straightforward and the easiest of all
Teaching applications that students can autonomously the three approaches. It is when learners are exposed to
use to sharpen their pronunciation skills. In the some sounds with the aim of producing a replica of the same
conduction of this study, we adopted a quantitative sound. This imitation process drills students explicitly on
approach to collect and analyze data. We assigned a recasting sounds of language. The second model of
focus group of students that we have instructed in a 30- pronunciation teaching is an analytical-linguistic approach
hour course, a speaking test. Accordingly, based on the which explicitly drills pronunciation patterns. It advocates
students’ recordings, we could objectively categorize teaching pronunciation in a systematic way using
mistakes and make predictions and generalities about pronunciation charts, tables and illustrations (Lee,2008). It
beginner English language learners. anticipates the mistakes that students might make and caters
for them either in textbooks or in classroom instructions.
Key words:- Segmental; suprasegmental; intuitive-imitative; The third commonly known approach is called the
analytical-linguistic; integrative; EFL, phoneme, integrative approach which fosters suprasegmental elements
morpheme, minimal-pair. of pronunciation such rhythm and stress as opposed to the
previous approach which puts emphasis on minor segmental
I. INTRODUCTION elements of language.

Pronunciation is considered a salient constituent of The current paper is meant to uncover the issue of
instruction in modern English language teaching pronunciation in EFL classes to shed light on the problem in
programmes. These days English language learners strive to the light of the advancements in modern technology. The
accentuate English utterances to live up to adequate and research aims at addressing the following questions.
native-like pronunciation. Good mastery of pronunciation is
a determinant factor that prominently contributes in What are the most common pronunciation mistakes
promoting a strong sense of self-confidence. English among beginner English language learners and how
learners with very good pronunciation feel more effective is Computer-assisted Language Teaching in
comfortable in authentic situations. Thanks to their mastery addressing them?
of pronunciation, learners are not afraid to get in

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. LITERATURE REVIEW underpinning the difficulty in pronouncing English words.
The salient objective of the study was to determine the
A. Common pronunciation mistakes among beginners extent to which pre-service training contributed in fostering
The issue of pronunciation has always intrigued ELT teachers’ abilities to teach pronunciation as well the
researchers to probe the causes leading to mispronouncing effectiveness of the syllabi and the teaching materials. The
English words. This is because pronunciation impacts researchers contradicted findings of some previous research
greatly on meaning and fluency. The present literature which claimed that good command of pronunciation lead to
review sheds light on the most ground-breaking studies that perfecting the output in a way that a speaker might sound as
have been conducted so as to provide practical a native speaker. However, the ultimate goal behind
recommendations to get over the pronunciation issues in accentuated speaking is to increase the chances of
English classrooms. intelligibility. Accordingly, they found out that one
requirement for better pronunciation is to incorporate more
To begin with, the influence of L1 is one of the leading of it within the syllabi. Additionally, a point that has been
causes contributing to the issue of mispronouncing English fostered in every research about pronunciation is the
words. El Waheeb (2020) investigated the issue of teachers’ dominance over the talking time leaving learners
pronunciation among Arab ESL learners. His insightful no chance to put their spoken English into practice. (Al-
study explored plenty of reasons that account for Rubaat and Alshammari (2019).
pronunciation problems, but the interference of L1 is
primarily responsible for the pronunciation difficulties B. Computer- Assisted Pronunciation Teaching (CAPT)
encountered by Arab learners. They tend to employ the same On the other hand, some studies put forward some
pronunciation system of Arabic while speaking English insightful solutions to get over the problem of pronunciation
which results in mistakes that on occasions obstruct in EFL classes recommending the integration of ICT and
intelligibility. The author insisted that the problem is so digital learning tools. For example, Cristian Tejedor-García,
because specific sounds may not exist in the mother tongue David Escudero-Mancebo, Enrique Cámara-Arenas, César
of learners. Correspondingly, Al-Rubaat and Alshammari González-Ferreras, and Valentín Cardeñoso-Payo, (2020)
(2019) approached the problem from a linguistic perspective provided an inclusive solution to the issue of pronunciation
mainly phonetics and phonology. They argued that in ELT classes. They postulated that the only way to help
pronunciation difficulties cannot be attributed to a sole English students improve pronunciation is through CAPT
reason, but rather to many apparently. When classifying tools. Such tools include Text-to-Speech (TTS), Automatic
pronunciation mistakes into six types, they concluded that Speech Recognition (ASR) and google tools which foster
most pronunciation mistakes are ascribed to three main both practice and production of synthetic sounds. To
factors. Initially, ESL Arab learners mainly from Gulf measure the reliability of those tools, the researchers
countries cannot pronounce some English sounds. It is conducted an experiment which involved two groups. One
common to hear students replacing the sound /p/ instead of group was instructed traditionally as a teacher drills
/b/. For instance, they say bark instead of park. Moreover, as students' pronunciation rules while the other group was
students work their way to learning English, they rely on instructed in a lab using technological tools. The results of
their L1 which has nothing in common with the target the pre and the posttest showed that students who used the
language. Thus, this negative transfer accounts for the major CAPT (Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Tools) scored
pronunciation mistakes. Finally, the learners’ culture might higher than those who were instructed traditionally. Thus,
stand in the way of proper pronunciation as some learner’s the research concluded that Computer-assisted tools help in
fear losing their language identity. Therefore, they rely on improving the pronunciation since they are interactive and
the pre-existing system (L1) when pronouncing words of the self-paced as learners can access them at their will.
target language.
Then as well, Thai Pi-hua (2015) explored the effects
In like manner, many studies suggested that teachers of Mobile-assisted learning on learning pronunciation. He
are the leading force in respect to pronunciation problems. A postulated that computer-assisted pronunciation training
case in point is the study of Aydin & Akyum (2017) who substantially the course of pronunciation mastery. His study
investigated the current approaches in teaching involved uncovering the pedagogical merits of the state-of-
pronunciation. According to the research, poor the-art technologies in teaching pronunciation. The findings
pronunciation affects meaning substantially. They noted that of the study revealed two significant takeaways. First, CAPT
it is the responsibility of teachers to primarily address tools promote autonomous learning as learners can access
pronunciation issues. They should be trained to have an content and materials at their will and study at their own
excellent level at pronunciation since they are certainly the pace. To illustrate, pronunciation software allows learners
first models for the first-time learners (Aydin, unlimited practice which fosters autonomous learning. In
Akyum,2017). Besides taking continuous training courses, this regard, the studies conducted revealed a significant
they should be familiar and ready to apply one of the three difference when comparing pre and posttests. Learners who
pronunciation approaches which are intuitive-imitative, used technological gadgets managed to outperform students
Analytical-linguistic and the integrated. Equivalently, who were instructed traditionally. Accordingly, the CAPT
Jennifer A. Foote, Amy K. Holtby, and Tracey M. Derwing tools incorporate both levels of pronunciation whether
(2011) investigated the issue of pronunciation across Canada segmental or suprasegmental. Second, the study put forward
through an insightful survey which involved both teachers a set of recommendations, some of which include
and learners. Their study touched upon the factors cooperative learning. It is proved that cooperative learning

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
improves pronunciation as peers can provide constructive Another genuine study about the effectiveness of
feedback. Similarly, Vygotsky advocated interactions Computer-assisted Pronunciation Teaching was conducted
among learners as a way to learn. by Khoshsima, Saed and Moradi (2017). In line with many
previous similar studies, the authors observed recurring
In the same way, many researchers outlined some pronunciation issues among English language learners in
relevant solutions to the issue of pronunciation among EFL Iran. Therefore, the research aimed at getting insights into
learners. El Waheeb (2020) examined some sounds of the perspectives of English language learners regarding the
English made by Arab students to conclude that the solution use of CAPT. Strikingly, the study which involved seven
to overcome this problem is basically to teach pronunciation Iranian students matched findings from the previous studies.
rules. To support this claim, the researcher noted that It revealed that learners could improve their pronunciation
teaching pronunciation rules would conclusively help after six weeks of instruction. There was significant progress
learners identify the L2 rules and minor features to avoid in the students’ scores from the pre-test and the post-test.
using the pre-existing language system. Al-Rubaat and More importantly, students used a software called Clear
Alshammari (2019) put forward some recommendations, Pronunciation 2 which allowed students to access content
some of which include allowing students authentic outside the classroom. This has also been stated by Thomson
pronunciation activities and hiring native speakers. & Derwing, (2014) who postulated that such innovative
Significantly, Aydin, Akyum ,(2017) their research resulted programs improve self-esteem and fosters autonomous
in four salient findings. First, they highlighted the learning. Similar to the previous studies, the authors
importance of pronunciation as an integral part of accounted for the same problems that affect teaching
communication. Second, it is worth mentioning that pronunciation. Some of these include, absence of
improving pronunciation requires classroom instructions. pronunciation in coursebooks, little or no time is dedicated
Third, learners’ age is also a factor in pronunciation to pronunciation related activities.
learning. Last, teaching techniques for instructing
pronunciation are crucial. Majority of teachers still adhere to In the same way, Liu and Hung (2016) conducted a
the traditional methods while pronunciation classes make study to investigate the effectiveness of Computer-assisted
better sense for students when modern technologies are used pronunciations technology in getting learners to improve
(Aydin,2013). Thus, it is highly recommended to employ the their English pronunciation. The conduct of the study came
most recent teaching approaches instead of classical drills. as a reaction to the low ranking of Taiwanese students
among Asian countries and the low grades of Taiwanese
In a ground-breaking study, Farhat & Dzakiria (2017) students reported by ETS as they get low grades in the
uncovered some pronunciation berries among English standardized exam of TOEFL. According to the authors, the
language learners in Pakistan and the role of Computer- main pronunciation problem among Taiwanese is twofold.
assisted Pronunciation Teaching (CAPT) to cater for them. First, English language teaching is teacher-centered which
The study was conducted primarily as pronunciation is a allows students little or no chance to practice English sound.
major language component affecting students’ self-esteem The second reason is because teaching in most Taiwanese
and motivation. The study found out that many reasons institutions draws from archaic teaching methodologies such
account for the problem. Firstly, pronunciation has been as the Grammar-translation method which fosters the
always neglected in language programs and regarded as teaching of Grammar over the other language components.
unnecessary. Secondly, some teachers are not well-trained To account for the problem, an exhaustive study has been
and lack procedural knowledge connected to sub-speaking conducted to measure the effectiveness of a software called
components such as pronunciation. Thirdly, the researchers MyET, an abbreviation for My English Tutor, 51 students
attribute the problem to the fact that language programs; were trained on a lot of pronunciation rules over a period of
mainly, textbooks do not foster the teaching of 11 weeks. They were subject to three tests in the process of
pronunciation. Indeed, the research Farhat & Dzakiria the experiment: a pre-test, a while-test and a post-test. Liu
conducted aligned with many similar studies in terms of and Hung (2016) reported that students could improve their
findings. Some of these include studies by Aqel, (2013), pronunciation skills thanks to the software. Significantly, the
Derwing (2010), Patil (2008) and many others. The research students’ performance has been considerably improved
outlined tangible tips that teachers of English have to keep which confirmed the hypothesis that computer-assisted
in mind so as to improve pronunciation mastery among their pronunciation helps learners to get their pronunciation skills
learners. Some takeaways include the following: First, to the next level.
English language classrooms must work to equally foster
both segmental and suprasegmental pronunciation features. It is worth mentioning that the present literature review
Second, teachers should frequently test pronunciation so as accounted for the pronunciation difficulties that EFL
to keep track of their progress and to document their pitfalls. learners, mainly Arab learners, face while learning English.
Third, pronunciation instruction must be digitalized in that it It also had insights into the causes of the problem that can be
should draw from applications and software to authentically linguistic, cultural and instructional. Additionally, it brought
expose learners to original sounds either in digital to light some studies that suggested practical solutions.
dictionaries or through authentic teaching materials such as
movies and songs. Finally, teachers must continuously
upgrade their knowledge related to teaching pronunciation.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. METHODOLOGY Moroccan Sub-Saharan
Males 10 10
This research aims at elucidating the commonest Females 10 10
pronunciation mistakes made by Moroccan and Sub-Saharan Fig. 1: Participants
African beginner learners of English. To do so, a thorough
research has been conducted to uncover the issue using a The second part of the study involved analyzing and
quantitative design. The research has two main phases. interpreting the collected data. The research necessitated
listening carefully to the students’ submissions to spot the
The first phase involved designing a speaking test errors in pronunciation made by students. Subsequently,
(Appendix 1) which includes seven sections about different errors were categorized into classification according to their
themes that students have covered throughout a course of type as follow: misplaced stress, minimal pairs, vowel
instruction. The speaking test is based on content from the length, word stress, homophones, distinctive sounds
Interchange Intro textbook for beginners fourth edition. As mispronunciation (th/ t/the/sh/ch). To gauge the frequencies,
part of the final exam for beginning 1 level (A1.1), students data was analyzed by the SPSS to generate numerical
were asked to send the teacher a recording of their figures.
The study is made up of two groups of participants.
Group 1 included 20 Moroccan students aged between 18- The results of the study delineated remarkable
24 who took a beginning 1 course at Privilege center pronunciation mistakes that are common among beginner
(Language Center) during December 2021 to February 2022. learners of English. It is indeed worth noting that
Most of them are University students majoring either in one participants from both groups studied under the same
of the disciplines Law or Economics at Mohammed V conditions and had access to the same input. However, after
university Rabat Morocco. Group 2 involved 20 Sub- completing approximately 30 hours of classroom language
Saharan African students from Ivory Coast and Guinea who instructions, their performance showed that they are still
were in Morocco for graduate university programs. Students behind as far as pronunciation is concerned. The chart below
abided by the instructions of the task and submitted their shows frequencies of the type of mistakes made by learners
presentations on time. Their presentations ranged between 4 at early stages of the learning process.
and 10 minutes.

Fig. 2: Frequencies of types of Pronunciation mistakes

As the chart above indicates, it is clear that the mistakes are connected to the vowel length. 22 % failed to
majority of pronunciation mistakes were word stress related recognize the fact that some vowels should be well
33%. It was observed that participants fail to stress words. accentuated in words like (keep, home, bike).
They rather pronounce English words as they do for words
of their own L1. Similarly, even those who mind the stress Not only that, the study also reported some other very
while speaking failed to place it in the right place. 26% of common pronunciation mistakes. A case in point are
participants were reported to misplace stressing on the right homophones; words pronounced quite the same, but with
syllable. In the following examples, learners distressed the different meanings. Words like (too) and (two) were very
first syllables and stressed the second or the third commonly mistaken by learners (6%). Additionally, despite
(Dictionary, February). In similar fashion, a good number of predicting and catering for those mistakes during classes,

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
almost (6%) of learners fail to distinguish the difference problem as so many of them still struggle when it comes to
between (th/ and the, ch and sh). This issue brings to light pronunciation. To illustrate, when observing some teachers,
the notion of competence and performance by Noam especially non-native novice teachers, it is common that
Chomsky as some students know the rules but fail to apply they mispronounce words. This is due to the fact that some
them. teachers do not bother checking some words while designing
their lessons. It is also salient to note that in some classes
“Competence is the ability of the idealized students are not given real chances to speak in the class as
speaker – hearer to associate sounds and some teachers monopolize the talk. They believe that
meanings strictly following the rules of his students, especially in early stages should only listen to them
language and ‘performance’ as the ability to speaking. This passivity leads students not only to develop
apply the competence into speaking – hearing an inability to pronounce English sounds, but also to feel
procedures and show personal knowledge demotivated learners. Moreover, it is a common belief
(Chomsky 2006, p. 103). “ among many teachers that right pronunciation is not a matter
of priority. That is why they don’t bother neither
Moreover, the results also revealed that up to this level incorporating pronunciation activities within the syllabus
of language proficiency, learners still confuse words due to nor correcting learners’ mistakes as they happen. For
failing to identify minimal pairs such as (sit and set). example, many teachers do without listening as some
In like manner, processing data collected from textbooks come without listening materials.
students’ presentations revealed that learners make other The current paper confirms many findings from some
types of mistakes that in many situations obstruct previous studies which enunciated some factors of
intelligibility or cause confusion and on occasions the mispronouncing English words. First and foremost, the
speaker should have repeated the same word twice or even interference of L1 is a very common concern among many
more. For example, some Sub-Saharan-African learners learners. It was noted that participants of this study relied on
replace words which do not belong to some words. To their L1 whether it is Arabic or French when learning
illustrate, it is very common among African learners to English. Their interlanguage made their talks sound below
weaken the sound (r) in that it sounds as (h). For instance, the standards. On the one hand, the Moroccan learners
instead of saying (sir) they say (sih). during the presentation did not bother employing the
V. DISCUSSION required organs that interfere in the production of speech
despite having similar sounds in their language. For
English is widely known as a lingua franca because it instance, they don’t bother making the (th) sound as they
is the most spoken language all over the world. However, as simply pronounce it (t) while in Arabic they use the sound
learners move ahead in the process of learning English, they (th) to pronounce some words like (fridge/ then …). On the
meet a number of issues that require immediate intervention. other hand, the Sub-Saharan African learners did not stress
One of these major issues that often stand in the way of words or even dropped some phonemes or replacing some
learning is pronunciation. Despite all that has been said like in (sir and sih). Furthermore, some textbooks do not
about pronunciation, communication and interaction is involve pronunciation activities neither the segmental nor
likely to happen between people. This is because an the suprasegmental aspects of pronunciation. This can be
interlocutor considers the context of the word to work out illustrated by the philosophy of teaching those in charge of
the meaning of some mispronounced words. For instance, it curriculum design. They believe that pronunciation is
is very common in early stages of learning to generalize the redundant and not important or some of them believe in the
sound(t) instead of (th). That is why language teachers integrative approach of pronunciation teaching which claims
frequently hear words like (tree instead of three). This can that pronunciation is better taught when learners are exposed
be illustrated by the inability of learners to identify the types to authentic teaching materials. In all cases, pronunciation is
of sounds. Considering the (th) sound, it is very difficult for not apparent in some textbooks.
beginners to distinguish the variations of (th) as it changes
depending on the type of the sound whether voiced dental Other factors may account for the problem of
fricative /ð/ as in words like (with, then, there, within) and mispronouncing English words. Some of these include the
the voiceless dental fricative /θ/ as in words like (think, following. It is true that learners these days have unlimited
thing, thirst). Nevertheless, in some cases, pronunciation access to online learning materials. A great deal of language
issues stand in the way of understanding as the case in long input comes from YouTube and some learning applications.
vowels or minimal pairs where missing the right letter However, it is evident that everybody can post learning
affects the meaning of the whole word. For instance, (pray materials on YouTube including laymen, people with little
and bray, crab and crap, bad and bed) lead to expressing or no training in teaching. Therefore, students learning
entirely different senses. English this way might wind up making a great deal of
mistakes. Not only that, some learners cannot afford
In fact, teachers are primarily responsible for this language classes. So, they learn on their own using available
ongoing issue of pronunciation. To begin with, Teachers and textbooks. The problem of pronunciation appears as learners
language instructors are considered to be the primary source fail to assimilate the pronunciation rules because
of input for their learners in that students imitate the way pronunciation itself is not included in the textbooks. Hence,
they use language. However, instead of working in favor of it remains an issue in EFL learning that should be carefully
improving pronunciation, teachers may contribute to the dealt with.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the language exist in one of the abovementioned languages.
We can conclude, then, that pronunciation is a matter However, the Sub-Saharan learners either speak their local
of priority in ELT classes. So, it should be highlighted that a languages which is mostly a mixture of their dialect and the
due importance should be given to the teaching of French. That’s why they find it hard to pronounce some
pronunciation. Therefore, we put forward a set of sounds which do not exist in their mother tongues. To
recommendations that EFL instructors should consider as far address this issue, Computer-assisted Pronunciation
as pronunciation is concerned. Firstly, teachers must Teaching can cater for this problem.
understand the importance of pronunciation in that it is as
important as the other constituents of language. They should English language learning has never been abundant as
bear in mind that pronunciation contributes to the meaning. it is today thanks to advancements in modern technology. It
So, they should make sure that their language of instruction makes language learning easy and available anywhere and
is in alignment with the standards so as to be able to provide anytime. Pronunciation for instance, which has always been
a good module. Not only that, it is also important to point a concern for language teachers and students alike, becomes
out the fact that teachers have to allow students the chance easy to deal with these days. Many applications have come
to practice language. Instead of monopolizing the talk, out to facilitate the task of internalizing the correct English
teachers should allow students to talk so as to remedy their sounds. The following are two interesting and helpful
pronunciation mistakes. Secondly, it is highly influential to Mobile applications that significantly contribute in helping
note that no textbook is perfect. That’s why teachers should English language learners to improve their pronunciation.
look closer at textbooks to adapt the content to meet the Both applications work to foster both aspects of
needs of learners. In this regard, if a textbook does not pronunciation segmental and suprasegmental.
involve pronunciation activities, teachers should adapt it
looking for something better. As far as pronunciation Say it:- It is one of the most prominent English
teaching is concerned, teachers have to employ different pronunciation drilling programs and the easiest to use. It was
activities that would promote the learners’ ability to improve developed by Oxford university press in 2016 and it is
their pronunciation. Some of these activities include meant for English learners with difficulty in pronouncing
different types of drills to help learners acquire the right English words. Say it offers learners the ability to listen to
English pronunciation. English words. Then, they record their own sound to
compare their own answers with the original sound. In
A closer observation to the findings of the study addition to instant sound recording, say it offers other useful
reveals that Moroccan and Sub-Saharan learners reveal that functions. To begin with, the app designers anticipated some
Moroccan learners are likely to improve English common issues that learners may encounter. So, they
pronunciation rapidly in comparison to the Sub-Saharan suggest a set of drills that include some sounds so as
learners who seem to struggle with pronouncing some learners assimilate them prior. Second, the app offers
English sounds. Indeed, many factors account for this learners the chance to assess their progress through tests.
problem among both learners to begin with, Moroccan However, the application is not free of charge. English
students already speak at least two languages prior to learners must pay to access all functions.
English namely French and English. Almost all sounds of

Fig. 3: Say it (Android & IOS learning application)

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
MyET:- MyET is another practical application for avoid textbooks if they do not involve pronunciation
improving speaking skills in general and sub-speaking activities. We also stress the importance of the instructor’s
(pronunciation) in particular. It is an interactive application language because learners trust their teachers and they take
that allows students to listen to models of words spoken by a for granted everything they say. So, it is influential for
tutor that they have to repeat. The applications take into teachers to teach the right pronunciation. Not only that,
consideration training English learners to pronounce being effective in teaching pronunciation entails the
different aspects of the words including the pitch, the stress implementation of authentic teaching materials. This can be
and intonation. It is worth noting that MyET is a done through exposing learners to well-accentuated
sophisticated programme in the sense that it makes use of language by native speakers.
the Automatic Speech Analysis System which quickly
analyzes learners ‘speech and gives immediate feedback. It To encourage autonomous learning, modern
is true that such applications make English language technology, especially mobile applications offer an authentic
teachers easier as they do not have to drill students opportunity for learners to improve their pronunciation.
repeatedly. Moreover, learners themselves can learn at their Nowadays, learners have access to English sounds not only
own pace and assess their progress. in the class, but also outside of it. There are a number of
mobile applications available for either Android, iOS or
VI. CONCLUSIONS iPad which offer a wide range of interactive activities that
learners may find interesting. Above all, those applications
This paper is an influential contribution to the body of are available free of charge. The widely used applications
knowledge regarding pronunciation in ELT. It highlighted we highly recommend are ELSA Speak - Learn English
the importance of pronunciation as an important aspect of Pronunciation, Sounds: The Pronunciation App, Learn
language proficiency. It also empirically refuted a set of English Sounds Right and Say It: English Pronunciation.
claims that underestimate the teaching of English sounds. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that most textbooks
The research also had insights into some of the most these days come with itools applications which are
common mistakes frequently observed among English extensions to the textbook and provide interactive materials
language learners. The mistakes were analyzed and for self- learning. Similarly, google also caters for this
statistically represented to measure the frequencies of each pronunciation problem as it offers pronunciation check
type to be able to account for each type. We found out that facility in the online dictionary.
many factors involve students mispronouncing English
words. Some of these include the inter language, the REFERENCES
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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Beginning 1:Speaking task

 Part 1: Specific Personal Information
 What's your name? how do you spell it?
 How old are you?
 When were you born?
 What are you? / What is your job?
 What nationality are you?
 Where are you from?
 Where do you live?
 What's your favorite school subject?
 What's your favourite sport?
 What's your hobby?
 What’s your phone number?

 Part 2: General Personal Information

 How many brothers and sisters have you got?
 What are your parents? (Professions)
 What is your house / flat like? (Large, small)
 How many rooms are there in your house / flat?
 What is your bedroom like?
 Have you got a pet? What is it?
 Tell us about your dream house.

 Part 3: Daily Routines

 What time do you wake up in the morning?
 What do you do after you get up?
 Talk about a normal school day.
 What time do you go to bed?
 Tell us about a day in your life.

 Part 4: Free time activities

 On Sundays you don't go to school / work
 Tell us about your activities for Sunday?

 Part 5: Likes & dislikes

 Talk about your likes and dislikes.
 What do you like? What you don’t like?

 Part 6: Descriptions
 Describe someone you love (father, mother, brother, etc.)
 What does he look like? (Physical description)
Tall, short, medium etc
Face (round, oval etc)
eyes (small, big, blue, brown etc)
clothes (baggy, tight, smart, shabby, elegant etc)
 What is s/he like? (Character)
Generous, mean, intelligent, honest, serious, funny etc

 Part 7: Short story

 Talk about one of the following stories:
Sara says No
Photo finish

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