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The Fireball Seen Round the World

by Lucas Finley

It was a cold, rainy evening in Gondor. The clouds flew gloomily over Minas

Tirith. Beregond, who was a Gondorian soldier, walked into his home. He was very

worried because he knew that Sauron would be attacking soon. His two sons rushed

joyfully over to him to greet him. His wife walked into the room. She could tell by the

look on his face that there was something troubling him. She sent the kids outside and

quietly asked what the matter was. “Taxes, taxes, taxes, we agreed with Sauron that we

would live in peace!” exclaimed, Beregond. “But now he wants our land and is increasing

taxes to more than double what they were before!”

“Do you think this will lead to war?” his wife asked.

“I have already seen his spies flying over the city. There is no doubt that Sauron's

green, smelly, slimy orcs will be attacking soon.” Beregond exclaimed sorrowfully.

Soon, Beregond heard the bell of Gondor ring, making it known that war was

upon them. He dashed to meet the other soldiers. Beregond, who was a bowman, stood

on the wall of Minas Tirith. There were more bowmen than swordsmen, because the

bow men could shoot the orcs before they could get inside. When Beregond walked up

onto the wall, he observed an army as big as a lake. He spotted heavily armored trolls,

orcs and catapults. But worst of all he detected a huge battering ram that the foe would

use to break through the mighty walls of Minas Tirith.

A huge cry rang out, followed closely by a massive fireball that flew straight at

Minas Tirith. Many more came after. Arrows flew and orcs and men fell. This was the

battle that started The War of the Ring. Nobody knows what catapult shot the fireball

that began it all. But since it started the war, it is known in Middle Earth as “The Fireball

Seen Round the World”.

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